how does this make you feel Yea Forums?
How does this make you feel Yea Forums?
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I know all of these except gone home
>Isaac over Meat Boy
>No Shovel Knight
What the fuck is Gone Home?
No Terraria?
>no Hotline Miami
I don't know any of these except gone home
isaac spawned its own genre with "rogue lites"
Why would it be up there when it was designed around the idea of 2d Minecraft
wtf is a game for trannies like undertale doing there?
name one game influenced by hotline miami
Remove Gone Home with something like Touhou.
how is gone home influential at all?
>dwarf fortress and dwarf fortress lite on the same list
gone home spawned the whole sjw "games are art" and "games don't need gameplay" movements
bloodbath kavkaz :)
Replace Gone Home with Hotline Miami and it'll be accurate enough. Stuff like Castle Crashers and Super Meat Boy were really influential too though but not because of their gameplay, just made indies more viable in the eyes of the public.
you say most influential but i have yet to see cave story get as popular as minecraft or undertale
might be the one with the most ports there, if thats what you mean.
>gone home instead of Journey
the only acceptable reason for this is that ThatGameCompany had their game published by Santa Monica. Journey is the reason story/emotion driven 'walking sims' basically became a thing in the first place
except it was fun
tumblrtale influnced nothing retard
I'd swap Isaac with Braid, i think it is important to remember that "Influential" does not necessarily mean a good influence too.
Braid was big part of the "GAYM ART NAO" push back in the day, Minecraft and Dorf Fort basically speaks for itself, Cave Story has been noted as inspirational for several devs, Gone Home definitly helped the walking simulator push and is probably the De Facto Walking Sim game.
Im not too sure on the status of Rogue, but if one consider that a Indie title it bumps off Undertale.
All over rated except Minecraft and Dwarf Fortress. Gone Home is straight trash, it's not even the first walking simulator.
Games ARE art, but what SJW's do with them isn't
>I'd swap Isaac with Braid
Dude roguelites are huge and it's definitely isaac's influence
undertales influence was that it managed to spread to all corners of the internet and then have everyone else try to make quirky earthbound lite rpgs.
it was like the plague, no one could escape it.
popular =/= influential retard
undershit didnt influence any game, cave story even influenced undershit too
HM was like a flash of lightning. Insanely popular at its release and sequel, some lingering memes and mentions here and there, and then it faded.
>gone home
What the fuck. no.
Rest is correct though. Strange to think that Minecraft is an indie game, though.
Minecraft isn't anymore but it was.
lol retard, people were making earthbound rpgs before tumbletale
You know what, you're right. I misjudged what they meant by influential; it seems like almost everyone owns Terraria but in terms of influencing other games it doesn't seem to really be a contender unless you count something like Starbound, but even then it's pretty negligible in terms of influence otherwise.
Braid was also the first indie game that really hit it big, thanks to Blow being an extreme narcissist who can't STFU, and MS pushing it as part of their Summer of Arcade promotion. It pretty much put indie games on the map.
Definitely belongs on that list.
Yeah, I know, I meant like in its foundations. Crazy story if you think about it.
No More Heroes: Travis Strikes Again
Gone Home probably shouldn't be on there. The 'walking simulators with barely any mechanics beyond that' genre didn't go very far, and the newer walking simulators that achieve any success are starting to become first person point and click adventures like the Call of Cthulhu game.
Earthbound ripoffs were a thing long before undertale, you had many similar games come out at the time stuff like Citizens of Earth, OFF and LISA among others Im forgetting. Almost seemed like it was a race for who can make a decent one faster when Undertale was being developed.
it's not the worst list
for better or worse, yes all of those games are influential.
df is the best of the bunch
Don't care much about the others but Minecraft is pretty decent game.
Cave Story was pretty much the beginning of the true Indie era. It has shown people that one single person can make a great game. It was revolutionary and pretty much birthed the indie boom.
Good point, i guess i kinda forgot that since i think of em all as inspired by Rogue.
EB/Mother "Influenced" games were around before Undertale, not as many but they existed.
I love Hotline Miami, but i see it more like those top-down Flash/Browser murder games from back in the late 90/early 00 years, with the dev gone on record to state the influence from those, so i think it gets grandfathered by one of those.
5/6 of those games are great so i'm feeling pretty good about it
this if only it had a good u.i.
i mean a few are obviously false bait picks but Isaac, Cave Story, Minecraft, and Dorf Fort are undeniable
replace gone home with journey
didnt play undertale because i dont use reddit so idk how accurate that one is
>a few are
*one is
What about Yume Nikki?
Yeah, those are some fun little games. Save for Dwarf Fortress, which is an absurdly large fun game.
That shit is the perfect example of how something trying to be artistic isn't the same as something being art.
