>Hey Yea Forums it's Bloodlines 2! Is this the best timel-
Hey Yea Forums it's Bloodlines 2! Is this the best timel-
Other urls found in this thread:
>game was stuffed with MANY anti bush/cheny lines back in the original
>many libertarian ideologies as well
>Yea Forums is somehow shocked when the sequel has liberal views in it
It's fucking bloodpunk you dumb cunts ofc you can be whatever you want
Bloodlines 2 is the next epic exclusive.
They just don't want gays in their games, but they dance around it by calling it "politics"
Nothing else to it
It's almost like you guys never played Bloodlines or know anything about World of Darkness. Political issues are a part of it.
wew lad
>"We have to be very sensitive about how we handle things like mental illness"
Why should games pander to a tiny minority?
Its like furry shit, which this game probably has as well since sexual degeneracy of all kinds go hand in hand. No one wants to see that but furries.
Why complain about a sequel to a game you've never played?
>i wish my roleplaying games had roleplaying options
Fuck off, secondary.
Lots of games have that shit you can give tits to a man in Bloodborne if you want
>that faggot in the obsidian threads saying that cain and the other guy were working on their "dream game" and that this tranny pozzed bullshit is nothing it doesn't make it into the games
Top fucking kek
>curious what Era thinks.. please don't ban me I just need to know what stance the mods are taking so I can continue towing the line.
Lol resetera is such a good farm of lolcows
>LGBT rights
>mentall illness representation
Seems kinda redundant there
never played it but arent vampires supposed to be degenerates and do degenerate shit? kinda dumb to complain about it.
either way fuck the LGBT, fuck women, fuck minorites and fuck jannies.
People like you thinking that a gay character merely existing is "pandering" is exactly why we need more of them
I'm not even a secondary, I didn't play the first one and don't really care about the franchise. I was mildly interested at the hype but now that this came out I can safely say I won't be playing this either.
You're really surprised? The first game was already borderline SJW, it's only not ridiculed on Yea Forums because they actually focused on telling the story over making a political statement, let's hope the same thing happens.
>im not a secondary
>i haven't even played the first game
sounds like a secondary to me.
Why do you guys care so much about things that dont actually matter?
>Im not gonna buy a game becuase the creators have different belifes than I do!
So? Go make your own game, or at least become an adult and realize that your political opinions dont matter and just make what you wanna make
>mental illness representation
So who's going to be transgender?
>there is a whole bloodline of the mentally ill(Malkavian)
It's like people don't know shit about WoD.
>the first game was borderline sjw
You cant just say that without any evidence bud, you look like a fucking moron
>faggots make up a tiny minority
>"le genderfluid pansexuals" make up less than half of that, most fags hate them as well because they are mentally insane vocal minority that makes up the face of the "LGBT" bullshit
>better make half the cast all of that and fuck drumph as well
Some of the flesh molding vampire elders are pretty much much straight up genderless monsters.
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL people shilled here for this shit ass game
So can I not roleplay as a bigoted Camarilla vampire who misgenders and calls kike or nigger?
>put a gay character in a game
I dont care if theres gay shit in the game as long as it doesnt break the immersion. like if gay rights are presented as a huge issue in a degenerate vampire society where people get killed for lesser reasons then fuck this game.
>No more Malkavian play trough
>Gay characters are being treated are special beings and non killable npcs
>The most powerful npcs are brave trans vampires
Can't wait.
I'm not too familiar with the franchise but I'm pretty sure it started as a table top rpg right?
So if you only played the video games you are the secondary, doesn't matter if it was the first or second game.
The only thing I care about is if there will be a Malkavian playthrough or not.
But presumably not.
no one said anything about trump you pathetic, predictable, unoriginal, mindless, pathetic slave to the media you consume holy shit im so happy Im not you
lol rip
what else did you guys expect from sweden? why don't you guys stop playing video games for a bit and go change the world, then games you want will be made.
>being a minority means they shouldn't exist in media at all
Every videogame character is now Asian
lol good luck kiddos
daily reminder that /pol/ ruined Yea Forums and this thread is proof
people like you thinking faggots being 80000% overrepresented is not pandering
also hi resetranny, Tarrant was just the start
so many shills itt
you have to go back
Its fine if they let me as my character cringe in disgust at the degeneracy around me.
If on the other hand they force a certain political stance on me and my character, then we have a problem.
I don’t need pol to know fags are subhuman, desu.
To be fair its supposed to be California, a state full of freaks.
My prediction is: the ageing generation x writers are going to try and make things inclusive in the way that they know how, which will upset progressives who would rather everything be exclusive to them.
Original game wasn't filled with mentally ill trannies and race bait politics.
>tiny minority
Summer Yea Forums is early
based and spyro3pilled
>and best represent mental illness
Lowkey /ourguys/.
trannies ruined video games.
t. centrist
When did trolling lose its creativity?
Now you just shout GAY or NIGGER and I guess thats a pass?
Like goddamn some of you are honestly just thoughtless dummies
>Its fine if they let me as my character cringe in disgust at the degeneracy around me.
Yeah right, good luck with that in [CURRENT YEAR]
Libertarian is the exact opposite of Liberal
/pol/ hasn't been relevant for over a year, yet you discord trannies are running amok.
>he thinks the tiny fraction of LGBT characters in the history of games means they're "overrepresented"
Imagine being triggered by gay video game characters LMAO
thats /pol/ for ya
Thanks for posting this, brother.
I'll get r/The_Donald and the Trumpkino Discord group on this right away and we'll begin phase 1 of shitposting this game to death.
If it didn't cause outrage, it wouldn't be trolling, guy who obviously gets offended by inane shit on the internet and likely never cared for bullshitting around.
that's the thing, you won't be able to actually roleplay the way you want your character to be. You never can in these types of games, even older ones.
Look at New Vegas, all the faggotry in it. Can your character call it out and say get the fuck out faggot? Nope, just either woke dialogue options or neutral.
It's not even that bad
>art versus commerce
>technological advances versus tradition
>probably government surveillance/social media (the whole point of Tender)
Meanwhile the original VTMB completely shit on Republicans and Bush
>guy who obviously gets offended by inane shit on the internet and likely never cared for bullshitting around.
You dont know me, and dont project your pathetic who gives a fuck life onto mine fucktard
op and all these faggots will ignore your post because they can't confront the fact that they dont care about the gay. they just want to cry and bitch and scream BUT THE AGENDASHH
>wahhhh why won't muh vidya let me be a bigot
Imagine getting angry over this lmao
>sending people to die in illegal wars is the same as Drumpf wanting to enforce national borders or a guy who cut his dick off being "misgendered"
New Vegas is not old. That game is toned down as fuck compared to FO2 and Arcanum. RPGs in general became toned down as fuck starting with the 7th gen, which is why I have no hope for this game. VtMB1 is full of shit that would trigger sensitive retards if it came out today.
>Meanwhile the original VTMB completely shit on Republicans and Bush
Yeah, but that's fine, because nobody hates the Republican Party more than Republican voters.
These things aren't even a problem so long as they are background. If the bad guy is a white ventrue man who wants to stuff black brujah into cages and makes a ton of racial allegorical nonsense statements then it will be a problem.
Still not a good look though.
Im just saying that trolling has devolved into calling people niggers and that it just doesnt have any creativity to it
Which you know, makes it lose its fun
imagine being a non-degenerate and realise your faggot love exposes you for who you are tranny, go cry discord
tvniggerwoman made me a radical
Oh yeah I can't forget the 20 billion times it mentioned Bush!
>Paradox already hiding behind ResetERA and the Perpetually Offended Brigade to distract everyone from how badly they’re going to run this game into the ground
If the politics don’t tell you this game’s going to be trash, maybe this will.
>pointing it out is "getting angry"
also what's wrong with wanting to roleplay a bigot? Take fallout 3, you can enslave people for fucks sake, yet you can't call someone a nigger? Racism and all the other isms and phobias doesn't exist just because its a game?
I was thinking how much more immersive something like Fallout 4 would be if there was a lot more "yellow menace" stuff in it, racial charicatures of chinese and such, and things like gollywogs since the series is set in a 50s esque USA afterall. Only reason not to have that is because the devs were pussies.
>one line against republicans because republicans have done some bad shit and the only people who dont see it choose not to see it cause they cant deal with another person going against their political beliefs
dems have done some bad shit too, but its really pathetic to not see that your party (or team that your on) has done some bad shit and should be judged (or made fun of) because of it
Democrats are the same, but fuck dude getting upset because you beliefs were challeneged is just pathetic
At least the game will be released on gog so it will be a Day 1 FitGirl.
