First for Virtual Vampire Christina Hendricks
Is that Jack?
who /ventrue/
>mention that I don't want trans issues shoved down our throats
>get banned from twitch chat
The game is too pozzed.
>corporations vs people plot
>tech boom politics
I like it.
My brujah is gonna fuck those suits up
Thin blood = mistake
What's your Yea Forumsampires pronouns?
for me it's they/them
He's in
No good discussion to be had with the current state o Yea Forums and its whining
>oh no, politics!
wasn’t the original game thoroughly imbued with libertarian ideology?
From the cleaver I think it's Vandal, the ghoul from the hospital who sells you blood and hates his mistress.
what's the answer for TenderBeta Live Event Special?
if white wolf has anything to do with it, expect it to be a tumblr tier 'progessive' cancer fest.
Do i go for it lads?
Will they at least avoid cancerous american race politics?
>he has vtmb uninstalled
Jack is a spanish pirate
>implying I ever uninstalled
I am way ahead of you.
Yeah, but it was okay then for some reason.
It was a anti Bush/Cheney shitfest.
baby/pol/ cant handle politics outside their "kill niggers lmao" bubble
I think it's funny that leftists think they're against corporations when they so willingly suck EA's and Disney's corporate dick.
looks like OC
Or Cane
Politics in 2004 meant letting you play as something people wouldn't normally do. Politics in 2020 means banning shit and deciding the writer's ideas are inherently right.
THAT is why people are worried about "politics".
think for yourself
What I've heard so far
>mass embrace happens that pisses the Camarilla off
>can change body type, choose background as a human
>start off as a thin-blood to introduce player to the world, then choose a clan/faction
>significantly more dialogue than the original bloodlines
>no quest markers
>"secret interactions"
>can glide, turn into mist to go through vents, and use telekinesis
>mostly first person with third person cutaways (maybe???)
>can drain certain types of blood that gives bonuses (to combat, seduction, etc)
>NPCs in Bloodlines 1 lied about something (???), takes place 15 years after Bloodlines 1 and the events in the game actually happened
>some fan favorite characters from the original will come back (???)
>Brian Mitsoda is lead writer, says the game "feels like Bloodlines"
>Avellone did some writing
Full fish Malk.
Gonna chill with that curly hair crazy bro watching tv.
>gender pronouns
>heres your new vampire game bro
>remember to get the day dlc
>also what pre op gender are you?
>corporations vs people plot
But that's Werewolf's plot, not Vampire's.
>Chris Avelonne
>dlc content already confirmed
Gee I sure am happy that they're digging out one of my favorite games and raping its corpse.
I once played a Gargoyle who was the collective self of all vampires murdered to create him. He did refer to himself as We. The only gender pronoun situation where it would be a good thing to have. Shame that no way in hell we would have gargoyles.
Just fuck off
Why do you keep spamming the UI designer, and conveniently leaving out the fact that Brian Mitsoda is the lead writer?
He knows that, but every time a game shoves politics into it, those faggots come out of the woodwork to start shit.
i'm in their discord do i ask
Did no one told this guy his gloves are stupid?
>Your character can shemale like Sarina Valentina
obviously just a shill.
bullshit only /pol/tards worry about "politics" because they can't even handle some random black dude in the background
>A year away
>implying I ever uninstalled it
General shitposters fixate on appearance instead of the actual worries like a journalist being a senior writer or Brian walking back basically the entirety of malks
They're saying in the new game that they're trying to avoid mental illness. So no Malks. But if you complain then you're a bad person for being against their "politics" injected into the game since there was "politics" in 2004. Guess you just have to take it :^)
>that pisses the Camarilla off
[Masquerade violation]
what a fag
I hope they handle thin-blood getting stronger part well. Other than that sounds pretty cool
>game is gonna be full of race bait
Poor guy was a nerve wreck he couldn't properly answer a single question ;_;
*where big tiddie big dick goth gf
>>start off as a thin-blood to introduce player to the world, then choose a clan/faction
That's not how it works
>>can glide, turn into mist to go through vents, and use telekinesis
That's definitely not how it works if this is for every character
>yet nothing I said was incorrect
you fucking shills need to be shoad
That's a hot boy.
Well thats cool time to forget this ever existed until day of release see you all there
Why don't YOU fuck off? Seriously.
show some respect to the legend
>this is nice, let's see what the fans feel after all this wait in these fast threads
America needs to be destroyed.
big tiddie lil dick locked in chastity goth gf master race
>that string of precum stuck to her tits
based strawman poster
The malk in bloodlines was way over the top by the standards of the lore. It was actually a wacky "fishmalk" which is the term used to describe playing a malkavian for laughs, i.e. very poorly.
If we get more grounded malkavians that's going to be more authentic and true to the setting. The most believable malk in the original game is fucking Grout.
I'm doing it. This and Cyberpunk 2077 will be my two pre-orders this year. No rick no reward.
>It’s definitely taking political stances on what we think are right and wrong
>The developer is taking a refreshing approach of weaving politics into the game, both in terms of narrative and gameplay.
>Clooney says it’s central to Bloodlines 2 that the writers are actively taking a political stance in this sequel
>gender pronouns
>senior writer Cara Ellison
>Ellison [...] worked as a narrative consultant on 2016’s Dishonored 2.
>“It’s fifteen years later and things have changed,” Mitsoda said. “We have to be very sensitive about how we handle things like mental illness and that was a concern for us and for Paradox, in how we can make a mature story but if we do anything, we do our homework and make sure that we are punching up and not punching down.”
>“It was very of its time,” Ellison said of the first game. “It approached certain topics differently. How we look at stuff has matured since then.”
I can't believe its fucking real
I keep looking at the steam page and im STILL in disbelief
>It’s definitely taking political stances on what we think are right and wrong
>The developer is taking a refreshing approach of weaving politics into the game, both in terms of narrative and gameplay.
>Clooney says it’s central to Bloodlines 2 that the writers are actively taking a political stance in this sequel
>gender pronouns
>senior writer Cara Ellison
>Ellison [...] worked as a narrative consultant on 2016’s Dishonored 2.
>“It’s fifteen years later and things have changed,” Mitsoda said. “We have to be very sensitive about how we handle things like mental illness and that was a concern for us and for Paradox, in how we can make a mature story but if we do anything, we do our homework and make sure that we are punching up and not punching down.”
>“It was very of its time,” Ellison said of the first game. “It approached certain topics differently. How we look at stuff has matured since then.”
This is going to be amazeballs!
Good job proving his point
expect threads for months. Yea Forums loves VtMB
This announcement was a great /pol/ filter. They are the minority of autistic shitposters repeating the same shit over and over.
