anyone hyped for more powerful WOMEN in fightan?
Anyone hyped for more powerful WOMEN in fightan?
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why did you edit this lol? the above was for the last of us 2 trailer
have sex, nincel
Where are the spoiler modes?
Were they all laughing?
>see frame trap
>don't click
I sure do love having some random bored chick texting during all of my group streams!
laughing at the daisy haters
Seeing Chun Li or Lara Croft in Smash would be nice.
Not likely though.
The only time I heard of these guys was when one of them immediately recognized the Star Fox SNES voice.
The only people who were more hyped for Daisy's reveal than Ridley are fat smelly Daisy waifufags.
I'm one of them.
Damiani is the biggest nintendofag at Easy Allies and is often a complete faggot. That being said when it comes to nintendofags on youtube he's a hell of a lot better than Arlo or Gamexplain because he actually knows his shit.
>It was Damiani
That guy has to be somewhere in the spectrum.
Is it bad that I went
>That's falco's voice, That's Fox's voice from the SNES game in real time while watching that?
Is it really bad that
I bought the game at launch along with all the toys?
>immediately called out the LoZ question on the trivia show
Sometimes its a real funny kinda of autism
I was hoping Daisy wasn't an echo though.
Is it worth watching this week's podcast? Or are they're just going to regurgitate the same uniformed opinions they displayed during the Stadia conference?
>Damiani laughing at the announcement that the Google controller connects via wifi rather than USB/Bluetooth
>Not even Bloodworth is smart enough to correct him on the fact that a direct wifi connection would be quicker than having to pass through USB/blutooth to your PC and then from your PC to with router (which in 90% of cases is going to be a wifi connection anyway
>Rest of the stream is crying about the fact Google is focusing on developer tools at a DEVELOPERS CONFERENCE
definitely autism
fuck off google shill
Huber wasn't even sure how to react to it too.
The trivia show that just came out. There was a question on one of the LoZ games that was for someone else and he immediately called it out for being fundamentally wrong
Is this it?
>40 minutes
Can I get a hint as to when it happens?
for those that missed the thread yesterday
He's notorious for cheating in the speedrunning community.
Of course he is.
name one(1) good reaction video
Seriously. Why is Brad's gf even there? She doesn't even say anything.
She's a Yoko
Have easyallies turned into into a generic reactor channel too now? I haven't watched one of their vids in ages but I liked that they were generally free of that sort of fake hype bullshit before
Never say I did nothing for you
She looks so goddamn pissed all the time.
what is she in?
this picture is really hot
The Shenmue revival (but that was Gametrailers)
From the EZA era, probably the RE2 Remake reveal
Although their reaction to Stadia was great by them all shitting on it
This, they were surprisingly good during the stadia reveal. I expected them so just go full hype and ignore all the shittiness
The anniversary stream going on right now.
Yeah. They upload like 10 reaction videos from their stream whenever there's a gaming related event nowadays.
ah, anniversarty streams seem a little to self aggrandizing so i never bothered
Them reacting to Bosman's reaction to the Pokemon direct was also fantastic
They came off as brainlets during that stream. Giantbomb stream was a lot better since Jeff saw the horrible future that was coming.
The one where they're reacting to their own videos is even worse. They're sitting there laughing and clapping at something THEY made.
Thanks, and he's 100% right.
Based, I wish all these retards would just shut up and start throating google's cock