Shovel Knight wasn't even remotely influential. It wasn't a good game, either.
Remove everything besides Minecraft because none of them affected mainstream vidya in any way
Even FNAF would be better than those
Undetale is on the same level as Five nights at freddy, it just came out at the right time when kids didn't had an indie release to latch on.
>super shit boy
lmao fuck off nigga
Cave, Isaac and Minecraft are correct. I'm not sure what effect DF or Undertale have had on the industry outside of being good games.
Gone home is straight up wrong, the controversy regarding it was focused on the journos/dev relationship, not the game itself. It being shitty helped start the fire though but still, no right to be there.
>all the retards in these threads
Does reddit even cares about undertale? I though they disliked weeb shit
What is funny is that you could argue gone home is the one out of all of those with the best graphics. I mean, it's not pretty, but at least it *tried* going for a contemporary look with realistic looking 3d models and textures, whereas the rest just copped out and went for the pixel shit aesthetic to try and mask their lack of resources
Where's Mount and blade warband
Are you pretending to be retarded?
You put Gone Home in there as obvious bait. Having actually played the shit, there is literally nothing unique or new about it. The only reason it got praise was due to the sister's lesbianism. If for some reason generic walking sims needed to be included, something like Dear Esther is a better example (if only for the wizardry the dude did with the Source engine).
Shovel Knight was just OK, its biggest achievement is actually feeling like an old game unlike the other """"retro""" low effort pixel shit, ridiculously overrated sure but it actually did what it wanted to do correctly.
They do, but undertale is western.
>Gone home
Its not the first walking sim
Yime Nikki is THE grandfather of all walking sims.
>Going full retard
3D doesn't automatically mean better looking unless you define "best" to mean "most technologically advanced" in which case please re-read the first line of this post.
>parallax scrolling
I know it's western but the dev is a massive weeb and it shows
Could go on all day, SK still did 8-bit aesthetic correctly
I wouldn't call Dwarf Fortress or Cave Story influental. Like, what significant influence did they have?
that's because gone home isn't a game, hell it's not even a story or anything worth talking about.
I guess at the end of the day it is still a matter of preference but I for one am sick and tired of the big pixelated retro look. Not like you couldn't do a unique artstyle without emulating a snes game. I mean, the original Binding of Isaac had this newgrounds flash aesthetic, I was SUPER disappointed when Afterbirth went for the pixelated look. Or look at hollow knight, look at ori and the blind forest, indies can do pretty stuff, but it just so happens all of the titles on that list up there decided to not even try. I mean, it is no *coincidence* indies and big pixel retro style go hand in hand so often. It's the cheapest, easiest thing to do.
And I KNOW a game like Dwarf Fortress makes it lack of graphics an integral part of it's design ethos, and I KNOW Undertale was essentially made by one guy. And yet. When I look at those games up there? The only one where I don't want to gag when I see it on the screen is Gone Home. Sue me. (but it's also the only one out of those I didn't play so that might play into it)
imagine being this assblasted by pixels that you unironically think that gone home is good
This is bait but multiple indie and professional games have been influenced by Hotline Miami since it released. Hong Kong Massacre, Travis Strikes Again, any game with one-hit-kills and one-hit-deaths that are fast paced and score based are basically Hotline Miami influenced
I'm more baffled people aren't triggered by fucking Undertale. Name ONE fucking game Undertale has influenced in the past 3 or 4 years. You can't since any games it "inspires" is literally just actually inspired by Earthbound.
>No Shantae
>No Shovel Knight
>Instead we have Dwarf Fortress, Minecraft, and 4 other games I don't recognize.
Sure whatever you say.
I don't think it's good, and I don't know what gave you the idea I do, as I said I didn't even play it. But it is of course convenient dismissing my critique with a snappy one liner like that
>Doesn't know Cave Story
You don't have any room to talk.
And while Gone Home isn't good, the fact you don't know it shows how new you are.
Just like how people influenced by Star Wars and Indiana Jones have no idea what pulp and Flash Gordon were, after Undertale everyone was inspired by Undertale to make an indirect Earthbound clone but with more modern zoomer mindsets ie Heartbound. It was also influential in a broad term as it helped spur on various insufferable aspects of internet communities and probably made a lot of annoying Tubers careers with lore videos to the point it was given to a pope and outstripped its original influence Homestuck as the zoomer core consumable culture.
It deserves to be up there for better or worse, FNAF should also be up there too for similar reasons.
Cave Story actually became a foundational influence for the modern indie platformer stylistically and gameplay wise. There's still indie platformers that have a slight "cave story feel".
