Cdpr is ruining cyberpunk 2077 by making it fps only with occasional third person scenes

>cdpr is ruining cyberpunk 2077 by making it fps only with occasional third person scenes
>paradox is ruining Bloodlines 2 by making it fps only with occasional third person scenes
>both games have full character creators and customization for some bizarre reason

It's amazing Todd Howard is the only Western dev who realized you can make a game have both first person and third person cameras, and realized you don't need forced first person for "muh immersion" or shitty ass melee combat for "muh story". Fuck cdpr and paradox for forcing this meme idea that fps is more immersive or that an action rpg needs to have shit and unfun gameplay to have a good story.

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Third person is literal garbage in any game with both first/third-person capability. I only ever use third to see how my character looks like, which will probably be replaced by a render of your character in the inventory screen.

Shoot yourself faggot.

Nice bait Todd maybe you'll get me next time

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There hasn't been a good third person RPG since Gothic 2

Wrong, it works great in skyrim, and with combat mods skyrim plays great. Eat shit fps nerd. You probably unironically love cod games too.

Bethesda's third person is awful

But seriously though I wonder the same thing. Why put characters customisation if you barely see your character? Now you can even justified play as girl for the ass because you can't look at it

Third person in Todd games is purely to look at your character's ass

Melee in first person is also garbage so there's that

No it isn't. Skyrim in third person plays just fine.

They do this because they're too lazy to make passable animations, its easier to just have some lazy disembodied arm and leg moving than actually have to animate the entire body and make it look right.

Rich Evans sounds like a loser. He's also fat. I get that he's ugly as shit and seeing attractive game characters triggers him, but its not our fault.

That is not the argument and we're not talking about 3rd person shooter. Its an RPG that have option for melee combat

The only people I ever heard of arguing against first person are consolefags.

cutscenes of the girl character cutie i made getting fucked. THATS WHY

>all third person games are third person shooters

holy shit this guy is retarded as hell

>Skyrim in third person plays just fine.

Yeah, making the combat feel even more floaty does wonders

I hate third person but this guy is extreme reddit cringe.

>muh pc master race

Explain all the "consolefags" playing first person shooters then?

I played FPS games mainly on PC but even I admit that melee combat in first person is retarded, all you see is your arms flailing around like a retard

Bethesdrones are the niggers of WRPGs

Condemned Criminal Origins, Dead Island, Dark Messiah of Might and Magic and Chivalry all do melee exceptionally.
You just haven't played enough games.

Too bad third person japanese action games does it better than these do

How the fuck do people think bethesda games are anything but garbage. It's literally minecraft combat.

dmc, ninja gaiden, bayonetta, and sekiro shit on all these

Todd Howard realized you could make a game with shitty ass everything and make a profit.

I played Dark Messiah, Kingdome Come and Chilvary, the combat is retarded. Because its in first person, your movements are limited, the characters have to maintain a straight posture while swinging your weapon. Compare that to Dark Souls where you can dodge roll, side steps, jump attack etc, it adds more to the combat

todd howard doesnt make rpgs so no one cares

Starfield is literally gonna revolutionize the gaming world the same way Skyrim did.

Shadow Warrior and Mountain Blade are p fun.

What did Skyrim revolutionize?

>why have a face if I can see it only in a mirror
fuck you and your doll house play

This is the worst opinion I've read today. Standing up and facing your opponent is square but rolling on the ground in full armour and jumping around like a retard is. kys

video games

Have you ever tried using a bow in third person? You'll needlessly make things harder for yourself.


it sold RPG to mainstream
I honestly think tw3 wouldn't be as big if not for skyrim breaking the ice.

look like you need to git gud

What kind of mental gymnastics is this?

Skyrim was Bullshit. Nobody should worry about the camera, in the end what matters is the content of the game, and if it is not as limited as for the normies as it was the Skyrim.

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everyone tried to copy it

Elder scrolls was already popular before skyrim.

By making ice maps?

the only reason people want to play in third person is doll dressup game, it's 5yo complex

GTAV first person is awful as far as first person goes. And it and RDR2 are pretty much the only game with both


Skyrim was a fail.