The trailer shows you using telekinesis to grab a weapon from afar. If I remember correctly there were a similar power in the rulebook but I can't remember the name for it. If I recall correctly it was a Tremere ability too.
>plays music saying nigga in a dev stream.
Is this a sequel? I thought the gehenna happened after the first game?
Bella Delphine is female, and she makes like 160k a month from betas
wasn't there a vtm(?) visual novel thing that came out where there was a section about some vampire cab driver bragging about sucking people's dicks for agreeing with her or killing them if they said they were voting for trump? i think that's what people are more worried about.
>Punishes you for violating the masquerade
Caitiff and thin bloods can create their own disciplines though and being accepted into a clan after the embrace isn't unheard of, although very rare. But being this is a single player game playing a special snowflake is not an issue.
fuck off, ventrue here
based natalie poster
>“It approached certain topics differently. How we look at stuff has matured since then.”
Confirmed dead on arrival
The original VTMB literally had entire lines dedicated to shitting on Bush and the Republican Party
The difference is that back then no one gave a shit because the internet wasn't taken seriously and everyone would laugh at you for getting mad over it but now the retards have flooded in and get upset over everything
Gender Sliders are based, just check out Saints Row 2
Thin Blood has been confirmed to be just the tutorial, you'll eventually pick a clan
Who is this?
Lower your expectations.
Not nu-Yea Forums, they only want to shitpost about politics.
Dead in the fucking water.
Who cares about this shit? The real issue is race bait shit if they have it in the game.
what kind of music are we expecting in the game?
Stop getting your political input off Yea Forums, youtube and the donald, get a life.
All the red flags are there, no sympathy for anyone that gets burned by this.
This could be the biggest disappointment of your life.
>MARCH 2020
So march 2021 once it comes to steam?
Its not alien to the revised edition sourcebook, you being classified as a Caitiff and then as you get used to your blood/power/existence your clan manifest. But its like you said, its really a snowflake thing to do. Just write the clan in your fucking sheet and roleplay that you dont know what the fuck you are
whats the game look like tho?
It doesn't matter. It won't be as kino as the original, even if they got Rik back he admitted there's no way he could make a soundtrack as good because he made the original VTMB soundtrack when his life went to shit and he's a different person now
> no crazy vampires
Fucking why? Was the the most original bloodline of the setting.
If you want to make it more serious, go for it, but dont take away dementation from me..
Will ventrue be the fascists?
She has a bigger benis than you
Natalie Mars
natalie mars, a tranny pornstar
I just know it won't be my boy Schaffer, and I'm not ready to be hurt like that.
We need to send him back to prison, for the good of the game
Hype can quickly turn to anger.
I'm going to pirate It.
>no ps4
I'm so fuxking excited bros
>Trailer wasn't actual game play
Yeah it's over bros...
>no Malks
Nope. They said they want to be careful about how they handle mental illness. So no fishmalks
damn, when did he say this on his twitter or something? that’s sad
>Just write the clan in your fucking sheet and roleplay that you dont know what the fuck you are
That's probably how it will work, your character will "discover" his clan.
Posting this because people have been mad about the knowledge of playing as a thin-blood and worried about how they'll handle diablerie since it its big vampire crime.
For those that don't know, a Blood Hunt is basically a death sentence for a Camarilla vampire. I can see the game opening with one being offered up to you for being a good boy, giving you full-fledged vamp abilities and choosing your clan.
There's also a system now, which was introduced in Becketts Jyhad Diary, where a thin-blood from an older era who has survived for long enough, is able to naturally become a 13th Generation Vampire simply by passing the time, though I highly doubt they'll use that for this game.
Place your bets on what the characters shown so far will be like
>the big titted fancy woman
>the smug shit on the piano behind her
>the casual man drinking blood from a mug
>this bald fucker
>the nosferatu in the trailer
>sweden yes SJW faggotry
the original VtM:B would never get made in todays climate
Shitting on one group is so astronomically different from REMOVING THE MALKAVIAN CLAN over the idea that you shouldn't have fun with mental illness. Their politics are not a flavor of NPC dialogue, it's a changing of the entire game and how you're allowed to play. That is why they're hated. They always go too far and never leave people alone.
Proceed with caution.
This. Fuck fishmalks and the people who enjoyed that shit.
Shes a terrible porn actor. Great look for a tranny but I've never seen anyone have less fun on a porn set, she puts JAV actresses to shame.
This announcement was a great /red.dit/ filter. They are the minority of autistic shitposters repeating the same shit over and over. crying about /pol/ because they dont suck enough black cocks or something
sorry fag no one cares how much you want black dudes fuck your boipussy and stop spamming the threads
Plus the discord trannies seem to be trying to stir the pot with forced negativity for (you)s. So look forward to at least of week of bait threads.
Goddamn it, why...
You first, tranny discord keyboard activist.
>they fucked up by being liberal religious fanatics
>can clearly see the markings on the wall that they will do it again on this game
God let me be wrong this time. Please.
We better have some Genitorturers tracks
Going to replay VTMB. Unofficial patch or final nights?
discord trannies are on high alert right now.
Caitiffs sure but fucking thinbloods?
They're kill on sight weenies that are a pointy tooth away from being normal humans
You're either gonna be vastly outgunned by actual vampires or the most super special snowflake vampire jesus that there ever was
based and bloodpilled
>We have to be very sensitive about how we handle things like mental illnes
Yeah, because in a fictional pseudo-Earth with vampires and werewolves, calling in illnesses that would be related to that may trigger someone.
At least post the other ones, like his army of faggots or muh Tremere feminist if you want more (you)s
They aren't removing it you faggot. They're toning it down from the Deadpoollite/lolsorandumb bullshit that it used to be.
>bawww don't talk badly about my favorite thing bawww
Stop being a delusional retard and realize that so far there's basically no information other than progressive political bullshit. There's nothing to be positive about and everything to be negative
its pretty obvious that Therese or Jeanette will make an appearance because they are the waifus, how about the fags?
which husbando will make a comeback besides Beckett?
I will party in every club as toreador u wino
>says the fox dicksucker
I would prefer to see more realistic malks but I am actually a little worried about who they're listening to as far as "updating" malkavians. I've seen complaints in the past regarding classifying mental conditions as "derangements" and having a vampire clan who is explicitly cursed with said traits. There's a weird mental illness positivity movement that takes issue with the very idea that mental illnesses are negative qualities to be sought cures for. I just hope they stick to their guns and portray mental illness honestly.
