Time to take your regipill user
Time to take your regipill user
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The true redpill is accepting Gen 2-3 ain't shit in comparison to 4-5.
You’re alive!?
3 > 4 > 5 > 1 > 2
all the regis are garbage
legendary dogs are better
>3 over 4
Nahhhhhhh. Gen 4 did everything 3 did, but better.
Confirmed furfag
i love registeel!
>Legendary "dogs"
>One's a tiger, one's a lion and the other a tremendous faggot
Is there ANY Pokemon with a better cry than Regice?
>Regi's only appeared in One Movie in 2005
>Had the stupidest and funniest way to say their own name
>Regigigas appears only in a 2015 movie
>The keep the same dumb robot speaking mannerism for him.
Based Anime
Are they friends?
What brought on this latest slew of Regi threads? Not that I'm complaining, these boys were the highlight of my childhood Pokemon adventure.
based and regipilled
Thank you Regice!
This is only true if you apply a phy/spe split hack to a gen 3 rom.
The Regis need some love. They’re awesome and severely underrated
I think I had OMP many
I don't know, but don't want it to end. Regis are based.
This isn't my prescription Doc. You must've handed me someone elses.
>love Regigigas
>Slow Start ruins him
Shoulda given him Hugh Power instead.
Why would regigigas need hugh’s Power?
Thanks Regidoc, you're the best!
What's your favorite Regi
All of them
>Region aesthetics and lore:
2 > 1 > 7 > 5 > 3 > 4 > 6
>Pokemon designs:
3 > 1 > 5 > 2 > 6 > 7 > 4
2 > 3 > 1 > 5 > 4 > 7 > 6
5 > 3 > 6 > 7 > 4 > 2 > 1
3 > 5 > 6 > 1 > 2 > 7 > 4
>Character designs:
7 > 2 > 1 > 5 > 3 > 4 > 6
>Main quest progression:
5 > 3 > 4 > 1 > 2 > 7 > 6
She has the most clean design I think. But all of them are awesome.
>Use cheats to in Explorers of Sky to have Regigigas as the MC and Wynaut as my partner
>Suddenly the game becomes more difficult
I agree.
Regiformerly chuck’s
Terrible taste
Registeel but only when it's doing the nazi salute.
So he could be a cat-obsessed Chuni.
Fils Aime.
>3 in first
>2 in last
Jesus christ how horrifying
Spoken like a true bugle babby.
>>Region aesthetics and lore:
Nothing memorable about Johto outside the forest leading to Ho-oh.
>3 over 4
Bruh Platinum did the BF, which is all Emrald had, but better and had a short post game story too.
>trying to make jotho shit look good by putting it together with based gen 3.
Go play in your virgin alph ruins while the true big brained kinoseekers try to unlock the mysteries and powers of the regis while preparing for the absolute ballbusting battle facilities of the battle frontier.
IT was good the first time, but the Pre-Special Split really fucks it over.
New regi cards when?
Excuse me but what the fuck is this?
i like the regis because theyre some of the only pokemon that you could visualize as real live action creatures without completely changing what they look like.
I will never not be mad about ORAS.
If any of ya'll haven't played Pokemon Gaia yet- you're missing out on the peak Regikino
Going 3D and chibi really killed it for me.
>Fighting Regi
Is this build achievable natty?
You are fucking spot on with Pokemon designs.
I can seeing regiroot being a real thing
>regigigas carved out a new regi from an enormous oak in a forest
That's its seldom known true form.
Fuck, marry, kill
I usually hate fan designs but these are actually pretty good. Fairy is especially good.
Fuck regice, Marry regirock, kill registeel
pretty sure i've fought regidragon in bloodborne
Those design ruin them, but if we're talking the originals, fuck Steel, marry Ice, kill Rock.
DELELELWOOOOOOP is pretty fuckin good
Imagine being this retarded
I could deal with that, but no battle frontier and most of the legendary hunt being cut out like the sky pillar bike challenge being a glorified cutscene and just handing you a mega lati@s killed it for me.
Hell they didn't even have the decency to hide the new legendary mons on the map you just get some gay wormhole shit.
The OST and town designs in gen2 were moody. It felt like you were travelling through a sleepy town more than going on some grand world-changing quest. I also think that Crystal's sprites are some of the best in the series. The actual games are not spectacular going back, and the remakes broke more things than they fixed. I think a fangame remake of gen 2 has the potential to be the best Pokemon game so long as it stays far removed from Game Freak.
The aesthetics overall are nice - the Whirl Islands, the towers in Ecruteak, the Ruins of Alph, Goldenrod, and the Lighthouse stand out in particular to me. The slight eerieness of the Unown, combined with the varied entrances coiling back into the ruins, and the strange radio frequency all make a dexfiller shitmon actually interesting from a non-gameplay perspective. The historic conflict between the region's primary legendaries has visible impacts on the world.
Emerald's BF was more enjoyable than Platinum's in my opinion, and the postgame story in Platinum wasn't particularly notable.
I still find it enjoyable, and one of the better games to emulate mobile in general. Pre-split hurts a bit, but not too much. Plus, if I want Gen 3 with the split, there are countless mods and romhacks (which didn't factor into my ranking).
Based and regipilled
I really hope whoever decided the regis sound as they did in the anime got a promotion
what the fuck was his problem?
>4 that low for lore/aesthetics when its literally what went unused for 2
>I think a fangame remake of gen 2 has the potential to be the best Pokemon game so long as it stays far removed from Game Freak.
>almost all the gen 2 fanmakes have gay OCs or just flood the region with other pokemon
I just want a Gen 2 remake in the style and difficulty of FRLG with the special split
it was a real bold move to introduce semen type with reginut
>that flying one
That's fucking amazing, WHY IS THAT SO COOL
Tbqh I agree, I'd fuck all three.
I always liked Regice's cry. It's pretty chilling.