>season pass
>outfits in a first person game
>weapon skins
It's just a pre-order bonus, a special edition with nostalgia goodies and a season pass. Nothing special these days. Ubisoft publishes games with 20 different editions with conflicting items so you have to buy multiple editions of the game from different retailers to get all the stuff.
5 whole minutes and that's the best comeback you have?
>Perpetually Offended Brigade
Describes the type of people who get triggered over gay video game characters perfectly
>content creators are pussies if they don't let me act out racist fantasies
All of those games suck though.
Yep, sounds like a Vampire game alright.
Bloodlines threw shit at both sides because it was a very punk/goth spirited game.
This crap reads exactly like what you'd expect of a Seattlelite who's never left the comfort of upper class white neighborhood writing "representation" and "resistance".
This. Yea Forums needs to stop cherrypicking about games being "too political" when it's convenient for them or when said game hurts their delicate little feelings.
The perpetually offended brigade are the people going out of their way to start dozens of threads to bitch about this faggoty nonsense.
kill anglos.
truth need not waste words nor time trannyfaggot, now go dilate
What are dialogue cutscenes?
If you buy an nvidia RTX you get working mirrors.
Because it sucks?
I love it when idiots imply that the left of today is the same as the left from decades ago.
>content creators are pussies if they don't let me act out racist fantasies
if that's all you got out of what I said then there's no hope for you.
You can still blow the head off of every nigger you see. It would just make sense to actually SEE evidence of real world issues in the game, such as racism, xenophobia and whatnot. I mean the fallout series was all about xenophobia being bad, yet there wasn't any real racially charged "chinese menace" stuff like there would be in reality, like with anti jap propaganda in ww2
Fallout 3 uses Ghouls as a substitutes for blacks and you can absolutely be a bigoted asshole to them. So maybe VTMB will let you do it the same way, real world parallels but not real world people.
>people here think their political opinions actually mattter
Jesus christ I thought I was pathetic. Thanks Yea Forums for the ego boost
>the fallout series was all about xenophobia being bad
Not really.
/pol/ just shot up a mosque
Lone wolves aren’t exactly indicative of relevance.
No u
And you think a good way to show xenophobia being bad ... would be to let people """roleplay""" xenophobia? Maybe it could work if your character gets murdered 5 seconds later and all your save files get deleted.
While I agree with the latter to some extent, please explain to me the spergy outburst claiming to be you, or is that also you? Though, now that I look at it, you really are lazy with the lack of apostrophes. It's like you went from 14 year old tumblrtard having a conniption back to a mild mannered Yea Forumsirgin.
>Maybe it could work if your character gets murdered 5 seconds later
that doesn't make any sense you retarded tranny
>decades ago
It does if you're not stupid
Sorry user
I sure hope Malkavians are playable in the base game.
I'd be ok with this.
I'm neither of you and I'm happy I'm not :))))))))))))
I may not be you, but I'm glad to be with you :)
No, it doesn't.
Xenophobia is literally an evolutionary trait that increased the chances of survival for our ancestors.
>everyone here said SJWs will ruin it
>still got MILF vampire tiddies in the trailer
how did that happen?
if resetera likes it then bloodlines 2 will be shit. dropped
It shat on republicans and Bush. And conspiranoids, and commies, and hippies, and goths, and punks, and the rich, and the poor...
But you can bet your ass this won't have or allow you to have any sort of negative disposition to anything left-leaning.
And checkmate
Thanks for playing, user
All of this shit leans left.
I mean her face is kinda of old haggy. Sure could be more of a milf.
>user was the alt right terror frog all along
based and redpilled
Even at the end you don't understand what is actually happening
They will but they won't have any representation of mental illness because it's offensive.
I bet ResetEra's FFXIV guild are also celebrating the censorship and LGBT+ faggotry like the ERP cucks they are.
Why is everyone surprised at this? The vampire fantasy, especially set in a contemporary setting is meant to appeal to all sorts of degenerates, deviants, trannies and faggots. It's about being a freak show creature of the night. What kind of crowd besides hair dyed weirdos leather strapped homofaggots and trannies would hang out in places like the Asylum in real life anyway.
remember the gaf one breaking up when the founder of the site was exposed as a rapist
too bad I lost my caps of it, that shit was great
It makes fun of everybody and turning your back on stupid Kindred politics is an option.
>yfw this game wont even be better than that Vampyr game that came out
Well the dyed-haird LGBT+ tranny faggots with gender pronouns are freak shows creatures after all.
no I don't understand what is going on in the mind of a mentally ill freak such as yourself, sorry.
I'm so tired of these people taking away every little thing that I love.
SJWs and tumblrinas are exactly the people who wouldn't hang at The Asylum because it's offensive and they don't have money because they wasted it all on starcucks.
Clubs are for problematic jocks, goth clubs are for the slightly less attractive and more opinionated but still problematic outcasts.
fuck neofags
>basic name calling out of frustration because he can't comprehend what's happening
Good, good
HYPE. Say goodbye to comfy VTMB threads for at least a year, though. /pol/v/ can't deal with people being genuinely hyped for a game unless it's Nintendo. Expect a lot of OH NONONOs.
>all these triggered Trumplets and bigots
Mmm yes, I can sustain myself on your tears
yes yes, /pol/ is the problem
Because this isn't theirs. If you think that the goth and metal crowd from the 90's/00's morphed into SJWs today, you are pretty mistaken. Leftist/SJW culture is against everything these people used to stand for, the idea of freedom of expression and that everyone's opinion matters plus a lack of political correctness and sensitivity.
That's what these movements were FOUNDED on - being against the fucking horrible sterile reality that we had forced on us and being free to be honest about who you are and what you think.
These fucks can try to hijack it all they want, but it will never truly be theirs.
I need to outrage over something, faggot.
>welcomed his shooter by the words
there's video, why lie about his?
Americans are so cute when they talk about politics
You're lefty game is going to sell poor, dumbass. Look at the views on it's fucking premiere. It's pathetic. Then you have Activision fucking it up with all those different pre-order bonuses and different versions. It's going to go the way of Deus Ex Mankind Divided at the best case scenario.
we're fast approaching a decade of this nonsense with no sign of slowing down
The fact that you included the first one shows how fragile you are, I love it
Yeah, give it to the braindead bigots upset over this instead! They sure love freedom of expression and think everyone's opinion matters
>That's what these movements were FOUNDED on - being against the fucking horrible sterile reality that we had forced on us and being free to be honest about who you are and what you think.
Okay well I wanna be free to be honest about how proud I am that I am a tranny faggot now what.
>being this fucking obsessed with a different site with a fairly small userbase
Why is this not considered pathetic here? Who the FUCK cares what resetera thinks?
Delicious tears
because they already tell people its illegal for anyone but (((them))) to watch anything (((problematic)))
just like how they said the sand nigger that was running away like a coward was a "hero" for trying to "wrestle away the gun" from the shooter
name 1 alternative to "white cis able bodied male as the default" that makes a lick of sense you delusional discord lecher
>he thinks different versions and preorder bonuses is "fucking it up"
Lmao is Yea Forums stuck in 2012 or something? People eat this shit up now dawg.
Either you have a stupid idea of what leftists/sjws are actually like, you've never met a goth irl. It's the most oversensitive subculture on the fucking planet besides maybe punk.
Maybe you're thinking of the edgy mansonite and mallgoth kids of the 90's?
Its small but influential because they have a ton of (((journalists)))
Just look at the DMC5 VA shitfest
the ONLY reason Eurogamer and fucking NEWSWEEK wrote an article about that, is because the writers are retardera posters
Will only pirate. I hate this horseshit.
>LGBTP and mental illness
>Not just mental illness overall
>mfw you contract AIDS from sucking tranny blood
>you need to pick your feeding targets carefully to avoid life-ruining diseases
Have sex.
nice post time my dude
Ah, so your problem is you think they're trying to "replace" the default? You should use your brain more
nu goth maybe
I was "goth" in highschool and it was a very edgey thing. The opposite of "SJW"
>include left-wing division politics
You are just drumpfy snowflakes! This is not more political than any war game.
>include right wing division politics
*unzips* lets have fun
>mfw I am liberal so I'll get to enjoy this sequel to my favorite game of all time
Isnt this an outsider insult? Did it really get adopted because it was forced? God dammit.
Sure, bend over.
>include left-wing division politics
>include right-wing division politics
Based and redpilled awww yeah
avatarfag somewhere else
Why do you care what they think, though?
