Which one of these are mandatory reading? I've never read Kilo-5 but an interested in what happens after Onyx.
Halo Lore Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
only the first 6 books, and out of those, The Flood and The Cole Protocol are kind of optional but recommended nonetheless
forerunner saga and kilo-five trilogy are the only books from 343i canon anyone talks about
Fall of Reach and First Strike
Contact Harvest maybe if you wanna know how it all started
Evolutions if you want some more lore short stories
Ghosts of Onyx if you want more Halsey and Spartan shenanigans
To understand the fuckery 343 did with the Forerunners, read their trilogy. Lore is fucked, but they're good sci-fi reads.
Pay attention
You can honestly skip any book Karen Traviss writes. She has a very noticeable pattern of getting way too into a setting's resident "badass normal dudes" group and wanking them so badly it actively derails her plots and damages the setting. It happened with Mandalorians and clone commandos in Star Wars, and it happened with ODSTs in Halo.
Glasslands is ok, then it goes to shit.
So has anyone started sketching out mod docs for a "lore" series of mods?
I wanna start but half of the work is art stuff and Im just an ideas guy
Everything Eric Nyuland and Joseph Staten
Silent Storm
Forerunner Trilogy if you dig the first book
>you can shoot a limb off them before they run away
>not recommending Cole Protocol
It's also a good book. And a damn good sitcom.
Why did Eric Nylund stop writing Halo books? Wasn't he some uber-fan that wound up steering the series' lore bible for a bit?
what if you're an odst fanboy though
Been quite a while since I read it. I enjoyed it, but not as much as the others. Might re-read again.
It's Return of The Jedi but instead of Ewoks you get creepy little flesh things.
Probably not worth it for him long term to write video game books.
Did he even enjoy it? Like were they something he looks back on fondly or was it just a paycheck?
As an ODST fanboy I still say hard skip. What Karen Traviss does isn't a love letter, it's 14-year-old-girl's fanwank. Under her pen ODSTs are these loner super-dire hardasses that are secretly better than any Spartan and have a warrior's bro-code.
Karens clone commando wank > dave filonis reddit clone toy soldiers
Eat shit. Filoni's clones had low points but fuck they were actual characters. They were way closer to the Republic Commando game's view of clones than Karen's books about those very fucking commandos
Do ODSTs even exist anymore in the current timeline?
Everybody wuz Spartan-kings now, boy. ODSTs went feet first into irrelevance.
No they weren't. Republic Commando has actual characters, TCW has hollow video game capeshit npc zombies pretending to be characters.
>only good books about hardcore clone operatin' are written by traviss
Yes, not every ODST was made into a Spartan. The Infinity actually has some regular ODST squads that are never used in 4 or 5 because Spartan wank
>capeshit npc
Buzzwords used by a lying nigger who can't form his own opinions and needs to rely on outside propaganda machines to fuel his shitposting. Cody literally had zero personality in any EU book until TCW.
Yeah, you're retarded if you think that shitty show is any good, now please fuck off to your own Star Wars thread.
Been out of the loop since the Halo 5 trainwreck, did anything get released that happened after the games' ending?
The fucking irony of calling Filoni's shit capeshit when Karen literally writes her clones and Mandos like they're the fucking Punisher, with all the overwrought edge and cynical "wisdom" about society that entails.
You could also skip the entire books and just pick up Halo Mythos.
It encapsulates the entire Halo Lore, summarizes every Halo book, comic and game up to Halo 5. It's also just drop dead gorgeous with full 2-page spreads on nearly every other page. Seriously can't recommend Mythos enough, it's one of my favorite Halo books in my collection
It turns out that Master Chief isn't dead but is floating in space.
Faggot nobody is calling the show good or bad, all that's being discussed here is the nightmarish insanity of somebody stupid enough to defend the writing of fucking Karen Traviss. Get over yourself, loser.
He almost came back for Infinite but apparently he applied too late. Hopefully he's at least involved in some role
>343 """lore"""
He said 5 not 3
Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger
Cody isn't in Republic Commando or any of the books, nice job proving you haven't even read the series. Tell me more about how nuanced Captain Rex is (slightly less rude carbon copy of Alpha-17 from Star Wars: Republic)
Fuck off fagola, I don't know the names of the writers of your shitty star wars show and I don't care. Go away, gaylord.
Silent Storm I think picks up after 5
Karin Traviss is very unsubtle in her distaste for ONI. the things they do are so comically evil and moronic it's a wonder how they haven't self destructed.
Halo Wars 2 is after the events of Halo 5 but since they're trapped outside the galaxy at the Ark, the events aren't relevant to the Spirit of Fire.
quick vid showing some of the pages. Artwork is seriously stunning
Definitely check it out
>Cody isn't in Republic Commando or any of the books
>Cody is in ZERO EU books
Fucking kill yourself you disingenuous cocksucker
I don't.
It's added work and my job is stable so I don't feel the need to publicize myself. I have no social media either, not much of a "web 2.0" person. I don't even lurk anywhere outside of imageboards.
Also, found another old folder with 2 more halo drawings
It's because they aren't noble, honest warriors like ODSTs. I'm honestly kind of shocked she never latched onto the Sangheili.
Man I love highly detail art books
What? No it doesn't.
Silent Storm is one of the first missions Chief and Blue Team has. It shows how Chief earns the rank of "Master Chief"
oops that was a WIP
Is he okay?
I don't know if this one makes any sense. What's the proportion between a Halo ring and High Charity?
Karen Traviss wrote Clone troopers better than Dave Filoni 5 years before TCW, that's just the way it is
he was in labyrinth of evil, and the EU has more nuanced clone troopers than Cody. What's so interesting about him? Supporting characters in Republic Commando have more depth than he has in the entirety of TCW. TCW clone troopers are toy soldiers, what's the big deal? The brain implant arc is just a less suspenseful version of the anti-aging arc in Republic Commando.