Yume Nikki is more linked with the rpg maker style indie scene than walking sims, I'd consider it influential and wager even Undertale took inspiration from it. Gone Home spawned the annoying "true walking sim" where you inspect random things as part of your gameplay to find some kind of deepest lore.
it inspired mother 3
name one game influenced by gone homo
>Cave Story
Before cave story the indie scene LITERALLY didnt exist, it was all short flash games on newgrounds.
It has proven that an indie game could be as good as a larger team game.
Dwarf fortress didnt influenced much stuff directly, but it was one of the inspirations for Minecraft, so its even wrong to put minecraft in that list. It should be just Dwarf fortress.
I suppose that's true. It was just way more apparent back in the day. Hell, you could even argue that original Spelunky took inspiration from it, and look where it is now.
Tell me why one of those games is worth more than Shantae without sounding like a faggot and I'll consider you worth replying to again.
Name a more influential indie game.
That was Spelunky and Isaac was a product of it.
Replace Gone Home with Amnesia: Dark Descent, Replace Undertale with Touhou.
Wasn't Minecraft more influenced by InfiMiner though? But like other user said, more people will name derivative as something that influenced them than the original.
I'd say current works well as pleb-filter which is a quality on its own.
Are they any successful Undertale clones?
Makes me feel like making games that are about exploring dark caves have 100% success rate
>Cave Story
That's an *oof* from me
Cave Story showed people that indie devs can make actual full fledged games that stand toe to toe with triple a efforts. Ask any indie dev what games inspired them and I bet you two out of three of them will say Cave Story.
Gone Home single-handedly ruined Yea Forums for months so that's gotta count for something
>No World of Goo
>Gone Home 'influential'
Yeah jesus, how much money does fate and touhou move in the nip economy annually anyways.
>game inspired people to ripoff ANOTHER game
wow how influential, like how Minecraft caused people to make ripoff Body Harvest on N64
Blame stuff like Space Funeral or Minecraft and other "bad graphics on purpose" games, the point of them (if they had one at all) was looking bad/gross so people would stop focusing so much on graphics, I guess they got the message wrong and though they shouldn't care about them at all. Even Touhou art got better over time despite being a bit infamous for being ugly yet people still think old games were supposed to look pixelated or not being more appealing makes it more authentic (Cave Story actually looks fine at least in motion though but this is the exception to the rule)
i agree with dwarf fortress and minecraft. isaac is literally beaten out by ever other game that's been made in the genre it created. I liked cave story. The other two i don't know much about.
>People who played Call of Duty are inspired to make a Medal of Honor ripoff.
You're fucking retarded.
If anything I'd say dear esther put walking simulators on the map, and gone home took inspiration from it.
>Published by Capcom
It wasnt an indie game, it was just made by a very small team, and published by normal means. Its is in no way more special than the hundreds of other small GBC/A and PS1 / early PS2 games released around the same year.
Cave Story however had no publisher, and was free to play. It was just one dude's website with a download link on it. IN NO WAY IN HELL you would ever find a copy of Cave Story in a Game Stop, the same cant be said about shantae.
If you were older than 5 by that year you would understand that.
But Isaac came out before spelunky hit it's popularity spike?
I know you guys won’t a agree about this should be up there if we’re being 100% honest
I think that while Cave Story was the first "indie games can stand toe to toe with bigger games", World of Goo was the first major success in PAID indie games.
shit list.
Nah, Isaac did it better and more influentially. Spelunky didn't get notoriety until the remake in 2012, after BoI (2011). Rebirth made the genre even more popular, and inspired the likes of Nuclear Throne, Wizards of Legend, Moonlighters, and Enter the Gungeon. Games like Rogue Legacy seem to follow more in Spelunky's footsteps, but it's kinda like how most Metroidvanias lean more towards Super Metroid than Symphony of the Night. Roguelikes have Binding of Isaac and Spelunky instead.
I wish this got big instead of undertale
What are you going to clone? The amazing looks? The tumblr style humor? The unbelievably amazing encounters?
What made the game good is how it banks on the circumstance that its players are going to be seasoned video game fans, expecting to be treated to old, long standing video game tropes, but then they are instead treated to clever subversions of their expectations. It's very unique and it can't really be replicated.
I, too, am le boomzoomdoompoooomjoomgoom
No but Lisa the painful is the best earthbound-like game
Honestly the success of Tetris is such a crazy story. Just one fucking Russian nerd made one of the best selling and well known games in the world in his fucking basement. Fucking insane.
Gone Home and DF aren't influential.
it deserves a spot as much or slightly more than gone home. but i think the real qualifier is were any of the games influenced by it of any merit? most of them came off as opportunistic ripoffs. not that im very familiar with any of them
It's missing OJ.
this, for better or for worse
Not influental.
Hell no, Slenderman was more important in the "horror indie" side of things. Hell, eve IMSCARED was from 2012.