Just stop buying shitty western corporate games and swedish degeneracy . The only salvation are German, Eastern Europe/Slavs. German because their autism does not let them get affected and slavs since they reject degenerate west influence.
Even Japan is corrupted now.
I honestly won't mind the 'muh soggy knee bad' ideology so long as it isn't constraining the story and they let you actually laugh at that nonsense rather than just being forced to no along.
I mean even if it is blatantly anti-Republican for example it's still fine as long as it isn't the tired old muh orange man bad and 'there are no illegals' etc.
>sequel to a silly vampire game takes itself far more seriously
Yeah that's gonna be a yikes for me.
>taxi driver calls me a bugman
you obviously did not even play the game, since the people you talk about, Anarchs - where portrayed as total braindead unlikable morons, anything, but positive
A default will always exist. As described, ending one variety of default means introducing another. Try addressing the statement instead of preening over your imagined intellectual prowess
how does papers please lean left? It's a socialist paradise
Because like it or not, they have influence. Developers post there on a regular basis as well. Ofc I want to know what the enemy is up to. Same reason I watch CNN's fake news even though I hate them with a passion. Because then I know the lies they are trying to shill and I can refute them and point them out in real time.
So you were a mallgoth then. The elitist "TRUE GOTH" types hated people that were edgy and tryhard in that way, and they were the ones who were in that scene first.
>thinks I'm offering
Lol, nobody wants to have sex with a tranny faggot, loser.
>a default will always exist
Imagine having a brain so constrained by the past
Expand your horizons, user
And give me another (you) while you're at it
>the enemy
Hahaha imagine thinking a video game forum is your "enemy", go outside my dude
The secondary cries out as he strikes you
every niche and clique thinks the others are trying too hard and they're the trve cvlt
We should write petition to Chechnya goverment to take action against devs.
>no true goth fallacy
>playing hard to get
Ooh sexy
Call me more names, it turns me on
>It was very of its time
>setting has heavy punk themes
>game ends up promoting leftist values
Every time. Every single fucking time you people get shocked by this. Don't ever let anyone tell you what punk groups did to nazis it might be too much for your fragile hearts.
You enter a character creator in a videogame. You have not adjusted any settings, leaving them at their starting values. What sort of creation comes from it?
The default.
take a long walk off a short pier
LOL yeah nah. I'll wait til all the content is released and pirate it thx.
>mfw I buy the super ultra deluxe edition with all DLC and own the Trumplets
Get fucked
Practical goths were just normal normal everyday nihilists.
fuck off tranny
>The enemy
Imagine making fucking video games a core part of your person like this.
The most worrying part of what was said is the "we have to be punching up not down" nonsense.
hating hitler is so passé these days
>go outside my dude
I do, probably more than you. To hunt, fish and just shoot guns.
Every den of lies the fake news media props up and gives power is my enemy
Yea Forums are idiots with no awareness of reality so it's not surprising at all
The character randomizes gender, race, height before you press anything
This is a good parody of a brainwashed retard, nice job user
So is the beta male cucks of ResetERA.
When you're stuck in a stupid culture war, everything gets involved.
>punk was left wing
stfu zoomer
Sure thing. You're disgusting and you're likely to kill yourself and I can't wait to spit on your grave. Both of your parents probably won't say it to your face but they're visibly cringing hard when they see you and you know deep down they wish you weren't like the way you are. And despite trying to force a social change to make trannies more accepted in the world you still won't get anything but sympathy job opportunities because of how physically repulsive everyone finds you. Everyday your father looks at the old photoes he has of you and wonders where he went wrong.
Answer 100% as predicted.
Just like forgetting difference where my scenario will be in near all news outlets, gamecons and industry itself and your in Mongolian shadow play forum.
>LGBT and mental illness
>Mission Gender Dogmorphia, where a vampire thinks they're a werewolf
>Either have to convince them whether or not they are
>Mission Smooth Jazz, where you have to sneak into a hospital at night so you can help someone get their penis split open and dilated
>Mission The Nightman Cometh, need to stop a kid from getting molested
name one game
actually, don't, because that's not the default expected behavior for such a system anyway.
Don't shoot the messenger, I'm just echoing the consensus among people I know that are into that shit.
says the person who actually thinks its okay to be gay/trans or whatever else kind of faggotry you can come up with
(((Hollywood))) sure did a number on (You)
The stuff about mental illness and Malks and shit has me more worried than anything.
Imagine literally being a fucking culture warrior. What a sad life.
so when everyone's an elitist it's not clear who the elite really are
Read what you wrote.
Nobody likes an unlikable ass main character.
More to the point, an A-political character is fucking boring.
I'm not even that guy, I just want to play videogames without being consciously aware of dumb american political drivel being funneled through it at me
I want to be able to choose the politics of the character I play though.
>someone suggests ending it as the default
>name a game that doesn't have it as the default!
Uhh, that's the point user, they want it to change. How dumb are you?
Compose your response in English and try again
Bait is too obvious, c'mon now
Yea Forums did this to you.
>incels aren't allowed in, user
Wut do?
Punks are hard right nowadays because they won't apologize for calling you a faggot.
And they didn't move an inch, it was the left that steered so far down the cycle of politics that what they do and how they do it is indistinguishable from the cult-like religious hard right of the 50's.
Then play the videogames you like and avoid the ones you don't. Whining like a little bitch on the internet because someone created a game with gay characters means you don't just "want to play videogames" otherwise you wouldn't give a shit.
so your proposed alternative is everything being randomized everywhere?
it's not a sentiment shared by the ones making these statements to begin with, in addition to being impractical
You're probably conflating left wing with sjws, who are all liberal as fuck. A lot of punks are hardcore anarchists, which makes them way further to the left than the people you're thinking of.
Mental illness representation is unironically good if done right
Every game could use a schizo or an autist in its roster
have sex
Yeah, their view of Malks and their fear of offending people with jokes is a huge turn off for me. Playing as a Malk was great. When you first notice the TV is talking to you and accusing you of murder it's just a great funny moment, and these new developers probably consider stuff like that too offensive to be in their game.
is that your answer?
Get woke go broke. Except, this is not a case with Paradox, since they already find a way not to go broke - they scam the trannies out of preorders 1 year!! before game release with fake prerendered trailer with no gameplay, so regardless of how shit the game will be if its ever released, they`ll not be broke.
play the game, obviously.
>i want an apolitical character
still boring though
Conservative pissbabies trying to pretend they're the new punk is never going to stop being hilarious. Fuck off, Gavin.
I disliked the leftard politics before I discovered Yea Forums.
Libertarians ARE liberals you fucking disgusting yankee fucking cunt
why not? are malkavians not in the game? i assume we can diablerize a malkavian at some point if that's the clan we choose
But VTMB2 is a title I would like to play if it were made +/- 10 years from now, to avoid being strictly dated by the political climate and industry trends. and no, bush era wasn't an enormous focus before.
Not really. New Vegas did it really well.
>he's so far gone he thinks its bait
The neutral route is the furthest fucking thing from apolitical
Self-reliance is considered right-leaning nowadays. If you're against big daddy guvment having absolute control over everything you do so long as they let you ruin your genitals and have an abortion you're literally hitler.
They did do it right in vtmb though, malk playthroughs are one of the best aspects of the game, although it's not recommended for your first playthrough. Same with Grout and Voermann. They dont want to do it like they did in vtmb and threw some shade about it being a different time.
Truth is that liberals and conservatives are both puritanical moral fag shit heads. You should both fuck off.
>Mafia series
ruined by trannies
>Mass Effecct series
ruined by trannies
>Vampire series
ruined by trannies
>Dragon age series
ruined by trannies
>Assassin Creed series
ruined by sjws
>Deus Ex series
ruined by sjws
>Dishounored series
ruined by trannies
>Thief series
ruined by trannies
>Every nu-obsidian game
ruined by trannies
When will they learn? Why do their hire mentally ill degenerates?
Really shows how absolutely braindead your politics are that you think anyone who calls themselves a leftist would support liberal politics these days
>LGBT rights and mental illness representation
What is the difference?
punk was never cool anyway
Anti-authoritarianism is neither left nor right.
That would be your issue desu
i'm really not mad about any of this mentally ill leftie bullshit as long as i can create and roleplay as whatever character i want and i can actually diablerize.
You said "a default will always exist". I gave an example of how it could not. That's all.
Wahhhh, I really wanna play the vidya I like but I'm too triggered! Maybe I should just play it anyways or move on to another game ... no! I'd rather cry on the internet!
