/virtual reality/ thread

>no news from valve
>rift s is barely an upgrade
>most promising upcoming headset is a mobile device

Where did it all go so wrong?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Would it be worth going from the S from a normal Oculus?

If you want higher resolution and less of a screen-door-effect definitely

The god-rays are also apparently gone with the new lenses, so that is a major plus too.
There is nothing fundamentally wrong with the S, it should simply be 50-100$ cheaper.

I was thinking of getting a quest
any good android games for pic related? I know it's literally shit but I got it for like $3 so I want to use it for something

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It is ok, Valve has confirmed that they will tell us more "soon". At least it means that I can save money for a bit longer. I'm really not too dissatisfied with what I have now with the exception of worrying that my track pads could break down again any day now.

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>love VR technology and think it's the future
>motion sicklet
fuck this life
first with being a pilot and now even my VR vidya is compromised

Why are these two priced the same when Quest appears to be better in almost every way?

I know it's from R*****
But this are some things fixed with the S if people are interested.

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So if I get a Quest, it can play shit like VRChat right? Or is it all limited to mobile shit? I kept hearing shit about a library and possible limitations

when is eye tracking, all the new and revised headsets are cool but I'll keep my CV1 until we get some actual advancements

inside out tracking is cancer

Why the fuck does the Rift S cost the same as the Quest if it has worse specs and isn't standalone?

VRChat will likely never be on quest, it's basically its own video game console with a curated store.

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Just call me when I can full dive and smash my waifu.

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I don't think so.
The Quest is totally standalone, it's its own contained system.
The S actually let's you plug it in and use your PC games, games will have to be properly ported to the quest and it's mobile hardware specs.

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Had a look on other websites, APPARENTLY the Quest will have worse textures despite the sharper image due to using mobile graphics tech and it doesn't share it's game library with the Rift and Rift S.

Even if the graphics will be simplistic, I'm kind of excited about the Quest. Just being completely wireless is a huge draw and it seems like really good value for 400$

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Well shit. I wanted something cheaper than $600 to do more interesting VR stuff on, $400 is more my "kinda worth it" range. Vive price drop when?

Just give it 20 years bud

The S also has the new passthrough+ video, a guardian system, 5 cameras instead of the quest's 4, as well as a higher refresh rate, audio jack and cables.

Still having fun with my Samsung odyssey plus. HP reverb is coming out which shows the WMR tech is not dead yet

Smoke a bit of weed for the motion sickness and buy some tiny glasses from Zenni for $15.

>Even if the graphics will be simplistic
not really worried about that, to be fair, my favorite games on PC VR have really simplistic graphics. Artstyle > realism, Beat Saber, Superhot, Compound, to name a few of those, they just work so much better than uncanny valley trying-really-hard-almost-realistic-except-they're-totally-not graphics with VR

Don't know about the pricing, but you can't really compare them just from the specs. Quest is a standalone VR console, Rift S is a piece of hardware for PCs.

Has VR solved the walking/locomotion problem yet? Teleporting is bad and VR will forever be a gimmick unless they figure it out. Cockpits/driver seats seem to be the best option so far from what I can tell.

Because that's the point. Rift S is the shitbox they're replacing the original Rift with so people will accept the Quest. It's just another WMR headset, overpriced for what it offers, with plain unacceptable feature downgrades (I would not believe the lack of adjustable IPD if it weren't so thoroughly confirmed, it's absolutely insane).

Rift S = New Coke / Crystal Pepsi. It's a strategic product.

most games now just let you use a joystick to walk and run since the controllers actually have joysticks on them now, but motion sickness gets pretty bad if you're making crazy movements so seated stuff like cockpits are more popular for that kind of thing

Yup. Most games that are popular on steamvr are absolutely doable on mobile hardware both in graphical fidelity and scope. The question is whether those indie developers are competent enough to port them over.