Sorry this is a discord tranny only thread, all /pol/ fags can leave, this game is not for cis white males
The demon and werewolf sidebars are not sjw. A demon take identity from people. If the lady in red is usefull to you, you can become one (yeah demon is pretty much matrix the game, agents are angels)
The werewolf sidebar is because some powers allow you to change shape, sex and so on. Thats usefull for lying to people and shit. So they just tried to say what happens if you know... You fuck while on genderbender.
That explains the weird nose.
>New devs show no sign of chronic depression
It won't be the same
So what kind of politics will be in the game other than gay shit which is fine?
I'm sure Strauss will come back.
the only real question that remains:
are kuei-jin in the game?
>Be thinblood getting shat on by everyone
>The kind Camarilla offer you a way out
>"Of course we care for the little goy, er, I mean, guy. We just need you to do a little favor."
>Diablerize some fucker who crossed the idiot prince
>Power up and become a happy slave for the camarilla, who sanctioned you and have their hooks on your ass
Maybe that's the setup.
If we're lucky. No.
whom is this semen daemon?
Really going to enjoy going from a 8th generation to a 13th.
It was in an interview somewhere. He also said he made the Hollywood theme the day he got released from prison. He said he was basically a character in the game when he was young but now he's different
>It sort of makes sense if you just have the PC do the vampire equivalent of murder rape that gives you a permanent sign telling everyone around you at all times that you are a murder rapist
Damn you're right how foolish of me
That Funyarinpa is a fake! It must apologize to the real Funyarinpa!
I get people being nervous about that, but the cabbie was a brujah, who are known for being outrageous and edgy. Looked like satire to me
vampire """misogyny"""
>for LGBTQ identities and mental illness
Is this poster mocking the degenerates or is he unironic?
It's going to be shit because the game won't have the balls to name the jews.
I expected no less to be honest. The potential for these "people" to produce disgust never ceases to amaze me.
even her videos with bad dragon dildos are boring, how do you take a horse or dinosaur dick up the bum and make it uninteresting?
That'd be pretty neat. I just hope Nosferatu are playable.
I'd like for the Tremere pyramid the likes of Strauss make an appearance. Not particularly because I like him but because I think nearly all Tremere should know each other. And you get a feeling that they know shit they aren't telling if they passingly reference the past game.
Plus in my head the most likely official game ending was the Tremere coup one.
My guess? Government surveillance and datamining, especially given all the Tender shit that would cause MASSIVE problems for the Masquerade
I expect gentrification and stagnant wages to be tackled. Seattle being a hallmark example of both.
This can't be real
I just hope the level design isn't more linear/corridor'd to 'focus' the player along the main path, as opposed to B1 just encouraging exploring because there was something of interest around every god damn corner in that map.
UP it up
>talking shit about mitsoda
go fuck yourself buddy
Get back in your hole
He made the connection but the programming was too strong.
im treating this game like Tides of Numenera until further notice
nah nvm, you asked cause youre attracted, congratz youre gay now faggot, welcome to the club
it is except mitsoda took the swedepill and is now an SJW
What I worry about is politics deciding the plot with things the writers like being "Right" choices vs "Wrong" ones. I almost always side with Strauss and the Camarilla in the original game but imagine a game punishing me choosing a facist origination as opposed to the right choice of siding with the Anarchs who now are less concerned with their own freedom than making sure everyone uses Xir/Xer based pronouns
>I can't let you in if you're a fascist, user.
Wut do?
The US literally drone strikes vampires.
We're going to start as thin bloods? How are clans going to work? Do we end up draining an older vampire in the tutorial or something?
What the FUCK is this game, why is there a sequel, and why is it being shilled on Yea Forums right now.
i never played the original and im only here to give my condolenses to the fans of the original game
maybe the gameplay will be good?
who am i kidding sjw's cant program for shit
Don't pretend there isn't a minstrel show effect when it comes to how mental illness is treated in fiction.
If your making a serious game you probably don't want your psychotic character to come off as Harley Quinn
No thanks
Haven't seen this much falseflag, larp and shitty bait in a while. Not even DMC, Cathrine or epic store shit brought out zoomer cancer in such droves. I'll wait until Europe is awake. Burgers, leafs and auscucks lost their humanity a long time ago. Mere beasts starving for attention. At least showing optimistic non-burger factinonalized politic expectations from actual fans isn't something euros shame each other for. Enjoy stewing in the shitheap you anglos shat out until you fuck off to bed before mommy grounds you.
I wonder if Theo will be a character, he’s not dead (is he? havent really been keeping up)
>Clooney says it’s central to Bloodlines 2 that the writers are actively taking a political stance in this sequel
>It’s definitely taking political stances on what we think are right and wrong
>conveniently leave out that they're taking a political stance on art versus commerce and technological advance versus tradition
You /pol/niggers are just as bad as SJWs when it comes to deliberately taking things out of context
They haven't removed Malkavians at all though, they are included like any of the other major clans in the 5e rulebook
god I hate modern Yea Forums
Shut the fuck up newfag I wont spoonfeed you
thats obviously a fucking spider web
>"Right" choices vs "Wrong" ones
You won't be allowed to make the wrong ones user
no one cares
All politics aside you guys should still be wary. do you remember this amazing trailer? Do you remember how awful the actual game was after such a long wait? Don't give yourself to the hype
They literally never said they are removing Malkavians, they just said they are being careful with how they handle mental illness. I interpreted that as "no fishmalks/no lolsorandom i'm crazy" shit
I really, really want you to kill yourself, larping 8gagger.
Tender would be run by vampires, problem would be indeed the NSA. And whatever is called the agency of the setting that deal with occult/supernatural bullshit. I forgot the name
>If your making a serious game
And this is why Bloodlines 2 will fail
You don't know about Bloodlines? Jesus you newfags stick out like a sore thumb.
>whites being literally GENOCIDED in south africa, while every white native nation gets unprecedented levels of immigrants that, by their own words are there to breed the native population out
My blood boils
I want my psychotic characters to initially appear eccentric/touchy, before later on seeing how far they're fallen down the well come later convos.
I think you are the only one here obsessed with fox's cock.
Though I am unable to challenge your assertions because of your skin color I'll have you know I bash fash.
>big titted fancy woman
100% Camarilla.
I'm fine with libertarians, but not liberals, which is what this game seems to be.
maybe you're working for the Sabbat who say "fuck the Camarilla, fuck the rules, and fuck the Masquerade."
that will probably explain why you diablerize someone and gain access to their clan powers.
>Sarina Valentina
Why can't I stop watching?!
He broke away from the Camarilla in the new lore updates for V5
>2013 oldfag here and UH I just HATE Yea Forums now!