They also ruined Mauville city. Shit peeves me every time.
Some of those are legit unsettling
>You will never be as based as Regiscum, poison titan
i honestly dont think gen 3 legends will EVER be topped
they are all perfect
gen 3 has such a good dex
Based and redpilled tier
>The regi bros
Ho-oH and Lugia
Good tier
>Zapdos, Moltres and Articuno
Mediocre tier
>The OG dog trio
>Palkia and Dialga
>Ultra Beasts
>Genies of healthy meta
Cringe and Bluepilled tier
>The rest
where's he going?
>Regigigas could only be obtained in ORAS if you have caught all 3 Regis, go to Pacifidlog Town and talk to the little girl who vaguely hints what you need to do to get him, then return to the cave where you originally caught Regice in the daytime BUT that very Regice must have a nickname AND has to hold an ice-related item in order for Regigigas to spawn
It's so bizarre that ORAS is the very same game that simultaneously does a shitty job integrating legendaries not present in the original gen 3 games but does something so outlandishly vague and out-there for Regigas that you wouldn't even know about unless you looked it up.
>Kyogre and Zekrom not in Based tier
shame on you user
Also Lake Trio are by far the lamest legendaries in the series.
You're just mad you aren't Pokegod.
>Kyogre and UBS that low
Bump em up a tier and I agree with your placements
>Zekrom not in B/R tier
What the fuck. Are you serious? Why the fuck would they do that.
He was a fucking brute in his movie.
>Mediocre tier
>Palkia and Dialga
Cringe and not-regipilled
>No implied cloths on regirock
shitty designs but
Fuck Steel
kill ice
Marry Rock
Because people kept disturbing his safespace
What's the source for this run animation anyways? I see it around a lot.
>that low pitch regice
>D/P remakes
>Regigigas gets a primal form like Groudon and Kyogre
>Primal Regigigas
>Ability Power start: Regigigas stats are doubled for 5 turns
He's too fucking strong, that's the reason why.
If you think that's bad, then boy you don't wanna know how you get fucking Spiritomb in ORAS. How they hid that cheeky fucker in the game is exactly what they should've done for a legendary like Rotom, but they just didn't.
>groudon above kyogre
filthy, dumb, groundshitter scum
imagine not wanting water
i shit on you kid
It's just laziness.
They just replicated that one kid playground rumor instead of making a new area for regigas.
Instead they just recycled Regice's area.
I thought Mauville hills were one of the more interesting changes honestly.
Neutering new Mauville was my real issue.
In my dream ORAS game you would get a revamped mauville dungeon where you could catch Rotom at the end.
It would make perfect sense.
>Primal Regigias vs SuperFug
I want to see how this would play out.
Pretty based, but 7 deserves to get moved up in the music category simply thanks to Team Skull. I'd also put 5 a bit higher in music. And I'm hoping you're not counting Kanto as part of 2's postgame because otherwise it needs to be much higher.
Fight me, Team ASSqua
When the fug are they going going to add primal dialga to mainline games
That's about the same as the braille puzzles to access the original regis in gen 3. You needed a Wailord and a Relicanth in a specific order to get them too.
I'm only considering the Battle Tower and rematches the gen 2 postgame. Kanto's part of the main quest - you've still got badges to earn.
>D/P Remakes
>One True Mega Primal Origin Arceus: The Father, the Mon and the Holy Spirit
Aren't these things supposed to be legendary
Doesn't every mascot legendary have like 10 stats more?
Kyurem-white/black has like 50 points over it.
Not to mention the primals, ultra-necrozma, mega-mewtwo and our lord mega-fug
Legendary just means they're old as fuck and have had legends written about them, don't mistake them for actual mythical Pokémon.
>6 > 7 > 4
In what world
Artist actually called it "Regiflex"
Is there only one of them or is the multiple?
jp meme Gundam youtube.com
Who gives a fuck. There's plenty of pokemon that are retardedly strong, what's another one going to do?
I liked the name regigains
Based and Gigapilled. This user knows what he's fucking talking about.
In both the games and the anime there's canonically multiple since the Frontier Brains use them. Also in the games you can find them in both Hoenn and Unova.
Can't get more based than this
When’s regirock in smash?
thanks, i fucking hate it. imagine having literally any of these fuckers chasing you. how long will you last?
The dragon one is horrifying
The Regis unironically should be in smash
>how long will you last?
I would try to befriend them, the Regis seem like nice fellows
Regihive looks like a total bro
Regi ground could be better. Should have more desert influences than plateaus
Yeah Ground is the only one of the bunch I don't like, which is impressive honestly.
Thanks doc
I want a remake made by actual Japanese people who have intimate familiarity with the region Johto's based on. The one thing that stood out about those games to me was how immediately Japanese the whole Gen 2 experience was. I mean, the first gym leader's wearing a kimono! The first mini dungeon is a Buddhist temple! It was so weird and alien to me as a kid who had zero frame of reference for anything outside of the state I grew up in. A lot of that alien-ness got thrown away in the remake with the gaudy Pokemon Center/Mart designs and little incidental things like the Name Rater's house. Outside of that, yeah, fix the level curve, update the combat system, flesh the areas out a lot more, maybe add some of the beta Pokemon, and you've have yourself a fun little game.
Regi trio might be my favorite trio, to bad Regigigas has slow start or it would be perfect.
I love the Regis because they encouraged real exploration
>First comes Relicanth.
>Last comes Wailord.
>smash will never get a handful more of "why the fuck not" fun peripheral picks like Regis, kirby weird one-offs, FE villains, poochy, count bleck
melmetal has an okay-ish shot if you want a scuffed proxy regi
because they're like one of the very few shining examples of how to integrate legendaries into Pokemon games
In order to reach them, you had to learn Braille, put Relicanth and Wailord in a specific order, and explore a bit just to get them. Their legendary status actually felt earned, unlike the flagship legendaries and all the event mons Gamefreak keeps shitting out.