Truth is, game was nigged from the start.
being gay isnt mental illness
But remember, if you notice this it's because you're obviously an incel neonazi.
>you loose humanity point for refusing to drink a blood of a tranny
>Masquarade violation since you forgot to ask concent when drinking someones blood
>he's so far gone he can't tell I'm making fun of him
Sounds like you've made a convenient boogeyman for various incompetent studios
Ha, yes it is.
You're right, letists are even more puritanical than liberals. It's kinda like comparing run of the mill neocon to evangelicals.
Well, thats what (you) think
gimme the quick rundown
Bless you user
My policy on gay characters is the same as straight ones
They better be hot or interesting
But the west never makes either especially for homos or LGBTWTFBBQ because their character ends up just being I like penis, or I cut my penis off
>you START as a thin-blood
>you CHOOSE your clan
>it's taking some political stances on what we think are right and wrong (the fuck this even means?)
>"it's the current year and things have changed", MITSODA said
I thought I knew it was gonna be trash, and I thought I was mentally prepared, but I'm still angry. Fuck this shit.
Being this stupid is genuinely impressive
No Malkavians this time. Making light of mental illness is too problematic.
>studios just suddenly became incompetent when making the sequel to a somewhat/very succesful game
>Being this misinformed about politics.
user, the vast majority of ancoms want to straight up abolish all national borders, destroy the institution of the police, burn down congress, destroy the constitution, kill their landlords, and seize businesses from their owners. If that sounds like a right-leaning ideology to you, then I don't know what to tell you.
They tried to warn us
We didn't listen
More likely they'll play up the future telling breaking your mind aspect of it rather than just having it be LOL SO RANDOM BRAIN DISORDERS
Which is always the best way to play a malk anyway
Please do tell, who wants to ban books and fire people saying naughty words? It's the evangelicals and 'triggered' people who think using the word nigger is problematic' no matter the context and ascribe it too much power.
I hate liberals. I hate /pol/fags. My initial reaction to this stuff is that this is going to get pozzed. But hearing about the character customization is making me a little optimistic that I'll be able to make any kind of character I'd like, including being a really fat black man vampire, or a cute tan trap, or a Big Futa goddess. But I don't want to play an ugly character. And I"m worried that the writing being pozzed will limit the rp options to being only what the writers consider the "good" side. I like true role playing.
Why are stereotypes and memes better than actually exploring and using real conditions like you would in the PNP? Seems more like people just wanting another fish malk
noooooo duuuuuuude fishmalks are the best malks!
The left's only recourse to pushing their agenda is authoritarianism.
Actually in your example, the default is just obscured. There is going to be a model made first, and that first model will likely be what is used to make the game around. The default is still there, you just won't see it.
Yes user, it's calling losing employees, starting new teams without as much experience, etc. Do you think bad video games only starting existed when developers hired the first trans employee?
Let's take Mass Effect as you mentioned, they basically started a new team and had them develop a new game. They had poor management and spent years working on an idea that wasn't really feasible, so they had to make the game into something they could actually ship after years of work and it ended up being shit because of that.
Played 40 times. Anarchs made the most sense.
This is why you shoudln't get your politics from youtube.
See, you complain about gays being a shallow stereotype, but then you complain when they AREN'T a shallow stereotype, because in reality the shallow stereotype is so ingrained in your head that whenever a gay character doesn't match that stereotype, you think it's "forced."
There is literally no way to win with you people.
>2/3 listed options are inherently sexual
I feel genuinely sorry for you.
And the "true" default could be a colourless, genderless blob or a sack of potatoes because no one can see it anyways. I really don't think literal default models was the point of the original picture.
Trump lovers are a minority so why cater to them?
remember to subscribe to pewdiepie
you are not normal
It would be improbable that the model default would be completely separate from the thing it is portraying, at least if that thing is supposed to interact with anything.
I'm still waiting for you to refute my point. But please continue repeating how I'm wrong if it makes you feel better.
Why does everyone outside Yea Forums take that forum seriously?
/pol/ also shut down a school in Virginia because of a shooting threat made on it. Stop being an idiot.
>roleplay is all about muh gender
fucking kys
yea why should a game pander to a minority games should all pander to the biggest group possible like anthem
Imagine being this fucking nuts
>TDS became real
>papers, please
criticism of totalitarianism in general, not necessarily left or right
doesnt take a stance, all sides can be viewed as good depending on your personal opinion
only political pertaining to the elder scrolls universe
pro-sjw shit
>mass effect
pro-sjw shit
>every cod game
not political
new screenshot
>he hasn't see the guy's twitter
>all these upset secondaries from /pol/
so its going to be like the 1st game but the political references will be modern ones that will trigger people endlessly
Why start a new team? Unless like half of the old team left there is no reason to hand off your flagship product to literal whos and only somebody with some kind of stupid agenda would sign off on it And even if they did leave bussiness common sense still dictates it's better to give it some other experienced team who mgiht have not worked on the game before unless again there is some kind of agenda behind the decisionmaking.
Get this logic out of here. This is a mindless outrage board
Yea Forums as a whole is a secondary to oWoD
Exactly you get it user
With good enough writing one can deal with political crap a bit more
But if all my gay vampire can say to his gay vampire lover is "fuk drumf" or "gays are so oppressed like omg" then my immersion is ruined because I'm not supposed to be in my world of stupid shit
Invent new stupid shit
What? I'm just asking for more Arcade ganons from NV okay who understand spamming your sexuality for no reason is just as stupid in a game as it is IRL
Unless I just walked into a gay vampire nightclub there's no reason any vampire should be yelling he's gay at me within 30 seconds of meeting him
And that they be attractive too and not ugly as shit
No need to strawman me as spokesman for all upset gays I'm just one user
>/pol/ has this much power
Actually, Paper's Please wasn't even particularly critical of Totalitarianism, you saw bad shit happen because of it but you also saw KOLECHIAN FILTH actually trying to kill you. Also, while the state was fucking awful to you as a player, it was out of absurd standards that they subjected everyone to, not some kind of obvious corrupt intent. You could escape if you thought it was best, but staying in Arstotska was not a punished action at all, and if you played your cards right consistently you would get through your month unscathed.
you can go back anytime you want
Also no fun with Malkavian, Gangrel, Toreador, Tzimisce, Ravnos or Giovanni because it'd be problematic. And Ventrue are default evil assholes and everyone will shit on you if you play as one.
Literally all you're doing is strawmanning. I can't fucking imagine what it's like to live in your head.
Thanks dawg
Yeah okay, I again say that literal default models are probably not the point of the original panel thing and this whole discussion about them was started by the other user.
>CoD game
>not political
Here's the very first line of the Plot section on the Call of Duty 4 wikipedia page:
In 2011, a civil war has broken out in Russia between its government and ultranationalists who seek to restore Russia to its Soviet-era glamor.
Because they want to run multiple projects, maximize profits, etc. etc. The rest of Bioware was working on what would become Anthem.
Your post is phrased as if you can't believe this happens but it literally does. Go look up the MEA development issues, it's not hard to find.
"Some kind of agenda", my god you sound like an idiot that can't comprehend the idea of a business making a bad decision without blaming it on transsexuals or something.
dumbasses. There is nothing wrong with making a political game. But you just have to point blank lie and say it isn't political so Yea Forums doesn't turn into a shithole over it. Learn from the division 2.
>Unless I just walked into a gay vampire nightclub there's no reason any vampire should be yelling he's gay at me within 30 seconds of meeting him
but faggots irl are constantly forcing their deviancy on normal people
The Anarchs were LITERALLY a bunch of teenage rebels stuck in their permanent rebellious phase due to the Gift who got completely bodied by actual Vampire Organizations (and really anyone else) and had no power or real lot in life except to threaten to riot and fuck up shit like petulant children. If they'd been actually organized they could have stopped the Camarillia and the Chinks from just waltzing in and taking over, but they couldn't, because their ideology is all talk, and no real world application.
>making threats and inspiring a lone wolf terrorist
Oh you’re right. Clearly they have more power than I could have possibly imagined. You’re a fucking idiot mate.
One liners and jokes. The main setting was liberal but in more of a mainstream club/social way. A cultural thing, not a very political one, and not lecturing the player.
The way they describe this one, emphasizing the location in Seattle and how the world has "changed," and politics, is a gargantuan red flag. Even entertaining the pronouns shit shows they're not right in the head. They're sound like they're treating this as a soapbox instead of an RPG.
