Who is the Theranos of video games?
Who is the Theranos of video games?
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resident evil franchise
Fable III /Peter Molyneux
Why, our old friend Todd Howard of course
Chris Roberts
That euclidean geometry shit.
Gearbox and Aliens: Colonial Marines if we're talking just straight up scamming investors. If you mean more in the realm of blatant false advertising then Ubisoft and/or Todd Howard are strong contenders.
Star Citizen.
>all these people who dont know what theranos is
>listing companies that have fully released games and established franchises
>nobody mentions the real theranos of games
The answer is obviously RSI and star citizen.
Star Citizen
No Man's Sky
posted as I was typing this
this bitch is the living proof of how easy it is to scam the neckbeards of Silicon Valley if you got a vagina. Nobody even dared to question her lunacy because sexism.
nah doesn't work. While yeah they lied they did release their product and now made their promises on the release
>neckbeards of Silicon Valley
Bill Clinton
Henry Kissinger
Walgreens Corp.
She raised billions.
It had none of it's features at release and barely made any sense at all. They had to redo everything.
still nothing compared to what Theranos was
Video games in general have nothing to do with Theranos. That's why her Steve Jobs act failed spectacularly.
she's not even getting jail time for the millions stolen. On the contrary, the media just put her on a pedestal and now she's getting deals for books, movies and soon even an HBO series.
Literally the most successful criminal of our times. lol
this is probably the best one along with Star Citizen
Star Citizen
She got a shitload of money, user. Her scam was wildly successful.
That's not necessarily true. She was just indicted a week ago and she will probably go to jail, but I am willing to bet she will spend no more than 3-5 years behind bars.