Some dude kept spamming the regis, he was getting like maybe 5 posters max, then he posted the one with regice self destructing, then everyone had fun in the thread so it's a thing now, no complaint from me though, I like it.
Groudon is a nigger
Regispook, Registeak, and RegiYHWH are giving me some Evangelion vibes. The fact that the Regis are just unthinking and powerful forces of nature is what makes them most unsettling, and pretty cool.
Fuck bro's, why are the Regi's so based? Romhack of the Regi's being starter pokemon when.
Would you?
>you unironically need to learn a new language to catch a fucken pokemon
holy shit now I see why nerds loved pokemon in school
>get level 5 regi
>lose every battle if you attack
I like the electric one
I like a good challenge.
>ultra beasts appear more frequently and threaten the world balance
>the god of their world appears and btfo arceus
>arceus careens into earth and the game is about helping him regain strength / the plates
>arceus gets a form above a mega evolution in the rematch
>perfect arceus
>it literally gets 1000 arms
Post yfw
>Regidark's face is an upside-down cross
Don't forget that when you fund a regi's lair, you had to solve a riddle written in braille as well.
The tiny bit of lore in the sealed chamber was rad as fuck as well.
The regis brough prosperity to humans, but they were so powerfull that people begun to fear them untill one day someone chad comes around to tane them and their strength.
Shit was so kino.
Beep boop.
good fucken observation, based
begone, regithot
>God tier
Tapu Koko
Tapu Lele
>High tier
Tapu Bulu
Tapu Fini
>Meh tier
>Shit tier
Rest of the Ultra Beasts
Don’t shit on my wiggly boy Xirk
the peak of fortnite
Someone made this in a fake leak thread. Wish it was real though
5th gen version best imo
Ah shit, I knew I was forgetting something. Yeah Xurkitree goes into high tier too.
fuck all of them
marry all of them
kill (you)
That just look like a frozen over Volcanion.
>Be chillin with your pals in a cool formation
>Fall through a wormhole
>Appear on a fucking weird chain of islands in another world
>Everyone is calling you a pokemon
>The fuck is that
>Your crew goes along with it
>Get to beat some weird stuff
>They shove you all inside a tiny ball
>While you're all trying to figure out what the fuck is going on they release the ball and start rubbing fred's backside
>This is awkward
>But someone has to check out before they rape fred
Original’s the best since it felt the most robotic and mysterious imo
damn that anime rendition goes hard
Original but I actually like the ORAS version a lot too.
I make a point to only use native mons during my pokemon runs with no legendaries in my team.
Necrozma is the 2nd legendary to make me break that clause to myself.
Base necrozma was just too cool.
First one was Zekrom, because I actually liked how BW handled the legendary plotline and it seemed fitting.
>The Three Musketeers legendaries were added a gen before the France region.
This will never not annoy the shit out of me.
Fucking Dyson shills
>when your other form is the one that's killing OU
Regiflight has an arrow
Regiwood has a little man
Regiwater is a crescent moon
>The France region didn't even have a fucking trio so they just reused the birds again because KANTOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
*sad beeping noises*
why are they all overdesigned besides the real ones
The background riff from 0:04-0:21 always sounded like a warning siren to me
Why so sad
Regirock was always my favorite Regi.
Poor Zygarde he never even got the chance to redeem Kalos.
Didn't Regigigas pull entire continents as the legends say? I want to see full power gigas can do.
I like how all the fan designed ones are cool and interesting compared to the bland official ones.
i wish regichads were in smash. fuck sakurai and game freak.
Regice gave me my first dose. Where is my other dose piccolo?
>those sad beeps as he's getting sucked off into the void
poor regigigas
I would literally use nothing but this party if Regigains was the real deal
I don't like saying "overdesigned" but I dunno I'm not feeling a lot of these.
I think the majority of them are missing that "simple and clean" appeal that the original trio had and Regigigas to an extent, though to be fair he kinda is supposed to be a weird amalgamation of the trio and act as their head honcho.
slow ass motherfucker. MOVE
>tfw can only enjoy nuzlockes now
>never actually beat emerald without nuzlocke rules
>it’s my favorite Pokémon game
Am I a fraud?
They should allow you to travel to places like the Moon and Mars and catch pokemon there.
he's trying his best please be considerate
>love these guys, think they're one of the few instances of interesting legendaries
>every one but Registeel is PU shit
I wish they were remotely decent, they're so cool.
Zygarde is nice and cute
>when regigigas primal reverts, his black stripes become flowing stripes of energy
None of them are bad, but I prefer the original. Probably due to nostalgia, but I also like how it's simpler than the others.
>give me like 5 minutes chief
Just give him speed boost for the fuck of it. Slow Start is basically him having to get up to speed, why should he have to stop?
>Dark Ages are the only age unrepresented by the regis
>Galar is Britain, which is basically THE dark ages place
>Dark weak to fighting, like all other regis
>Regis have the letters of AZOTH on them, besides the letter Z
>Z extremely prominent the last few gens with Necrozma, Zygarde, Marshadow, and Z Crystals
>"It is finished when seven become one", and all regis have seven dots on their faces
>Gen 8 will be the gen where Diamond and Pearl get remade
it's regidark time lads
He’s an old man, be nice
>the strategy to deal with it is to spam Protect and wait it out
>Regigigas players start using Feint to sweep unstopped
>the meta is now full of Ghost-types with Protect for immunity from Feint hits
>Gigabros now carry Foresight to deal with them
>Shedinja rises to Ubers solely because Foresight Feint hits won't work on it
rudeposters BEGONE
yfw Regigigas has slow start removed in gen 9 because its been 5 generations since his debut.
>Regis have the letters of AZOTH on them, besides the letter Z
Wait what?
