How will the inevitably fuck it up?

How will the inevitably fuck it up?

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exclusive to Epic Store

Season pass, Epic Store excusive, female lead no character customization besides clan, third person, firearm focus, set in California, rap music, current day political inserts.

The writing will be meme level of trash. The whole game will basically be some ironic version of the first.

lots and lots of pandering to the wrong people

It's already fucked

SJW Blumpf Shit

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No nudity or rape

>the writers (who include Brian Mitsoda, narrative designer on the original game) are actively taking a political stance in this sequel, with its themes of art versus commerce and technological advances versus tradition
doomed from the start

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this is your canon sire

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>have to buy it on PS4 to get a physical copy

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>choose your gender
>more than two options


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Pander to socjus blump corporate worshipping transsexuals

By not releasing on Switch.

>The character creator, which players get to use twice – once at the start to define your human aspects and then a second time later in the game to flesh out your vampire – goes way beyond basic male and female models. Body type, gender pronouns, employment history and fashion can all be toyed with for a very modular build.


>30 dlcs
>Developer enforced homosexuality
>Combat focused
>No tiddies
>More bugs than bethesda

i dunno OP, how?

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They already did:

>Combat in Bloodlines 2, like most of the game, is almost entirely locked in first person. I primarily saw fights resolved in melee, though there was a good, gooey run with a 12-gauge in there, too - and both gunfights and fisticuffs seemed to be focused on expelling forward energy and power against your opponents. The camera will occasionally pull out to third-person - à la the rebooted Deus Ex - for select maneuvers like rolling over an enemy or scaling a wall then pouncing onto an unlucky target. According to the team, the choice was made to ensure players felt drawn into the world through their characters eyes while exploring and socializing. Third-person, they say, allows for actions that would feel uncomfortable in first, and to let players enjoy the cosmetic choices they’ll make throughout the game. Also, according to Andy Kipling (Hardsuit’s co-founder and CEO), “it looks really cool.”

Same mistake cdpr made with cyberpunk 2077.

How to guide to Radical leftism via entertainment. Jesus christ, the word fun doesnt exist.

Based, the third person camera in the original was godawful

If they pander to incel pedos like Yea Forums wants it will be in the bargain bin instantly with all the other regressive incel trash like rape day.

They already did.

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>no character customization besides clan
What clan, you're a fucking thinblood m8

aaaaaaand dropped

You know Todd gets a lot of shit, but he got Elders Scrolls right and flexible. FPV makes me dizzy.

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lmao get monkey pawed morons

>website forces you to disable adblocker to use

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>If they pander to incel pedos like Yea Forums wants
>instantly with all the other regressive incel trash like rape day.

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They wont let you fuck her

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>FPV makes me dizzy.
Imagine being a weak little bitch who faints playing a fucking game


>It’s not just politics where Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines 2 takes a progressive approach. The character creator, which players get to use twice – once at the start to define your human aspects and then a second time later in the game to flesh out your vampire – goes way beyond basic male and female models. Body type, gender pronouns, employment history and fashion can all be toyed with for a very modular build.

Sounds good to me OP

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besides what's the point of customization if you can't look at what your character is wearing?

ridiculous, this game is gonna bomb

Am I the only one who just completely taps out when I see shit like this? Like no matter how hyped I was for the game beforehand, all my interest just dies away.

Then improve it, dont get lazy and make a generic first person game, fps fucking blows

and dropped

this is fake right?

This, same shit cdpr is doing with blunderpunk

>hey guys, character creator with full customization and everything
>first person though LOL

Well, that was quick.


Yeah I didn't think they'd be that fucking retarded. Jesus Christ they might check everything then some.

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God I can't wait to shit up this games threads


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You chose this future Yea Forums. There is no one to blame but yourselves for literally monkey paw'ing the series

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as I was lurking more this thread I realized it was real.
since the first one was so memed on Yea Forums, I thought I try this one. Guess not.

What do you guys think of the reception? Since the game looks so progressive, I expect Andromeda levels of shitstorm

Honestly, I'm okay. Sure the sequel will suck balls, but I'll still always have the original. They can't fuck up the original thankfully.

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>fucking retarded
Better than mowing down vampires as fucking cannon fodder in VTMB.

Bite your tongue user. That kinda speech leads to a dark road full of DmC and Lara Croft tier Reboots

Expect Yea Forums to be so fucking stupid to follow something face value without asking for a source

>fps only

its over, cdpr got to them too


just going to wait for the 90% off steam sale

It'll be pozzed and full of anti-Trump memes we hear all day everywhere else. I don't even like Trump, I'm just tired of hearing the media bitch about him nonstop.

>He hasn't seen the highschool dropout tier remakes of Baldurs Gate using stolen mods and adding pointless feminist revisionism
Just wait user. Nothing is holy on this planet. Keep a safe copy of the original game.

Yeah, no, I'm not buying this. Fuck Paradox.

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But it's epic exclusive.

Once I read that Cara Ellison was one of the writers for this, I immediately bailed out.

Great news but is it going to have more Deb tho?

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I never thought I'd see the day where you had to pay extra for Damsel's Beret and the Voerman family portrait of all things. This could almost be satirical.

Where can I read all of this?

