UNIST Thread
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Pass is vee
1/3rd of the time I get opened up is I keep trying to contest air kuuga wiht 236x~B
If you have a bad time from far vs Yuzu, Yuzu has a really bad time with you in her face.
In general, once you get in on her, staying on her relentlessly is the most consistent way
to keep her bullied. Half screen distance is where Yuzu is strongest. Aside
from point blank, there is a certain spacing around 2-3 characters away where Yuzu's moves
are either too slow, or have too little range to contest.
For most characters, there is no shortcut to getting in on Yuzu. Dash block is the only real
option, once you get close enough, punch her when you think she'll exit stance. Winning vorpal
will make it much easier to get in, as you'll probably be able to use some move and CS to
force your way into getting her into a block string at the very least.
The first button to enter stance is very slow, like 16f+ minimum. Once in stance, all her buttons
become rather absurd considering their range, becoming 6-10f, all cancellable, all
essentially frametrappable. You shouldn't always respect stance because the Yuzu will start
cutting block strings short and get away with some unsafe things, just know that odds are stacked
when you try to make a read to contest it.
All her stance moves get 1 press each of A, B, or C. The first move entering stance is free.
Additionally, she can reuse a button that's already been used by committing to exiting
stance after it, and with the penalty that it'll be the slow 16f+ version. So you can
expect a total of 4 or 5 moves maximum each stance.
Yuzu has no high except her air normals. You can down back her all day if you want to.
She primarily gets her hits in because you want to not block. The only thing Yuzu can truly
do to make you get hit, is go up close and throw you. Eventually it comes to the point where
Yuzu has to make feints, call out your defense, or some other hard read to make you crack.
Try to shield her from far and mid range. Be wary of green shielding, especially at closer
ranges where she can try to shield break you with assault, 6c, or throws.
Her parry 4B can only parry mid and highs, starts on 7f. Once the parry is triggered, there's a HUGE
vacuum hitbox. It's possible to block though, whether it's from CSing or it just caught
a projectile and not you. She is completely invincible the whole way through once the parry
triggers, so the best you can do if you bait it is take your turn putting her in a block string.
tk j214b (circly air slashes) stance exit is +3.
tk j6c j214b stance exit is also positive.
FF has a purple flash before her unblockable comes out, so you can just use that as a cue
to jump or something. Uncharged FF 44/66 is very plus, and 0 on stance exit. FF can also
be feinted to do nothing however.
(j)214b in the corner for oki is varying degrees of plus depending on tech timing.
Raw teleports are unsafe for Yuzu, if she teleports as her stance enter, you can just mash
her if she's nearby.
2b (scabbard poke) is 0 on block.
I'll try to not have my internet die again like the past 2 times!
Time to get bodied tonight!
I swear, every time we face each other point blank in neutral,it's just a matter of whoever remembers to grab instead of shielding like an idiot.
I counted 3 times I expected you to do something, shiled, get nothing, and then try to grab, then I get 2A'd
thanks for this
That was smart stuff pulling out 5C on my 2C. Looks like tonight really will be body night hahaha.
And I need to see that TK kuuga coming too haha.
This ia matchup I really enjoy but I'm extremely bad at it. It doesn't help that I can't find any Yuzu I have less than 3 frames with.
I'm going to get good at it though, one day.
That was just a slow 2C on your part there, desu. In general, I think you're overusing 2C at the end of my blockstrings too much. You're getting snuffed out easily with kuugas and j.2b now that I I've drilled it into my stubborn brain to expect it.
My first legitimate experience with UNIEL online was against some yuzuriha player hilariously in the dead of night similar to when we play in these threads. Good fucking times, we fought for 3 hours and we're damn near even.
anyone have the gif of the gord soulread throws in bbtag from evo japan?
You could have totally fit one EX kuuga in there
Oops. I'm an idiot and forgot my CVO route. Again.
You're probably right. I think I've gotten to used to 2B > 2C. I gotta find some standing ways to get in too.
My reactions are definitely slower tonight. Maybe I'm just tired. I've been dropping that 2C sweeping connect too much.
I just fucked up around 5 EX Hien inputs that match.
i'd think you'll like the overhead variation of Hilda's FF, sei
Argh so close haha. At least I have something happening now.
Anyone know where I can get a steam code for cheap? I've been looking around but the cheapest I could fin was on ebay.
Its actually something I still need to incorporate in my gameplan. I've seen Icy use it quite a lot.
ooga booga where da pc lobby at
G2A has it for $23.