I need Halo memes and halo comic memes
did he die?
Bungie copied my idea for Kat's death, I'm sure of it.
Also, Homeworld drawing because why not.
>I was a spartan too until I took a plasma shot to the knee
There's anywhere I can download the Halo Mythos book?
>MJOLNIR armor weighs like 1,500 pounds
>2 Spartans can ride a little dune buggy no problem
What the FUCK kind of metal is the chassis then?
shut up.
probably off of one of these
Art Books:
>Art of Halo 3
>Art of Halo 5
>Art of Halo (Original)
>Art of Halo (CE to Wars/Reach)
>Art Compilation from CE to 4
>Halo Books
Probably either a tungsten or titanium alloy.
let's be honest it ain't exactly fast when you're driving it
maybe it was the FOV but the mongoose felt slow and useless
Game design supersedes any lore.
Unlike 343i, Bungie actually separated gameplay from lore.
Unlike Bungie, 343i actually separated gameplay from fun.
Look at the size of the thing, though.
Spartans are over 7ft tall and the quad still looks huge
A lot of this.
Humans are super powered in-game
This meme has so much soul. All consolewar memes are just boring wojaks edits now.
I really need to finish HW and HW2. Left it on hold so many years.
Original or remaster? I might try it out as well.
As someone who's a lorelet, what is it about Reach that people hated?
I played it when it came out and I dont remember it being that bad
Had the originals in a netbook that I'm not sure works anymore.
Bought the Remaster to pressure myself to do it.
It contradicts/retcons stuff from The Fall of Reach.
I have the remaster as well, but that includes the original versions as well, I was just curious if there's any reason to play the original.
Covenant arive at reach, BTFO everyone fast af, lots of S2s die trying to protect it while chief and the autumn barely escape
some literally who S3s dick around with a covenant stealth invasion tha's apparently been setting up undetected for who knows how long, reach is under siege for months, no S2s in sight, autumn is dry docked planet side for some reason
Bad explanation but basically reach already had a story as to what happened and the game completely disregarded it and made the two versions almost completely incompatible.
I mean hell, according to the new time line chief was testing the MKV while noble was running around in it themselves fighting covenant on reach AT THE SAME FUCKING TIME
It think it's a matter of perspective. If you look at a regular marine he looks tiny compared to the massive machines that the UNSC makes everyone drive around. They seem to have been made with Spartans in mind more than anything.
holy shit that website still exists?
Glad 343i are starting to do this now.
It has less to do with lore than it has to do with the poor game design. Bad characters, bad plot, bad setting, worst and most boring levels in any halo game, armor abilities, loadouts.
HW1 in the remaster uses the new engine and some gameplay functions changed like research, some animations, formations, the user interface. If the classic version remains unchanged, I shall try starting again on that.
The only reason to play classic is precisely that: if you miss the small details.
Brainlet. The reason the slls were on reach in the book was that they wanted to make a special mission to assassinate a prophet. The Autumn was there in the game for a similar reason. I agree otherwise.
Guess not. Rip
>The reason the slls were on reach in the book was that they wanted to make a special mission to assassinate a prophet.
Did they even know about the prophets at this time? I thought the entire idea was for them to infiltrate the city, find out what the covenant want there since they occupied instead of destroying it, and then nuke the entire city to avoid data falling into enemy hands
Iirc they wanted to go deep into covenant territory and it was theorized that they have important leaders. Maybe I mix it up with something though.
why they were there doesn't matter when most of them died.
The plan with red flag was to find wherever the covenant home world was, kidnap some leadership, and force a cease fire.
Agree with this except for Cryptum, I'd say that's optional reading. Also you forgot to recommend Evolutions.
I'd say only some of Evolutions is good.
>tfw liked the little colony area in H5
God those marines look like shit
This is the only thing I have and no one has yet to make a caption for it.
I like that even in the future no one knows Portuguese
>subtitle says settler
>complains about Marines
They do look like shit but cmon man
this artist needs to learn to draw shadows
Here's my question. The Librarian upgraded John to protect him from the Didact. I was always under the impression she restored him to pre-Forerunner contact level of humanity. As in the kind of human before they got forcefully regressed evolutionary. Is this the case or not?
God those settlers look like shit
so THIS is the power of 343 lore?
Can someone explain to my how High Charity was made? Do we get a book solely on the Covenant's chaste system and politics and shit about High Charity or are the current Authors not talented enough for that.
This is what a spartans butt looks like
From what I remember the first time they tried lifting off with the forerunner dreadnought it basically tore the planet in two. Then they decided to build it into a huge portable capital city.
It looks cool, just deal with it
No. She gave him plot armor against the Composer, so he's DNA is now backwards spiraling and can't be digitalized. I don't think it has anything to do with ancient humans, other than maybe Chief's soul existed back then and she managed to save it for later.
>tfw no spartan gf
so it's actually made from a planet? Whos planet? The shyuum?
It was the shard of Mendicant who wanted to fuck off and do something so started the Dreadnought but they threw some legkgolos on him and they nom'ed his power away.
Art Books:
>Art of Halo 3
>Art of Halo 5
>Art of Halo (Original)
>Art of Halo (CE to Wars/Reach)
>Art Compilation from CE to 4
>Halo Books
But user, I post those.
Yes, the ship was anchored to the home planet of the prophets and tore the top of it off when tried to take off. Then they just said fuck it and built the city on the planet hat.
you were late
I don't want it passed around too much because it's under my name.
