So this thing is now 18 years old, what were its best games?

so this thing is now 18 years old, what were its best games?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga is all you need to play pal

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

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Peak of GBA.
Peak of Pokémon.

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Warioware. The original and Twisted.


Literally the same answer for every Nintendo Console.

Also, I've sunk literal weeks of my life into gba era Fire Emblem, but I know some people have no patience for it

Boktai: The sun is in your hand

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Sonic Advance 1

For me, it's Astro Boy Omega Factor

Golden Sun
Megaman Battle Network
Fire Emblem
Zelda Minish Cap
Advance Wars

Dragonball Advanced Adventure
Wario Land 4
Astro Boy Omega Factor
Megaman Zero series

Every Battle Network game except 4
>inb4 1
gotta start at the beginning to appreciate the changes.

>tfw you used to take for granted that you could buy a handheld and expect regular quality entries in the metroid, megaman and castlevania series
Handhelds have been landfills for weeb trash ever since the GBA's time ended

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The DS had plenty of great games.


Are you sure you don't just mean the Vita? Because the DS had a really varied library as well, the PSP wasn't all that weeby, and the 3DS was mostly carried by first party titles.

Fire Emblem, Castlevania,, Pokemon(Mainline, TCG, and Pinball), Zelda, Advance Wars, and MegaMan Battle Network.

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Super Dodge Ball Advance
Mario Golf: Advance Tour
F Zero: Climax
Mother 3

dbz legacy of goku 2

>peak of pokemon

agree, although i like the remakes of gen 1 more desu

Nice try.

>18 years

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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red Rescue Team
Camelot games
Dr. Mario
Fire Emblem

it literally gave us the best nintendo character

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>18 years
What the fuck

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The original Bionicle was legit good

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my main complaint about this game is how short it is
feels like the shortest pokemon I've played desu
still my favorite

>the xbox and gamecube will also be 18 this year
what the fuck man

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The best hidden gen is hajime no ippo the fighting
ninja five0 is meme shit.

user please I thought I was still somewhat young

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>began fucking around with emulation for the first time last week
>decide to go for the GBA
>know nothing about worthwhile Nintendo games

Thanks for the good rec thread, I'm taking notes.

Shining Soul 2.

>18 years old
Does that mean I can legally put my dick in its battery compartment now

Pokemon, and Mario & Luigi.

>Still remember, plain as day, going down to a store where they had the GBAs in giant hard plastic sheets packed with batteries and Super Mario Advance.
>Spending literally an hour outside trying to open it up because it was a nice day out and I had fucking babby scissors and the plastic was hard as FUCK
Seems just like yesterday, God damn

I just bought one of those modded backlit GBA, In addition to those mentioned in the thread, I really enjoy both Metroids, the SNES Super Mario World port, and Drill Dozer. There is tons of great games for this system though, pretty much any first party franchise the GBA game is sure to be great.

Dunno couldn’t see em. Nintendo were too retarded to put in a backlight.

yes plus you can always fap to a gijinka of it

>so this thing is now 18 years old, what were its best games?
pic related was one of em

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Both Kirby games (Amazing Mirror was a bit better)
Astro Boy Omega Factor
All Super Mario Advance games (Especially 3 and 4)
All the Bomberman games are pretty good (Especially Tournament)
The 3 Starfy/Stafy games
Mario Vs Donkey Kong

castlevania, specially aria of sorrow

FFTA, Warioland 4

select the level of password to enter? what the fuck does that even mean?

got a backlit gba a while back, i think all the external components are 3rd party it feels so bad especially the buttons

is there a way to remedy this? thinking i should just buy an original gba and swap the internals

Weirdest crossover Battle Network ever had

If you didn't have an extra GBA to link your saves from GS 1, you had to enter a password to carry on your progress to GS 2. The amount of stuff you wanted back depended on the lenght of the pw, so the Gold one was like over 60 characters long. Keep in mind we're talking about a time when phones with cameras weren't common

That’s a SNES game retard

Tomato Adventure

Here's hoping that the remake rumor is true, could definetely need one.

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do they still sell quality GBA shells? mine an ugly piece of shit and it's missing the battery cover. modding a backlight into it would be nice too if possible.

It was surprisingly decent.

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DS/PSP had a great library
After that it became shit


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never heard of this game before, what is it about?

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>not walking inside the store to ask to borrow scissors

typical Yea Forums autismo

metroid fusion
castlevania: circle of the moon
castlevania: aria of sorrow
castlevania: harmony of dissonance
final fantasy tactics advance
golden sun
golden sun: the lost age
megaman zero
wario ware inc
megaman battle network
metroid: zero mission
kirby: nightmare in dreamland

beat me to it

>Peak of Pokémon
Agreed, but once I played any of the other games I realized Pokemon is just a shitty series that hasn't done anything new since the original

Gotta Ash Ketchum all

Sonic Advance trilogy

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Make that like 60 characters per page, with Gold being 5 full pages and another extra 10 characters?