Same deal with Deus Ex 1, but you probably worship that game like the cocksucking cherrypicker you are.

it was 6m sold popular, it's 30m sold GTA tier popular now.

This is a half truth. Skyrim is looked at as the basic template for all of these open world games that are all the rage right now, even though the model was really ironed out with Morrowind.

by trying to make big sprawling open world games. look at far cry 3, breath of the wild, etc.

3rd person makes sense in games where the positioning of enemies in close range is relevant
outside of that one case first person is the immersive, natural option for anybody who plays on a PC primarily

I got your point if the dev trying to go for "realism" but that doesn't apply when your a a cop with cybernetics enhancement or a Vampire

GTA did that.

I think Skyrim sold more, due to the fact that it was sold not only on PC and xbox but also on PS3, in order notoriously the public, perhaps forgetting to have taken into account more than having had that same possibility.

>defending pointless character customization systems in fps games

I find playing my vampire character in third person and seeing them do cool shit in combat that doesn't play like ass is more immersive than playing as a floating arm and a gun/knife

So it revolutionized Bethesda's bank account?

>Demon's Souls revolutionized gaming by creating a persistent multiplayer coop and countercoop system that was also integrated within the game's worldbuilding

What did Skyrim do that compares to that?


it's thee to appeal to "roleplay" retards, I skip customization even in Bioware games, it's all waste of time not reflecting my character at all

World of Warcraft came out 7 years before Skryim, dude.

creating social phenomena is a revolution, you know
skyrim is diluted morrowind, sure

>skyrim invented memes

everquest was bigger.

You do realize you're playing a video game where you choose and customize your characters right? and video games =\= real world


world of warcraft was also a revolutionary game? what's your point, retard

You can changed Denton looks in Deus Ex?

>Morrowind was a error.
>Complex games are a cancer.

Hi guys.

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>3rd person makes sense in games where the positioning of enemies in close range is relevant
So... a game that have melee combat? like what OP just said?

It means that skyrim wasn't a revolutionary game. It wasn't even really an iterative game since it removed major features from previous games and replaced them with nothing.

you realize people are projecting their real life, their complexes and can't achieve true escapism no matter what, that would be clinically diagnosed if they could

It was very successful and was what turned everything into an open world game.

VTMB2 has bigger problems.

actually AC1 did that. then there was Outcast way back then, it's weird everyone forgot about that one

AC1 was not as successful as Skyrim and not nearly as open.

>and not nearly as open
oh it was open, it simply was empty
took ubi 10 years to add content.

CDPR should learn from one of the best

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So... peoples that play video games? like you?

it was 4 large levels, not a single cohesive open world

of course, there is no human without a complex or with perfect control of their psyche
it's about having an inner voice, my guess, I honestly do not like third person, I like to experience the world as closely as possible
it's subconscious self insert either way, so why not embrace it all the way?

>he wants to play another 3rd person cdpr game
>he thinks a game needs to be 3rd person to an rpg
fucking imagine being this much of a shit taste zoomer

and skyrim is 600 little levels by this logic. that's just being too technical.

look nigga if you really think assassin's creed was as revolutionary and successful as skyrim that's on you big dog

considering it sold for 15 years and made ubi billions, yeah it is as big as skyrim

I only played dmc, but it was bad. The combat system looks like it was taken straight from anime, with characters levitating in the air for a fucking minute,

How to make a good action rpg

>third person
>take some cues from japanese action games such as movement and fluid actions
>add some rpg shit like status effects and spells and stuff

Bingo bango, there ya go.

>I only played dmc, but it was bad.

You never played dmc, quit lying. or did you mean DmC, because there is a difference. Also airborne shit fits Bloodlines 2, since vampires can defy physics anyway.

>or did you mean DmC
I tried Devil May Cry 4 and DmC. Both felt like I was stuck in shitty anime.

Third person is cancer. Only reason to use it in fo is for the dot sight instead of the retarded ass actual. Eat shit Todd.