There is going to be 50 launch titles and we just know about 25 confirmed and rumored ones, so the next month is going to be interesting

Attached: oculus-quest.jpg (1600x1956, 776K)

It was never actually an issue, standard analog motion works fine. Valve was totally overreacting with their early insistence that nobody ever do. A lot of games also use 'grab the world' movement which is fantastic for more limited control types.

>Artstyle > realism

having a simplistic artstyle makes performance better too

The big toss-up for me between choosing Quest or S is whether Skyrim VR is available. I've played it for half an hour on a friends VR Vive and VR just solves many of that games biggest issues. I get the feeling that Quest won't be powerful enough to run it though.


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windows mixed reality isn't that bad, the controllers are actually better for most games, having both the analog stick and a trackpad should be an essential for every vr controller.

Likely not. Skyrim runs at 30 frames on the Nintendo Switch. While the Quest will be compareable in processing power it needs to render at much higher resolution and 72 hz.
You could probably just lower draw distance, texture resolution etc to a point where it would run acceptable, but at the end it will just look like a joke compared to other systems.

Though I really didn't like Skyrim VR. Not even VR can save that game from being shallow

While Skyrim VR is still shallow, the immersion just makes up for it, also it swaps broken archery for broken melee which is fine by me since fuck melee. Archery in Skyrim VR is fun as fuck. Looks like I'll be getting an S then.

What is valve actually doing bros?

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Knuckles development

aren‘t they finished though?

Don't even get Rift S. There are better or near-perfectly comparable WMR HMDs for the same or very similar price.

Literally exactly what we've always asked them to; new games including a new Half-Life. They're just still being coy about the details.

>same tech/spec from 2016
Where is my fucking 4k VR headset? Dont tell me about pimax - chink shit. I prefer the official ones from Valve or Oculus.

>Not even VR can save that game from being shallow
it's actually, in a way, even more shallow than before

at first glance it's perfect for VR, you have motion controls and can see your hands, the game always allowed you to grab everything in the world, it could be so good, but it's just Skyrim, the game will still make your character stagger after being hit, which is obviously hard to realize when your virtual body is invisible and the camera won't move because it's locked to the position of your own fucking head and the only visual indicator you get for staggering, is that your arms disappear/turn invisible, which is just confusing as fuck

then, you can flail your arms around all you want, but since the enemies and all their reactions to being hit by anything are all reliant on animations and not actual ingame physics, prepare to look at enemies that don't visually react to your hits at all

the only way to make this piece of shit game slightly enjoyable in VR is by exclusively using archery and nothing else in combat

forgot to add they did fuck all to make the interaction with the environment immersive in any way, you don't grab things and pull them towards you as if you were putting them into your bags like you do in many other games, you don't grab door handles to open doors, it's still all done by the good old button press, the only difference is that now instead of aiming the crosshair in the middle of your view, you point your right hand at whatever you want to "activate"


Last I checked, games/content was an issue with any non-Oculus/Vive HMD.

You forgot magic. Being able to dual-wield spells in different directions is pretty cool as well.

So how much?

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HP announced the Reverb which is a '4k' (2k per eye) like the old original 'Pimax 4k'. Pimax and Varjo are both still slowly chugging along towards potential future greatness. Valves HMD will probably be significant resolution per eye, based off the supposed FOV.

Otherwise yeah, the common standard is in the area of 1600x1440. Even amongst those, the Odyssey+ differentiates itself with it's anti-SDE filter which supposedly actually really works.

what takes too long for them, especially Valve/Oculus to deploy 4K HMD?

steam actually lets you do controller configs to emulate the trackpads/analogs of the wmr controllers to replace the vive/oculus ones.
honestly a lot of vive games are better on wmr because they don't lack an analog stick.

My name is user. I own a PS VR and I want to die.

That only works with the Pro right?
What are the specs and are there any worth while games at all?

can you use it with a pc yet?

Anyone else get rock solid mauling women in Blade & Sorcery?