I wouldn't worry about that given that vampires tend to think of humans as cattle and their own politics, regarding egalitarianism and injustice and the like, are well justified and explained. There's enough of a gap between vampire and human society that I think most writers don't mind sympathizing with a character that they dislike or would disagree with.
Really there's nothing in VTM as overtly political as the Carthian movement in VTR and there hasn't been any objections on the basis of strident, sincere politics from what I've seen.
>serious game
But this is supposed to be VTMB2
>VTMB2 has a questionnaire in character creation
>cool, fill it out
>Game determines it doesn't like your politics
>Um, sweaty? No fascists allowed in our inclusive game.
>Game uninstalls itself
It's gonna suck.
You get to choose dumbasses. Multiple factions confirmed.
You mean the company now owned by Disney? Way to prove him right, dumbass.
does anyone think this game will have the balls to include things like the tzimisce snuff video? All RPGs are toned down as fuck nowadays
this is your brain on /pol/
Why would anyone choose dumbasses?
That's gonna kinda fuck up the game being a hub based dialogue heavy RPG when every NPC with auspex immediately wants to kill you
Grout was a pretty good depiction of a malk and mental illness in general. Albeit, the mansion was way over the top but that comes with the territory of being an old, powerful vampire.
That works too
Why is it that leftists chose to die on the trans aren't mentally ill hill?
I'm more of an oldfag than you, I just don't use the garbage dump of Yea Forums. I was on /new/ back when freedom of speech still existed on Yea Forums.
>tfw lost my WoD folder a couple of years ago
Never played the first game, what's so great about it?
you forgot
>sjw vampires
Looks like a fun ironic shitpost to me. You however do look like a seething triggered tranny.
Dunno, brujahs aren’t so great
>hating 1s and 0s so much that you cant take a joke
grow a sense of humor. or stop taking strogen so your sense of humor stop being effected
>its another 'user sets up a strawman to argue against' episode
How should I play my second playthrough, Yea Forums?
First time I had a Dio run, was Ventrue, acted like an asshole and put points on melee. Oh I also opened it
why are you here
>a VTMB sequel set in my hometown
holy FUCK
need a vampire gib blood pepe edit
because its technically not classified as a mental illness or something like that
Oldfags know to lurk before posting shit that makes them look retarded you /new/fig
We're going home.
Not every thread has to be about trannies you obsessed retard.
really hard to tell if someone is serious or not when there are people who post like this unironically
The game takes place in Seattle which has a prominent Chinatown so it isn't impossible
Do malk
they're literally for ng+
cry about it
second this, the fuck is it
Anarchs are political on Vampire Bloodlines. To the point that people would think the Carthian Movement was just the anarchs 2.0. Not completely wrong if you ask me, specially at the hands of bad writers. But any human goverment, different from the kindred one, applied to vampires, would be squeezed into carthian. A right x left infighting on the carthian movement would be legit. On VTM in general it has no place, and the anarchs are pure lefty.
they literally confirmed that there isn't even going to be a questionnaire, that's the entire point of you starting as a thin-blood, so you can get introduced to the vampire world and make a better decision on what clan you want to join
if you're going to shitpost at least try to put some effort into pretending to care about a game you haven't played
If you haven't done a celerity and guns playthrough it's worth the visit. Celerity is so fucking absurdly good in Bloodlines, have no idea how they're going to balance it in the sequel.
I actually like DoW3 but i play Orks so there's that. WAAAAAAAAGGGHHHHHH
Been here since 2007 dumbass. Yeah I remember [insert old board here] too but you're still a tourist and a newfag.
i mean think about it.
The Sabbat are made up of clans who wish to survive at all costs. They're exploiting useless thinbloods into carrying out their dirty work in wiping out all other clans to ensure their survival. It's a brilliant plan when you think about it. No one will ever suspect thin bloods are capable of anything.
But that's literally what Bloodlines 2 is going to be filled with. Fuck the mentally ill trannies, user.
Wait didn't gehenna already happened? why is there a sequel?
Demographic changes.
The same way that the non Whites are taking over the native populace of America so too will the vampires take over the demographic of humans.
Seattle has a Chinatown. I doubt Ming or the original Kuei Jin will show up tho, since Ming gets killed in nearly all of the endings except the one where she backstabs you
This question applies to all media, not just vidya, but
>Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines
>Star Wars: Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy
>Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice for All
Is there a rule against using multiple colons if the title of a work has multiple subtitles? Why does no one write it "Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines"? Like, what's the harm in doing that, and who made up the rule saying that you can't?
The best kind of politics would be, perhaps uncovering just how little power democracy truly has in the current world, big corporations having a fuckload of power, perhaps indeed some some of brain control and brainwashing through phone apps, so that people become willing blood bags...
why so serious user?
Why are people saying that they are using dying light engine?
All oldfags left for the real chan, not this pozzed shithole full of tranny operatives.
Do you ever wonder why you spend all day seething over trannies? Do you think there is a psychological reason?
please look forward to oppressed minorities vs evil big bad oppressors : vampire edition
start as a weak marginalized thinblood and grow to live out your power fantasies
Money to milk a fanbase.
lurk moar
>inb4 the game is an elaborate deconstruction of identity politics and how the vampire (((elites))) use it and the media to keep the kine at each others' throats to distract from the Masquerade
Celerity is also broken on tabletop, you can do five actions while your enemy does one. So that was by design
Two : looks dumb
>the non Whites are taking over the native populace of America
have you heard of native americans?
They decided that Gehenna doesn't happen.
I think this is due to cWoD's setting still being preferred for the sake of narrative even if nWoD has better mechanics for the tabletop.
Phoenix Wright Ace attorney is the title of the series.
Justice for all is the sub title
>start weak get strong
like every RPG faggot
True freedom of speech of speech never existed on Yea Forums, so that line alone proves that you're a newfag
It's kind of a mystery. Because it's Paradox I'd like to say they would be cool with it. Swedes aren't known for their aversion to degeneracy. But they've gotten awfully soft these days.
>native populace of America
I get what you mean but you guys aren't fucking natives. I'm a native of my country because my ancestors have lived here for thousands of years. We have a connection to this land.
Nope, I'm just sane and see the hatred and destruction of my race, and unlike I'll muslim trannies, I actually don't want my noble race that gave birth to civilisation to die out.
>I actually like DoW3
you faggots ruined video games and especially WRPGs my favorite genre so I'm platinum mad.
those people that were slaughtered by the invasion force?
yeah thats why we dont want a demographic change otherwise we would have to slaughter even more brown people. last time we did that they kept bitching at us for what, 400 years now?
It just looks ugly.
