...providing no explanation as to why

>...providing no explanation as to why

Damn, you can refute them!

Attached: Capture.jpg (633x1309, 137K)

I mean *can't!

>doesn't even include perona
it was useless to begin with

Attached: peronass.jpg (1564x1400, 240K)

That sucks, fucking Californians man.

Never buy your games at release. Wait weeks later so your are ready for BS like this

Attached: 1452629844052.gif (257x194, 995K)

Damn, they look horrifying.

It's more accurate to the american experience of One Piece, you're getting the 4kids version

couldn't you just watch it in youtube and with that not pay them and also enjoying the scenes?


might as well not buy games and just watch them on youtube