Fucking bugle bois you shit up every thread possible.

We drove home right afterwards, that was in my front yard.
Granted I could have just gone in and got bigger scissors, but I am not a clever man

especially 2 and 3 in my opinion, one of the last good sonic games till generations

We are in bed at night
I can see what you want
You want me yes you do
I know how you feel
You have all of my heart
I give you myself
Forever and ever

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Riviera, Yggdra Union and Swordcraft Story are decent weeb games.

And Rush

Man. I fucking miss the gba. It was some of the best times of 2D and we'll never get those kinds of games again.

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This has to be custom made. That eye is super satanic

Tak and the Power of Juju. Criminally underrated 2d platformer with gems such as "chicken island" Powerups like the chicken suit and fish suit. And a boss fight where you have a dance-off with the main villains, pins and needles.

> we'll never get those kinds of games again
Have you, by chance, logged into Steam in the past 5 years?

Objectively the Last handheld with soul

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Guru Logi Champ was a pretty interesting idea for a puzzle game, not sure it'd be up there with the best GBA games though

Yeah? There are a few gems, but that's it.

You could easily buy some OEM buttons and shells from ebay or other resellers.

Speaking of modded consoles, anyone else here do Gameboy modding? I've done of my old DMG (though I still need to do a few adjustments and clean it a bit) and SP, but I got an original GBA that I'm looking to put a backlight in and get a new shell for.

Pic related had no business being as good as it was

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Harvest moon FoTM.

Yggdra Union and Drill Dozer

I'm also looking to reno my old gba with a backlight and maybe some new buttons. Anyone have any reliable sources to order from?

Golden Sun
Golden Sun: The Lost Age
Wario Land 4
Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga
The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap
The Castlevania titles
The Sonic Advance titles

probably more im forgetting.

If you count ports throw SMW and ALTTP on there too.

Summon Night: Swordcraft Story 1 and 2
Oriental Blue

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Whenever I go back to old gba games after playing modern shit I’m amazed how great and in-depth games can be with only 2 buttons.

Mother 3 was pretty good


Thank god I wasn't a poorfag and had a GBA Player and a Link Cable in addition to my GBA.

"He's engaging you, kupo!"

To Win:
Defeat All Enemies

"Use your sword and your abilities! I'll back you up, kupo!"

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Wow not one of you fags mentioned Castlevania until 30 posts in.

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Kirby and the Amazing Mirror is still the best Kirby game next to Superstar.
Nightmare in Dreamland is okay but it's a port so whatever.

I only know this from a joke in Nin10doh to the 64th power.

Megaman:Zero, Also known as, real nigga's platformer,babies not allowed.

My filthy casual ass still can't beat the second one to this day.

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Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade

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not even the battle network crossover?

It's been a while since I las played GS, I didn't remember it was that long, but I did play it in an emulator so with screenshots it was easier

Did you like Mario and Luigi Super star Saga, well it's that but an original setting, this game was made before Alphadream started working on the M&L series It's also apparently all in jap, so good luck with that.

Mario Kart
Zelda link to the past

no english translation? I still havent learned jap yet

>little brother got Pokemon Sapphire
>I got Pokemon Ruby
>we're staying up late at night sneaking video games with our GBA lamp attachments
>suddenly dad opens the door
>looks in, sees what we're doing, winks, and closes the door
>go back to hanging out in our secret bases
Take me back.

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Metroid Fusion and Zero Mission
Golden Sun and The Lost Age
Riviera and Yggdra Union
Zelda Minish Cap
Mario & Luigi
Castlevania GBA trilogy
Klonoa Empire of Dreams and 2
Mega Man Zero series
Mega Man Battle Network series
Bomberman Tournament
Sonic Advance Trilogy and Sonic Battle
Boktai series
Mother 3
Pokemon Emerald and Gen 1 remakes

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Based Dad. Give him a call and catch up with him, user. Assuming you're still on good terms.

Damn solid list. Aria of Sorrow is still one of the best Castelvania games made and Boktai 2 is amazing.

They’re not hard games to beat, but fuck trying to get good ranks in them.

Zero series is ducking great though.

I never played it.

there are DOZENS of us fans, DOZENS!
did 3 ever get a full translation or is it still only story dialogue?

Top Gear Rally and V-Rally 3
Ecks vs Sever 1 + 2

Fire Emblem Sacred Stones
Megaman Battle Network 2
Buu's Fury

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all three f-zero games are good. climax is a bit tricky because the only english translation causes the game to freeze after finishing a track.

>18 years old

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What was the last real era of gaming here with soul?