>fallout is all about xenophobia being bad
How is that different from the first game though?
Quite honestly, this. Never advertise politics.
>The Anarchs were portrayed as dumb
No YOU didn't play the game. The Anarchs are one of the few "good" options outside of Strauss and going independent.
Nines saves your ass multiple times (the first time he stops you from getting executed, the second time he stops the Sabbat from sneak attacking you in Hollywood, the third time he takes on a werewolf and eventually kills it) and is generally portrayed as heroic and badass. The Anarchs offer you help and advice when no one else would (Jack in the beginning). You repeatedly interact with them over and over throughout the game. You have no opportunities to kill them or do anything to harm them outside of a handful of small jabs in dialogue.
Lacroix is portrayed as objectively evil and crazy, and if you side with him you die. Ming backstabs you no matter what.
The only other option is Strauss, who completely fucks up by letting his enslaved gargoyle run free, then you barely interact with him. None of the Anarchs screw up as badly as he does.
So no, that isn't true at all, the Anarchs are portrayed as objectively one of the most sensible options in the game, and this is the same faction with the Che Guevara-inspired woke commie vampire grill who rants about fighting the establishment.
Then Yea Forums just turns into a shithole when someone points out the very obvious politics though
I honestly don’t mind, as long as it’s not forced. If I can play a rapey nosferatu or malkavian, I will be happy. Although the public SJW rimjob is usually a bad sing
And I said that's annoying too
You got me man
I'll never live down the fact a random user couldn't understand me and called me crazy
Such an occurrence never has happened to me before
I'm seething
>the power to make things stop happening is actual power
No wonder Yea Forums thinks throwing a wrench in the works is the cool approach to everything.
>Undone shoelaces have this much power
>Electrical short circuiting has this much power
>Filibustering has this much power
>Ruining class by making the teacher upset has this much power
>Dropping out of software engineering has this much power
>Greentexting and getting the last word doing so has this much power
How did Super Mutants not deserve to be doomed?
Hell, even FO3, as shitty as it was, made the "ghoul equality struggle" less black and white.
You seriously live in an entirely separate reality. You should get out of whatever hugbox makes you unironically think that anything you posted actually happens.
It's just a trigger warning for the queens on Yea Forums.
Now they can decide to not play it if these topics make them them feel uncomfortable.
>we need to make sure we are puching up not punching down
Well that just turned into 100% no buy for me. Anyone who utters these words non-ironically can be assumed to be a reddit-tier dorne.
>start a conversation with a straight male character, they mention a wife
>start a conversation with a gay male character, they mention a boyfriend
>have established flasgship RPG series
>instead of pulling some people from the new project/old team to guide it if not actually develop it is too much
>I know let's hire total nobodies with no related experience and give them free reign, that will go over well
Once again, this kind of 'bad decision' wouldn't happen if they kept their minds on making money like most other corporations.
>reeee why doesn't muh vidya insult minorities
Well I don't know about you specifically(you seem to be rocking your own unique brand of autism), but I'm getting fucking tired of people pretending they don't have a problem with gay people "as long as they're not a stereotype," but then complaining whenever a non-stereotypically-gay character turns out to be gay. It's just a lame way to attempt to dodge the issue entirely.
one is normal
other isnt
deal with it faggot
>Exactly you get it user
I don't care about taking sides anymore. I just want to be able to enjoy shit. I have to admit though, I'm very cautious going forward with this game now. Dragon Age 3, Mass Effect Andromeda, etc. All have very similar types of warning bells going off. When the devs advertise how pozzed they are that's rarely a good sign. They like to make ugly characters, or force feed a tranny down my throat. I don't like that either. Plus the way they write is typically awful. So I'm not going to pre-order, or have the game on my wishlist. I'm going to wait to see what the game is going to be like first.
It's great being able to watch shitstorms unfold from either side, isn't it?
Isn't that funny that people that use those words usually are censorious shits that support planets-spanning corporations in exchange for power?
I'm sure they're very disheartened about not selling 100% of the game to you personally, you special little snowflake influencer you.
This is a game about roleplaying and vampires. You're welcome on Reddit any time of the day already.
>game blatantly shits on Republicans and Bush, has a pro-commie character
>nobody cares, everyone focuses on the gameplay and the atmoshpere
>hey this game might have some political themes like art vs commerci-
What went wrong?
Now that's a good strawman best one in the thread
I'll give you a (You)
I expect many (You)'s from you in the future user
An RPG should give you all the views. But if that were the case here they wouldn't have pandered exclusivelly to far left views.
I don't want to go to fucking church, I don't want to fucking listen to SJWs. I want to tell both to fuck off and antagonize their shit. But that's not "progressive" so I can go fuck myself if I don't like eating shit out of a tranny's ass.
It might be if you are in SanFran.
Then again there should be homeless tents and shit everywhere.
Quite honestly, fuck /pol/, and fuck resetera.
Because one says "my wife" the other says "It's really hard being homosexual thank you for being nice and treating me like a person instead of genociding me like a nazi"
Holy shit based and frogpilled
Things changed in 15 years.
The games offered good gameplay andd atmopshere.
Don't forget the "gay paradox"
>Gay character doesn't act gay, could easily be confused as straight, have no idea he's gay unless he literally tells you
>Why is he gay? They only made him gay for diversity points, this is forced diversity and LGBT pandering
>Gay character mentions a husband, flirts with men, does actual "gay" things
>Wow stop forcing your gayness down my throat. Good gay character aren't defined by their sexuality and don't try shoving it in everyone's faces.
Giving Pewds more of Google's ad money is a powerful statement against media bullying of a rich white male from a rich white nation.
Not really, Steam, GOG and Epic.
Plus Consoles
2004 didn't have trannies.
>Gender pronoun shit
You know, I wouldn't be worried if this was the early 2000s with political games still taking kind of a "Zen of South Park" approach to their topics.
But we are in the late 2010s and everything that aint the social media core of value bullshittery is automatically evil nazism that has to be destroyed in a massive shitstorm.
They say they wanna take a balanced approach where there aint no good or bad side?
With gender pronouns and tranny shit?
Yeah right, I can tell you right fucking now that if they take up that topic it will only be in the most positive light, there will be no two sides to it and any character opposed to it will be depicted as an evil asshole.
Are they nuts? Do they really expect people to believe that shit?
A good Bloodlines sequel would give me a choice to agree or disagree with the writers. Lets see how they'll handle this
>gothpunk game is against authority
Normal and expected in-setting.
>formerly gothpunk game is now pushing leftard authority
Not normal and expected in-setting.
It's that simple. All they need to do is let us disobey and antagonize the leftards and the rightards equally. But they won't and their little reveal sales pitch has made that plenty evident.
Shut your whore mouth shitskin
Im going to play this game, and I might even enjoy it.
And once again, it has nothing to do with "trannies"
Having a wife is pretty fucked up, true
Snowflake Trumplets who get triggered anytime someone makes fun of them
>no actual response
My favourite is when they get mad a character is mentioned as gay in their backstory because it "doesn't affect gameplay" so it shouldn't be there
Like what the fuck, is there supposed to be a "Push X to gay"?
Imagine being ignorant enough to think is is true lmao
>all the seething mentally ill millennials itt
lol. you useless sacks of shit got exactly the industry you wished for and deserve. now enjoy it, fuckers
These retards legitimately don't get it. Same shit happens with cyberpunk.
>b-but vtmb was a-always political
only the big picture, what a joke.
I'm gonna wait to see if it's good first before I even think of putting down money for it.
Both can exist and make sense though.
The issue is that BOTH are mostly there just for brownie points.
Because the writers can't seem to write proper characters in teh first place, so how would they write deep character driven narratives where their sexuality even becomes relevant?
goth and punk both fall under the category of "leftard"
I also remember when I was a pro-LGBT liberal.
Good thing people like you and from OP invading gaming woke me up.
>Elected President of the United States
>People who voted for him are a minority
Jesus christ at least use your brain for 3 seconds before posting
>Imagine being ignorant enough to think is is true lmao
I'll alter my words a bit. 2004 didn't pander to mentally ill trannies.
That's the most extremely wrong I've seen someone be on Yea Forums in a long ass time.
All trannies in early 2-00's were mocked and never taken seriously. The way it should be.
The difference here is that they weren't personified as heroes in 2004.