Politics and sjw shit, obviously. As everyone knew it would end up since long before it was confirmed to be real.
And shitloads of dlc retard shit cause it's paradox and they literally can't release a full game

I would like to see them go full hog and have them Tzimisce fleshcrafting. Have a quest where you change genders with a nice cutscene.

lmao what is this horseshit
>here's how you should play
i'll play whatever the fuck i want and however i want it
if we want to play camarilla supporting old ways fucks and stomp out anarchs we'll all fucking do so you annoying niggers, jesus christ


so...? the sims, a game infinitely more popular than vampies, has one too


someone get a shovel

Will they give me the ability to Diablerize faggot Toreadors raise in Gen and take over the city restoring Venture family values to this degenerate shithole of a city before the hand it over to the Kuei-Jin

Why the fuck would anyone hire her? She already fucking ruined the Dishonored franchise.

I don't know much about that series can I get details?

Can I get a rundown on this as well? I loved the first Dishonored but haven't played 2 or DotO yet.
I've seen a lot of shitposting but would like an explanation from someone who actually liked the first game since this issue seems to attract a lot of bait.

tech moved on, if they use all the possible proprietary engines it can be good at least on technology level
they can fuck up mechanics, but eh, vtmb wasn't that advanced either
locations are hard to fuck up, it's USA, just copy it
the most important thing is forking quests and story and that is hard to do right.

>Start as a thin-blood
>Diablerize a lower gen vampire for plot reasons
>The older vampire takes over
>The game takes branching paths depending on the vampire you diablerized

This shit would sell the game to me.

just play it, it's good
main plot is meh, but the little things, dialogue little side stories, art direction, level design are top tier.

The older vampire takes over
fuck that, that murders the character.

It can't. It has mod support. I guess modders can fix this game too if it fucks up.

The most tame except I've seen from a White Wolf book. Remember that they were SJWs before it was cool.

They already fucked it up.

>ey guise
>remember those cool characters
>remember damsel
>remember the sarcophagus
>remember the stop sign gag
>remember the ridiculous severed arm weapon
>it can all be yours again
>just for an additional $9.99
Fuck you. Literally just repackaging nostalgia for the first game. This is beyond retarded.

>oh look another USA
you know how homogeneous USA looks to the rest of the world? nobody cares where it's set if it's USA

>themes of art versus commerce and technological advances versus tradition
Tbh this is a lot better than I expected when they said 'political stance'

Is this bait

That's what happens when you diablerize someone too strong

I'm worried about this game because of all the pre-order bullshit but
>Body type, gender pronouns, employment history and fashion can all be toyed with for a very modular build
Isn't VtM one of the few settings that actually suits this shit? It's always featured weird subcultures, and vampires have been a metaphor for sexual deviancy since the 1800's.

>First Person only

nope, I can't see a difference between NY and Chicago at all for example. USA looks USA, europe looks different everywhere

If you took a picture of a Belgrade street and a Sofia street I doubt I'd be able to tell which is which, and I live in one of these cities.
This is what your NY/Chicago comparison sounds like.

Consoles or just pc?

I can tell a ton of different things about my little town, doesn't mean it look different to outsiders from another town nearby

So when it says you play a Thin Blood, is it just using that term to say you're a new sire not inducted via traditional means or do you not get to choose a clan in character customization at all?

Will I not be able to do a sewer rat nosferatu run?

if they let us role-play as right wing or left wing, technological or tradition, I'm cool with whatever.

Nigger, they put Infinity Engine-style RPGs on consoles, what the fuck makes you entertain the possibility that this will be PC-exclusive?

Yes but do you really think SJW brains can write any of the soft burns she and the commercials around her show used to have?

>expecting left-wingers to allow you to play as anything besides left-wingers
not happening

Compliments won't change my mind.

What makes you word sentences like a faggot. Wasn’t the first game pc only?

Tbqh I don't get the fuss about this part. Haven't the Brujah always been anarchists and the Ventrue hierarchical aristocrats anyway?

I hope it doesn't just become a vehicle for the writers to preach but VtM has always been broadly political.

>if they let us role-play as right wing
Bet misgendering an NPC would get you a Blood Hunt and insta game over if they could code it.

You guys are fucking dumb
>Same mistake cdpr made with cyberpunk 2077.
If you're so fucking clueless about videogame design that you don't know why cdpr went with first person as the main camera view you shouldn't even be posting here

Reminder that this shit is on gog so you can and should pirate it.

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is paradox publishing it? undercooked is guaranteed then.

>What makes you word sentences like a faggot
Too much time with you lot.
Yes, but that was 2004. As I said, nowadays even PC-centric big-budget games get console ports. Bloodlines 2 is open for pre-order on three different online PC game stores, but I think it's safe safe bet that at the very least a PS4 port is also coming.

tfw there will never be another New Vegas again

I have hopes for DL2.

>The struggle between your wills is done throughout the course of the game
>Final fight to silence the other vampire is in some surreal dream sequence
>You can actually lose it though
>It doesn't stop the game, instead changes dialogue options entirely
>Alternate ending where you diablerize everyone who set you up to be killed off

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>>Final fight to silence the other vampire is in some surreal dream sequence
NO!! I can't take those anymore, fuck those dream sequences delete them from all media!!

My main hope is my cute girl vampire can actually have sex with the fat guy she seduces in this one

They'll try to make VtM:B 1.2


A hole is a hole, even if it's a dead one.

that would be a good thing though, no?