I get hit by orb into overhead FF about 100% of the time, so go for that too.
Ff2a is my favorite move Hilda has. By the way if they block the first Ff2a just do it again.
Yeah the ff2a always gets me when I play against Hilda, I really need to go for more overheads when I play as her
I recommend watching royalheart if you haven't already, sei. I'd recommend the japanese pro Isago but he changes his name so fucking much that finding him in videos is a bitch
>Side-step the command grab
Yeah, it's a thing Linne can do. I used to mash it so I ate shit anyways since the followup slash would come out before the grab.
Also, I need to cut down on my air kuuga habits against Gord. I get smacked every time.
playing ranked is hard from people playing so slow it makes me impatient and rush heavy. Also fuck hydes who zone
Charged B kuuga saved me a few times against Zombolt's Gord actually.
I just played a 1frame delay game for the first time. I got so used to 4 frame games that I didn't know it was possible.
>Also fuck hydes who zone
The worst part about ranked for me is that I'm so used to people in the lobbies at least partially respecting my pressure. My own fault for getting out of practice in staggers, but I end up eating a combo every time.
That and Akatsukis that spam his standing overhead at 6 frames.
Grounded and TK kuugas are fine. It's my overuse of jump back air kuugas that hurt me in the matchup.
Ah yeah, getting swatted in the air is never fun to be sure.
i dont even know what kuuga means but hell im just playing by muscle memory and instinct as gordeau who plays weird.
It's the fireball that comes out of her sword.
Whatever you're doing is working so I guess keep on improving it? Haha
It's my projectile. And don't worry, what you're doing is fine. I'm just not dealing with your habits and part of the matchup correctly.
i eat 22C every fucking time in combos and DP
Before I forget. You can't combo off the second Ff2a but you can do ff5a then ff5a and combo off it. Weird as hell but it works.
For some reason watching Whose Line is it Anyway while playing is really helping me
Alright fuck the rekka.
I'm just going to DP
Yeah I shouldn't have gotten away with that since I'm playing like a retard.
is the eltnum jav real
It's not
And it's a guy on the cover
The meme one shown isn't real, but there is an actual real version.
I mean I'm not surprised. Sions existed for a while
who's a good merkava player to study from?
>keep trying to do Wagner 66B but keep inputing 66A because in my mind it looks like an A normal
Crow and ryusei
>get a 4B instead
goooood damnit i can't tell if that was a missed input or lag
>8 frames
Oh my God why is this getting worse every night
are all ranked yellows fake, or am i just learning how to actually block?
Anyone ECPC wanna play a Nanase who had their online Nanase cherry popped like an hour or two ago?
Also I don't know shit.
GRIM REAPAH is DP right?
Maybe the lag ate the input.
It felt bad but it only said 5 frames on my end
fuck I'm torn between Sekiro and Uni
You have the rest of the day and weekends for Sekiro.
It's how I manage time with DMC5
Looks like you're starting to adjust and respect my moves, Sai. That's good.
It gets harder from here.
Darn, I tried to mash throw to tech that too. Fun match Dia.
ok I'm just gonna crack open a lobby for a little bit and see if anyone comes by before sleep takes me under.
password is vee, you got till probably 2:05 or 2:10 EST if you wanna play some.
I just don't know what the hell is happening, I have experienced asymmetric delay once in PC UNIST where the other guy was getting 10f while I was getting 3f, but that was resolved when he reinstalled and in any case installation settings wouldn't affect console versions.
It started pretty good with 4f the first round but then it went up to 7f in round two, and then became 8f in the last round. It's normally 6f for me with you these days when it used to be 5f max up to a few months ago, but this is a new saga in me being dicked by netcode. I'm going to restart my modem now to see if that helps.
If that doesn't fix it I'll go reset mine.
Someone else will just need to host for like 5 minutes
Yellow isn't hard to get. I got yellow my first week playing the game. And I'm still not good. I've been playing for 2 weeks.
If nobody entertains this idea in 5 minutes let me know and I'll hop over from PS4 to play some matches with ya.
I'm on WC though so I hope you don't mind alittle lag.
I'm joining the PC lobby, if there isn't one up I'll make it
Somebody else joined, but the more the merrier.
Cool, perhaps I'll give it a go soon to make things more chummy.
They're pretty fake. Once you figure out how to deal with netplay tactics (with a different set of netplay tactics) yellow and many orange squares aren't scary at all. The matches can still be a bit annoying at times though.