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>How to make a good action rpg
western developers can't do this, which is why they should stick to first person games. you'd know this if you weren't a literal retard. the only devs who can make good 3rd person action are japanese
>inb4 someone calls me a weeb
yes i am and i'm still right. name ONE (1) good 3rd person melee action game froma western developer than even comes close to a japanese game. western devs excel at first person and should stick to that, pic related being one of many example

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Severance Blade of Darkness

They need to try. Study what the Japanese have done, and emulate that. Its better than churning out souless fps games again and again. They already killed cyberpunk 2077 and vampire bloodlines 2 now.

Gow started this bullshit. It started the console port to pc. It started the idea of making pc a shit tier platform. Fuuuuuuck 3rd person anyfuckingthing

>>cdpr is ruining cyberpunk 2077 by making it fps only with occasional third person scenes
Imagine being so autistic that you care about this.

Imagine thinking third person is good.

>Bloodlines 2, a squeal to a classic game with full character creators and customization, has full character creators and customization.


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Todd Howard has done more to utterly fuck up role playing games than any other developer on the fucking planet.
His entire design philosophy can be summed up as "You know what role playing games have too much of? Role playing."

for real, tps sucks ass


they've been trying for years now, and all that ever happens is that they release a mediocre game that can't compete with their competition. they should stick to what they know best or we'll end up with more games with dogshit combat like the witcher or batman games

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You must be gay or paid to post so much aids

Skyrim and Fallout 4 both have shitty ass melee combat though

Rich Evans is a fuckhead who couldn't figure out Alien Isolation.

Starfield and The Elder Scrolls 6 are going to be the best games of all time.

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Wrong, the real truth is the camera that the game was initially designed around is the camera that will often feel way better.

Elderscrolls/Fallout feel better in first person
Gta/Pubg feel better in 3rd, etc.

Chivalry does have 3rd person though?

Not just shitty ass extra shitty ass. Fo76 did the bat some justice with its realistic knockdown mechanic but you can’t use it in 3rd person... whatever’s.

They're not emulating the Japanese though, they're emulating shit like assassin creed and god of war. Someone needs to sit these devs down, and force them to watch gameplay footage of japanese action games and play the games as well to better understand them. THEN they can try to do a western spin, after they actually get the base shit right. That, or let them do the game then have Japanese oversee it to fix it, like Itsuno did with DmC definitive edition. That game sucked ass but played better than any other western action game due to japanese intervention.

In other words you suck at third person games, gotcha.

Skyrim and Fallout 4 should be all the proof you need that Julian LaFey was the true genius at Bethesda.

Spent my allowance on jap games when I bought xenoblade. I’m done.

Why you need your paper doll everywhere you go? Even at the expense of immersion and accurate aiming?

Pure combat is not the point of RPGs.
With that logic, you can say those games are shit because their platforming is not good.

Im actually really glad that 2077 is first person.
Deus Ex and System Shock 2 made me realize how good first person scifi RPGs are

>It's amazing Todd Howard is the only Western dev who realized you can make a game have both first person and third person cameras
The animations and combat in Bethesda games suck ass, though.

Bendy plate armor. Still do the same thing in fo76

Do you fucking retards realize that there is more to the third person perspective than combat? How about....oh say......STEALTH. Like as in, THE ENTIRE GENRE OF ALL STEALTH GAMES ARE ALL THIRD PERSON.

Did you people actually play Vampire the Masquerade?

This has to be b8.

VtMB had perfectly acceptable stealth.

> I have to see myself to know if I’m in a shadow.
That’s enough mark.

Thief and Agony are both first person stealth games.

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>Akshually vampires can fly


That's a good one, you taffer.

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Zoomers. Children. Stealth games will always be third person. Do you think that Thief came before anything that paved the way first?


Smells like butthurt alright.

Not the first but certainly the most important and influential of the first wave of stealth games, also zoomers weren't even born yet when this game came out...

By your logic witcher 3 can't be immersive then unless you mod it to be an fps. Guess all that story and atmosphere and sounds and music were wasted on third person huh

Every Bethesda game had a garbage third-person view.

Cope harder

Metal Gear is my favorite series of all time. I wouldnt play thief expecting metal gear gameplay. First person is a perfectly valid format for video games. Get over it

>combat which consists 80% of the gameplay is not the point
Oh I guess it's the "story?