I loved using him in doubles with a skill swapping pure power Medicham. Bonus points if it survived long enough to swap it onto an opponent.
it's sorta a reach with regigigas, but it works with the others
>Registeel is O
>Regice is T
>Regirock is H
Original, no meming. The lower quality computer audio works way better for the robot theme.
he cute
>psycho Regi
Literally my mom's Angel
Why do they get the cool anime cries?
Makes me wonder if their LED eyes is another kind of word magic like the unowns, and there's a whole bunch of sealed regis hidden away.
I think they look fine to me for the most part. Regidrake for instance looks no more complex than Hydreigon.
Regigigas is good in the tcg Yea Forums
someone needs their dosage?
imagine if Regigigas actually got some type of boost if all Regi's were on your team. Too bad that's too hard for Gamefreak.
Thanks doc
Is there any part in the games as kino (besides finding all the regis) as Zekrom/Reshiram awakening from your stone for you to catch it and the subsequent battle between you and N?
I'll be honest, I'm kinda torn between that cry and this one: youtube.com
At aboust 30 seconds in
>Using the splicers to merge all regis with regigigas
>the fucking part where reshiram bursts out from the wall and evaporates all the water in the area
fucking kino
arceus giving birth
chiruno regi
In fact, yes
Playing Gale of Darkness and stealing Shadow Lugia from the final boss, then using it against him while you steal the other 6 Pokemon he has.
When Giratina slowly emerges from the shadows jumps at the screen
purifying shadow lugia is such a pain in the ass. i fucking miss those games man.
That entire sequence was really good. idk what the general consensus is on Unova's elite 4 but I actually like them a lot. Going to N's castle afterwards and battling him with cover legendaries + Ghetsis afterwards was literally KINO.
So is Giratina an Ultra Beast or not?
Platinum was great but Giratina being the poster pokemon kinda kills that air of mistery he had in Diamond/Pearl. He and his secret zone were pretty unsettling for pokemon standards
Just an other dimensional god
Let us not forget the best music associated with the Regis
It actually really isn't. The only way to purify it is to have max tempo and beat on all the purifier machine's slots, which is easy if you've been purifying constantly throughout the game. Simple type advantage nails it, and you purify it instantly.
>tfw Pokemon will never summon satan again
>tfw it will never summon god to defeat satan ever
Don't think about it too hard
>The awakening of Zekrom/Reshiram and battle against N
>Finding the regis
>Arceus remaking the universe to make eggs
>Stealing Shadow Lugia
>Giratina BTFOing Cyrus
>The battle against Red on Mt. Silver
>Ghetsis trying to murder you, then sperging out when he loses
>Blue becoming champion before you
Arceus created Giratina alongside Palkia and Dialga, but he was kind of an asshole so Arceus banished him into his own pocket dimension where he spends eons living the NEET life
For every Registeel, Regice or Regirock in your party, Regigas' Slow Start is reduced by one turn (only works once per Regi so you can't just stack a full party of Regis)
When they were blowing their load with primal evolutions they should have given him one too. It would have been the form to surpass mega fug.
Playing ORAS and going to space on Rayquaza's back to explode a meteor and fight the Deoxys inside. I honestly lost my shit when it happened.
Can Articuno be good yet?
>Zygarde-C is cool as fuck and a competitive monster
>only way to get him is to collect some dumb bullshit in a completely unrelated region
I feel like I see people do this more often than I should
No. He lives in another dimension, but for all intents and purposes up to now he was created by arceus in our home dimension. He then threw a tantrum and ran back to his basement. For comparison ultra beasts are the equivalent of arceus's neighbor's annoying dogs that keeps jumping the fence and shitting on his yard.
No, Giratina originated in our dimension and was subsequently banished to another, so it isn't an UB. If anything, Giratina is a Faller
>Diamond and Pearl remakes
>Delta Episode esque postgame thing called the Platinum Episode
>Have to catch Giratina to stop Cyrus while he's in the Distortion Realm
>Beat Cyrus, he fucks off even further into the Distortion Realm
>Walk out, end up in the Spear Pillar alone
>Suddenly, a shine of light is upon you
>You have tampered with Arceus' rules of how Giratina should be trapped in the Distortion realm
This could've been Pokekino if Gamefreak actually released the event legally
>A form to surpass Mega Fug
I thought it was some peak hype moment.
From N crashing the league with no survivors and the fact that your main rival/antagonist had the other box legendary was cool as hell.
Also the OST were great.
That whole final sequence was great.
>accidentally KO Deoxys because of a crit
>don't want to reset because it would mean catching Fug again because no break to save inbetween
>all the gym leaders come to save your ass when you're about to be fucked over by the sages
absolute kino
Don't worry, Deoxys respawns once you re-beat the League
What about Unowns?
They're not from the Pokemon universe?
I honestly don't think I'd like that. I'd rather have your character do some sidequest on getting the azure flute and playing it at Spear Pillar by your own volition instead of being forced along a shitty postgame story. I hated how the ORAS remakes cheapened the Deoxys encounter with the Delta Episode by making it mandatory, in fact, FUCK THE DELTA EPISODE AND FUCK ZINNIA.
>Azure Flute starts with the noise that plays on the DP title screen
Regicoon looks comfy
4>3>5>6>7>2>1 pls no bully anons
>Arceus event was never released because GF kept receiving complaints about little japanese kids getting stuck in the game because they couldn't beat mount coronet
>didn't want to release an event item to send players back there as a result
fucking casual shitters
I did that, but it still took my hype away from the moment.
I really digged that in gen V.
The gym leaders actually did stuff instead of just jerking off all day inside their gym.