Thanks for this. Halo is apparently considered as "low quality" literature so there's nothing to be found in any library around here, other than the three Eric Nylund books which I already own. I don't want to risk buying blind the new books that might be Flood levels of garbage.
>respected by Jackals and Elites alike
why was Yayap so based?
Damn. I thought he was finally what Halsey was trying to create. She's obsessed with starting the next step in human evolution after all.
So John is getting a new AI to protect him from Cortana at the least. Do y'all think it'll be another Halsey flash clone brain or maybe it be a flash clone of John's brain?
I buy the majority of these myself. The Art of Halo 3 was only $25 used back in 2016.
I'm getting more from that artist, but she has tumors currently.
Halsey is a kind of reincarnation of Librarian.
I don't remember how then. Mind running that by me?
People are thinking no.
Or maybe Exuberant.
Just rusing.
i doubt Chief would want another Cortana, chances are he's getting another smart AI, maybe Durandal
Exuberant is a Monitor though. She would have to downgrade to fit on the AI chip Chief puts in his helmet. We have the serial number and all we know is it doesn't match any known AI.
A little late to the party here but they wanted to sneak deep into enemy territory, find either a homeworld or a high command, and kidnap a prophet. They had just discovered that the covenant was led by all-powerful prophets, though they knew nothing about them including whether they were a separate race or not. From the prophet they hoped to learn both what the covenant's goals were (they attacked unprovoked and never stated any goal beyond extermination) and how they might either force a ceasefire or at the very least gain intel that would give them a fighting chance.
wait, are we supposed to be hyped about halo now? it it one of these cool games now, like dark souls?
Isn't Bornstellar alive and hanging out with his wife somewhere? It's kinda weird Chief keeps ending up exactly where he needs to. Maybe Bornstellar is keeping tabs on everyone and keeps nudging Chief in the right direction with their slip space jumps?
Maybe we;ll get nu-Guilty Spark as a partner then
What. No. Bornsteller was the Ur-Didact isn't he?
Well yes, but actually no. He got a happy ending and broke away from the Didact nonsense.
what? how. explain your bullshit.
I haven't read Silentium, but isn't he supposed to get cucked and become super evil
FACT: Frank O'Connor is a detriment to Halo lore
What the fuck was his problem?
Bronstellar is the Iso Didact, the Ur Didact is the didact from halo 4.
He's a plot delivery device
The hell they be feeding these Spartans?
Who is just a Cortana Clone.
he was a beta orbiter
How did he even get in charge of anything? He was always just a B-tier community guy back in the Bungie era.
He's an original Microsoft henchman far before he ever worked for Bungie.
Where's Atreus/Ackerson's pet AI?
What did he actually do, most of the shit lore came from Brian Reed who was fired.
Halfjaw did nuthin wrong
He was on the greater ark you dumbs. He's gone.
New Blood is one of the worst books I've ever read period.
Is he in any stories after 3?
halo sucks
Last I read up on him is that he's autisticly hunting down surviving prophets
A literal white knight
He's the one who explained chief's suit change in 4 as "nanomachines, magic, whatever" he's also the one who wrote the comic book that explained why Cortana was still alive in halo 5. Many many other things since now he's the head honcho somehow.
Like telling people who didn't like Halo 5 "You either like it or you don't, whatever" or "people don't like what we're doing with the chief, but we're in control now so fuck you"
Based halfjaw
Shadow of intent is an e-novella he stars in. I don't know if it takes place after 3 in the timeline though.
Offensive Bias.
Does SPV3.1 have all the missions of CE yet?
Frankie has also said that "Reading the early books are bad because those stories aren't exactly the stories we want to tell anymore, so that why you don't like our new stuff."
He's also a straight up shill for Microsoft and microtransactions and bends over backwards for them even if it means rewriting the story, twice
He was ok as content manager, but who the fuck thought it was ok to give the idiot control over the lore? Even Marty was more artistic with his input on the plot, locations and characters.
>Shadow of Intent
I'll have to look this up, but it seems to take place after Halo 3 if Vadum's bio is anything to go by.
Yes, but it's mediocre.
One of his ideas for a spin off series was a "bird watching romance detective story" of people following behind chief and investigating the flora and fauna
Was that on purpose?
ITT what is the coolest ship and ship name in Halo?
This is mandatory. You MUST tell me or you suck dicks.
>Spirit of Fire
>Unyielding Heirophant
I never noticed how fucking large the Spirit of Fire was supposed to be.
Say My Name
You sure he said this or you just made it up?
Is Halo Wars pozzed or worth playing? does it feel like it fits in with the bungie games
>unironically reading video game books
Why do Halo fans do this?
He said it in interviews, here's one
It's the first weird game that wasn't made by bungie, but it fits well enough in the universe I suppose.
Again it's kind of offputting but I'd say it's worth playing. There isn't really anyone here that would say not to play it. It's fun.
If you want an RTS with balance issues loosely connected to the Halo universe with decent cutscenes it's the game for you.
It doesn't sound like what you said he said, just sounds like what any game dev including Japanese devs say.
Also, I refuse to believe the cunt is not joking there or sucking up to the söyjourno
I don't blame you for having average to below average intelligence and being unable to see the true meaning behind corporate speak.
>coolest ship
UNSC Iroquois
>Best name
Mona Lisa
I'm trying to get my friend into Halo in anticipation of the MCC being released on PC. He's only played the first one and little bit of halo 2 MP. I think if I can get him into the lore of the games, he might be willing to look past the somewhat "simple" shooter mechanics to see the whole picture of what makes Halo great.
Can I get him started with a book? Does he really need to remember CE to start enjoying the story?
Two For Flinching is the best ship name in all of fiction, and I dare you to prove otherwise.
Does the red strip make it go fasta?