>Thinking literally ANYONE cares about your inconsequential little stretch of land
I can't imagine how shitty it is to live in the 3rd world
>gay character is revealed as gay several years after release of the game in response to a huge scandal with pro selection
>won with a minority vote
No, the issue is people who will never ever see it as anything other than "brownie points" because they just don't like gay characters
A character is badly written and straight, they're just a bad character. A character is badly written and gay, it's BECAUSE they're gay because the developers are just trying to force liberal propaganda down our throats!
>n-no this is what I really meant, I'm not stupid
So we should have zero gay characters, because you can magically read the mind of every dev and know for a fact that they only include things for brownie points?
But I never said trannies explicitly, I'm just responding to you responding to some guy.
While trannies are surely involved it's the overall ideology replacing greed in decision-making, not just trannies.
These are just medium wrong.
just you wait until they turn on it once it's revealed that one of the dev did something contreversial or if something "toxic" and "problematic" happen in the game
>mental illness representation
There's a shit ton of goth fascists and straight neo-nazis.
And current left is so far from reality the fucking black panthers would seem right to them.
Are you by chance an (insert country's main language) teacher?
What do you niggers have to worry about I though SJW didn't buy games? Oh no what if this series that was already dead stays dead. Vote with your wallet and call it a day instead of being an overreacting bitter cunt.
user how did you get a transcript of what I yelled at the computer screen when the game was announced
>While trannies are surely involved
You sound like a retarded conspiracy theorist
They've got you seeing transsexuals in the trees
>all that faggot shit
Eh maybe i'll pirate it instead.
Goth has been both left and right.
Punk is 100% a fascist thing started by actual nazis and the children of nazis in occupied Germany, which was then copied by Neo Nazis abroad.
>People who aren't even citizens are allowed to vote
Their entire life is video games and they want relive their earlier years when they weren't miserable so a sequel to a game they played in the past is their only hope of experiencing a modicum of joy
Some people see a bad Star Wars movie and stop seeing them after that. Some people see a bad Star Wars movie and decide the filmmakers have ruined their childhood.
Punk has been left and right, I'm really struggling to think of an example of 'right-wing goth', being a liberal pussy is a core tenet of being goth
>but prophecy-gifted Malkavian, with altered dialogue that, while humorous, danced a fine line in terms of taste.
Literally one passing joke for both items. Especially the republican party one which is certainly handled as amusing (an obvious degenerate asks you of you've been a bad boy and you answer 'I vote rep').
Meanwhile the anarchs are entirely retarded all the way through the game.
As another user said, it was a game with a half aristocratic larping/half nightlife atmosphere filled with all sorts of stereotypes. Even had a conniving happy-merchznt-on-steroids Jewish movie producer.
Nazi punks fuck off
>but faggots irl are constantly forcing their deviancy on normal people
Not all of them. I know a guy, who acts like a decent human being and I would never guessed that he's a degenerate, if it wasn't for him hitting on a male barista in front of me. Granted I know about six flamboyant fags, so I can see where that stereotype comes from
discord tranny detected lol
This doesn't sound like SJW shit at all. You guys need to realize that the word "progressive" isn't always in reference to progressive leftist identity politics, the term makes more sense to use in reference to technological and civilizational progression.
Most people don't vote so technically all presidents are minority winners.
>a regime that was obsessed with public orderliness and appearances intentionally started a culture of youthful insolence and rebellion
This sounds like bullshit.
I see that you are upset about my magical mind reading powers. That is okay.
Likewise, however, it is a magical mind reading trick to call this out as a paradox in thinking that it is the same gamers, who will always complain about both the occurrance of casually gay characters and flamboyantly gay characters.
Those that do are likely the people who will complain about gays in all other media AND in real life. And we can't really bother with them.
And the issue here is not just that poorly written gay characters are poor because of their sexuality. The issue is that this is what is mentioned. Soldier 76 is gay? Okay. Why isn't the news that Mei has an ingrown toenail or that Mercy has a genetic disposition for ovarian cancer?
Whose attention do you think they want?
You can also apply this to black people too
>Black guy who's just a regular guy, doesn't talk about issues specific to black people or his identity, could make him white and it wouldn't change anything
>Why is he black? Why isn't he white? They only made him black for diversity points, this is forced diversity
>Black guy who talks about and deals with issues that black people face, can't make him white or it makes no sense
>Wow stop forcing your politics down my throat, good black characters aren't defined by their race
Epic win user
You guys are like a broken record.
>check mea dev team
>look at their linkedin/twatter bio
>tranny/leftist/antifa and the other assorted SF urbanite profiles are common
>i-it surely wasn't the ideology obsessed with minorities and other bullshit, it couldn't be, put down your tinfoil hat, it was just plain old bad decision
There's usually quite a lot of that in games though, and the first Bloodlines game didn't skimp on it.
All the goths at my school in my grade were pretty right wing. Two classes down they were a clique of goth furry lesbians though.
Well that's what happens when your order gets repressed and you start waging a soft guerrilla war.
It's mostly just fascinating specifically because punk culture is absolutely the polar opposite of fascism, yet there it is.
This. The main focus is obviously going to be on the advancement of technology and how it affects us. The Tender ARG is literally based on social media, shit like government surveillance and datamining would have huge implications for vampire society, etc.
We have some fashy goth dudes at our local scene but no one fucking likes them, just too pussy to take out the trash.
Do people still get harassed, discriminated against, or killed for having ingrown toenails or a genetic disposition for ovarian cancer?
I tried to warn you about western games but you didn't listen, they only seemed promising because japs weren't used to HD but not anymore, if you had any hope in the west making games just for fun it's your fault, even the most gay pedo japanese game is less degenerate than trendy politics western shit.
Resetera is fucking bad though. They literally went after Dante's VA because he had the audacity to say the mob caused by the court of public opinion is fucking awful.
Also the best example of this is just heavy metal and hard rock in general. The harder you go the more right wing they get. Though they tend more towards libertarian than authoritarianism.
God I hope videogames turn into the gayest, transest shit just to piss off Yea Forums
Literally for no other reason than to watch you faggots be mad
Hmm yes user, all bad videogames ever made were made by transsexuals. You win.
>he fucking buys western video games
At the end of the day if a character is well written no one will care. Bad writers do a poor job of masking their intentions behind their writing decisions and it's easy to tell when they're pandering. No one complained that Morpheus was black to my knowledge.
I blame twitter for transplanting this societal fringe retardation into the mainstream
You can be religiously and sexualy liberal and still be extremelly conservative everywhere else.
A lot of goths were anti-christian, sexually libertine and still utter fascists.
If dante's voice actor didn't act like a racist fucking idiot he would not be getting shit for being a terrible person.
Is that question in any possible way relevant to portraying a faceted, relatable character in a piece of lighthearted interactive media taking place in a fictional future many many years from now?
Probably more for being a dipshit Qanon conspiracy nut and quasi-victim blamer
>game is already niche audience
>betray that niche audience
thisll go well
Tell that to Sony.
Just don't make them black retroactively after someboy criticizing you and you're fine.
Imagine unironically thinking you were ever the audience
>But he victim blamed!
Jesus Christ, you have no selfawareness, do you?
>Decades ago
Masquerade wasnt released all that long ago
Yep. That's because the left now has acquired power and institutions.
And they're growing more influential as they take up seats, get hired as "writers", character designers etc.
The left is more authoritarian than in the 90s and beginning of 2000s.
They want to shape a world devoid of anything good, using their "moral high ground".
So what happened was that, we essentially shifted from a cynical culture "everything is stupid and pointless" to "de-platform, ban books, censor, kill all white heterosexual males and even more if they don't support our anti-culture."
The first game was birthed in a different world. The clown freaks run the show now.
>You can be religiously and sexualy liberal and still be extremelly conservative everywhere else.
aka alt-right aka not really conservative but needs an excuse to shit on other people they don't like
Hi Resetera, isn't it liberating to be able to share your dumb opinion without getting immediately banned?
>I give a fuck about western trash
I'm here to laugh at trannies and other degenerates
im so glad faggots control everything now
>Betrays the audience
This type of shit was in the first game, and you resemble the same fags who had an issue with that in the first game. And yet the Original bloodlines is a Yea Forums classic, who wouldve thought
underrated post
>replying to posts with a generic pre-generated reply that has nothing to do with the posts you replied to
Glad you finally see it the right way (mine).
Yes, that's how serious video fucking games are to some people.
If all that was needed is for people to simply become aware of this, you can only blame either the idea itself for being so viral or the people for being so retarded.
That's honestly really pathetic and petty of you.
Yes? It's almost like having representation of minorities in media has always been important. Jesus christ, Star Trek did this shit half a century ago and you idiots still don't get it.