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No, it works in both models, the Pro being allegedly better. There are a bunch of cool games like Astro Bot and Wipeout if we're talking about exclusives. But there are way too few actual full games like Skyrim, Borderlands 2 and Resident Evil 7. Controlling with the Moves is garbage. And the support from Sony in terms of apps and shit is nonexistent.

Yes, with Trinus or iVRy. Both are paid programs. How good it is, I don't know. My PC runs on a Ryzen 3 2200g (an APU), I doubt it's enough to even test it.

uh huh, thats what it feels like to be a powerful warrior with no mercy and a lust for blood.

All the WMR HMDs (every HMD but Rift and Vive/Pro) have always been fully SteamVR compatible. They have always been de facto SteamVR HMDs. The only real compatibility issue in PC VR is a minor one of some titles (ie. Oculus exclusives) having mismatched in-game controls when played with hardware they weren't designed for (which can almost always just be mentally worked around, or else fixed with supplemental software ie. custom Steam Input maps).

Nowadays everyone not moneyhatted by Facebook just uses the SteamVR/OpenVR API which makes them run natively on whatever.

>No, it works in both models
Well fuck didn't expect that.
I am talking about games overall. I imagine racers would be fun with one of those. Like the PS4 Gran Tourismo. Autosport or whatever it's called.
Too bad the Driving Force GT doesn't work on gen 8 anymore and the G29 or whatever is so expensive.

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Does anyone here have stable Nvidia driver recommendations for VR? I'm running a GTX 980ti. Having terrible stutter and performance troubles, despite not having this issue in the past (on different drivers, which I cannot recall).

>motion sicklet
I find that physical health status' mark a noticeable effect on my motion tolerance. For instance, maintaining hydration and either fasting fully or being recently fed have both helped me. Motion sickness seems to be an easily conquered problem so long as you expose yourself to VR for increasing durations and maintain physical health.

I have wide-rim glasses and can fit into my Rift HMD with few or no issues. There are also prescription lense fit-ins on the market. I think newer HMDs may help with this issue, though.

>first with being a pilot
Don't make me feel, user.

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Oh, and I forgot to add: the absolute worst thing about the PSVR is that the only app you could use to watch porn went from free to monthly subscription. They offer a one-time pay option of "only" 40 bucks for one feature: watch your own videos from a usb drive. 40 fucking bucks to watch shit you download on your own pc and then play it on the stupid app. They went crazy.

Porn was the only use I have to the PSVR in the last year. Because of what I mentioned here

I got one of those, they're terrible

With all these new VR devices coming out, any anons thinking about selling their HMDs on the local classifieds? Tempted to sell my Rift now (while it has value), and get whatever Valve cooks up in the coming months.

Man I want to get into VR but I have to use my public living area for it so I need a "Clean" computer to make it work.

No idea about you but I always got errors with Nvidias february drivers and my GTX 1070. Went back to the january drivers and no problems since. Haven't tried their March drivers yet.

No problems on my GTX 970 though with the february drivers so maybe rolling back won't help you.

isn't the normal ps4 media player free though?

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>Yes, with Trinus or iVRy.
Well that is intriguing since I already saw those things go used for ~100 bucks.
My sides they just know what people are using them for
Yeah dude I think they are gimping the 900 series so people upgrade and buy their horrible RX 2000 series cards

There are a couple of racing games. I own Wipeout and it's really fucking good, with the biggest downside being the lack of any animations in the cockpit (that you barely notice while racing to be honest).
There's Driveclub that I almost threw up with trying the demo although it was on the early days of me owning the thing.

Gran Turismo has VR Mode. As far as I knew, it's a scam. You can only drive in one track against one opponent on a three laps race. I don't know if they ever updated it. I don't own the game.

And there's also Dirt which according to Reddit is fine. I don't own it either.

How do I shitpost on Yea Forums while playing games in VR? I saw some webms that did that but I can't for the life of me find it

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It plays flat and 3D (like 3D movies you can watch in the cinema) videos. It doesn't play VR content.

