Sekiro will easily blow this away
Please clap
It's really exciting to have all these new games to play...but no time or money for them
Shadows Buy Twice
Gotta counter those piratefags. You should all do the same. FromSoft deserves it.
>2 mil
>Gotta counter those piratefags.
This. It's easy to own multiple copies of a game if you're like me and actually have a fucking job.
Donate me PS4 and I’ll see
I bought 4 copies. Get on my level poorfag.
> ITT Yea Forums pretending 2 million is bad without taking into consideration the budget
nah I don't think so, but I want to play this one unlike dmc
Can you guys send me a copy pls?
It's easy but also a waste, it's not like they're going to stop making games with such big IPs
ace combat 7
gaming is back!!
sent ;)
Thanks for funding the next soulsgame, friendo. Now I can rest easily pirating this.
2mil is about in-line with the other games in the series, right? Didn't DMC3 sell less than 2mil?
I'm fine with these numbers. I'm just happy to have gotten the game. Why do people force this pissing contest between Sekiro and DMC? They're both good.
jokes on you I pirated it 3 times
I'd assume after the failure to reach 2mil with DmC, this must be pretty good.
> marrying at 21
>telling your audience when to applause
cringe and fagpilled
Why would there be (applause) typed out? This has to be fake.
But I pirated it 5 times.
You are now forced to buy more copies, it's in your white cuck blood.
>Sekiro already outsold DMC
>He wasn't financially stable, married, 800 credit score and home paid off at 18
Fucking loser.
>implying Yea Forums isn't 100% shitposting at all times
Why talk about a game you enjoy when you can shit on a game someone else enjoys instead
Thanks now I can continue pirating without having to worry about hurting the industry. Seriously though, console sales alone are enough for them. I wouldn't matter if everyone on PC pirated the game.
So uh... Who's ready for DMC6?
lol manlet is wearing heels
getting married at 21 is just asking for a midlife suicide
Thank you for funding my copy.
Haha thanks for funding me free games cuck.
For every copy sold I'm going to illegally download the game, so things will even out and fromsoft will have made literally no money off the game.
I have 800+ credit score tho
The fuck is credit score?
The answer is right in front of you, user.
How the fuck are you guys playing if it hasnt released yet?
>buying the faulty PS4 version
an estimation of how subservient to jews you are