What ideas do you have for an Overwatch character?

What ideas do you have for an Overwatch character?

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D cups

It's just McCree but he just points his gun at characters for insta kills. Don't even need to shoot.
Passive skill gives you auto aim.
Ult kills entire enemy team and erases their spawn point for the rest of the match.
Oh, he also a big tiddy female instead.

D.Va only she serves an actual role in the game and stops being a worthless gimmick character

Here's my character:
A Omnic wearing a nice dark suit and be a slim figure

Gun: Small Revolver, 6 shots
HP: 200

Mirage-after locking on sight for 2 seconds on an enemy they can appear as them to the enemy team. Disguise lasts until an attack is issued

Feign execution-after channeling for 1.5 seconds, any subsequent damage taken will feign the hero's death, even popping in the kill feed. You are then invisible for 5 seconds. Reactivate again to reduce invis time

Passive is Backstab
Any melees done to the back of an enemy does a flat 200hp

Ultimate-Right Behind You
Indefinite invis that is uninterruptible until you attack or 15 seconds pass. All attacks come out instantly with 0 delay. Enemies near you will hear whispers and see a small smoke effect. Damage taken during this ult is reduced by 20% Backstab does an instant kill

Girl ninja but she is melee focused

I don't know, what's Apex Legends doing? Let's just take something from that.

Gurren laggan drill mech type character
more games need drill mechs that fight galaxy's

A character that heals and gives armor/has a shield

Or a DPS that doesn't do as much DPS as the base characters because I wouldn't want it to be unfair.

Sexy girl.

A guinea pig crossover from G-Force

Character who can turn invisible to get around enemy positions. He can the disguise himself to look like different characters in the game. He has a knife which deals massive damage from behind to encourage flanking and picking off targets. Also give him a revolver for a ranged backup weapon.
Idk what to call him. Any ideas for a name?

A transracial neutralqueer toddler that with a tommy gun that shoots eco friendly pellets

A walking, talking toilet that poisons the enemy team. Its ult gives every female character a penis that grants them a damage boost.

Hammond already got made.

they should add more characters to overwatch


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ad a sexy gnome girl

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A crocodile. And not some genetically modified scaly persona like Winston, just a completely ordinary crocodile. It attacks by biting, death rolling, and whipping its tail.

a nigger "just a nigger"
active: none
passive: exist

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hmmm, what about...a guy with a gun! that can run around fast! and make him gay too.

angry man with chainsaw arm, and unlike doomnigger has a actual focus on using his giant weapon arm
fire 2 is a high damage swing while holding down fire 1 has him saw whatevers infront of him
abilities are using the saw to "grind" forward like a videogame floor saw and revving the saw like the red queen to deal more damage
ultimate is going apeshit mode like the actual ape winston and doing execution style attacks sawing enemies apart (since overwatch has a t rating or some shit just have him impale them with the saw or some gay shit)
they already stole a shit ton from anarchy reigns they might as well steal jack too
also evil dead ash outfit for halloween

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She looks like Tekashi69


A straight white guy. Hasnt been done yet it seems

Omnic Supremacist

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A shrinking heroine. Can't shoot while shrunk. Rapid fire smgs. Sex appeal out the ass.

Make her a sexbot omnic and we got a deal.

Malcolm EXE

>serves an actual role
>99% OWL and Contenders pickrate

Her purpose is doing what literally no DPS does: get kills and survive

>Ultimate-Right Behind You
>Indefinite invis that is uninterruptible
psst, nothing personal kid

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A hawaiian girl with freckles and bare feet. Press R to give your teammate a footjob.

Marth from Fire Emblem
M1 swing sword
E is his down b
Shift is his side b, press it a bunch for more moves (good for people who don't have sticky keys disabled)
F is his up b
Ult forces you to taunt for 30 seconds

I wanted a character with a leap/tackle mechanic.
Need the joy of snatching a Pharah out the air.


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>wanting the shitty tf2 spy in another game

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It's doing whatever overwatch and borderlands do

Pic related....make xer shoot ice or fire or electricity or some shit.

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pharah already has enough counters m8.

Ain't about balance.

Pharah is bird
Junkrat is mouse

Game needs a cat

Black female with massive titties and a small waistline

My K:D ratios where always stupid hi with D.va. Even if you not out damaging people in your team she has a tendency to just hit everything.

Then again I haven't played OW for about 8 months now so IDK.

Ashe, McCree and Soldier do a good job of picking Pharah out of the sky, if you see her before she sees you.