I'd say about half of them are legitimate and the other half just got that color because it's the most common to find online.
hey new PC guys, try to stick to training room or park for the connection
That was some scary stuff in the corner hippie. I definitely would like to work more on defensive game for sure as stated by Dia earlier.
Think i'm gonna give PC lobby a visit now. Thanks for the fun ones and GGs PS4 lobby!
Why does Phonon want to hang herself?
because she has no overheads and winning vorpal is too hard
>actually confirmed into my new combos three times without spamming the starter
Progress. Too bad I dropped all of them.
what is this rotation?
>restart modem
>now get no internet connection and have to phone post this
Thanks Spectrum, truly you deserve this pseudo-monopoly on broadband internet in my area.
ranked players are fake all the way up to red, probably purple too.
It actually takes a while for my shitty comcast internet to reconnect too. Sometimes it takes 30 minutes
depends if you play discord players who lurk ranked or people who have been trashing scrubs since launch
I can confirm I'm a ranked player and totally shit at the game
You're talking about PC right?
It seems abit off.
It's called "I don't normally make lobbies and I didn't know what I was doing."
What do you guys mean, just got in the lobby.
yes, also PC players we set our lobbies for 3 consecutive wins before the winner gets skipped
Eh don't worry about it.
How many people are in the lobby debating if I should join or not
it's cool, now you know for next time. thanks for putting the lobby up, we needed one
A fair few. Nearly full.
>Keep holding B after every dash reflexively
How do I turn off muscle memory
if you want to make a new lobby we can migrate over, I think it's like 6?
Move over to a new lobby like suggests, I've got classes in 6 hours and 3 minutes and I can't be here all night.
Control Panel-> Nerves and Muscles -> Advanced settings -> Muscle Memory
I'd recommend only turning off the memory for specific muscles, you can crash your system if you accidentally delete the memory from your Lungs32 folder.
Hey pyro, what did you say your psn was? I forgot.
Eltnum j.AD
Break your fingers so you have to learn new ones and be physically incapable of doing the ones you're doing.
Ah, Sairoux123. Also surprised to see park playing Linne.
made another pc room; pass is vee
Thanks for that, I didn't wanna piss in everyone's coffee having to disband for sleep.
Oh, i'm darksoul something, don't remember the account I got the game in. I think we played a bit there too.
Right on. I'm familiar with the name abit. :Let's have some fun matches!
she's fake as hell but she's super fun, I don't get much of a chance to play her most of the time so this is nice. I used to be cleaner with my bnbs but I had my skill level put into perspective and quit trying to pick up secondaries so early
I might have to do that since my controller crapped out for no reason.
Would you recommend that a noob like me sticks to 1 character as I learn the fundamentals?
I finally got to land the mew trick i've been practicing in a match.
Yes just make sure it's 1 you really like.
wow, I did some pretty stupid shit that game, I should probably avoid things like run up and get grd broken
yeah, thats the best way to learn. Stick to one person you like, learn the basics from there. then once you feel extra comfortable and whatnot, begin to think about branching out
Speaking of advice for noobs, can anyone willing to respond give any one piece of advice to throw on a sticky note for reference later?
Respect the wakeup DP.
haha didn't mean to reply.
I'm the Nanase. Having a bunch of people throwing me different advice might be helpful I figure.
ok thats some ol bullshit, that grim reapah had your name on it lamp!
that's a cute dork
If you're blocking, learn when it's safe to use chain shift (assuming you win the vorpal state) so you can open up your opponent and break out of the corner.
Otherwise, look out for moves that look like they have long animation and those can be your opening to punish.
Ggs everyone. Thanks for the quick games, gonna hit ranked for a while to play a bit more before I need to go.
When should I be shielding instead of blocking or vice versa?
I really want them to release a version of this game with an actual story someday. I want a post ending scene after a 2-3 year timeskip of Yoshiko being embarrassed about her time acting as "Phonon" already!
GGs m8. Til next time!
When the opponent is far enough away so they won't reverse beat into a 2A and run up to grab you.
Generally don't mash shields if the enemy has vorpal to catch the above even faster.
Attacks that you know that won't mix you up like multi hitting attacks are pretty easy to shield for free GRD, as are projectiles.
The story will hopefully take a big step forward in the next game.
My dream of UNI Phantasm will remain a dream though
UNI Phantasm?
>still no internet
This must be a conspiracy between Spectrum and Arcsys netcode
Ever hear of Carnival Phantasm? Presumably he'd like a gag anime for UNIEL.