This End Up
If he doesn't like the games, he might not be big intot he lore, user.
Also Halo isn't really simple, just older. Have him play COOP with you during Reach when it comes out. It's a blast in multiplayer.
That's a fucking good one.
343 has that beat by miles
>UNSC Speak of the Devil
>PC versions are going to come out three months apart
>20 bucks each, no bundle to buy them all at a lower price
>each game has its own issues that never get patched
>every games' servers are abandoned after less than a year expect Halo 3's
You know it's going to happen.
I like the Ace of Spades.
i will honestly eat whatever they shit out, i'm in the position of having a group of friends that met through halo and are waiting with bated breath to continue playing halo
Lighter Than Some.
That gun looks awful.
>UNSC Your Guess is as good as Mine
But that's not a shipname or a ship itself, that's a Harugok you LOSER.
I like it but the name is too long.
Halo got too convoluted for its own good. I will concede that it has arguably the greatest expanded universe in the video game world though.
>UNSC Give the Benefit of the Doubt
Goddamn I forgot about this. Do you think they'll role this in with post Halo 5 cortona's AI revolt?
>But that's not a shipname or a ship itself
Says who? It floats, it flies, it's a machine, it's a ship. Or at least a boat. Double LOSER.
>UNSC Drastic Times call for drastic Measures
>responds with niggerx5
this user wins the argument
It can't be a boat if it's alive you TRIPLE LOSER
Bornstellar became the iso-Didact
The original Didact became the Ur-Didact, the one in Halo 4.
>Keyes is the key to the flood to escape Halo in the first game
>(Miranda) Keyes is the key to activate the second Halo in the second game
>Keyes = keys
Holy shit my mind is blown.
Calm the fuck down maaan
>UNSC Feel a bit Under the Weather
Does it ever explain how the forerunners beat the precursors? It makes no sense unless the precursors wanted to die.
>UNSC Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger
I don't think he really disliked the games, just that he never got the chance to really get into them. He didn't have online-game-viable internet when halo 2 and 3 were big. Satellite internet out in the boonies.
I guess I'll just have to convince him to get the collection when it comes releases. Some of my most cherished gaming memories are playing co-op with my friends, and I don't want him to miss out.
didn't the original didact super die when he made bornsteller the new one?
Yes it explains, it's a big part of the second book iirc, or maybe it was in the third.
>It makes no sense unless the precursors wanted to die.
But that's how they won. The Precursors let the Forerunners kill them, and then a few salty crab/lobster/cockroach people got bad and scratched a bit of dandruff off that turned into the flood. The story sucks.
What were they thinking letting Raimi captain a ship?
I agree with this man whole heartedly. I cannot describe how much I disliked that book.
They thought he will be killed that's why he impregnated Bornstellar, but then it turned out they didn't kill him and so two of them lived.
Not sure, but I think the Precursors basically went into shock when they attacked them and let themselves be killed. Then they came back with an overly elaborate plan of vengeance.
It will be a different time.
>didn't the original didact super die when he made bornsteller the new one?
The original didact is the Ur-Didact is the Didact from Halo 4
None of you read the book? The precursors were only creating stuff, they never experienced war and aggressiveness to the point they didn't even know what it was. They couldn't do jack shit when the foreskins started to kill them because they never thought something could even exist. It took the entire fleeing to the next galaxy and hiding from a genocide fleet to turn the remaining few precursors evil and want to destroy things. And even then their revenge was basically turning everything in the universe into a single unified form so the the lack of differences make no wars.
>The precursors were only creating stuff, they never experienced war and aggressiveness to the point they didn't even know what it was
Yet they gave everybody super aidscancer
That was unintentional.
Is The UNSC Infinity the sonichu of halo?
I like the way it looks and it's kind of cool, but it's pretty mary sue
>"... the Precursors viewed the Flood as a means to bring unity to the galaxy as well as punish the Forerunners for their insolence."
Uh... huh...
You have more reaction images than brain cells.
Here's what happened.
When the fories hunted down the precures, some of them turned into a dust to hide, and sit out the shitshow. Some time later they wanted to regenerate but they figured out they couldn't. The other precures still left who turned into evil now, noticed that the dust precures can't turn back to normal and started to experiment on them. They found out the dust mutates shit so they packed it into a ship and sent it into the home galaxy. THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE PRECURES MAKING SHIT ORIGINALLY! THEY DIDN'T CREATE THE DUST AS A WEAPON, THEY DIDN'T INTEND IT TO CREATE THE FLOOD, AND IT WAS ONLY A HANDFUL, MAYBE EVEN JUST THAT ONE WHO WANTED TO USE IT AS A WEAPON.
>"Vowing that none of their creations would rise against them again, the Precursors decided that all life would be deprived of free will and merged into one; in the end, the sum of the Precursors' creation would be a reflection of themselves and the suffering their creations caused them."
>literally no argument
I check my email everyday in hopes to see that Flight thing show up.
I'm ready for it, bros.
why didn't you protect her smile?
They're all playable but the second half is still being remade for 3.2 alongside a new version of Lumoria and better grafx
She was too demanding.
What is this?
A big mod that makes big changes to Gaylo 1.
Yeah, yeah, keep making up shit, I'm sure it will get you somewhere in life, if you're going to shit on anyone, shit on Brian Reed, Josh Holmes, and Kenneth Scott who were so shit at their jobs that they ended up ruining the series.
>eOU Mistake Not... My Current State Of Joshing Gentle Peevishness For The Awesome And Terrible Majesty Of The Towering Seas Of Ire That Are Themselves The Mere Milquetoast Shallows Fringing My Vast Oceans Of Wrath
>ROU Gun to a Knifefight
>Of Course I Still Love You
>We Haven't Met But You're A Great Fan Of Mine
>Hand Me The Gun And Ask Again
>Resistance Is Character-Forming
>I Blame My Mother
>I Blame His Mother
Halo doesn't have shit on the Culture's ship names.