I like the iron filings on the electric one reminds me of the jew nose pokemon
>at all
>Arceus is uncatchable and has a rematch post-game where he goes primal as the game's final boss at level 100, only then he is capturable
>Add in "phases" based on his plates for cheap final boss feeling
Also what the fuck was up with the relation between arceus and unown?
unown are basically the code of the universe
They were his messengers I guess.
gba version hands down
idk how they managed to make gba files sound so good
>2 and 1 this low
>New games this high
Just tell me for my personal joy,are you a late zoomer? (1997-2000) Because I don't see how you can have such shit taste other than the possibilty of you not playing the early games.
have we been visited by the Zygarde of having no game
he's a pretty big guy
It would be cool if something special happens after catching all of the Unown letters.
>late zoomer? (1997-2000)
wouldnt that be early zoomer.
I feel like the atmosphere that gen 3 and 4 had are very underrated. I loved places like the abandoned ship and the three lakes.
I feel like that's one thing that's been consistent with Pokemon games.
>want to play B&W because I've never played them before
>just want to replay emerald instead
Everyone always forgets that Regigigas awakening. It may not have amounted to much but I always thought it was hype as hell.
>tfw could totally see this happen
I'd lose my shit if they just gave us an in-game Arceus event. Really what they should do is incorporate the Arceus, Darkrai, and Shaymin events into the DP remakes, but with more to them. Turn them into full quests that take time to accomplish and we're set.
gen 1 is legitimately shit
gen 2 is way better but its shallow move pool for every pokemon nearly ruins it for me. all these cool monsters and none of them can fucking do anything. I do wish that HGSS still had the elemental punches as TMs tho.
>Pokemon's angels are fucking letters
>Arceus has total dominion over pokelanguage
I bet that's because the babel tower fiasco went viral on godnet.
>tfw no primal regigigas
Is it wrong that I want a baby regi that can evolve into one of the trio
My headcanon about the Unown is that they are the literal "word of god" since they have a clear relation to Arceus after the Sinjoh Ruins event.
Oh fuck. I guess.
>unown are basically the code of the universe
so... angels?
They can change reality, are they also propping up reality like judeo-christian angels?
Bw are bretty gud.
The region itself might be linear, but a lit of routes and areas have tons explorable shit.
it fucking hurts
thank you fug
I appreciated Marshall saying Alder had them swear neutrality.
Thank you fug
No fuck off they don't wanna leave they wanna kick your ass
thank you fug
pls Ledian is so shit just make him ok at least.
fuck that shit
Necrozma is based
the Pokemon equivalent of Varg
Thank you Fug
I like his rainbow face
the way they made the brass sound effects on gba sounds so good, it's like it was made to make my brain happy
>Get into Route where is raining
>It's a fucking tempest
>Step into the grass
>The wind goes crazy, the storm is so strong that you barely see the screen
>Battle start
>This comes in
BW is a big New York City zone with a deserted wasteland where a 9'11" tall legendary crashed into some towers, presumably in a September
9'10" not 9'11'
Does it grind your gears when folks call Unown "Unknown."
I want to release inside N!
Alright, I'll give you gen 1, but how the fuck do you cope with gen 7's baby difficulty in a game that's already deemed babby's first RPG? And that's not even addressing the pokemon design's extremely polygonal shapes,which makes them kind of... shit.
>a new opponent has entered the fight.
I love Hoenn so much because it felt like a genuine adventure, with so much to explore. This entire stretch of roach lasts like 3-4 hours but has no gym leader battles, just winding and twisting paths between a volcano, desert, ash soaked forest, flat plains and a mountainous area with a cave.
The late game had you exploring sunken ships, deep diving into the ocean to find caves and rising to hidden spots on the surface. Legendary hunting required learning braille, catching certain pokemon in your party in a specific order. I don't think any other game captures the raw adventure feel of pokemon like gen 3 does.
>Does it grind your gears when folks call Unown "Unknown."
Especially when they call them "Unknown" throughout the entire Pokemon 3 movie.
I liked going to the ash place and getting the secret base furniture
thank you fug
Based fug btfoing smogon uber shitters out of the water.
>Spend months debating if Mega Gengar should be banned from Ubers
>Most agree its to metashifting and probably way to powerful for the ubers metagame
>The don't ban it because banning in ubers goes against the spirit of the game
>Literally a month later Mega Fug is out and banned from ubers to no opposition
Secret bases in Gen 3 were maximum comfy.
Why is fug blue did he join fuckin kyogre?
ever since i saw a post on /vp/ about how a kyogre gf would provide fatty, nutritious milk i can't place her lower than the top
Fuck off lego dragon. Go suck off lamp bulbs and turn into a scalie elsewhere.
This. I just beat OR last week and was blown away by the hype as shit ending.
>all that time spent clicking A on the walls of Ruins of Alph
I want it back
lewd what would the other Hoenn legendaries have
>tfw I only started playing pokemon 5 years ago with a gba emulator and a pokemon emerald rom I got on my tablet
I missed out big time.
>surf around
>Stumble upon a random cave.
>on the other side is a fucking skyscraper in the middle of nowhere.
>Go inside.
>all those high level mons
>need to push your biking skipls tobthe absolute limit, because of the breaking floors.
>finally reach the top
>see this motherfucker waiting for you.
Absolute kino.
No game had a better legendary hunt that gen3.
I miss this in nu-pokemon.
Gen 4 and gen 5 all had caves and dungeins abd shit you had to explore to find some rare or even legendary mons.
Nowadays they either hand it to you or put it in some wormhole
Did that little girl just murder a guy?
He was part of the 1%, it's fine
pokemania with huge in the 90s and in a sense I do miss it. maybe because Generation 1 with such a Glitchfest and generation 2 had more of had more of what had more Pokemon with more Legends but I was irrevocably hooked from back then. Nowadays my excitement has diminished but it's never gone away entirely and maybe I can blame that on Nostalgia but I always look back fondly on those days were there were a million Urban myths about Pikablu or Bill's backyard
Which regi would give the best hugs?