The fact that you give that much of a shit what a VA thinks about something to try and ruin his career is proof enough you're pathetic.
VtMB was super political and it was liberal as fuck.
You were just a dumb kid and had no idea what you were looking at.
Are you really surprise that the liberal game has liberal shit again?
hhah dev faggots
I got my jolly roger flag up !!! while i fuck Nami
gonna pirate like back in the day
That truly is the best way to live, isnt it, free of care about stuff that will never affect you in the long run.
Nintendo is still here, Indie games will still have diamonds in the rough come out. Project M is still here with P+ on the way, dorf fortress is alive and will always be alive.
I couldnt be happier
being petty is getting mad at trannies and gays for existing in the same bubble as you
You'll live, and it'll just be really funny for everyone else
I mean you left out all the bad shit he did in an attempt to make it seem more ludicrous, it's pretty obvious user.
This but unironically
Epic, simply epic
But neither you nor the person youre replying is that at all. You're not free of care. You're acting out of petty malace and with anger in your hearts and minds. That's just as cancerous to your life. You should just enjoy what you want and not wish harm or pain on others either physically or mentally.
Guess I am pirating this shit as well
Yes, they should be 100% libtarded to fully open their ass and release the shit hurricane.
Reuben Langdon fucked up. The fans have turned on him, and rightfully so. He's cancelled.
It's going to be delicious to see you guys meltdown when it's annouced Dante will be getting a new voice actor in future entries of the series.
I'm not saying it isn't relevant to talk about minorities, user. I get it. I am a huge Star Trek fan.
But you address such issues through irrelevant tokenism and virtue signaling, and it certainly doesn't help your squaky clean cast of Barbie dolls wearing bits of sci-fi mumbo jumbo to look more humanly flawed or relatable, when the only ones oppressed in their world is fucking robots.
White Wolf have always been SJWs. They're not betraying shit. It's just that you weren't in tune with their politics a decade ago, but read ANY single White Wolf book and you'll see that this isn't a heel face turn.
>I mean you left out all the bad shit he did in an attempt to make it seem more ludicrous, it's pretty obvious user.
I literally don't give a fuck what a VA thinks about in his private time, or shitposts about.
It's not viral though, this shit only exists and festers in these online communities which certain influencers push through twitter etc
>all the bad shit
>if I pretend to understand what the developers are doing in a game I have seen nothing about except an ambiguous forum post I will surely get all the (you)s!
All the board tourists that are just looking for shit to get mad at should fuck off.
Was going to post that
this but very ironically
>The first game was birthed in a different world.
This. It's transgressions were cynical, or legitimately ironic. Today's "progressive" shit has not a single funny bone in it's rotten skeleton and it sure as hell expects you to take it to heart and be indoctrinated.
Are you stupid? Dante most likely won't appear in any future DMC titles. DMCV was suppose to be his last story.
god thatartstyle is awful, look at her waist.
I thought you fucks were talking about the game, not some fucking literal who VA?
The fuck, why do you care so much about what a VA says
>cute girl becomes cow tits monster
Truly a fate worse than death
The problem isn't representation it's virtue signalling.
No one is expecting a gay character in shitty hero shooters to suddenly change the world user. It's news because it shows progress. You can throw in a gay character in a popular game now and most reasonable people go "yeah cool whatever" or "that's nice to see" and move on.
Now replace Bush with Trump and instant reeeeee.
We don't. But Resetera does.
>gender pronouns
>libertarian ideologies
I'm not gonna criticize your tranny game, I never played the original and I sure as fuck am not interested in this one, but shut the fuck up, tranny.
I was originally going to ignore the thread, but A FUCKING RESETERA SCREENCAP is crossing the god damn line. You need to go back, you fucking nigger.
Mate the only reason nines saved your life was to use you, first before getting executed he did so he could flex on LaCroix that he can't make such decisions alone and later when he tells the Sabbat goons where to find you so you would be in debt to him again. It's vampire shit, the game was rigged from the start, you are just a pawn, even with our boy Straus
So I'm to assume characters in this show all have one single characteristic of physical growth and change and nothing else?
Because thats what this pic Implies
Pepe knows better than that
That's very brave of you to not care about something, obviously other people do. He's a relatively well known VA in a big game that's spouting conspiracy theory shit like a moron dipping his toes into blaming victims of alleged sexual assault.
Yes, problem?
The problem is people like you will see almost anything as "virtue signalling".
>nobody is talking about dmcshit
>autistic manchildren show up to shit up another thread
God you all are fucking insufferable now I see why shitposters target you better.
That's only fluff shit for the fans. But I'm really excited to see there's going to be some house decoration stuff in the game!
>all the bad shit
>implying the modern left hates unrestrained capitalism
>implying they aren't the ones shilling transhumanism and utopian futures
Literally wut. Punk and skinhead subculture started from working class left-leaning white bongs who endorsed jamaican music. Even the whole shaved head/buzzcut, steel-toe boots, bomber jacket aesthetic was their original look and their music was heavily influenced by reggae and ska. Most neo-nazis nowadays aren't even aware that their aesthetic comes from a bunch of nigger loving socialist bongs from the 70s.
>i'll proudly support this game
Why all resetards sound like shills, I though pretending to be a cis full retard lefty that REALLY cared about black people was the only hobby around there
>frogshit poster doesn't play games
RIP in peace VTMB threads
>muh victim blaming
fuck off who cares what some eceleb has to say. Caring about this shit is precisely why Trump is a thing and you retards just keep whining harder about celeb opinions
>That's very brave of you to not care about something, obviously other people do. He's a relatively well known VA in a big game that's spouting conspiracy theory shit like a moron dipping his toes into blaming victims of alleged sexual assault.
If what a person thinks, or says something about doesn't affect me in the least, or anybody else, then I don't give a fuck. It's sensible. It's how everyone should be. You're literally no better than people getting upset at Brie Larson in Captain Marvel.
They do it because in their diseased minds it will bring the TRUE communism.
They will get betrayed and shot like all revolutionary vanguard.
I do not agree with that assessment of why they would do it, even if I agree with the general outcome you exemplify.
Rowling said Dumbledore was gay long before the last movie came out it theatres, and it didn't stop anyone either.
By now, mention of Soldier 76 being gay is strictly for casual tokenism and a fan art fodder. And while that isn't an issue by itself, just as ingrown toenails and cancer wouldn't be, it just also isn't a human vulnerability in their setting, so the relatability doesn't go much of anywhere.
Please also be aware that representation in this fashion isn't what many of the outspoken in the queer community really long for. They are themselves among the complainers.
lol, keep crying. Nothing's going to save him from Capcom firing his ass.
At least he'll have more freetime to shitpost about Q conspiracy theories on /pol/ than.
>I didn't like something he said, blacklist him
And you dare think you're fucking oppressed.
>lgbt rights and mental illness representation
Repeating yourself there champ. Mental illness shouldn't be glorified in any way.
>mental illness representation
I fear the day every thread of a series I really like goes to shit.
the modern left fuses the most disgusting parts of socialism and capitalism to form one giant cesspool ideology. They are the collective enemy of humanity at this point
The reason progs aren't funny is because they can't be. They have power. They control power. They want to keep themselves up there at all cost.
And you can't criticize, humor or ridicule them because that puts them in a situation where they wouldn't be taken seriously by the masses.
To be honest, in any healthy and sane society everyone would laugh at them.
But guess what, all of the top executives, politicians, mainstream journalists, ad companies, most businesses, the hyperclass etc. all have the same views. The SAME.
SJWs are only the most degenerate, avant-garde and extreme symptoms of these same views on politics, Man and progress.
The root is the same (Renaissance, French Enlightement, revolution, materialist marxism) therefore they protect each other to build this fucked up humanity clown world that we live in.
You're truly a sad and pathetic loser. Why is it you can't have sex?
What'll you do if they don't, continue not buying their games?
Go to Retardera, xer vampyre
I hate Americans and their shitty politics that infect the world.
I actually laughed out loud. fucking zoomers
I don't even know what that place is like, but since you know so much what the people there are like maybe you feel in better company with them?
Because he's over 30.
why does the headline say mental illness representation twice?
That's a lot of generalization, demonization, and dismissal in one post, user.
who gives a fuck about dmc really.
>Yeah right, I can tell you right fucking now that if they take up that topic it will only be in the most positive light, there will be no two sides to it and any character opposed to it will be depicted as an evil asshole.
Jesus christ, this.
Original writers or not, people fall into this trap way too often these days for it to be by accident.