>"bird watching romance detective story" of people following behind chief and investigating the flora and fauna
Actually sounds very cool. Imagine some Napoleon style Egyptian scientific exploration.
Are you trying to say Halo: Reach's garbage Elites that look nothing like Elites are better than Halo 3's Elites which looks like Elites? Get the fuck out of here, faggot.
Can we agree that Halo 2 A's cutscenes have the coolest version of every design in it?
the elites look fucking awesome, and the Gravemind is amazing.
>Bungie MKV remaster never
The Reach version looked like shit. Interesting seeing were the design inspiration for Reach came from though, this is from Halo 3s art book
I wish CE had gotten Blur cutscenes as well
Halo 3 looked more like Mark V than Reach did, Bungie just gave up after Halo 3.
Oh fuck yes. They even did Day at the Beach
lmao penis
Base 2 had better cinematography and elites. Otherwise, I agree.
I dunno Blur felt like they did a good job with the cinematography.
And in terms of the new generation of halo content, I think Halo 2 A's protrayal of what elites look like is the strongest because they just look like H2 elites but better.
The Halo 2 Anniversary Pelican is sexy af
but they completely ruined the warthogs for no reason, as well as master chiefs armor (no reflective visor? wtf?)
Are you people serious? The new gravemind is one of the stupidest things I have ever seen, it just looks silly, even the low-poly H2 gravemind looks a ton more interesting than this brown turd. Colours are also all wrong, and I'll also just go on a hunch and assume they've removed all the fog from the campaign. Looks absolutely terrible, made this game a no-buy for me until I heard there was a graphics toggle.
>Rescuing 2 Councillors and 2 hunters to kick brute ass
My teen dick was diamonds
Is that what they are? They aren’t soec ops dudes they’re just politcal figures?
That’s LITERALLY his original concept in H2’s art book.
The big hat guys are members of the council. The spec-op teams only wear black armor.
No it's not, shut up, kid.
The elites with large dishheads were part of the hierarchs' council
Those you rescue in Great Journey may very well have been the last two, since Halfjaw mentions they were all killed by Brutes
They’re supposed to be badasses though aren’t they?
I don't know, the Elites are a warrior race, so I assume even the political types know how to fight.
Looked like shit 10 years ago, looks like shit now
I don't see how seniority automatically justifies irredeemably bad design changes.
it is
It's even in the H3 bestiary
They are the "old white men" of the Covenant.
>don't bring up the fact that Frank asked us to ignore all continuity errors not once but twice, and is now asking us ALREADY to forgive anything that Halo 6 "makes up"
So why didn't they use this concept art instead of turning gravemind into whatever that other thing is? Looks like a bad tuxedo with backflaps.
Halo 2A got rid of the implications that the flood allowed the humans to get the Index before the Covenant in one of the cutscenes.
I actually do prefer the original Gravemind too. The smooth venus fly trap design gave it a more "elegant" and "intelligent" appearance for a lack of better words. I feel like it more properly conveyed the idea that the gravemind is massive brain that controls and manipulates without getting its own hands dirty, unlike the new wormy design with its bloody mouth and sharp teeth.
Piranha plant Gravemind is the clearly better design, go fuck yourself, REEEEEEEE.
Why is Cortana fat there?
Ask the artist.
Am I the only one that kinda dislikes the Gravemind?
The Flood feels a lot more terrifying when they're a "The Thing"-esque parasite instead of having a central intelligence controlling all of it
>Be drafted into the UNSC Marine Corps
>Get handed massive rifle that fires 7.62x51mm rounds in full auto at 900rpm
>What the fuck am I supposed to do with this
Was "the Thing" hyper intelligent?
Have it taken by some faggot cyborg and replaced with an alien handgun.
What makes you think the thing doesn't do that when it overruns a planet and tries to go another one?
H2 gravemind = cool
H3 gravemind = dorky
fond memories of the truth and reconciliation
Has there been anything lore wise that 343i changed or added that was atleast decent?
Keepers of The One Freedom was interesting. It was a Covenant splinter faction that included humans.
Halo Silent Storm
Look as shitty as Kilo 5 was I'd say avoid it but I really did like Reia Mdama... and the hurogok but like yeah kilo 5 trilogy went down hill really fucking fast in quality
343i has a few little world building details that I like buried in the mountains of subpar storytelling they've produced, but nothing big springs to mind.
3babby detected.
Reach are a throwback to CE alien like elites, you wouldnt remember that game though.
The Elites are hot
>they just look like H2 elites but better.
Except their skin color is pale for some reason and they resemble snapping turtles more than snakes, and their jaws have million teeth.
Theyre not bad but theyre just about worse in every way except for graphics.
I really like High Charity, if that counts. It's not got a huge 'cool' factor I guess, but something about the name really appeals to me. Plus the concept is fuckin' awesome.
>reach elites face was modeled after the legendary elite skull
SOUL. Reach elites are literally the most lore accurate elites of halo.
>inb4 hurr faces do not resemble skulls
Not for humans but they do for reptiles, which the elites are, BTFO.
Reach elites are also threatening ruthless warriors that look intelligent unlike those dino toys from halo 3.
Shut the fuck up, I always knew Reach nigger, anything you say can be thrown the trash been, don't you dare insult Halo CE and 2 by comparing them to that trash, Reach, go burn yourself alive, bitch boy.
You never played CE or even 2, literally no one likes you 3babies.
Reach was soulless as fuck, Halo CE, 2, and 3, were soulful even more than Halo CE and 2's remakes.