Isn't the first rift not even supported anymore?
Why would anybody buy it if so

so you're talking about actually 3d vr video, not just the 360/180 degree stuff?

Interesting. I'm using January drivers right now (417.71) with my 980ti. There are multiple Feb drivers, and one March driver. Wonder if I should update to the latest, or go for something older.

>You can only drive in one track against one opponent on a three laps race.
What the actual fuck

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You mean CV1, or DK1/DK2? I was referring to CK1 in my post, and that is definitely still supported.

As far as I know, iVRy is the best app for using PSVR on PC.
I'm not sure how the tracking works since the PS camera uses a proprietary connector. Maybe with the gyros? Maybe with a webcam?

The panels simply don't really exist, and certainly not for the prices they want. Pimax 'cheated' by just using larger sized (lower pixel density) panels than others considered acceptable and selling their system on the strength of its big FOV. Others are having to custom order/manufacture panels and doing significant R&D of their own (Valve and Varjo) on driving down that cost.

Valves HMD may well end up being '4k' as in 2k or more per eye. We really just don't have a clue what display features it will have other than supposedly a large FOV (which itself implies probably a significant resolution bump).

Facebooks focus is making their 'VR console' business model a success, and that means keeping everything as cheap as possible.

Foveated displays such as Varjos are the future, anyway. There may not actually be all that much demand for much higher 'base panel' resolution, once this tech is established. Keeping my fingers crossed this is one of Valves tricks (probably not).

Attached: varjo-pixels-small.jpg (1308x1228, 795K)

its still one opponent, but you can do all tracks and they added time trials. Not great, but its a tiiiny bit more

I don't know I just remember that I saw a cheap rift on a classified site for like 80 bucks and was tempted but then was told that it was the first version or dev kit or something and not even supported anymore with new releases

You mean the PS video player? It plays 3D movies like Avatar in a big rectangle in front of you. I even bought a 3D Blu-ray to test it. It's that 3D movie Metallica did some years ago. It's a hit or miss, mostly a miss.
It doesn't play 180/360 VR video where you are inside the scene.
It was like that when the game launched. I hope they added something after.

Probably DK1/DK2. They are indeed no longer supported, and don't work entirely the same way as consumer models either. Might be useful for certain legacy content. Full CV1 Rift kits go for around $250 on the local markets.

yes, Valve is finished.

Quest is guaranteed to make them money off software purchases, where-as with Rift, it'll likely be folks pirating or buying shit off of Steam instead, so they can price the Quest lower as a result.

Quest is obviously their priority, otherwise they wouldn't have outsourced the Rift S to lenovo to manufacture and charge a premium for what's included.

>Even amongst those, the Odyssey+ differentiates itself with it's anti-SDE filter which supposedly actually really works.
Can confirm. Fuck knows what it is or why it works, but it does.

In fact, the only big drawback of the Odyssey+ is the ergonomics aren't good enough for extended play. Other than that, it's just minor niggles like using HDMI instead of DisplayPort. Microshaft's MR software is super robust now- nothing like the jankfest when it first came out.

Inside out >>>>>> screwing shit into your wall in every scenario

>B-but muh tracking behind your back!!!!

>same price

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Without eye-tracking and only directly rendering what you‘re looking at VR has hit a point where significantly upping resolution or FOV will just shrink the potential consuler base even further. There is nothing fundamentally wrong with the Rift S besides lack of physical IPD adjustment.

Virtual Reality is a meme gimmick fad that is already over.

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But once we get good eye tracking it will lower the minimum spec INSANELY, you could literally just blur anything the player wasn't looking at, it's a game changer

>There is nothing fundamentally wrong with the Rift S besides lack of physical IPD adjustment.

And the price, FOV, and being a Facebook product.

And the refresh rate

I knew there was one I was forgetting.

nothing like always
valve hasnt done anything good in over 10 years

hey, proton is nice

You should add that theres 64 GB and 128 GB models for the quest. uploadvr.com/oculus-quest-128gb/

I have decided that HMD Odyssey + is going to be my first headset. Question: How well does revive work? I want the Rift exclusives but I hate rift and facebook in general.