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the one you most fondly remember while forgetting about the piles of shit and shovelware that also existed at the same time

Blew me away that it was basically Crash 3's sidescrolling sections on the GBA
You could even slide jump which is easily the most satisfying move in a video game ever

Do you have any idea how fucking hard it is to get to those special stages in 2?

DS and PSP had plenty of soul user

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Yeah and actually playing in them was also annoying. Good thing in 3 they made it a little better on how to get them and made the Special Stages better. Also the music.

only some item descriptions are missing
it's fully playable
crazy fucking nigger hideo made MG2 with vampires and a fucking solar sensor
take me back to times where this shit would be possible

A3 fucking WHEN??

advance 3 in general had some fantastic fucking music
the green hill remixes are kino and the final zone was great too

Sonic advance 1 was my first video game ever
Roast me I know it's coming because I'm a zoomer.

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We still get games with soul it's just nostalgia makes the older games seem more soulful
Sonic mania has lots of soul you should try it

Advance 1 was my first Sonic game. Got it when it came out. My first game was Rugrats for PS1.

this was fun

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I'm still so fucking psyched Sonic Advance did as good as it did and still holds up decently
i heard it was a huge factor determining whether they'd fuck around with making portable sonic games again. that meme of a sonic 1 re-release was a goddamn nail in someone's coffin

>so this thing is now 18 years old
Ffffuck, feels like just yesterday I was saving up money from delivering junk mail to buy one (boring white).

Golden Sun was the first RPG I played so it's my subjective pick.

is this actually good?

>Gameboy is 18 years old
>Still remember playing with my brother who had a purple one and I had a white one
>Dad smashed mine with a fucking hammer when I got in trouble at school one time
What is this feeling

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>they had the GBAs in giant hard plastic sheets packed with batteries and Super Mario Advance.
Wait what. Mine just came in a cardboard box.

Last generation to use cardboard game boxes I guess, good riddance.

The GBA had so many shitty movie game shovelware titles. I played a ton of the Monsters Inc. game despite fucking hating it.

Disagree. FFT for the PS1 was infinitely better.

Power rangers SPD is also very good

It's a fucking remake of a SNES game that still holds up to this day, shithead.

Men in Black was SO SHIT

>good riddance
cardboard boxes for games are so aesthetically pleasing to look at.


The Spongebob Squarepants Movie game gave me one of my earliest instances of Vidya PTSD with a stage with a constantly descending wall of fish Skeletons.

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Aria of Sorrow

Psp and gba are my childhood, good thing i haven't bought a ds.
I fucking love minish cap. Strangely enough i didn't even have nintendo franchise games on my gba, i only played them on my hacked psp in 2007-8 or something. Mostly had shovelware garbage, shitty "ports", some of these were better than others.
This and spyro revenge of rhynocs were pretty good, feel nostalgic about them. Was strange to see them on gba after ps1, but they are not exclusive i guess.

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I often forget that that was developed by Grasshopper.

Legacy of goku 1 and 2 were both awesome. Probably the games I put the most time into

>spyro revenge of rhynocs
we dont talk about those games here

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1 was ass cancer.
2 was one of the biggest improvements a sequel ever made to a previous game.

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It was very good though. Wanna play ice/fire games now.

Also, i know maybe i have a meme vision on spyro and crash and see them as 2 classic ps1 platformer mascots or something, but i just love spyro much more. Sound of you collecting those shiny gems, fuck.

For me, it's Golden Sun.

Don't you dare lie. 1 is a horrible game that is only playable with invincibility turned on.

2 however is a brilliant game and proof that a proper sequel can address and fix problems and turn a turd into gold.

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it has its flaws but i love this game. begged my parents to buy it for my birthday when i saw the commercial

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Man the GBA was amazing, I miss when they would innovate to compensate for its limitations.

Megaman Battle Network series
Megaman Zero series
Metroid Fusion and Zero Mission
Boktai series
Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga
Pokemon Emerald
Pokemon Fire Red or Leaf Green
Bionicle 2001 and 2003
Mario vs Donkey Kong

Dude tuck that snow water stage on the first one

legacy of goku 2 is one of my most favorite games.

I still think BW2 was the best, but Emerald was probably the best middle version in the way of new features. Stuff like the Battle Tents and Trainer Tower are kind of vestigial additions, but it had a fairly varied Battle Frontier, the Pyramid was neat as fuck. Platinum was fine but didn't really try to innovate.

FFT and FFTA2 were both much better.

shame it had no realtime clock otherwise it would unquestionably be peak pokemon

Best RPG

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About to play Grunty's Revenge for the first time, what am I in for?

Rose tinted gaming, and God of gaming both sell screens and cables, assuming you can solder them. Honestly, I heard of success from AliExpress and banggood if your willing to roll the dice and wait for long shipping to save some cash.

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A pretty neat hidden gem that's nothing like its traditional counterparts but is more like Animal Crossing but with sims instead of animals and some kind of story with missions going on.

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