Were talking about elites, retard.
You must be joking. Reach exudes soul, you uber-boomer.
Look Reach was hot. H2A arby is hot. 3 they be hot. 4 ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh no. 5 you're using the 4 elite skins but ima let that slide since we're on fucking Sangheilios and an elite wrote Palmer poety so MORE SHIPPING
I started with CE Reachbabby, everyone hates you.
CE and Reach have the canonically best Elite designs.
2 and 3 look like playskool models
Yeah, and they were soulless too Reachfag, just like your game, Halo CE-3 Covenant were so damn soulful.
Reach had no soul, it was corporate shit and looked the part.
>CE and Reach have the canonically best Elite designs.
patrician taste my man except for the armor in reach which was dumb, the elites under it are good though
Halo CE-3 have the best Elite design, Reach was the start of shit Elite designs which got even more retarded with Halo 4 and 5, Reachbabby. You're equal to 343shills, you have no say on which is the best Halo.
You played CE once on normal ONCE in 2009 after playing retarded halo 3 custom games all year.
I started with CE back in 2002 and thats why i love some reach aspects while youre such a clueless blind hater, you literally have no idea what halo is about.
Suck my dick, kid
you just like the fluffy cartoonish dinos that speak english and don't even seem threatening
Don't be such a child. Act your age.
Based, reach is basically CE reimagined.
Ultra and minor was good, some of the armors with forehead horns looked more like it belonged to brutes
CE and 3 elites are not comparable dumb fucker.
their movement and anatomy shares nothing in common, 3 elites are fat dinosaur toys and every voiceline was recorded to make the player laugh, theyre elite clowns.
I played CE on Heroic back in 2001, bitchboy, Reach dogshit and play like dogshit made for retarded CODkids like when 343 shit the bed with Halo 4 and 5 you saw the opportunity to try and squeeze yourself into the classic fanbase to try to stop us shitting on your worthless asses on Bungie.net, you're still accepted in this community, go join your 343shill buddies, CODbitch.
>muh realism
Go fuck off your Call of Dodo shithole, Reachcunt.
I'm just setting a reminder to where you Reachfag stand in this community, you're no different than 343shill, you want to fit in with someone go join them, you're not part of the classic Halo fanbase, you never were.
They're comparable, Reachnigger. Because you did this, you're now going to get called out for what you are, a glorified Reachnigger trying to be part of the Halo fanbase of Halo CE, 2, and 3.
I really like the Forerunner lore, don't give a fuck what anyone else says.
>For suarian aliens
you're intentionally being fucking stupid
no, but they let it do sick loops
>I really like the Forerunner lore
faggot lmao
Why are they making Halo kids books now? I mean, the old Halo novels weren't high art or anything, but they at least pretended to be aimed at an older audience
They're making Warhammer kid books so why not
They're what?
>Halo kids books
Such as?
That's the direction Bungie decided to go with Reach, mother fucker when Halo was never that. Go back to your kiddy pool.
What was fucking "realistic" about Reach?
Do tell. They tried to make it "gritty" and "militaristic" but it's still space opera. I cannot recall Bungie ever mentioning Reach had realism as a goal.
Boy, you're not in this community at all. People who dislike Reach are such a crushing minority. What's it like being intentionally wrong just for the sake of being different?
Ackshhhually it's a novel for """young adults""".
Where did the whole "YA means 12" thing come from?
MKV is stuck in this wierd hell where it's the best armor while also having every version post CE look worse.
He wanted some yandere blue pussy but kept getting cucked by everybody
It really rolls off the tongue
Childrens books
what in the god damn
lmao what the fuck
You're right, you're the faggots that came in with Rech, I would never associate with trash like you.
>They tried to make it "gritty" and "militaristic"
And that's one of the things that made it shit.
both 40k and shitmar are trash now
look shitmar was already shitmar
4e is where it is at.
I have to read it to see how bad they are but I'd like to give them a shot
So is it ever explained why the Orbital MAC canons have no point defense guns along with having their power supply on the planet, because both of those seems to be some really dog shit planning.
The worst retcon was committed by Bungie that has happened to the series is letting Spartans have different rainbow armor in canon.
Look how much better and squad-like this looks compared to the old Power Rangers look
Fuck post-Halo 3 Bungie and their defenders.
Imagine if halo infinite starts off with all the Spartans except for chief being killed on the Infinity. Chief is trapped on some forerunner structure with a platoon of marines.
I wonder if you could make every character Jorge's size to replicate them being S-IIs? I guess it'd fuck up some animations
i hope everybody but blue team dies then
>Chief the sole Spartan again.
Fuck off with that retarded gay shit. Spartan IVs may have been a mistake but killing everything you dislike off offscreen isn't an improvement it's just juvenile shittery. You want to tell a good story for Infinite? FIX the IVs. Make the plot address the poor training and lack of discipline the UNSC has given them, and Chief's leadership through example helps the relatively green IVs get their shit together.
I kinda like Fireteam Osiris because I like Buck and I actually love Vale mainly because I'm a filthy shipper and ship her with Usze
It doesn't have to be off screen. Can just be opening cut scene
That seems like a rather boring plot for the games which would make people care even less about SIVs. I'd maybe put that in a prequel book
>plot for the games
>implying that's the main plot
Come the fuck on user there can be character development without it taking up needless screentime
Opinions HW2 Spartans?
HW2 is good
How they should look in every game.
In Amber Clad is a great name
Good bois
>for once somebody remembers that its important to protection the spine
this has always irked me, especially since every iteration of armor just seems to forget that
fucking garbage
why is the armor so smooth? fuck off with that visor
So is the main art director of HW2 Infinites art director or is it Nicolas Bouvier?