I dont know if they can fly fly, but I'm pretty sure they are very agile, way more than a human. Air combos aren't exactly impossible, just not to the extent of something like dmc or bayonetta obviously.

the original game already let you launch enemies and hit them as they fall, as shown in that video

Sorry that you think aesthetics are more important than quality gameplay.

actually, Metal Gears, Metal Gear Solid and Tenchu all came out first.

> First person is a perfectly valid format for video games
Sure it is. Does you see me railing against FPS games in general? No. Just the shitty Farcry stealth-heavy ones. And I'm not even asking for much, just the same concept at Bloodlines 1 and Deus Ex Human Revolution - FPS when in gun combat and third person when sneaking. But that's way too much to ask for the faggots like yourself.

>Waaahh who needs third person!!
Dude you all would play the fuck out of a new third person Tenchu game, just stfu.

I want both aesthetic and quality gameplay. Sadly DMC have neither.

You have shit taste. What a westaboo.

I have shit taste because I don't like bad games? Okay then.

Have you ever heard 'bout a game named "Thief" you fuckin moron ?

Yes user, you think good games are bad, that's the definition of having a shit taste

DMC isn't a bad game though, unless you mean the reboot.

>my allowance
zoomer detected

It does though, but your insistence on realism (which objectively makes gameplay worse) keeps you unable to appreciate it. Unfortunately you're just a narrow-minded plebeian who uses videogames as nothing more than escapism, so you'll never truly appreciate quality game design unless it's in an RPG with laughably shallow combat.

>which objectively makes gameplay worse
It makes the game believable and more pleasing to watch. DMC, where characters levitate and swing their weapons really-really fast looks just silly.

You are a good man.

But the best stealth game of all time was First Person.

Agony might be a Zoomer game but theef sure as shit isn't


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Looks more realistic than dmc while still being fun and over the top. Now what?

>Deus Ex Human Revoluton

Alright, no. Your opinion just got universally revoked. Deus Ex had far better stealth gameplay than those prequels.

Where did I say anything bad about BloodRayne?

We are talking about RPGs made by western developers. When has western dev made something with combat on level of Japanese third-person action games?

Bloodrayne 2 was ok.

First person is a lot more immersive for an RPG game.

Severance? Knights of the Temple? Those games are much better than japanese ones.

I really enjoyed the Dishonored Games, albeit the first one seemed to get better reception compared to the second.

Yeah playing as Thing from the addams family is more immersive than seeing your character you created

cdpr needs to remake witcher 3 to be first person, I want to play as geralts arm and feel truly immersed in novigrad

>Yeah playing as Thing from the addams family
So that's how you think of yourself?

V's body is fully rendered in-game and you can see it when you look down, it's not just a floating hand.

Witcher 3 did it right. I’m not going to argue against that. But you have to understand 3rd person is pretty shit on the whole.

Vr is already making you eat your words. You should make them sweet and savory.

>He doesn’t have a shitbag allowance.

go play kingdom come deliverance

todd pls

CoD is quite good with after all shitty games like ghosts or ww2 but it used to be great before mw3

>CDPR is copying Deus Ex
>you want them to copy fucking Bethesda

Neck yourself.

>claims first person stealth is objectively bad
>can't say shit about the best stealth game of all time, Thief

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Wow I can see my FEET! So immersive...

Talking to people is a pretty big part of V:TM in fact I'd probably say its the most important part in most WoD games I've played. Also considering part of the appeal of Vamp is the power fantasy of existing in the modern world but with magical powers that let you jump around and do whatever you want, the first person perspective is aiding in that.

That's been the trend since fucking gta 3.

I prefer third person cause at least I can fucking see what's around me
Fuck CoDbabby niggers ruining everything

>CoD invented first person perspective
what did you literally mean by this

reminder ll the tpfags in this thread are a single samefag with terminal autism

>first person is bad

Dark Messiah does it pretty well. But I agree with you 90%, third person melee allows you way more movement and attack options

I love that Cyberpunk is FPS only, it makes all the console children whine like little babies.

Enjoy aiming with your little sticks :^)