Hard Mode: No Pokémon allowed.
ITT: Vidya critters you'd like to have as pets
You're mom haha
a Phonex from XC2
a Pippito is good too, but might be too big
MHW had some cool critters. I liked these bros and the glowing geckos.
cute cat
Yeah, sorry. Broke my own "don't assume everyone knows what you know" rule. It's a Remlit from Zelda: Skyward Sword.
i want a girlfiend
They are so ugly. I love them.
>fun to be around
>literal doodbro
>free TF2 items
Wait a fucking minute, doesnt that thing turn into a screeching REEE monster at night
wouldn't that thing fucking kill you at night
And that pic wasn't supposed to be there. Boy, I'm killing it right now. Bah.
Only if there are demons in the neighborhood.
In a god damn heartbeat.
Moofy > Poogie
Does this count?
is this even a critter?
I don't even know, but I always wanted one of these doodads from PSO.
His mom's not in any video games. You stupid fuck.
But...you have seen them at night right?
If you finish the demon guy's sidequest, Remlits are docile at night, same as they are during the day.
Shame they are pretty valuable to hunt for items, makes you feel bad you are commiting a econimcally fueled genocide on them
Skyward sword is such a blur to me
>8 years later
I hope that switch port is true because i need to play it again.
holy fuck time flies
I did finish the sidequest but i never actually noticed that they stopped
What the fuck
Came here to post this. They were so weirdly cute among the hellscape of Morrowind, they look like they're smiling all the time.
Yup. Demon bro turns into a human, and no demons in the area means no crazy Remlits. Apparently.
I want a zergling, or a tyranid ripper. A squig would be nice too.
Assuning they won't fucking maul me and eat me.
If they would, then uh... the companion node from ffziv, i guess.
No question
Would they be loyal and not kill you?
[Ti'Zo loves catching fish because he hates them, and everything they stand for.]
As long as I don't live near any demons, they don't wig out at night, so... solid "maybe".
Do wow succubi count?
Otherwise id go for chocobos
Came here to post this
I'd have a plasma shooting emu
Good taste, I'd go for this though.
I thought that was an ostrich.
As long as it doesn't come with reality bending included
Moombas from Final Fantasy 8. These guys are super underrated.
This or a nigger Chao
>no pokemon
I can settle for a chocobo or one of those kangaroo critters from bomberman
having a pokemans while not living in the pokemon world ain't worth it.
Dem Astral Chain robo slave stands, I want one.
A Waddle Dee.
My precious angel
based and digipilled
>you will never have a lush, green terrarium full of these just lounging around
>Can pass as a normal animal
>Easy to feed/maintain
>Can bring about the utter annihilation of my enemies
Name a better choice (you can't)
>hard mode
>when digimon has better critters
One Yian Kut-Ku for me
Something like a mincinno or an eevee can fit fine in the human world
t. Nim
it a cute
But do you really wanna bring them to our world?
Some of them are as tall as ostriches and some are more like the size of an emu.