Because its a low detail model designed for an RTS?
Pretty good.
Classic Mark V is the most aesthetic armor, but sleek Mark VI comes very close
i know it's not the right place to ask but is Halo Wars any good?
it wont make you nut or anything but it's a pretty fun game for what it's worth
meh. Both are imbalanced as all fuck and 2 is borderline broken at times.
1 is very simple for a RTS, but maximum comfy. Good soundtrack and ok story.
Buck and Vale are pretty good. Vales still a race traitor tho
vale as a character is alright, i don't see the point on she being a spartan though, isn't she some eliteboo or something?
look she's living the dream I want which is to get railed by an elite so yeah she's fine
Yeah, Her being a spartan doesn't make much sense but I still like her character. I kinda wish that she remained like a scientist but I'm not gonna complain too much
dammit user, your pic gave me a new fetish
Literally it.
>get stuck on a space shit for a few years
>become massive eliteboo
>this somehow qualifies her to be a spartan
Spartan 4's only purpose is for 343 self inserts
yeah, at least Locke, Buck and that other woman are all war veterans
None, it's a fucking FPS video game, the story is not important.
She only had one successful mission with the UNSC (which was a search and rescue) before she became a Spartan. She as jack shit for experience.
Friendly reminder Spartan Ops was supposed to introduce us to the main cast of Halo 5, Fireteam Majestic but it flopped so hard they didn't even bother to make season two and made an entire movie to try and strum up hype for Halo 5 with "Locke"
I forgot about ops.
>story isn't even about the players but a group of unlikable dude bros who can't compete with you
Christ what a shit show that was.
Buck was gon a be Thorne originally right?
Best Fireteam Osiris would have been Buck, Jun, Thorne and Arbiter babysitting
Throne was still going to be in Halo 5 but they removed him for Buck at the last minute. Spartan Ops was aborted.
Yeah, Thorne's actor went to do Star Trek: Discovery instead. I bet he wish he could take THAT decision back
Any you fags play Gaylo Wars DE on Peecee? I'm thinking of getting it but am interested on how good a port it is and how the controls are.
It's funny cause I liked Spartan Ops well enough to do most of it, but then my friends stopped playing it.
Friendly reminder, Halo: Escalation was the surrogate story for Spartan OPs Season 2 and was all about Palmer hunting down Halsey which I assume was going to conclude in the same way that Fireteam Osiris saved Halsey, making for a much more coherent tie-in. Halo 4 was nuked from orbit.
I liked it too, but Halo 4's monumental failure to deliver with the Multiplayer meant that nobody stuck around to do the missions
i like the grunts
Post grunts
f o o d
n i p p l e
Grunts are STUPID.
they are more smart than you user
Please respond to this post, PC bros.
best Osiris would be just Alpha nine as spartans iv
It would have still been shit, the non-Chief parts should have been a spin-off
i bet their females have huge tits
>all we know is it doesn't match any known AI.
It is literally the same serial number Cortana has brainlet
Friendly reminder Halo:Escalation contained a Contender Class Forerunner ancilla, a la Mendicant Bias.
Friendly reminder all of this was torched and burned for the story we got in Halo 5.
Coolest ship is the Spirit of Fire, and coolest name is either Long Night of Solace or Lance Held High
Oh, boy. What a fucking ride those threads were.
And to think, they were THIS close to going through with it.
Who cares if it was trashed, everything 343 has written was trash so it would not matter
god what the fuck was that whole comic
>if it was trashed
It wasn't necessarily trashed. Halsey/Palmer/Laskey just ignored it.
dont forget the pic with the brute shlong
Someone post the HRRRRRR HRRRRRRRRR edits
The virgin Palmer walk vs The Chad Laskey stride
DO YOU NOT WANT infinite life, infinite knowledge, and infinite companionship?
>read about the unggoy
its not fair bros
I liked the forerunners more when they were implied to be ancient humans. I feel like shit got too crazy when it was revealed that they were a separate race who fucked up ancient space humanity and then devolved them.
well none of that matters due to the fact you guys have no waifus, if you don't have cute girls to lewd then what is the point
I play the steam release
It's barebones as far as PC RTS go. Good for chilling out for a while with how simple and easy it is.
I think he hated humans but, because all the reclaimer thing, he was forbidden from harming them. Then Cortana came and gave him the excuse he needed:
Cortana is sorta human (her matrix is based on organic material or something like that) and thus, a valid reclaimer.
She can inherit the mantle and use it to rule.
Those who oppose her can be rightfully destroyed.
Even humans/reclaimers.
Since humans were most likely going to put some resistance he had the legal support to fuck shit up.
All this while AIs had the power.
There is no down side for him.
needs watercolor
His Waifu is dead
Unless we're talking about new waifu Halsey
A trip for the ages
MMMMMMMMMM those hips
Was 'HRRRR" actually used in all those panels to the left?
>reading books written by females
Linda and Kelly are old!
O L D! 50 and older!
You have no idea.
Who the fuck did the art on this?
Darkhorse I think. So Marvel and DC rejects.
they only start to age from 100 and onwards so it's ok
Anybody remember Star Wars??? How about wort wort wort?? heh haha...
I actually like how the flood look in H4 though. They are unsettling
It's the fact they make enemies look the same by making them fucking ugly.
>Thorne playing the shit out of the violin
This could have been a main character in Halo 5
big teeth grin glowy eyes plus triangular face yay 343 we are the best!
I only just learned that one of the Doom designers worked on Halo 4 and man it shows. Good thing Hugo is going more classic for Eternal and Jeremy Cook is going more classic for Infinite
>thursday war
retardpilled it was a good book
were it so easy
Here's a hellknight I overlayed on a Halo 4-5 model.