The entire ARG was great. When the mask dropped and the guy started talking about kindred and kine and the intro music blared I was so fucking hype. The effort they put into that alone gives me hope for this game.
Put out a remaster of the original for all modern systems if you get a chance Paradox.
>The developer is taking a refreshing approach of weaving politics into the game
Non ironically, that was the first edition. Vampire only became a decent game at the second one.
Never played the first one.
How was it ?
>corporations vs people plot
No, it will be a POCs vs white people plot.
Yeah, thought it was pretty funny, pretty self aware too
turns out the characters lied to you about that happening
>Why would we actually go off of the plot of the original game when we can just make more money off the name and talk about Trump?!
Who cares? You'll all say the first one was better anyway.
Any word on clans ? I really hope for kyasids and other fae shit.
Not everybody plays videogames to ignore their surroundings tho
>Game about degeneracy
ok retard
my point is that the natives were not white
I'll be the first to admit it, user. I seeth about trannies because psychologically... I fucking hate them and I want to kill them.
>i actually like DoW3
>also on consoles
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, and you PCfags want to play the game? kekekekkek
Wait has there been any actual statement that this is going to heavily feature identity politics or is this just manufactured outrage as per usual? I'll throw my hat in the ring with you guys once I actually know more about this shit.
It's more consistent. Also, why don't people just use a hyphen/dash instead of a colon if there's only one subtitle?
>finally get what I want
>filled with sjw shit
Somehow I doubt that gays and pronouns will be the only sjw related thing in this game, and adding sjw pc culture shit, will force the game to neuter itself on the choices/writing department
Nope. The website has six TBC spaces
I picked either Toreador or Ventrue my first playthrough though I never finished the game. What clan should I go with for my first actual playthrough?
Stupid walking sim
What the fuck am I looking at?
Very honest of you but that's indicative of an underlying pathology.
I'm going to find a fucking hat to call it mine just so I can eat it if that's the case, I absolutely doubt it.
Isn't this going to be set in Old WoD where Demons are traditional demons rather than matrix agents? In Old WoD demons also have a close relationship with the Baali clan. Not like any will actually appear in the game so it won't matter, but demons are really different depending on which WoD you're talking about.
WoD has been on the progressive side since the 90s and has always had a large LGBT-whatever-base. I don't know what you expected, user.
playing it right now and this basically sums it up so far
You're a retarded election tourist that can't stay on his board and shits up every thread on this site. Please go do something mental so you can get locked away from the internet.
Gender sliders a thing, nonbinary pronouns a thing, male oppression and systematic misogyny in the vampire community, DANALD DRUMPFFFFTT!, race baiting, white privilege being a master evil plan from a cabal of supernatural evil vampires.
I meant in terms of the nation: The United States of America.
Can't wait for ol' Billy to start spamming his OAG articles about how degenerate the lore is, not because of the lore mind you, but because modern politics.
>Clooney says it’s central to Bloodlines 2 that the writers are actively taking a political stance in this sequel
This is all I needed to know. The game is going to be complete garbage.
Go back to the "real chan" then you pathetic faggot.
>Takes place in Seattle
Guess there'll be no shortage of homeless to drink.
A book so bad that caused an international incident and got White Wolf banned from ever writing a WoD book ever again.
If you're a nazi alt-righter, you are literally forbidden from playing Vtm or else!
There almost no statements about anything other than the game is about politics, there's gender pronouns and a textbook SJW statement about mental illness and punching upwards
saints row is a joke series. this is supposed to be grimdark real
Why shouldn't I be disgusted by trannies? Have you seen them? Just about every single one of them are disgusting looking men in girls clothes. Did you see that cringe Gamestop man getting upset because the cashier called him a he? Disgusting.
>We don't want to make people upset because mental health is something very important
>No Malk for you
So what's keeping you? You're not some soi cuck afraid of trannies are you? Start the fire, don't be the "can't somebody else do it" cuckold. Be an hero.
One new shill thread
At least pay Yea Forums for shilling your sjw game
alright, makes sense now
Politics are a central part of the setting though.
Wait what? When did this happen and where can I read about it?
Which is why I said somehow I doubt it will be just gays and pronouns.
I am disgusted and annoyed by people who get excited for marvel movies but I don't want to kill these people.
No FISH MALK you thick, thickety cunt.
No fishmalks is a good thing. Doing actual realistic Malkavians is far more interesting than Deadpool: the Vampire.
It would be cool but so many licences and shit and people to track down it would probably be easier to remake the old game with #2's engine.
Jesus fucking christ this is fucking madness.
user, there's no shortage anywhere in America.
I for one expected a game that would let me play a blood sucking monster who should by all rights be above politics forced to deal with the political backstabbing of the undead
Instead I get a game where I get to play a cum drinking non-binary lesbian man dealing with the retarded identity politics that pervade every facet of modern life
I don't know what to tell you, those were both good choices as a first run. Tremere is also a secondary choice but very slightly different from the main choices. Malkavian is HIGHLY reccomended as a secondary playthrough as literally all the game text for the player is rewritten to both work as normal but be slightly incomprehensible. Nosferatu is a special snowflake choice as you can't walk around like normal, which completely changes the game.
Because they seem to be doing a good job of killing themselves without my help.
Oh shit, it's AestheticGamer.
Look into the v5 chechnya debacle. I don't have any sympathy for the devs though, pack of complete fucking idiots.
thanks for the free copy
Game is WoD , 5th edtion. I was replying to the image. Sidebars from some vampire book talkint about trannies and a descent and forsaken talking about becoming someone from other sex / gettng pregnants. Not sjw at all.
About demons on wod. The world was literally shit, hell was breaking apart, all demons were escaping. But i dont know what happened on the metaplot. I dont care about world of darkness anymore.
>>Kill them
>>Kill them all
Seattle is a shithole. It's 3rd world levels.
>but I don't want to kill these people.
You should. Marvel drones are subhuman. Trannies even less so.
>How come Ventrue are only 2% of the Camarilla population, yet are Princes of 90% of Camarilla-controlled cities?
Colons are more formal. Dashes are generally used to convey something more abrupt, and should be used sparingly.
Nice excuse, coward. Yet they grow in numbers and will do so. By not taking a real action, you basically accept them..
Nosferatu is still a fun playthrough but in my experience you can basically walk around as normal. You gotta get really close and linger for a bit to cause a masquerade violation.
>or even pre modern ideals
The fucking horror.
it waqsnt in the age of snowflakes and sjw femenists etc.
You know the image of a black gay muslim that keeps getting spammed? It's that, on the book the cases where gays in Chechnya got abducted tortured and killed the book writes it off as ebul Camarilla false flagging against muslims. Except the actual government of Chechnya got involved.
seethe tranny, people cheer when your disgusting kind kills itself
has the first game aged well? worth a 20?