The second you shift your writing focus from being observative to being representative you automatically deny yourself a depiction of reality that realistically incorporates all points of view. You need a big evil other to tie up loose ends or your propaganda (whether you are aware of writing it or not) won't work.
That's the main problem with all this representation horseshit. You will NEVER get back to an observational, realistic and believable tone in your writing because you'll always have an aspect of your narrative that is not to be meddled with in one way or the other, lest you wish to offend those that were meant to be represented by said aspect.
It is baffling to me how people can not understand, let alone see this, yet it is so damn obvious. It's like looking at a car with a burnt out engine and the mechanic tells you "Oh....boy... no idea what could be the problem with that one!"
It's all so.... god damn tiresome....
Like I said, what if your two minute hate doesn't manage to ruin someone's career because you don't like his opinions? Are you going to continue to simply not buy his games while pretending you ever were a customer?
funny man
People complaining about Captain Needs No Man did not want to get her blacklisted and didn't make 1000 hit pieces on her and people supporting her.
Also no free blue checkmarks for complaining about the movie.
Christ, you guys really need to get laid.
>I'm cool for NOT caring about things!
Okay user, go back to bed.
Well it would be nice to live in a bubble like you but in reality, when people say things it can have consequences. When a known figure in the VA industry starts quasi-victim blaming and endorsing shitty conspiracy theories, he's spreading those ideas. So yeah, he'll get some criticism for acting like a moron. He'll live.
Lmao when did I say to blacklist him? I said he said retarded shit and I'm certainly not buying DMC5, but I wasn't anyways so meh.
Again you're part of the problem if you're always going to see it as tokenism or virtue signalling or whatever buzzword you want to use. In a perfect world, a gay character would signal no hugely positive or negative responses - they would just be a character. But in real life a lot of shitty people get upset because MUH VIDYA IS BEING RUINED BY THE SJWS so yeah, it makes news when a company puts a gay character in a popular game. Again I'm not saying it changes the world but it doesn't take a lot to see why it gets an article on some silly website.
I never said it was amazing representation either so don't act like I did.
>If what a person thinks, or says something about doesn't affect me in the least, or anybody else, then I don't give a fuck. It's sensible.
its naive and stupid
Ooh, ow, sweetie, that's shaming the mentally oppressed, yikes, y'all can't do that kind of thing.
Yeah I don't post on Twitter either but you tards always keep us informed with their garbage, doesn't mean we actually know or care about how the site works.
>liberal views
Tranny pronouns is "liberal" now?
>/pol/ ruined Yea Forums
You weren't here before /pol/, were you.
Yes, otherwise you are nazi.
>the people who are "giving criticism" are doing their damndest to blacklist him, and you defend them
>Lmao when did I say to blacklist him?
I don't know, is a man defending a lynch mob saying he wants the accused to hang?
Welp, I'll pirate it.
Fuck those jew practices.
Liberal shit then was highly different from now niggy.
>OMG different opinions on internet!
>it's totally like threatening your livelihood
>better censor them as well
>He actually consumes literally any kind of western media
They see it but they're hypocrites and assholes.
They want to hurt the others. And who the others are keeps growing.
>some youtube videos
>meanwhile it got he backing of the entire lying press that shilled for it and wrote hit pieces on those who didn't like that it was pozzed feminist bullshit
Find me a major publication that went against her. If "Fags being angry on the internet" had power then the entirety of EA would be on fire perpetually.
It has a SINGLE line where it jokes about something being disorganized "like the Bush administration". That's IT. You are trying to revise history. GO AWAY.
>and you defend them
user said
>They literally went after Dante's VA because he had the audacity to say the mob caused by the court of public opinion is fucking awful.
And I replied
>Probably more for being a dipshit Qanon conspiracy nut and quasi-victim blamer
I pointed out the stuff he conveniently left out, I didn't defend blacklisting
Real nice try though
Nice goalpost moving, but the post said
>People complaining about Captain Needs No Man ... didn't make 1000 hit pieces on her
I'm okay with being part of the problem.
As long as I'm also part of the solution. And I feel like I make an effort. I trust the feminists who tell me "this isn't about you" because mostly it really isn't.
I'm not under attack, but I can address things that are shitty, even if it doesn't concern me, be it the behavior on one side of the discussion or the other. Or one of the thirty other sides, as this really isn't just a straight line spectrum of issues.
And let me just sign off here by saying that Blizzard didn't "put a gay character in a popular game". They put out a game where sexualities aren't ever questioned or relevant, that became very popular, and then they showed the main poster girl being gay eight months later, and two years later tweeted that the anonymous clone soldier is gay too.
It's somewhat different from "putting a gay character in a popular game."
I don't think a youtube video counts as a hitpiece. They aren't exactly "Published authors".
Nice that you finally admitted that main stream media is at youtube in basement level
Oof, yucky ew ew, that's a no-no sweetie pie.
This much seething and pearl clutching in one thread.
love how they put lgbt and mental illness in the same line
LGBT is there substituting for the disabled.
retardera confirmed, only they care about that Reuben shit
even tumblr and reddit turned on you there you faggots
Yet another thread with 500+ replies infested with resetards.
user you seem to think that I think that Blizzard did something amazing with putting gay characters in Overwatch months later and in a way that doesn't matter at all. I don't. You asked why it was news, I explained why.
The point is if everyone keeps whining about every single minor gay character being "virtue signaling" then they're the ones holding up progress more than the people adding "gay" to a backstory page on a website somewhere. There's no reason we can't have legitimately well written and fleshed out gay characters as well as non-characters being gay because we sure get a lot of both with straight people.
I could scribble on a piece of paper and it could be a hit piece if I tried to use it to discredit someone or something. Keep missing the point if you want to, though.
Worst recent meme.
>we want to make sure we're punching up, not down.
This is the only line that spooked me. Everything else is just boilerplate current year shit I don't give a fuck about, but this terminology in particular is one that is ONLY used by braindead SJW stormtroopers.
>I could scribble on a piece of paper and it could be a hit piece if I tried to use it to discredit someone or something
Well, how fortuitous that you have the entire media machine to do it for you, as the counter-narrative is relegated to fucking youtube videos by nobody. What kind of faggot actually tries to paint youtube videos by some BURN THE BLUEHAIRS faggots on the same level as actual "Journalistic" outlets that come with pretenses of professionalism.
'punching up' is code word for 'making fun of certain politicians and business men, and certainly not a single female'.
It's almost like the counter-narrative is run by childish buffoons who couldn't get a job at Burger King let alone a media outlet ... hmm
You two sound very fragile
And it's almost like the journalistic community is firmly gatekept by a certain political ideology in order to ensure singular narratives, hrum. But back to the matter at hand, you don't just get to pretend you didn't just equate unwatched youtube videos to "professional" publications.
How did your skull not cave in yet, ye brave revolutionary at the feet of corporations?
says the discord tranny
Yikes, fragility isn't something to be ashamed of, fragility is a BRAVE and BEAUTIFUL way to be, I'm going to have to have SweetNicole look over your post history hun.
I remember buying the game on steam but refunded when I couldn't manage to get a higher res, seriously shit was all blurry, I probably fucked up the patch installation.
Does the GoG version has any problem/require patching?
>honestly implying anyone who uses the phrase 'punching up' would ever make fun of hilldawg or king nigger
Clowns from left and right clown-worlds are out in force in this thread.
Your shift at BK starts in an hour
P.S. Trump sucks
Let me feast on your tears
I didn't ask why it was news. I asked why the news from Blizzard about the characters wasn't something slightly more interesting.
And I don't seem to think anything at all about your ideas on Blizzard's achievements here. I agree that it's a pretty good situation we're in where they can say a character is gay, and people mostly don't care. That it isn't an issue. But that's actually been the case with pop culture for over a decade, is what I'm pointing out. They're not really displaying progress, moreso than harvesting a bit of it.
And I think you're absolutely right that we can have well written gay characters. And they certainly exist out there. But it's also very true that the poorly written variety exist, and that the ones that only exist for tokenism in the first place, and happen to be poorly written alongside the rest of the cast as well, they stick out as a reminder that you aren't doing anyone any favors by representing them in your work, if you are shit at what you do.
It's not terribly different from all the strong action hero females of the past. Mostly written by men, they weren't very relatable to female players at all. Did they HAVE to be? No, there's no such law. But you're not pleasing that specific segment of the audience, and you're not giving them the kind of representation that they would appreciate if you asked them.
>still mad trump won
six more years honey
Isn't that just not making fun of niggers as a white person?