>not a single good pokemon rpg maker game
I thought gamers were great designers Yea Forums?
fuck did you just say bitch?
Really only Regiwater, Regipsy and Regiair look like they'd work and only after a bit of detail was toned down.
The others simply miss the point and are too complex.
For your personal joy, yes. I've played the originals and am rating each gen as the main pair of games+the third versions(s or sequels in the case of B/W2) and remakes, though I am not counting things like Battle Revolution, the stadium games, the orre games, ranger games, etc. So for 4 it'd be DPPt and HG/SS, and not just DPPt. My ratings would probably be a bit different if I was just basing it off the first pair of games. As for the Gen 1 and 2 placement...FR/LG and HG/SS are, in my eyes, the superior games. The originals just...aren't super amazing.
That's not to say I feel like Gen 1 and 2 are terrible or anything when compared to the other gens on the list. I just like them the least, is all.
Pretty spot on.
While I feel like any discussion on new Pokemon designs is a bit subjective, the toning down of difficulty in a series that's already baby's first RPG, like you stated, is a problem. If it weren't for the trash-tier movepools and the fact that better alternatives to the first two gens are available, I'd probably knock gen 7 down a peg.
>Still no "The virgin Genie vs the Chad Regi" yet.
And nintendo are great 404'ers
On a side note, get a romhack collection.
Registeel's got fingers and nice floppy arms
3D was a mistake. Crystal was peak pokemon aesthetic
5 > 1 > 3 > 2 > 4
>So we got a new legendary Trio, how are they caught
>Gen 1: Players have to find them in secret locations, we will put one in a area near the main path so players will understand they exist
>Gen 2: Players release the legendaries, will randomly find them in battles and can use the pokedex to track them down
>Gen 3: Players have to find their secret location, catch certain pokemon and place them in specific parts of their party, they also need to learn braille and perform a series of movements to show they have understanding
>Everyother gen: Just put make them run around the map
5 > 2 > 3 > 4 > 7 > 6 > 1
Pokemon in 3D was inevitable, as the series because a cultural phenomenon Gamefreak had to go 3D at some point or else they'd be called out for the unambitious fuckers they are. My problem is that they set the foundation, but do nothing to improve upon it. The colors on a lot of the pokemon feel so muted compared to their sprite counterparts and are almost always in static poses. They never do anything dynamic and show off their individual personalities.
5 > 1 > 3 > 2 > 4 > 6
(didn't play 7)
MAN seriously
at least we agree on gen 5 being absolute god tier
>Gen 2: Players release the legendaries, will randomly find them in battles and can use the pokedex to track them down
>Everyother gen: Just put make them run around the map
rest look amazing tho
Mine is 4>6=7>3>1>3>5 and I turn 31 this year fuck me
It's a jet engine
Thank you. I initially thought that people didn't include remakes when making such listings (or do they don't and only you did?). I'll agree with you if this is the case, since the gameboy and DS era had peak pixel art before going 3dpd. You are an afro-american desendant of taste.
I'd also like to mention that as much as genwunning autists like to scramble everyone's brains, Beauty does have a certain objectivity that lasts through time, pic kinda related.
It was unique in gen 2, I think they are the most overated games of the franchise, but every other game doing the roaming trio is just lazy.
What's the best way to experience Johto as a man of culture and good taste,
HGSS or Crystal? Substance or style? Quality of life or SOUL?
I think the appeal of the regis is that there's almost no hints of their existence in the game, you really have to go out of your way to find a bunch of ancient ruins and shit
Plus they're basically prehistoric automatons instead of a crazy animal that can change the weather or the flow of reality or whatever
Regigigas can set his cry on loop and make a sick beat
because regimeat is too cool
Back to your containment board toddler furfag
HGSS, original gold and silver are garbage. Easiest game, most flat region, piggy backs off a nerfed kanto. Crystal Clear might be the best way to play Gen 2, but Shockslayer is a faggot and doesn't deserve the download click.
i actually have a battle maison jank build with regigigas and the yakuza panda in omega ruby
i love regigigas
Only mesprit and thundurus/tirmadus dependimg on which version you got were roaming mons.
Mainly because the good ones on there are REALLY GOOD
So much of RSE hit that primal feeling of exploring a long-abandoned, ancient place of worship or civilization and uncovering something uncanny in it. All the caves, the mirage tower, sky pillar, ESPECIALLY all the underwater caverns, and of course, the regi puzzles. A lot of pokemon play into this theme of lost or extinct things re-surfacing, look at Claydol and Baltoy, Relicanth, the fossils, the Regis, and of course the mascots being called SuperAncient pokemon. Hell even deoxys, despite only being in FRLG, portrays that uncanny alien feeling by being so humanlike and yet clearly inhuman.
Red genesect looks like a gundam
Wasn't birth island also in RSE?
Genesect is cool I wish he was used more
not Ruby or Sapphire, but it is in emerald.
Ruby and Sapphire have no event legendaries besides Southern Island letting you get the opposite Lati@s, if you can even count that.
Fucking jet engine, genius
Gen 1: Science
Gen 2: Folklore
Gen 3: Long-Lost Legends
Gen 4: Religion vs Science
Gen 5: Philosophy
Gen 6, 7, and likely 8: Homogenized garbage
Only in Emerald, FireRed, and LeafGreen. Faraway Island was in Emerald too, but the event was never localized so the Mews obtained there won't pass the Bank legality check, but Navel Rock in FRLG/E can let you get a legal Ho-Oh and Lugia.
It's both
Is registeel an alien?
>won't pass the Bank legality check
Man fuck poke bank. If they expect 5$ for that shit it should let you transfer wonder guard spiritombs and shiny celebis and shit.
So you couldn't get a vanilla form deoxys or did deoxys transform depending which gane it was in?
Bullshit, I shiny hunted that Mew on an english ROM and it's sitting right now on one of my 3DS games.