Good thing you won't have to play it then. You should try saying no to playing games that triggers you.
I'd expect Paradox to know enough to not let it get out of control, but who knows for sure. Bethesda doesn't mind letting culturally cuckolded Swedes take Wolfenstein from a fun parody to leftist preaching, and we're going to see the same thing again with Rage 2 (not-Trump is the villain).
Great game, well worth the full price
Watch the game nerf every class that is not a genderfluid diversity queen.
I'm familiar with that and don't have a problem with it either. My fear is that it will be less like old WoD and more like
Thanks for reminding me Yea Forums will never have comfy VTMB threads again
Great game but pirate it.
>believing the trailer
Pirate instead, the devs are long gone
Fuck man it didn't even launch well. It's a very rough gem that's worth playing but it absolutely needs patching.
Also, just pirate it. The devs don't receive your money, just Activision.
thigns have been relatively the same over the years. just social media thats revealed a lot. but its always been the same.
You might as well just pirate it, the studio that developed the game died before it was released. Look for the unofficial patch and maybe the clan quest mod should you finish a playthrough
Don't bother buying it, the devs dissolved long ago and the only ones who would profit are some random publisher that bought the rights for peanuts years ago
Just pirate the game and install the unofficial patch, it's a great time
Consider me interested.
I honestly hope there's two flavors of Malk. One where you have episodes of some form of psychosis and another "Wild Wasteland" kind of Fishmalk where you are bombarded with goofy easter eggs.
I played it recently, it plays fine if a bit janky
I would say pirate it because none of the money goes to the original devs but it does hold up really good. It runs on the source engine and actually released before HL2. Just install the unofficial patch and it will fix all the bugs that killed it on launch. I wish I could play it for the first time again.
>you don't get to write fiction, you're not allowed to write this kind of fiction.
What the fuck are you talking about?
Naturally, it is in the USA after all. A country where everything is third world, right down to every single individual, every single conscious thought from every single anglo
>I expect swedes not to let it get out of control
what did he mean by this
Imagine if the original Deus Ex was made today
It's on the GOG sale right now.
>This is a roleplaying game and you can literally be ANYTHING
>Now there's a list of things you can't be or do or ELSE
Even by USA standards it is bad. It's also full of Antifa.
What do you expect? This site is fucking garbage now. Every thread gets derailed by cancer we're not supposed to point out.
Nobody asked for a sequel and the first game is fucking forgettable.
Yeah yeah we get it you're an oldfag.
same shit you faggot.
Reminder that GOG version comes with community patch implemented
Yea Forums would love it for being "woke" and "whateverpilled"
What do you mean by that?
deus ex got newer more popular games and it didn't stop comfy threads.
They effectively confirmed on stream it's v5 because it and the game were developed together
Enjoy your hell
You know we're talking about vampires right?
Paradox usually seem to avoid this shit. I don't recall any of their games having too much politics.
>the first game is fucking forgettable
>fucking forgettable
Then why does Yea Forums still love it? Checkmate, atheist.
Changeling game when
>I'm and oldfag guys!
>I use terms that haven't been used on this site in ages that I read on ED!
>Its perfectly reasonable that I've been on Yea Forums more than a year and not heard about VTMB
This is a bait post right?
>all of the fucking secondaries ruining the threads for the original game
They wrote way, way too closely to then current political events. VtM never did this, though VtmB did include a few lines about republicans if I'm not mistaken. People here like to say the game was "sjw" or "liberal" but the politics of the real world were really not a big focus in that game. A lot of it was just You the player being courted by Anarchs and the Camarilla establishment.
>clans are totally not just another way to implement class
I thought werewolves just hated anything more technologically advanced than pointy rock tied to stick?
And its in first person only. this time line is my shit.
>you get one (1) chance to make a sequel to an extremely cult classic that failed financially
>you pick seattle
>not fucking Chicago
And what clan is a 'genderfluid diversity queen'? You're not making any sense. Almost like you haven't any knowledge of the setting.
Yes it's amazing!! Go get it now!
But be warned, you'll never fill the void once you're done with it, VTMB2 won't fill that hole thanks to modern ideals.
Battletech had gender pronoun options and brown characters. The game is fine, but you literally cannot talk about it on Yea Forums because it gets spammed by crossboarding idiots.
Geist game when? Imagine all the underworld mods. Infinite possibilities.
deus ex predicted 9/11. so no, you cant really imagine a prediction
go defend your day 1 dlc shit elsewhere.
Actually, I've played WoD games for years, thank you very much. They were always left-leaning (hell, they even made fun of themselves in Werewolf about it) but they never went full retarded.
Quite literally what the writers of the books said
Some do, some are dogs behind a computer.
I don't want to imagine
Going to recreate those "/pol/ plays watch dogs" videos but with Not-Amazon employees
Will it become Epin store exclusive?
We just gotta keep going until people get bored of posting the same shit over and over again
They say it in the interview although you can customize your self its in first person only.
I dont get whats wrong with this. If youre a nazi and offended by this, then dont play like they asked
Never played it but usually the only Paradox games I tend to play are their grand strategy. I still remember when they were just the guys who made the map painting simulators.
Sorry, I don't support discrimination and marginalization of innocent nazis
that defeats the whole purpose though lol
Thanks for confirming that you're just a crossboarder and a tourist.
WoDfags, is it true that humans are objectively worse and more cruel than the vampires in this setting?
Some article interview said there's sections of third person
You are missing the point.
And no, im not a nazi, and yeah i not paying, buying, pirating the game, just because of how retarded they are
If you want to play a nazi you can always download Racial Holy War. If I were running a vampire game and someone presented me an earnest nazi character I wouldn't be offended as much as wonder what the fuck is wrong with them.
Whats Paradox interactives role in all this?
>in this setting
iirc they are capable of as much flexibility as vampires in general, the thing is that in the GAME the human characters will be even more evil than the vampires.
No one's as bad as a Tzimisce.
kys tourist.
Is that actually him?
Yeah and back then it didn't mean nothing because politics weren't the living breathing force behind every decision in entertainment.
Yeah because vampire nazis have never been done in fiction before, only a sick mind could conceive of such a combination.
why the fuck would you have to point out for nazis to not play your game? nazis dont fucking exist anymore user. its almost been 100 fucking years. Theyre DEAD. They LOST
theyre not sticking it to bigots when doing this, theyre annoying the people that wanna enjoy the thing
Shut this down, Caitiff.
