No returning characters from the original

>no returning characters from the original
>in a totally different city

So this is Bloodlines 2 in name only, right? Like they only used the "Bloodlines" name for marketing purposes, right? It's clearly going to be a new game with a new plot and characters and everything.

Also, mods, this is the thread to sticky. Because seriously, we need a sticky at this point.

Attached: BIGGER THAN HALF-LIFE 3.png (1280x720, 431K)

And what the fuck is up with all that parkour shit? That gave me bad flashbacks of Thief 4. Developers seem to think parkour is the coolest shit ever, but don't realize that in video games it's the WORST shit ever.

it's said to follow the plot of the first game, stfu already

>no returning characters from the original
literally making shit up

Attached: Capture.png (1320x294, 534K)

Don't forget your canon sire

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>literally said that its not actual gameplay

honestly, would you bite that on the neck?

The trailer had none, which means any that do appear will just be cameos.

just use the feedback page and ask in IRC, faggot

>getting IRC to work

You are 100% guaranteed in your mom's basement right now.

>no sticky
Proof that no one gives a fuck about this outdated boomer shit lmao

No big tiddy vampire bitches no buy


Attached: big fat vamp tits.png (1916x1077, 966K)

The parkour in Dying Light was the coolest shit ever.

>Download client
>Enter in address
And done. Why is this an impossible task to you?

>day 1 dlc announced a year ahead of time

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FUCK I was about to go to sleep when I checked my e-mail telling me about the stream. Did they show any gameplay?

>>in a totally different city
Is it? It looked like Santa Monica in the trailer to me.

Attached: Bloodlines2 screenshot.png (1920x1007, 1.88M)

She'll be back, right?

Attached: Deb.jpg (800x754, 110K)

This doesn't sound any different from any fluff character in a V:TM source book basically ever. Back then being an edgy goth power fantasy triggered conservatives and now being a gay muslim is apparently the height of alternative edge.

I'd agree with you that that's pretty stupid, but people like you being alarmists over this pointless shit is what makes it a huge part of the contrarian identity.

t. played all the tabletop games and read every single book before nWoD ruined everything

You've never touched a WoD book in your life