One day we will get that shitty rom-com of yuzu and orie trying to one up each other for hyde that still enchants us all with it being endearing
Carnival Phantasm, where 10 years worth of in-jokes in the Fate/Tsukihime series was let out in animated form.
I've heard the name, but I know very little about it.
she's gonna get nerfed into the ground in UNI 2 and go beyond the limits of her chuuni bullshit bringing us into the punished pho arc
I'm fully expecting Yuzuriha to go play Solid Snake for a day and see what Hyde's relationship with girls are doing in the actual story.
>Orie has a hyde body pillow
>Yuzu boasts that she felt up the real thing
can you clash in this game? i feel like i've never seen it happen
Yeah sure and Hyde will get his own dragon install/devil trigger super
"smug in-birth not so smug since balance patch"
Clashes don't happen, you both get hit out of the move.
so you're saying I should start picking up hyde now?
Ah dang, I so badly wanted to IW there! Haha.
Only certain projectiles cancel eachother out, no clashing in this game.
If they go full chuuni and give him black angel wings I'd be all for that.
Just not havin a good night tonight, cant seem to stick anything. Also my phonon MU is bad as hell.
That was a fun lobby. Thanks for the games, but the bed awaits.
GGs! Hope to fight ya next time!
Wings are actually a possibility since his sword is literally one of Vatista's wings
aight, ggs pc lobby was fun as usual
would be fantastic
It's frustrating not being able to mimic the lightning fast slashes that you see top level Yuzus do
For people who play on both plataforms, what's the best online experience? I just tried psn and had way better conection to everyone than on pc.
ggs bro
is Mika’s grab techable on a non-gold throw?
If she combos into it then no. IIRC it's not like Wald's B command grab that gives you the gold grab window even when done raw.
what about just a raw throw?
What would make it into under night phantasm? I'm not sure how the japanese feel about our akatsuki memes
Aside from the really noticeable start-up, untechable when done raw as with "most" command grabs aside from Wald.
raw throws are gold
66B > 214A seems to catch people who try to hit you out of the gap 66B > 214B has.
One of these days I'll finish chronicle mode....
good to know. Now I know why I got fucked
Fuck, ignore this then I fight barely any Mikas/play her at all to have known, I've forgotten so many things about her
please pick training room or park
>Akatsuki is replaced with a monkey with a glowing red eye who screams out CHESTO CHESTO
I can't these handle long blockstrings. When it comes to blockstrings that's one of the worst things I do. I think I'm gonna try Waldstein. He looks simple enough, big strong normals and command grabs to mix things up.
Sorry partner. I'll start picking it on next go around myself.
Akatsuki will be relegated to the side just like how SHIKI and Kouma were. Maybe a cameo every episode where he's eating something different.
I don't know why it be like that but UNI netcode needs all the help it can get
This controllers annoying me now. I know I know my 66s and 623s
>Licht Kreis dorm shenanigans
>Wagner being socially retarded and trolled by her attendants
>Hyde's house
>Comfy Amnesia
>Byak not being completely insane
>Carmine and Seth being loners
There's plenty of possibilities where there's a world to explore but not serious plot needed to have characters interact with each other.
parkbench, you got robbed holy shit
ggs, man I got exposed
the lag's killing me for once, 3 times i went for a grim reapah and got jack squat. UNI pls
embrace it, I told myself months ago that I would go into training and punish every raw IW so I could learn which ones hit more than once, when they're punishable, and if the player moves. I didn't and I paid for it.
I miss being able to police or anti air jump ins
I don't know what happened there. I knew what I wanted to do, but my hands wouldn't do it right.
ggs. I kinda deserved the fight right after for that.
Ggs lads, playing Hilda really exposes how shit my defense and neutral are. Having no reversal is actually terrifying.
>that dashback counter
Neat stuff right ther scoops!
there I mean, my keyboarding skills are failing me tonight.
Your defense still holds up really well, GGs
Forgot to mention, you might want to throw in more pins and 22x in your pressure to keep people on their toes.
i think on that note i need to call it night, im just progressively gettin worse at this point. GGs everyone, im taking my mac and cheese box and leaving. Maybe next time i play i won't be so ass all night. Then again i probably won't be playing for a while, SRWT will be here tonight and i got work all week from saturday on...
The real plot twist is uni 2 being an action adventure rpg or a hack n' slash
It's that Akat match-up where your FF shines so he won't fireball as often.
GGs guys. Only popped in for a few quick games tonight. I'm really glad i got to use that j.4b (whiff)-> j.2b double crossup i was practicing in a real game today.