But its honestly hard to talk about horror. There were SO MANY DAMN SMALL HORROR games back then. Flash horror games. RPGmaker horror games. Creepy Pasta horror games. Pokemon Black (creepypasta) had a working ROM before FnaF
>Developed by a small team with no outside help that put in the effort to have a 3rd party make a physical version
>A Guy who didn't put in the extra effort to get a published version of his game out and now it's not worth mentioning.
>If you get a company to publish the game you made it's not indie.
Oh, oops, looks like there IS a physical copy of Cave story available, published by NIS and Nicalis, guess that means it's no longer Indie, right, since a physical copy exists?
That argument was stupid and you're stupid.
for the sake of discussion bear in mind that "influential" dosent just mean popular or i like it
Replace gone home with rogue legacy.
As far as the actual quality of the ripoffs they spawned its:
>1. Cave Story
>2. Isaac
>3. Minecraft
>4. Dorf
>5. Undertale
>6. Gone homo
1. Cave Story
2. Touhou
3. Binding of Isaac
4. Minecraft
5. Gone Home
6. I Want to Be the Guy
6. Dorf Fort
7. Terraria
8. Corruption of Champions
9. Undertale
10. Bastion
You are right, but
>for the sake of discussion bear
For like 2 seconds I thought "who the fuck is discussion bear". I'm going to bed
What the fuck did Gone Home influence? It wasn't the first of its kind and I never heard a single walking sim dev say they got into the genre because of Gone Home
Infiniminer should be on there instead of Minecraft considering it inspired Minecraft.
Dear Esther (or potentially The Graveyard, though that wasn't well received) should be on there instead of Gone Home for inspiring shitty walking simulators.
Also needs mention of I Wanna Be The Guy, which yes was inspired in turn by Kaizo Mario, but that's a romhack and not an indie game so it doesn't fit the image. Anyway, IWBTG is the basis for most modern "one hit kill, infinite instant retry" platformers.
Not enough fap material, and even if there was it's too sad. I think it's a better story.
It pretty much spawned the PC party game genre, which has exploded in popularity recently. Damn shame it isn't more popular, considering how fun it is. It's much better than modern Mario Party, and I enjoyed Super Mario Party.
Surprised there's no Amnesia. That single handedly started the scary running and hiding simulator era of horror games
>Gone Home
blatant bait thread but still got a chuckle
It gets points for creativity at least, I don't think I could ever come up with the concept of this series and pull it off like he did while Toby stuff always reads like a self-aware fanfiction, this definitely deserved becoming a fad.
too bad i don't see those?
i mean, besides gungeon and isaac.....
the others are shit...
>It's much better than modern Mario Party
I like OJ and all but it's just mario party without the minigames.
Which, if you remember, was one of the main reasons why 9 and 10 were so reviled.
>doesn't know gone home
hello there newfag
Sad. Remove all but DorfFort and Minecraft to make it a legit list.
I don't know if you can say the recent popularity for PC party games is because of 100% OJ. I think it's also because of nintendo not delivering a good mario party for over a decade now and people really really want online party games. Most of the PC party games are MP clones - not even good ones mind you. But it's all people have when they want a party game with minigames (which OJ doesn't have, another reason why I think it's not the main influencer there)
Isaac brought forth a shit ton of roguelites and you still see some low effort ones pushed out.
Has dwarf fortress actually influenced anything? DId notch ever talk about it or something? It's a great game and all but I can't think of anything that it influenced.
Nuclear Throne
Wizards of Legend
Rogue Legacy
Risk of Rain
Slay the Spire
Darkest Dungeon
Dead Cells
Into the Breach
Crypt of the Necrodancer
I keep having to remind myself that Gone Home is that shitty 'exploration' game that came out damn near 6 years ago. Forgive me if I forgot about 'NOTHING: THE GAME".
Nah it's just some retard zoomer shit that no one cares about or will even bother defending.
>Crypt of the Necrodancer
i wasn't paying attention at the time, how did Yea Forums take this?
Super Mario Party had great mini-games. That aside, 100% OJ has definitely inspired a couple. There was one that it was bundled with a while back.
Popular doesn't mean influential
Jumpscare games were popular before fnaf
No shovel knight, Shantae or Fury?
Shitpost magnet like anything Zelda
>Meat Boy
How? Simply being a good game does not make it influential.
Oh no yea, super's pretty good.
Could definitely use work, but it's the first new mario party game in 11 fucking years so people are willing to forgive a bit.
in what world are those games influential? all of those came out after established indie scenes(or in Shantae's case, her games only started getting an audience after the scene was established)
shame, necrodancer is one of my favorite games
do you people not understand what influential means
hint: it doesn't mean good or popular
None of these are as indie as my favorite game so they don't count.