Battletech also have a couple other pants-on-head retarded SJW bullshit but overall is pretty tame, even if it actually affects the overall tone of the game. I'd be OK with Bloodlines 2 not being worse than that.
Not really, there are some caricatures here and there, like the jew happy he got attacked by werewolves because it would get him shekels.
>I wouldn't be offended as much as wonder what the fuck is wrong with them.
Really? Vampires on this setting are all about preserving the bloodline and the clan, it's literally 100% what the nazis were based on.
They bought the rights from those fucking worthless hacks at CCP Games who were squatting on it
See, I don't mind some left-leaning tendancies.
Just handle it with some fucking tact
This is just hamfisted
No. Vampires are literal predators who have to constantly fight their urges to kill. Even the good vampires like the Salubri aren't all that nice.
>Start as a Thinblood
>Can choose a clan later
I hope we get a Dark Ages title down the line because of this. Redemption's dialogue and voice acting is really hard to deal with but I was surprised how well Vampire works in a medieval setting.
Think of the marvel trannies.
>is already in your library
Vampire is a monster game. You drink blood to survive. You have character like that, there is literally not wrong doing a literal nazi scientist who came to US to be a scientist after the war and was embraced.
This do not make you someone from /pol/. If you are meant to only play nice characters, you seek a super hero rpg or something, instead of making your brujah fight crime and injustice on the streets.
Dropped. Devs need to know we will NOT stand for this...
>Vampires on this setting are all about preserving the bloodline and the clan
u wot?
I don't think it makes any sense in VTM specifically. Surely a white supremacist would instantly become a vampire supremacist. That or throw himself into a fire at becoming an inhuman parasite.
Is the first game good? Never played it
White Wolf always had a hippy leftist bent to it. Thats why the old Chicago by Night book had old money Venture as 0 humanity monsters while hippy connected to the Weather Underground (A real life bomb using terrorist organization) had Humanity 10.
Mage Werewolf and Changling got hammered hard by the "How dare you discover rock?" In the meta but it didn't tend to do much to regular gameplay
Yeah if you don't mind literal dogshit combat and atrocious level design at times.
Go back to your vtmb2 discord, tranny
Its really good, get the gog version
humans are predators as well, some of them cannibals, rapists, drug addicts, child molesters, the whole range.
There is nothing wrong with being a Nazi vampire.
>No gameplay.
>Im scared bros.
i really hope in Bloodlines 2 they get the pain, wrongfulness, remorse, and bleak atmosphere in Bloodlines 1.
Because then it really made me so happy when i noticed VV try to actually attempt to take something bad (being a monster) and turn it into something good (helping humans).
people unironically think mental illness makes them smarter
I had a conversation with a mutual friend that browses /pol/ regularly today that said his schizophrenia is actually linked to high IQ. its all about smugness, people are actually proud of being retarded now
The point that nobody likes nazis?
No idea about nuWoD and I wouldn't put it beyond them, but no.
It's literally the point of the differentiation between the 13 clans, the beginning of the vampire society and the end of it, it is, shockingly, I know, about bloodlines. And bloodlines, is precisely what the nazis cared about the most.
See, I'm ok with that because fuck humanity
I would say the only clan who really focuses specifically on preservation of family, clan, etc are the Giovanni who are really a special case. Even the Lasombra are more social darwinists than racially charged.
A canon ventrue can only feed from rape victims. Kindred have ranges too
I did it Yea Forums. I couldn't help myself.
Fuck you Sons of Ether all the way
Any actual leftist thinks that companies like Amazon, MS, Google, Disney, etc. should've been broken up years ago. It's crazy that America doesn't care about fair competition anymore.
Why can't a person be a white supremacist AND a vampire? Hypothetically, a person could kill every nigger and nigger vampire they came across in VTMB2. It's not something people do in the original VTMB because there aren't enough niggers. I can only remember two, the big nig bodyguard that never speaks so it's impossible to be offended by his presence and the gun merchant who you don't want to kill because there's so few merchants in the game.
I remember his speech.
Man that was good.
>preserving the bloodlines
There's no dilution of bloodlines. The childe is always the clan of the sire, you dumb fuck.
Leave it to right-wing cucks to bring race-mixing into a vampire game.
Why would you still care about whiteness? You have exited the biological cycle, you cannot produce a white family, you are cursed by god and are losing the ability to love and nurture.
The only nazi vampire character that would make sense to me is a very naive, young one or an insane malk. Having origins in the 3rd reich is one thing, being a true believer as well as a vampire is stretching my belief.
I don't think that was ever a major factor in the setting. I never recall anything about clans trying to preserve their bloodline besides some elitist Ventrue, Lasombra and Old Clan Tzimisce.
>Giving Activision money
Good goy.
>pre-order pack
It's not so much that the vampires give a shit about eugenics as it is that the elders of the clans are significantly afraid of Gehenna. Thin bloods were one of the major signs of the prophecy because it meant that the vampires could no longer reproduce. It also meant that there might be something of merit to the rest of the prophecy, i.e, Cain and the Antediluvians returning to oppress and rule over them all.
The point that they think making a fascist character is stupid. making a tranny is okay. Its not even about you being fascist. They just think that fascists are so evil that they should be npcs, you cant be one. The worst part of all that. Is that this is a monster game, are you take blood/life from innocents to survive.
>Beyond Good & Evil
Ah yes, another great game that's getting a terrible sequel.
>first pre order is sjwlines
>pre ordering at all
>it's actually a sequel
fuck please dont ruin it please dont fill it with snarky awful dialogue like pillars 2 was
Something really off about all these threads. How much are you guys being paid?
No they aren't. There is no "racemixing" between clans if that is what you mean.
>Gender sliders
>Heavy focus on politics
That's a big no thanks for me dawg. Either pirate or $5 buy for me at best, might not even do that. Even KH3 sounds like it's superior, and KH3 is fucking garbage.
Vampires are parasites that have to hide among a population where they can blend in, so I can see vampires of certain ethnic or racial backgrounds getting annoyed by demographic trends that make it harder for them to hide. Most of the white vampires are going to have a hard time in 200 years when undead white people are the only white people still around.
I actually played a Nazi Vampire once, I loved that character and I'm left leaning.
Go home kid, this is a national-socialist, Christian image board.
Unless they're Caitliff
That's literally true though.
not a direct sequel anyway. seems like there might be a few chracters returning but it's a totally different PC and set ~15 years after
Based retard.
Of course, Hitler and Mussoline were also left leaning. China has a fascist economy.
NO! YOU DON'T GET TO HAVE A CHOICE! but have this plate filled with shit instead, bigot
That would be an entirely pragmatic concern though. Such a vampire wouldn't necessarily be a white supremacist.
