What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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it isn't bloodborne 2

Everything went right especially dropping the multiplayer and RPG gimmicks.

apparently nothing

genichiro is the best boss in the from soft action game pantheon thus far

First encounter? Or do you fight him again later?

you fight him later at asahina castle

So no more kino grassy hill? That suck balls hard


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It doesn't support my fucking duelshock 4. Masterdisgrace is so fucking gay

No character customization and shit means 0 replayability value

No. You fight him in a boring tatami floored room instead. His second phase looks cool but is really lacking in attack variations compared to say Gael


the stutter is fucking killing me

no duels

Anyone who hates a game from Miyazaki is a casual.

Not much. Flow of combat isn't the same meme since DeS, it's its own thing now. Bosses are fantastic, except for the Ogre. A BB2 would've been better, but whatever.


how many bosses?


every enemy is a boss

It's too difficult and dragonrot is annoying.

Bloodborne is a very subpar game. "People" like you only praise it because low IQ and brand loyalty


>video games
>requiring high IQ
read a book

>Shinobi tools taking a limited resource that needs to be purchased or farmmed
>health recovery item fills less than 50% of life
>special skills less effective than just doing a basic stab

holy shit
this is fun
I like that instead of letting you take your sweet ass time they made a game that forces you to be aggressive for once

It's the right difficulty because From had the balls to remove all the crutches.

> 1 weapon
>no armor
>like 10 bosses
>no multiplayer
>no replayability
What didnt go wrong?

The IGN review said less than 12

>books requiring high IQ
Go program a videogame from scratch

Imagine false flagging this hard

>one weapon

yikes. can't wait for thrill of exploration to be ruined knowing the only thin I'll encounter is a fistfull of ash or a mini boss.

Having to press Up on the DPad to use an item. What the fuck were they thinking?

It has no pvp

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I have been off this site for a week to avoid sekiro spoilers but I came back just to see what people are saying about Genichiro. Holy shit. I got to his second phase and died. I need a break because I'm sweating

What went wrong?

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Fuck off nintenbro

I never had a problem parrying in Dark Souls or Bloodborne, but holy shit, I can't parry in the game to save my life.