>the first game to utilize full crossplay between PS4, Switch, Xbox, Mobile, and PC. Breaking the barriers of console wars isn't influential
"m-muh indie shit" and other worthless shitposters among a few people who were really excited (for a good reason) from what I've seen.
>one hit death
>score based
So I guess Super Mario Bros. is influenced by Hotline Miami?
gone home and dorf both kinda toe the line of what I would still be willing to call a video game, but on different ends of the spectrum
in gone home you don't do anything but watch meanwhile dwarf fortress is about as gamey as filling a spreadsheet in
it's very hard for me to say which one makes me have less fun
>putting BoI over the fucking Rogue on the list
It established a management game formula and there are multiple games directly influenced by it like Craft the World.
>Influential enough to create an entire game company, get multiple sequels and have crossovers with other games, being one of the most requested characters for Smash Bros. and being the standard for how good your Indie game must be to enter the market.
But some user on Yea Forums doesn't agree so I guess that doesn't count.
das actually kinda cool, I never knew
Mario has 2 hit power up so no, it was Super Contra that inspired Hotline Miami
>Influential enough to create an entire game company
she didn't create a game company, WF had already existed and her game wasn't the reason Yacht Club was founded. You're not really THIS retarded are you?
no not really, besides haven't a bunch of games before done that "gimmick"
>>putting BoI over the fucking Rogue on the list
i mean, sure, but that was kind of going against the "group" of games the op was trying to push,
Gone home kek
>not putting in amnesia, a game that brought back the horror genre for better of for worse
I'd say that flash game N was more influential.
I meant the other way around, have to get my shitposting game in order
>being the standard for how good your Indie game must be to enter the market.
bitch what? her games are notorious flops
>>Influential enough to create an entire game company, get multiple sequels and have crossovers with other games, being one of the most requested characters for Smash Bros. and being the standard for how good your Indie game must be to enter the market.
almost none of these things have anything to do with influential
why do you not want to understand what words mean
>no Touhou
you can't be serious right now
Dwarf Fortress and Gone Home should be replaced by Shovel Knight and Journey
recency bias really makes people stupid
>being the standard for how good your Indie game must be to enter the market
I don't even know what that is supposed to mean
have you checked the steam store lately, like, in the last 5 years
That was Journey
>that was kind of going against the "group" of games the op was trying to push
Really now? I mean, sure, later it got a publisher for non-nix platforms, but it's an indie game to begin with.
Remember me?
Name ONE (1) Shantae game that was bad (Oh, please, PLEASE, name the one you need to pay upwards of $400 to get right now).
Did somebody say "influential indie game"?
neither of those games is influental somehow.
i mean they are good games (appart from gone home, which i simply dont know), but cant think of anything they influenced
It sure was big and influenced internet culture, but that's about it. No actual impact on games developed.
Tomb Raider is the most influential indie game
Full of absolute garbage that nobody buys? What are you trying to say?
>he thinks flop means bad
man you're stupid
Hotline Miami 2
because rogue is a 40 year old game and all the other games have been from the past 10ish years or so
>minecraft isn't influential
Fucking how?
you do realize that flop doesn't mean it's a bad game right
are you actually stupid?
Is there some other definition only you're aware of?
next to no indie games have had any impact on games developed. If you want to go that route, the only ones that should be in the OP are:
>Spelunky and/or Binding of Issac
>No actual impact on games developed.
you can't possibly be this retarded can you? I'm not even a 2hu-nigger and I can tell how dumb what you just said is
I just bought my 7 year old a lego minecraft set
>but cant think of anything they influenced
you really can' think of any video game that minecraft influenced
are you Merely Pretending?
Bad game, bad story.
flop can also mean the game didn't sell well. Which the first Shantae game is known for being a massive flop in that regard
DF is from 2005 or so.
Everyone's gone to the rapture
Life is strange
Any sort of horrid "walking sim" shit that everyone bitched about back in like 2014. Thank fucking god that particular cancer got excised.
Are you dense?
>A game can only flop because it's bad
What is the point you're trying to say?
and Minecraft
>Gone Home
Maybe as a joke
Minecraft sure did. Why do you think we had a fucking boom of crafting-survival-openworld shit?
SUPERHOTline Miami
>>A game can only flop because it's bad
ok so you are retarded, got it
who said the game was bad, name one person who said "the game sucks" we're saying the game flopped, as in it sold like absolute shit, WF admits it, everyone else knows it, and for some reason Shantae fans can't accept that.
Educate me then, user.
You are well aware of what I was trying to say you dolt, "entering the market" happens with the snap of a finger and doing so "sucessfully" is not defined by being however sucessful the shantae games happen to be, you are massively overrating their reach and importance
Was Doom an indie game
it was shareware made by id software, but getting into semantics all of the games that valve has put out are indie because they don't have any publisher
Is your mom an indie game?