>Humor is when you repeat the same shit everyday for 5 years
He really owned the libs, am I right fellow 4channelersXD
>heavy focus on politics
Politics are central to this setting.
It’s insane that we live in a time where mental illnesses are politically backed to be positive and something to be encouraged.
>gender pronoun options
Does this make any sense? Trans want to be called she or he. Only really ugly people use this shit
Given that a large portion of the crowd calls anyone that doesn't follow their political ideas in lockstep a Nazi it sets up a real shitty concept
Yeah no, the argument is that due to their nature and the rivalry between the clans, regardless of how much you like or hate them, they are your family, and you are better with them strong than with them weak. You need them as much as they need you, despite often times having diverging objectives.
Again the end of the fucking world depends on the weakening of the bloodlines. What exactly do you think the nazis used to convince their people to join their ranks?
Who fucking cares? It was hilarious and the best pov.
>Half of the vampires in WoD follow an authoritarian "government" that has strict rules and punishes those who disobey with final death
>All clans engage in politics to preserve their bloodline and think of other bloodlines as inferior and useful but expendable
So a universe where you have multiple factions that are nazi-like in effect, who undoubtedly have former nazis in their employ (you think ventrue wouldn't use a facist's natural obsession with order and purity as a piece on their board?) you would think there's something wrong with them for making a nazi vampire to play puppeteer with?
Bro you have no imagination and should probably stay away from RPGs because you clearly can't imagine a role that isn't yourself
>There's no dilution of bloodlines
thin blood
It isn't
>Every white Vampire in the year 2210 walks around in comedic black-face to uphold the Masquerade.
Really questionable, m8. The existence of sects would dispute the "clan comes first" idea. The only people who really believe that are nosferatu.
Yes, i am incentivising them to put more games on GOG.
>he thinks that those milkers can be attached to a sjw game
We'll wait and see. I buy on GOG every chance i get on principal.
Read, dumbfuck. It said a fascist character is fine but there should be a way to redeem or get rekt by other players. Vamp politics is stated was fascist, however if YOU are an unironic nazi you shouldn't play.
>people falling for a scam prerendered trailer to preorder the "game" that does not exist and is officially at LEAST year away and obviously nowhere near finished if ever would be
Still seems strange to compare them to the nazis. Poor analogy on your part.
>a literal nazi scientist who came to US to be a scientist after the war and was embraced.
This is almost the exact premise for one of my old VtM characters except he wasn't a scientist
im laughing so fucking hard, fucking Yea Forums
im guessing considering they're calling it a sequel it'll be following the same design philosophy. i just really really hope they don't fuck the writing up
>America needs to be destroyed.
Indeed. Why coudn't game be made by based slav devs, so that it woudn't be infested by retarded american politics and degeneracy?
>entire lines
spoken like someone that hasn't even played the game. They're a couple of one-off responses that don't even get iterated upon, it's what you'd call a joke line that RPGs usually do.
Jokes on you faggot, it's a slow burn but eventually you will have nothing but trannies on your mind
Yes, VAMPIRE politics.
I didn't once dispute the idea of playing an authoritarian or an elitist. I just really find the concept of a vampire who cares about human, biological race to be hard to believe. Given that he has no skin in that specific game as an immortal, monstrous parasite.
>fascism is white
it's stupid thinking like that which makes sjw's forced-religion particularly painful
>if YOU are an unironic nazi you shouldn't play.
That's pretty facist bro.
We'll have to see. Mitsoda's at the head of it so I assume it should be similar at least
nice to see Paradox going broke
Right. In fact he almost certainly wouldn't be, because he belongs to a group that preys on humans, and his interests therefor necessarily diverge from those of any living racial or ethnic group. I could definitely see vampires sponsoring racial extremists though, if only because they'd really rather not need to hire a Tzimisce to warp their appearance to better blend in when the human stock changes too much. You can't trust Tzimisce not to prank you in some horrific way while you're under the knife.
Is that not what they meant or are you taking this out of context?
Slow development happens with a lot of gaming companies though. Even Divinity 2 Original Sin, a game Yea Forums hailed as the second coming of Christ himself, was just barely uploaded on time for the release. And it was a buggy piece of shit back then that still needed an extra major patch to fix its issues.
Was it vampire Hans Landa?
How is the nazi here wrong about anything?
Even if we ignore the eugenics aspect, the thin bloods, even if we ignore that the clans have pretty defined profiles, which basically forces them to stick together, you STILL have to be pretending to be dense on purpose, the reason doesn't matter, the system by which the vampires rule themselves is pretty similar to the brutality of fascism. It's fucking rich that on a society like that the writers have the face to say "lel just don't be nazis".
Alright, newfag.
This is a boy?
You both have to admit that there are far too many similarities in between those two groups to just pass up as coincidence.
You stop caring about your race in your previous life because you're part of something greater. Sort of like how you can have sci-fi human supremacists who hate aliens but have no internal racial tension.
the Major is a Human tho.
lmao discord trannies really are the new boogeyman
>Bach featured on google today
>vamp 2 announced
Perfect timing
But the vampires can't even come to a consensus about how to run things. That's the entire point of the existence of the Anarchs, the Sabbat and other anti-Cam clans. The tabletop doesn't prohibit you from trying to ally with others outside of your own clan either.
I feel for you WoD fans.
>ignoring his army of nazi vampires (and werewolf and catboy)
user pls
They never learn
This time I hope you'll have the option to not play as a complete newbie vampire.
It's definitely worth several play troughs. The combat is good but not great. Don't listen to the crybabies who only see things in black and white. The games strength lies in NPC interaction, atmosphere and player choices and unless you're suffering from low serotonin levels you will find combat enjoyable. Stealth is almost always an option except for a few boss fights that you can't sneak past or talk your way out of.
Vampires rip people from their lives and loved ones and force them into a position where their souls are damned. So no.
>But the vampires can't even come to a consensus about how to run things
You think the nazis did? Or fascists in general?
yes his posse is supernatural shit but he is to his eyes anyway a human despite being a cyborg.
Retards enabling scam happen all the time. Just see idiots being scammed on kickstarter, buying into Scamcitizen or buying a game that does not exist a year before its official release date that will be certainly delayed and will not deliver anything fake trailer promises.
>Clooney says it’s central to Bloodlines 2 that the writers are actively taking a political stance in this sequel
>It’s definitely taking political stances on what we think are right and wrong
>conveniently leave out that they're taking a political stance on art versus commerce and technological advance versus tradition
You /pol/niggers are just as bad as SJWs when it comes to deliberately taking things out of context
don't forget Apple