>chased by regibones and regimuscle
I really wish Evangelion had the money to keep the good animation. The markers were cute, but this stuff in the first few episodes looked so cool
In Gen 3 it transformed depending on the game it was used in, yeah. So you could trade one to RS and it would become normal form.
You can't really get to Faraway Island anymore anyway without hacking in the event because the tickets were a limited time distribution in 2004. You can still get to Southern Island though with an e-Reader and an Eon Ticket card, and those are sold all the time on eBay.
Deoxys would transform based on the game it's in.
In Ruby, Sapphire, Colosseum, and Gale of Darkness you get Normal Form.
In FireRed you get Attack Form.
In LeafGreen you get Defense Form.
In Emerald you get Speed Form.
Well I don't know what to say to that, but nice.
They combine into Regibody
>no protect
>no rest
>5 turns to start up
>Entire ability resets if you ever swap him
What the fuck were they thinking
you're forgetting
>just has boiler plate uber stats so managing to get him to survive 5 turns isn't even rewarding
HG/SS>Pokemon Colosseum>Emerald>the rest
Dumb question, I remember going to the Deoxys event and did it on Emerald, if I were to start a new file on that cartridge would I still be able to get to its island or would that be lost?
Why did they not just let you talk to dragon slut again when you were ready to go to space?
That would be lost
That's why they should just fucking get rid of slow start. Anyone arguing "but then he'd be too good" is dumb as fuck, he'd just finally be in league with all the other fucking ubers.
Hey just thought I'd drop in to let you know there's a whole board for pokemon friend.
Lost, but if you have any way of reading a GBA cart (like a DS with a flashcart) it's piss easy to just hack a new one in.
There's some DS flashcart homebrew that can just instantly load every event item into your game save, it's great.
I don't think I would have done it anyways but thanks for the confirmation.
>let's put god in out 4th gen
>gee what can be greater than god now?
not sure if they pull the gun too soon throwing arceus in it, the more generations pass the less impressive arceus is
I agree with the difficulty part. when did I say I liked gen 7?
if pokemon sword and shield have a hard difficulty that would be dope.
What the fuck? We memeing regis now? These dudes were the fucken best
Because GF hates it when people soft reset for stats and shinies so they love chaining battles together with cutscenes to make resetting a nightmare.
>but then he'd be too good
More like a whole board of garbage lul
As a matter of fact now that you mention it, I did the same for all the gen3 eventmons that I got from using gameshark codes to repoint any transition tile/entrance to the event areas. Hell, I did it on an emulator, and I transferred the save file from it into a real cartridge to transfer them all the way up. Apart from using the teleport codes I did nothing else out of the ordinary.
I guess Mew is arguably the only really dubious one since it was only released in JP but mine went through just fine, although that was a good few years ago so I have no idea if they updated the legality checks on Bank over time, but knowing Gamefreak I somehow really doubt that.
I wouldn't be surprised if this legality fearmongering originated from people hacking in wild encounter level 3 eventmons with glitched names and being puzzled when they don't go through Bank.
/vp/ is just furry in disguise, you can't actually talk about pokemon without some furfag posting porn
I mean Arceus is still the god mon.
He still has the highest base stat of any non-super form mon.
Just wait til he gets his super ultra nega chicken transformation where he can mega evolve and use a Z-move that is super effective to everything without using an item.
quality taste and quality pic from a quality movie
I mean we got death/life in X/Y.
wonder what is the theme for gen 8, i know is sowrd and shield but will they have some philosophical significance or ideals like in BW? os they gonna tone down the deep writing and go for something easy like everything pre gen4
Pokemon threads are honestly pretty comfy on Yea Forums
They need to bring back the mother fuckers that did the stadium games models
as there any pokemon that possibly even possibly TOUCH fug?
i'm talking about mega fug holding leftovers btw
Perfect Zygarde but that’s a real strong maybe
every thread is comfy on Yea Forums as long as none of the furfags, trannyfags or faggots in general come to ruin the thread or a stupid janitor deletes it
who was it, HAL?
Only a physical build, special build megafug still wrecks him. Only positive is that megafug likes physical builds more. Its a shame that there is no Perfect Zygarde with aura break, would put Xermeas geomancy shitters on watch.
Pokemon Law and Chaos when
Technically Platinum, as removing chaotic aspects of the world was Cyrus's goal in creating a new world, and "chaos" at the end is represented by Giratina. You could say Dialga and Palkia represent the laws of time and space in opposition.
You can also farm Jirachis with the Colosseum bonus disc, because that's just restricted to 1 Jirachi per save file, so with a fresh cart you can just make a new one, get a Jirachi, and trade it to another copy so you can trade it out.
One of my favorite eventmons to obtain is Manaphy in gen 4. The only way to get that is by clearing one of the 3 Pokemon Ranger games, doing the Manaphy Egg bonus mission, and then transferring it to DPPt. However, Guardian Signs and Shadows of Almia relied on download Ranger Net missions for that, and both the distribution period and DS's online has long ended, so the only way now is to get one from the first Ranger game. And it's once per cart too, so if you get a cart that's already used up the Manaphy Egg you're boned.
Since pokemon will never stop using box legendaries, will we ever see legends from the missing types?
>Lugia is Psychic/Flying
>Ho-oh is Fire/Flying
>Suicune is Water
>Groudon is Ground
>Fug is Dragon/Flying
>Dialga is Steel/Dragon
>Giratina is Ghost/Dragon
>Zekrom is Dragon/Electric
>Kyureem is Dragon/Ice
>Deer is Fairy
>Yveltal is Dark/Flying
Flying and dragon is fucking everywhere, we got multiples of fire, water and psychic, and we're missing grass, normal, fighting, poison, rock and bug.
A box legendary bug would be some terrifying shit, and it'd be fucking amazing.