Probably not because she was definitely done by more than a couple of guys
the actual answer to the most influential indie games are, any indie games that made it into this book. This list was decided upon by industry experts and critics, so whichever indie games made it into the book, are the indies that are considered "the most important"
Started the trend of pretentious indie faggots, gay beards and all. Cool game but those people ruined it for me, yikes.
so... he's influential?
Didn't influence other games so no.
Leave Cave Story out of your shitposting, retard.
>Braid didn't influence other games
Name three.
>lego set
but what about videogames?
how much games are there that were build due to minecraft, and how is it even compareable to rogue in the regards of "influence"?
Yeah its basically an argument of semantics. I personally think Cave Story was the first "indie" game because it was the first one that came out of nowhere, had widespread acclaim, and had a name attached to it. Of course there was shit like Dope Wars before it that everyone played, but it was the first time I heard people bring up the term indie for games.
Minecraft is probably the most influential indie game as a whole because of how popular it got.
Cave story is is probably a close second due to being the first big indie game that basically jump started the genre.
I've played all of them. Only one of them is a real stinker, I'll let you guys figure out which.
Every other crafting open world sandbox survival exists solely because of Minecraft.
Earthbound also bombed on release despite being retard levels of expensive now.
Dwarf Fortress and Minecraft are the only games worthy of that title. MAYBE Undertale but I have a hard time justifying that. Isaac is fun but it is just your generic rogue-lite game. Fat boy just looked at the old Zelda games and made it edgy. Also I have no idea what Cave Story is besides the porn so it may be worthy of the title.
If it's not gone homo then you are very wrong and have awful shit on top of that
Not as indie as my favorite 80s literally who PC game or Cave Story so no and also fuck you.
Shovel Knight is a culmination of all the great parts of Indie games and development coming together. It's a shining beacon of what can be accomplished now that we've come this far, but it isn't particularly influential in any way.
What has Shantae contributed to the history of Indie development?
there were crafting open world sandbox survivals games even before minecraft, minecraft just got popular with it.
while rogue created a whole genre.
All of those are shit except Undertale.
Of course it's Gone Homo, that shit is the biggest turd I've ever seen and I regret buying it full price every day.
Minecraft itself only exists because of Infiniminer
>and I regret buying it full price every day.
well i can't say I've made better financial decisions than you, but really?
>indie is a genre
That does not contradict my sratement. We had a fucking openworld sandbox boom thanks to it.
well castle crashers and braid (360) were the founding pillars of the paid indie scene. world of goo became famous mostly for marketing experiments that went against the grain of the time and supported pro-consumer marketing strategies: they were on PC (multiplatform) and Wii, not on the other consoles, and the devs espoused a novel DRM-free/pay what you want philosophy which laid the groundwork for Humble Bundle and the debunking of the industry's piracy myths
Cave Story >>>>>>>everything else
It was probably as influencial in nipland as Minecraft was for us. But i'm not an expert on that, so you'd better be off asking 2hu-niggers in this thread. If they're are there, can they confirm if what i'm saying is accurate or if i'm just misremembering shit
All I remember about Gay Home is that they gave it away for free when Trump got elected to "comfort" people.
From the pictures it looked like a good mystery & horror game. The true horror was when I finally noticed nothing in the house was spooky and the mystery was gayness.
guess you have a point.
And 2D exploration games existed before Symphony of the Night, doesn't make it any less influential.
Braid should be on there
midnight animal
Did that actually happened, that's fucking hilarious. mean metroid, right? I know that Yea Forums is dumb, but come on...
I remember world of goo had like a built in sorta "tattle" drm thing that didn't interfere with the game but phoned home if there was a pirated copy, and the devs said that like 90% of players didn't buy it.
Needs Yume Nikki
The influence of rogue is pretty weak nowadays. Spelunky is more emblematic of the modern “roguelike” than rogue. I would say rogue also deserves a spot though.
I mean, most of OP's list is in that book. the only changes are
>Undertale isn't in there(book came out in 2013)
>Issac is replaced with Spelunky for rouge game
>Gone Home is replaced with Journey(which I would say is more fitting)
and then there are a few additions which I don't feel like listing
>no braid
Uh it makes me feel like whoever made this doesnt know what the fuck they're talking about
What does touhou do that nothing before it did? All this time I thought it was just a shmup with cute anime girls and lots of enemy projectiles?
Is DF the best indie game ever made?
recency bias is a hell of a drug. and I guess OP takes "references" to mean "influence"
For me, it's Cave Story + La-Mulana that jumpstarted the indie scene.
Playing those two games back to back totally blind was magical.
posting the superior J-indie RPGmaker game
Can't even imagine how you felt. I'm sorry user
there is one worthwhile addition ;)
Name 3 games that Braid influenced.
i think they shoukd add learn to fly 1 and 2
>Cave Story
>Instead of Shantae
Yea Forums strikes again!