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This is going to depend on the headset, and we won't know how good/bad it's actually gonna be on the S until we have a chance to try it ourselves.

I can get the Lenovo Explorer for really cheap, BUT it doesn't come with motion controllers, and they aren't even available in my country.
Do I need motion controllers? Playing VR without them is even worth it?

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goddamn casuals holding back vr development with their "convenience" and "minimum specs"

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Boy this looks like garbage

Attached: What does VR have that I don't.webm (640x360, 1.42M)

Once their devs get tired of working on it, proton is going to be abandoned.
There's no reason in getting into anything novel developed by Valve because as soon as it starts getting hard, they give up and move on to the next fad.
They're like an ADHD child

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Is it possible to use a PSVR headset on a computer somehow? Got given a PSVR maybe 6 months ago and have used it like twice.
Nothing worth playing on PS4 for it.

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it's FOSS and heavily documented, even if it gets abandoned by the devs someone else will pick it up and continue from there, and valve still updates steamos despite like 0.001% of steam users using it, they aren't very good with the physical side of things like the steam machines and controllers and shit, but they have a decent software record

Honestly this is exactly how I imagine people that come into threads about things they don't like to shitpost.
Fuck I can imagine her thinking the shit most shitposters spit out in poorfag cope.
"I-imagine actually enjoying that"
"This guy HAS FUN DOING THAT! H-heh could you imagine"

Try Trinus trinusvirtualreality.com/psvr/

The reason they're dragging ass on announcing everything is because they want it all in one attractive bundle to counterbalance the hard sell of it all being Linux exclusive.

Valve is done with Windows as soon as they feel they can make that sell.

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There are a number of programs that can do that.
"VR browser Overlay" on google or whatever.

even though this pic is bait, it baffles me that some people actually believe this

Poorfag here, does anyone use a WMR headset with euro truck simulator two? The lenovo one is cheaper than a surround monitor setup or a low end ultrawide.

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Yeah I'm aware of the story, I still don't buy it though.
She looks like she's genuinely peeved for no reason other than the fact she's not getting attention.

Alright nice thanks. Will give it a go tomorrow

>nothing worth playing
nigga do you need suggestions?

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I mean, I can believe it, some people are actually stupid enough to think home made solutions trump products simply because they're cheaper, and when the shit falls apart or doesn't work right they have no clue why.

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VR Conspiracy time
>Gabe impressed by stress level zero's work in VR games.
>Hires developers to valve secretly
>tease boneworks
>it's secretly half life VR.
>Robots and zombies changed to head crabs and head crab zombies.
>It's revealed as HLVR along with valves headset and knuckle controller.
>valve saves VR.

>I know I'm wrong but I will continue believing I am right fuck you
I'd call you a moron but you just straight up admit it. That's a chad move.

I don't believe it either, I just find it funny and love posting it.

obviously shes portraying such emotions to further her joke, dumbass.

stop taking shit so seriously.

Be honest and tell me that looks like the face of someone that's watching someone enjoy a product they helped make.

Got the Vive last year, and saw the Vive Pro is on sale locally. Anything worth waiting for or should I be fine taking this deal?

Oh... she was trying to be funny...
No wonder it didn't register, because it's not funny.

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different user but using that is pretty hit or miss. Ive had it work completely fine one day and then have it shit on me the next for no reason at all.

also, good luck trying to get the move controllers to work. gotta go through a bunch of convoluted steps for that to work.

Take the deal, user.


Attached: Pimax.png (692x711, 279K)

Well my thread bombed and this one is still up
I bring you the horrors

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nigga you have no idea how much i want to believe that


>Where did it all go so wrong?

When you retards managed to fall for a (((VR))) marketing stunt when it's nothing more than a phone screen strapped onto your face, a technology that has been existing for a decade if not more.