Put Hyde and Gordeau in DMC5
>Nanase (re?)introducing Yoshiko to the main cast after Pho has spent 10 minutes detailing her backstory and acting smug prior to her arrival
>the inevitable embarrassment as her chuuni charade falls down around her
only works on the right side right?
ha, thanks! now if only I can beat Mika
as far as i know the thing i'm talking about works anywhere. it's just whiffing the j.4b to turn phonon around in the air, jumping over them, then hitting the reverse facing j.2b on the other side of them for the normal hop over she gets on j.2b. It's a neat gimmick, but it's not really that useful most of the time.
PSN players, what's the best way to beat GonD?
yeesh, sorry pyro, don’t know why our connection is shit
Unga bunga back to him is what I'd suggest. It works for me half the time.
Yeah, seems to be a bad night over here. Likewise sorry about that haha.
Ask him who his main is.
she has some fun stuff with the anti crossup mechanics in the corners and whiff 4b and j2b. I don't believe whiff 4b gets you a cross up in the left corner for same side j2b shenanigans.
That said, on the right side if you j2b and A fireball you'll stay crossed over but on the left if you do the same the fireball hits in front even though you're behind. You also stay in front and it always seems to be good for a cheesy 2a opening or a grab since there's so much happening and they're in blockstun from the fireball. 66b on block CS jaj2b is fun too
sorry mika that super was full retard
I could have sworn you could jump over chaos' super.
I also could have sworn I've made this mistake before too.
that sounds like a lot of fun stuff. I'm still just getting the muscle memory for the 9->j.4b down, but i'll be sure to try to mess around with that fireball stuff next time i'm in the lab.
I'll have to check out that 66b CS thing too.
Relaxing way to end the night, GGs everyone. See ya next time.
Hey GonD if you're actually in this thread be online in the morning. I want you to help me test something.
66b CS is kind of a meme depending on how much they're respecting it. you can kinda take your pick with it but it really boils down to double overhead (ja), crossup (jaj2b, j2b), or throw mix since you can whiff 4b and land with 2a or grab just as they get out of blockstun
that still sounds like something worth messing around with. I'm trying to look into tricks/tools that'll help me be scarier when i've got them in the corner.
Lost track of time, few more and I'm ending this lobby. GGs all
Who is this and which version?
Icey, ps4 version. It will only take like 20-30 min max.
gg pc bros
night, PC
if you try hard enough 50/50s are even possible with pho. the biggest problem with 66b CS is how if they shield you're just fucked if you didn't go for the 2a/grab
twitter com/pepepepek1/status/1104761157846425600?s=20
Alright I'll likely be up, just shoot me a message through steam when you want me on.
GGs PC lobby! Sorry I couldn't stick it out to the end. Had an errand to run but thanks for the good times. Looking forward to our next meeting!
GGs all
ggs everyone. Based on my games with hippie, I think I'll need to play around with my spacing in blockstrings a bit more. Been getting hit because I'm bad at keeping track of how far shields and normal hits push me back. I also need to be more patient against the zoner matchups, though I'm sure that's because I've been chronically sleep deprived this week and don't feel like blocking overheads.
You're really improving on getting in my face so you're becoming a bit tougher to fight back against. Make the C buttons and kuugas work and I'll eventually evolve to try and improve my own ways to fight back.
Atic wasn't around long enough to really show how little sleep I had this week either but I got rocked a couple times tonight. Part of me wants to say it was lag so I'll make sure to reset my router next time, that should go out to everyone though for precautions sake.
Keep it up
There was definitely some lag, especially in the later games. Can't say who benefited more from it though.
You've definitely smartened up to some of my previous tactics already. My winrate against you was dropping up until I changed things up. I still need to catch myself when I see you shield my kuugas though. I can see when you do it, but I'm already on autopilot by the time I react
I'm shit at fightan and never end up getting decent before I quit a game, should I give this one a chance?
I like zoners and characters with long range, who might like?
>I'm shit at fightan and never end up getting decent before I quit a game, should I give this one a chance?
>Like zoners
I mean try Gord and Phonon since you're evidently not going to be able to play Hilda/Vat/Yuzu
Just stick with it user. I'm trash and get shat on by everyone here, but I think I'm learning slowly and it's still fun even if you don't win.
I know how you feel. Up til this game I was pretty trash at fighters too.
After consistent grinding everyday against these guys and doing some ranked on the off-side for the past month or so, I can finally take rounds off purple ranked players.