Yeah that's part of the metroidvania genre too.
It's 400 dollars because not many copies were made and hardly anybody bought it in the first place. It has nothing to do with game quality.
According to you Stadium Events is the greatest NES game of all time because a sealed copy once sold for over $40,000.
If by "influental" you don't count the fact that it's one of the most sold and played video game on the planet that everyone loves and with thousands of mods and servers and fan made content and ported to every console and with merchandise in every store and yadda yadda yadda then I don't know what else you'd count. It's so incredibly influental, it's a monolith in the middle of the industry, any game since minecraft can (and has to) be measured against minecraft. You make anything crafting, you make anything open world, with randomly generated worlds, with a blocky aesthetic, with the survival stuff, anything is influenced by a game like minecraft. I mean steam had a whole category for minecraft ripoff games. The whole battle royale stuff, all of it was influenced by minecraft to a degree, and it was a sweeping change from minecraft like blocky zombie survival games to the 100 people battle royale titles. It's so impressively influental, we have come to accept a gaming industry with a title like minecraft in the center as such a normality, you can unironically ask if it even had an impact at all. Let that sink in. It's like asking if fucking coca cola even has any influence on the soft drink industry. Coke IS the soft drink industry, in the same vein that Minecraft is a pretty central part of what the average person understands a video game to be
Its the most autistic indie game that's for fucking sure, and as such, deserves its seat on the pantheon.
2hu fag here. It was the (or one of the) game that pretty much invented the whole doujin (indie) game scene in japan, with the first Touhou game coming out in 1997. Since then, it has become THE most popular doujin game in japan by a wide fucking margin.
>Shantae influencing anything
she hasn't done shit for games, get out of here with your waifu shit franchise.
>there IS a physical copy of Cave story available
Made years after the original release. Shantae was initially a Capcom published retail release.
The original Cave Story is indie, Shantae is not.
name one think shantae did different or influential to the industry
Um every indie game sold on a console in the last 10 years
> Gone Home spawned the annoying "true walking sim" where you inspect random things as part of your gameplay to find some kind of deepest lore.
That was Myst, a game most zoomers such as yourself haven't even heard of.
Dwarf Fortress directly inspired minecraft's creation so take that shit off there, the rest are literal whos that were inspired by Japanese pixel games or Hotline Miami.
Literally name 3, faglord.
Bait thread 1/10 got me to respond.
>no Terraria
Fucking yikes m8.
uuhhhhh waifus, shit that was touhou... uhhhhh metroidvani- shit that was already a genre for years now, uhhhh wai- I already said that... it existed fir- shit Touhou, Umihara Kawase, and a bunch of other games existed before Shantae....
No, I'm serious you fucking dipshit. Every single one. It started an indie boom on consoles that is still going. Indies being viable on consoles is LITERALLY because of Braid and Castle Crashers
Myst actually had puzzles, fucking unfairly obtuse ones at that. Gone Home was more of a "hey this shit is so braindead, everyone can huff our message!" kinda dogshit.
>Dwarf Fortress
Dorf is more about imagination sparked by simulation and procedural generation than it is about spreadsheet-like optimization. If you take DF strictly as a “game” you might be disappointed; in that respect it is slightly closer to Gone Home than you may expect.
maybe on Xbox and PS3. The Wii never got those games and instead it was the Bit.Trip series and World of Goo that did that.
Shovel knight definitely. I mean, it was the most requested indie character for a reason.
I'll accept all of those except for Gone Home and Dorfs. Gone Home didn't influence shit and I doubt most people haven't even heard of Dwarf Fort. It's a well-executed game, but come on. Nobody was influenced by autism: the game.
Shantae and Shovel Knight aren't as big in the indie scene as Smash fans make them out to be
Minecraft was literally inspired by Dwarf Fortress
I love undertalr but it doesnt belong here, Undertale is more derivative than influential.
Gone Home unfortunately does belong there.
Replace Undertale with Ultima Online and this is accurate.
dwarf fortress inspired minecraft
the rest can fuck off
Being good=/=influential.
Shovel Knight is derivative, not influential. Cave Story started the trend of retro styled indies long before it.
Shovel Knight is an absolutely amazing game still, but its not trying to be anything new.
isn't life is strange a point and click adventure game?
I thought it was inspired by some other 3D building game that Notch stole the idea from almost entirely?
Gone Home actually started the walking simulator "genre".
Did somebody say "influential indie games?"
gone home and isaac are trash and don't belong there
Lots of "NINTENDO HIRE THIS MAN"posting about how it looks better than the LA remake.
This is missing
Yume Nikki is missing
Touhou is missing
Ultima Online is missing.