Attached: vr.jpg (1180x660, 111K)

*sniff* mmm yes, the future

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Well at least I know I got the most out of my HTC Vive I bought at release early 2016.
It did cost me 892USD after taxes and shipping though.
Still use it to this day.
I probably won't buy another VR Headset until the resolution jump is substantial. Like 4k per eye.

Attached: sort of poor college student 12.jpg (3999x3238, 3.48M)

Attached: blade and sorcery 3.webm (1280x720, 2.8M)

Use iVRy to connect it.

The company I work for makes the Nintendo Labo stuff.
Currently making the VR set.
Not seeing the appeal...
Although for a 40-50 million dollar contract I wouldn't care what shit we would have to make.

*dad walks in*

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4K per eye headsets and wide FOV exist right now, they are just really expensive.

When this tech will be consumer friendly/stand alone/cheap remains to be seen. Could be 2 - 4 years from now, might be 10.

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Good thread guys, we need this more often since that forsaken one on /vg/ is full of degenerates

>Dad: I forbid you to play that again.
*days later dad walks in again*

Attached: base profile.webm (540x304, 2.4M)

The screen tech may be there but the hardware to run it is not.
Even a 2080ti would suffer trying to run at that res with high fps.

>Rooms are cleaner than mine
>Air hockey
>Sick TV
>Workout room
>My CPU is better
Take that

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I can't justify a CPU upgrade when there is no real performance gain at 4k resolution which is what I play at.

On the other hand I did waste quite a bit recently on buying a drawing monitor that I will probably not use much of and a desk and chair that will remain vacant.

Although I will say this chair, while being many times more expensive than the 130USD chair I bought prior, is much more comfortable.

Attached: poor college student desk.jpg (1920x1080, 497K)

I just beat Lone Echo with my new Odyssey+. Revive works great. Though if your HMD goes to sleep after 10 mins, it closes the game.
Open WMR -> SteamVR -> inject cracked game with Revive and have fun!

Oh I see... Thank you for the interesting info. I guess I will wait a bit longer. I want my first VR experience to be perfect.

At least a 2080TI can do proper foveated rendering with its VSS capabilities, for the two headsets that can make use of which are not consumer grade. The current 10XX cards are fucked in that regards.

at least it's good for simracing....

I mean arguably worse than a 3 screen setup but still good.

Attached: I enjoy.jpg (375x577, 28K)

>arguably worse than a 3 screen setup

Once the resolution is bumped it will be awesome in simracing.

>Drawing tablet
>Racing wheel

"You're doing great son, i believe in you"

Looking through it now and all I see is the speculation on that guy that might've loose lipped Valve's headset specs and played it off as a joke.

So do you do any actual art/cartoons or only have a big ass drawing tablet just cause?

This webm is fake news because voice changer technology still sucks. I had to return my vive because everyone kept telling me to turn off my voice changer.

I've tried this with robo recall but theres almost like a delay in head movement, sorta like there's a buffer between my wmr headset and oculus reading it. I've heard that's a recent bug though, I'll try out lone echo and see how that goes

you just use your normal voice
everyone already knows you're a guy

That's what trapman is for, user. youtube.com/watch?v=hQFPnUjeSoI

Oh what's all this then? youtube.com/watch?v=w55YNajApIc

Either a dumb joke, or a dumb joke.

yeah when 4k minimum ones are standard and cheap I'll probably jump on one. Simracers tend to be very easy to run at high resolutions too, my rx580 will run AC at 4k60 no problems so whatever I get to replace it next card gen it will probably do just fine with a 4k headset.

As someone who started with a Samsung Odyssey the resolution is pretty nice. However, inside out tracking fucking sucks. I don't care how many cameras they put on the HMD, your hands will go spastic and you'll lose tracking all the god damn time. I gave my Odyssey to a Steam friend and got an Oculus and the tracking cameras from the outside made all my previous issues disappear.

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Even if it's not it's almost a guarantee that valve will release some kind of HLVR since a while back Gabe said something about working on a game alongside hardware like Nintendo does.

