What was the last game that you enjoyed playing?

What was the last game that you enjoyed playing?

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ghost recon wildlands and fallout 4

The Division 2

Blaster Master Zero 2

XV2 Lite is pretty fun so far

if that doesn't count I'm liking my run of Dark Souls 2 rn

I hate this image
Extremely unappealing

Tetris and RE2, though I only got about 20 hours in on RE2 before the depression set back in.

Fallout 76 unironically, but I played through that with my brother.

Ace Combat 7

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Tetris 99

Bloodborne, started my 2nd playthrough last night

>pking on mobile
you madman

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hypnospace outlaw
its the last thing i played

fapping I guess, until I rip my skin in the same spot and now I have to wait for it to heal again so no more fapping for a week :(

postal 2

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this, what's up fellow bro
>1 prayer
>64 hp
>with that gear
I'm probably retarded but are you just watching them or something?

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persona q currently playing right now
see above

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Tacoma. Don't buy it. Only worth it for free.
Good game though.

Well, my daddy taught me a few things too, like, uh, how not to rip the skin by using someone else's mouth, instead of your own hands.


Unironically The Division 2

Baba is You.
Besides the nasty flu i caught, this past week was fantastic.

Yakuza Kiwami even if it was a lazy expansion pack of 0.

I wish she'd treat my dick like that burger

Is the game worth it?

RE2, just started Sekiro, mixed feelings so far though.

Sea of Thieves, and I'm really excited for the mega update

Warioware Gold
Party? Persona Q's an extremely easy game but you could fuck yourself over accidentally by selecting all the shitters (units like Teddie or Mitsuru).

DMC5 last night
Destiny Child right now.

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>see above
You need to go back

Deep Rock Galactic last night, fun little coop mining game. Apparently it got an update just recently- like, a few hours- with some new/upgraded enemies and I'll be playing some more once I've had dinner.

Depends on your mindset, really. The no human NPCs isn't really well done, but you can see what they were attempting to do. It's like going into a story as a main character that arrived 5 years too late to save people. The map is also probably one of the best Bethesda-game maps ever. I personally put it up with Morrowind's map in terms of visual interest. Gameplay is really hit-or-miss, though most of the stability issues have been fixed.

I guess I'll leave it at it's a great $20 game, and a decent $30. If you hate the very idea of any kind of multiplayer, hard pass it.


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I don't get this image


DMC3, but I played it like this week again after beating it 3 weeks back.

>tfw no savage werewolf gf

Nobody cares what you think, weeb.

Ace combat 7

Environmental Station Alpha

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>calls others casual
>is playing fucking Persona

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(You) this post if you love toga

This. The only game that I've broken the pre-order and season pass rule for in the last decade

and it turned out to be shit

Fuck off, Osean scum.

Anyone who play jrpg other than Final Fantasy & Pokemon can't be casual.

BFV 3 minutes ago

Hollow Knight. Finally beat Nightmare Grimm after days of failure and months of putting it off.

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Are the most casual games on earth. Turn based, text based, damage numbers


fucking Toga's asshole

VA-11 Hall-A

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Jimmy and the Pulsating Mass

dark souls 3

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DMC5. I really hope we get to see a Toga school infiltration arc at some point. She has like an entire liter of Fatchako's blood.


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I enjoyed playing The Forest. I've always been addicted to building fortresses. Fuck Timmy though.

Persona is the most gateway shit, even if I like it I can admit to that

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SCP: Secret Laboratory

DMC5 and Ace combat 7

Liberty Crime Squad

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I want a Yandere GF with teeth that could pierce my neck.
Breath of Fire 4 is one of the best games ever made

Shadow Tactics

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Playing Megaman Starforce 3 yesterday