Facade is unironically a more quotable game than some of the shit in OPs list
To be fair PC-98 games don't have much of an impact, I think they barely sell 3 figures combined
EoSD has always remain huge though
This is influental in that it is to blame for stuff like FNAF and all the youtube screamers, that's about it for its legacy
All of them.
Genuinely the best indie game I have ever played is Please Bang my Wife by Team NTR
Yeah it's a bit of a meme asking for stuff from PC-98 touhou games to come back in new games since it is really irrelevant.
It literally didn't. It came out in 2013 when shit like The Graveyard and Dear Ester were 2008
No, the reason why FNAF came out is because Jim Sterling mass fun of the guy who made child friendly Christian games and said that those characters look like possessed animatronics
You mean walking sims, we had those loong before, SJW bullshit theme is usually sprinkled over
girlgames genre and that's a real thing.
>dwarf fortress
>cave story
>gone home
>binding of isaac
how so? I see that IWBTG is not one there.
And the reason we got FNAF 2, FNAF 3 and FNAF - the Nokia Ngage port - is because screamtubers like markiplier and jackcepticeye could only latch onto amnesia for so long, even though the format proved to be good for clicks
For what it's worth, Crypt of the Necrodancer is the only idie game to legally feature IP from Nintendo EVER. How influential do you have to be to break Nintendo out of their "isolated Japan" bastion with their properties?
Amnesia provided a complete resurgence of the horror genre. If that's not influential I don't know what it.
Not by a long shot, user.
you have to go back
Issac was far bigger than SK
I love yume nikki but even before that we had games like LSD Dream emulator. hell, if you really wanna stretch it, there was Explorer and The Forest all the way back in the 80s. but i agree gone home really shouldnt be put up there
name literally any game influenced by shantae or shovel knight. im not saying they are bad games, but they sure as fuck arent influential on other games. shovel knight in particular is so derivative of NES style action-platformers that any game that bears resemblance to shovel knight likely took inspiration from the same games shovel knight did, rather than from shovel knight itself
at least be happy that you can discuss the game without bringing a shitstorm with you like with undertale.
but user yume nikki isnt horror
I don't see it. At best it was a stepping stone for other titles to build upon. Where is this huge horror resurgence, the AAA world wasn't influenced by it much, and the average normie hasn't heard of it either. You had games like Dead Space and RE5 come out before it, Dead Space 2 and RE6 after it. Came out the same month as Silent Hill: Homecoming. Action games were well and alive, but got progressively more action oriented, that's the way the industry steered and Amnesia didn't change that at all as far as I can tell. It's a bit of a cult status secret tip kinda game for aficionados, I think you're overstating it's influence.
Yume Nikki is more influential than most of the ones mentioned in this thread
What about Touhou
>Dorf fort
Im just surprised that shit is still popular, adventure mode runs out of shit pretty quickly
how the fuck is undertale influential on gaming?
Appearance of an indie game character in TV cartoons.
>Any sort of horrid "walking sim" shit that everyone bitched about back in like 2014
imagine being this new
All correct except gone home and I'd probably switch Isaac for Meatboy (though Isaac is better)
Axe gone home, put stanley parable
One of these games isnt actually a game
>not lisa
>not terraria
>not yume nikki
>not cave story
>not tetris
>no amnesia
>no touhou
It's kinda funny how everyone praises this meme furry tumblr game
replace gone home with terraria
>Ultima Online
Let slap on Wizardry and Doom while we're at it
Cave Story is right there you dumb fuck.
Amnesia killed the horror genre for good.
Terraria is fucking minecraft in 2D and nowhere as influental, even if a stellar game.
Yume Nikki and Lisa are not contenders for most influental.
Tetris comes from a time when almost everything was an "indie game"
Touhou I'll give you.
Who makes post like this? Its a post so low quality that even the shitpost hivemind of Yea Forums disregards it as even existing. I almost deleted my post and ignoring it too but I've seen these randomly appearing in almost any thread on this site. It cant even be considered a shitpost because no one ever falls for them.
I have seen so many of these bafflingly low iq comments coming up randomly in discussions that I honestly and truly believe they come from under aged children failing to mimic an actual shitposter.
It's far too early to declare any of these games "most influential", and yes I'm aware how long it's been since their releases. You can't measure that kind of influence within a few years, even for a young medium like gaming.
>No Mountain Blade
What about Runescape?
N had more influence than Meat Boy
I don't think Undertale has influenced much. Hell, I'd say LISA the Painful is more "influential" than Undertale, it's got some good fan games.
Though, they're both under the umbrella of EarthBound-inspired RPGs, and you can't put EarthBound on that list.
> putting gone home on the same level as dwarf fortress
Didn't Super Meatboy come after IWBTG?