Are the baseline Vives worth it at the 500 price point or would I be better off waiting until a new model comes out? Played with my friend's launch version and loved it.

The Odyssey only has 2 cameras.
The Oculus S has 5.

you can get them much much cheaper used now, and the first vive controller isn't really that good with the lack of analog sticks

Doesn't fuckin matter, tracking will suck my balls mark these words

Yeah I couldn't tell if it was a bit laggy like that because of my GPU, revive translation, or ghosting with OLED black levels. I worked through it though and enjoyed it. I should try Robo Recall right now!

Attached: VR AR Girl.webm (1920x1080, 2.66M)

more like genuine fucking hoax from a pack of cunty literal-who wannabe 'vrtubers' trying to flex.

We are living in the worst timeline. This was when it all died.

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Why didn't they release a demo alongside the homeworks trailer??. I KNOW YOURE READING THIS BRANDON YOU HACK RELEASE THE DEMO CUNT

>inside out tracking fucking sucks
>2 cameras
>both cameras only in the front
>5 cameras
>2 in front 1 on each side, and one on top
The Rift S will unironically work 100 times better because of that. Obviously setting up sensors would be better as of now, since you also cover your blind spots, but inside-out tracking is the way forward with VR. Right now its not anywhere near perfect, but the Rift S is a definite step in the right direction.

but faceberg buying out oculus didn't do anything to stop porn, there's even a bunch of illusion vr games

The Quest is a step in the right direction. As SoTs get more powerful, the need for a tethered PC will go away. Did you see the footage of them setting up an arena using a bunch of Quests at Oculus Connect last year? Fucking awesome.

What would happen if they moved to Linux? Windows users would still have access to all their stuff, right? I'm sure as fuck not going to run that trash for my Steam library.

no, Stress Level Zero is their own company, Boneworks is its own game. it may end up better than HLVR but that says a lot more about how far Valves game dev capability has degraded.

A quest that can also wirelessly connect to a pc is basically the perfect headset desu

I agree. I think the dream for a lot of people moving from Rift to Quest is that someone will figure out how to use the USB-C port as a way to connect to the PC.

I think it is impossible. The Snapdragon cpu doesn't support video in so that is a no go. Somehow, the 5 camera tracking data would have to be sent to the PC for processing, and solder a chip for video in.

I have been drawing random shit for years.
Have a stock of various characters and settings drawn up but I never did anything with it.

Even got into drawing anime stuff once I found people will to give me lunch money for it.
I even bought some crappy how to draw anime books back before such information was readily available on the internet.

I still suck at drawing in anime style...
So I guess you can say I have a drawing monitor just to make myself feel good by doing nothing.

Attached: crappy anime drawing books.jpg (1530x1080, 688K)

>Still no proper CoD zombies VR clone

Attached: 1536181407031.png (662x594, 106K)

Anyone else didn't it really hard to get into he's that aren't physics based? After playing blade and sorcery and seeing boneworks playing games with floating hand shit and no body, or guns that go through eachother just feels like a downgrade.

Isn't that basically the new killing floor game?

foveated displays are the future without almost any doubt. someone will figure out 'dynamic foveation', how to move the 'focus display', and that will be the effective end of the entire problem (and that innovator will effectively WIN). varjo had a good idea of using a DMD projector.

This. Have WMR myself, works fine. Only downside is some games havent been WMR patched for the "throwing" motion, so it can be janky in a few games. But a lot of devs have picked up WMR sets to fix the issues, at this point. Budget Cuts just fixed it, from what I know.

>He does this in every thread.
It's like Barry got a new hobby.

Holy fug source on budget cuts being fixed? I had to put it down because I couldn't deal with the fucky throwing on wmr

totally impossible by design. the whole point of the quest is that they failed with the rift because of the competition, so they're taking their ball and going home (to a court they totally control). the DRM and sideload/jailbreak-discouragement on Quest is going to be over the top.