This but unironically. Gen 4 jobbed so hard that its only saving grace is a remake.
We have grass, normal and fighting.
If you count UBs as legendaries we have every type.
Isn't that grass one just a sudowoodo
Sudowoodo's a Rock-type though
Sudowoodo is a rock
I meant in terms of design
top kek
Then no, they look very different.
I don't think so. Giratina is supposed to be an eldritch cosmic wraith and the shadow of a deity, banished to a hell that only he survives in. Instead he is the cutest of things.
The jumpscare is great though
I think the Regis SUCK!
i think you're the one who sucks user
that's exactly what a GENIE OF THE HEALTHY META would say
wait, which ones are his eyes?
the ones he sees from you quintuple deoxys
The black lines
If Arceus gets a mega/primal/origin/ultra form (which he should, hes the god of all Pokemon) he needs to be the strongest thing in the entire fucking game. Like, base stats of 400 or 500 in everything. Never let him be topped again
>Like, base stats of 400 or 500 in everything.
3 > 5 > 4 > 6 > 2 > 1 > 7
The reason 6 is ahead of 2 is because 6 gave me some more of that genuine sense of adventure, and that’s what’s most important to me. Plus it’s got some fucking stellar pokemon designs.
>not 999
A pokemon to surpass Mega Fug?
The red, blue and white things on his chest.
I still like to think the anime got the cries for the regis down pat. youtube.com
Cause they’re fucking awesome scroogeboi
Mega fug is a little bitch compared to whatever Arceus' true form is. (The llama is definitely not his true form, its probably just an avatar)
He can literally create new Dialgas, Palkias, and Giratinas (all powerful enough in their own right to completely fuck up the state of reality) out of thin air. He's fucking OP
These designs are better than the actual regi designs
First I assumed it was the colored balls on his chest, then I figured it was the black dots similar to the other Regis, but now I'm beginning to think it's both.
*performs ass to mouth resuscitation*
There was this cool Pokemon theory I read about where Unown are basically Arceus' thousand arms. The regions where you can catch stray Unown have the closest connections to Arceus as well (Johto and Sinnoh) There's also the dead giveaway where Arceus uses a bunch of Unown to help him create a new Dialga/Palkia/Giratina in HGSS.
Finally, the unreleased Azure Flute event that opens the entrance to Arceus' domain above Spear Pillar in the Sinnoh games has a very similar tune to the corrupted radio sound that plays in the Ruins of Alph. Something's up with these 2 mons that will probably be explained in the Sinnoh remakes
>the corrupted radio sound that plays in the Ruins of Alph.
That beta content Hiroshima thing was creepy as fuck.
Looks like he's having fun to me
How would you make the Regi's god tier mons in competitive?
he'll just freeze the water then he will be more powerful
Make them cooler, edgier, and have access to a time machine.
that's how he gets his mega, he freezes the surrounding water then the glass breaks and he is stronger than ever
Regice and Registeel used to be really good. Stealth Rock fucked Regice the gen after he was introduced while Registeel remained consistently good until like Gen 6 where he just couldn't keep up with the power creep anymore
>Smogon tries to ban Omega arceus from Anything goes
>They can't, he is too powerful
>Instead He is allowed in every tier
>All fights from all tiers now consists of 6 Omega arceus VS 6 Omega arceus, with the occasional shedinja or gimmick Omega arceus
>Omega arceus appears so frequently that he surpasses pikachu as the series mascot
>Crosses over to Smash bros as a playable fighter and is just as powerful
>All smash bros matches are also Omega arceus versus Omega arceus
>Omega arceus 8 player brawl
>Omega arceus takes over Pokken
>Competitive scenes tries to ban Omega arceus
>They can't, he is too powerful
>Instead other pokemon games becomes about Omega arceus
>All pokemon in pokemon go are also Omega Arceus now
>New Mystery Dungeon released: Omega arceus
>Omega arceus is so powerful he retroactively rewrites history
>Hey you Omega arceus
>Omega arceus Stadium
>Omega arceus airplane and vehicles
>The Omega arceus fever
>All media is now influenced by Omega arceus instead of pokemon
>All movies pokemon movies are about Omega arceus
>Omega arceus anime
>Omega arceus pornography is so powerful the internet can't handle it
>Nintendo issues a ban on Omega arceus porn
>They can't, he is too powerful
>Instead it flows over to regular media
>Omega arceus cartoon, news, late night adult movies and drama
>So popular that it overtakes modern religions
>All religion is now about Omega arceus
>Omega arceus retroactively rewrites human history
>Other gods never existed, only Omega arceus is the true god, the truth of everything
>All kinds of development becomes about Omega arceus
>Governments tries to ban Omega arceus
>They can't, he is too powerful
>Instead all progress is halted and humanity reaches a singularity
>Omega arceus
>Regidark is literally an Ing emperor from Metroid prime
>Gen 5
4 > 3 > 2 > 1 > 6 > 5 > 7
Couldn't you also catch them in FRLG? Not sure if those islands are considered a part of Kanto or something else
Regice holds a special place in my heart for being the first legendary that I caught instead of KOing.
I loved the way it looked when I transferred it to Colosseum.
>best generation
>not good
>Generation with the worst region, worst starters, worst Pokemon designs in general, worst gadget, worst aesthetic, worst animations, and worst music
Get out.
Regivolt has a zigzag lightning bolt pattern
>worst starters
That's 7
>having taste this unbelievably shit
genwunners get gassed
Rowlet, Litten, and Popplio are all much better than Snivy, Tepig, and Oshawott.
>implying omega arceus could beat kirby
thank you fug
Arceus' 1000 hands
I don't agree 100% but on the whole this is quite based honestly
>has magma
2=4>1>>>>>>>>> the other ones
>Gen 1 over anything
Not a chansey in hell mate
That's his one flaw
Regice’s voice in the movie dub