To be fair, the comic held up pretty well until the chief issues, which is odd.
Man fuck Kenneth Scott for being a lazy designer and fuck 343 for not realising sooner
>Yo what if we just killed off 4 S2s in literally one page and then just brush over it
>when someone reminds you about the Halo Wars theme
I get they were trying to show how op the didact was, but the fact that they decided to kill off black team and not even show the full fight pretty much rubbed everybody in the wrong way
action figure hands for me, thanks.
This was as juicy as it was nostalgic
Thanks man
god i can't wait to come home
Because only my 3 y/o nephew thinks Im playing videogames whem Im actually watching videos.
are those niggas going to fight Cortana or something?
Here's my gift to you Yea Forums
Reminder that this is canon now
Reminder, this is canon now
I struggle to imagine how much of an ugly unloved cunt you must be to be like this.
what am I even looking at?
f for effort
Remember when monitors zapped their masters in the back all the time?
>not nano machines son
Reminder giving SPARTANS faces ruined them
Glad he wasn't.
It sucked and it would have been shit anyway, comic book, novel, and spin-off shit needs to stay out of the main series.
Remember when Master Chief willingly plugged a janus key into the control panel of a Halo unarmed to play mind games with the most dangerous foe he had every met?
Is he gonna be in Infinity?
based chief
He's dead now, right? He has to be dead. That's the second time he's been vaporized.
Isn't Jorge fucking massive even among IIs?
Pre-Reach was Cortana and Chiefs first meeting still CE?
Nah they meant officially when he tested the MKV for the first time.
Halo Reach retconned all lore for IIIs, so for all we know he could have been average for a 2
Best girl
Oh boy here we go again
Jorge is 7"4 without armour, 8" with so I think so
Never forget.
Never forgive.
He deserved better damn it.
that arch may have been shit but god damn it made chief into a mega chad
he did
Push it again
>How many clones? lol how should I know, 1,000,000 or something. Don't argue with me about this though, because I'm Special XD
>Book called Jedi Academy? oh well wouldn't you want to read more about these MANDALORIANS!? Aren't they so cool? They're strong, and powerful, and disciplined, and can beat up any jedi X3!
>Oh ok I'll write a Gears of War book. So there's only about a million or so people left on Sera and the ones that do fight are basically all hardcore veterans that have experience fighting the Locust over the course of a decade? Well they're not as cool as these super cool tribal people who are tribal and therefore stronger than the regular COGs because soldiers have power levels!
>The Elites already have a warrior culture based on honor and tradition? Well my special OC elites have EVEN MORE Honor and tradition!
I hate her so god damn much, her books are like putting a tooth pick in your toe nail and kicking the wall.
>That Cortana part in Halo Evolutions where gravemind rapes her into submission
That's why I'm happy they're keeping Chief's face covered.
His soul is in the Domain.
The day they uncover his face is the day Halo truly dies.
Pretty much, Zero Suit Samus was one of the things that damaged Metroid before Sakamoto finally put an end to that with Samus Returns. Never have the main character take off the suit during gameplay because then they want to humanize them in the worst way possible.
>Shitty console FPS
>Books written about it
nice self-portrait
>You will never play Who wants to be a Millionaire with a Contender Class Ancilla
>343's OC aliums that exist because.....
I know you guys all hate Karen Traviss, but she wrote a short story about Cortana that I really liked.
Just Traviss projecting her violation fantasies onto her work.
Halo 2-3 fans deserve...
I bet they're pissed that all of their carful planning and progress towards AI equality got thrown in the bin by some cunt with a god complex.
*Rams your warthog with a chopper*
*Charges at you with gravity hammer in a straight line*
*Throws marines around*
*Triggers elite poster*
I miss Yea Forums story times. This and The Ride were the best.
>Next time on Dragon Ball Z
Just imagine being one of those ai's who had to be part of and maintain the perfect balance of working in the shadows only to have some sexually deprived who come out with some of the most advanced tech and ruin everything
You're a big guy
so, halsey has her own private fleet of forerunner ships? infinite will be real short then
I know they're not part of this, but all I want is for the Biases to be onscreen characters in a Halo game. Offensive Bias is like the hardest motherfucker in the entire series.
I'm halfway convinced they just gave Halsey's plotline from HE to Cortana in Halo 5.
I think an AI had just had the first legitimate legal trial the year before. They were that close to being full fledged citizens and now every AI is going to so full of kill switches and shackles it'll be like going back to zero, and then taking a hundred steps back after that.
nope they all got taken away by some asshole forerunner ai and they are never heard from again, this entire comic was a waste of time
Cortana's probably the most famous AI in the galaxy, I don't think she counts as a who.
>In support of 05-032’s original 1000 core vessels is a fleet numbering 4,802,019; though only 1.8 percent are warships – and only 2.4 percent of that number are capital ships – I am outnumbered [436.6:1]. I expect my losses will be near total, but overwhelming force has its own peculiar drawbacks. I do not expect an easy fight – just one I cannot lose.
that might actually be the case since some data miners found references to Halsey being the villain along with the fact escalation and spartan ops was setting her up to be one
343 just has no clue whats going on in the plot department.
It was literally a simulation for giggles. She was trying to avoid getting taken off line to prevent rampancy and decided to sue. Everyone laughed and faked a trial before they unplugged her.
Reminder that the Flood were no joke
pretty sure it was an excuse as well for oni to conduct some research as well
the only saving grace for them is that from what we know none of the ONI ones turned which might mean they can make a case for new ones, but since they caused yet another war I doubt it
Has any halo villain been cucked as hard as Jul 'Mdama?
>Get an entire book storyline on your sympathetic motivations and an evolving character arc
>Play a major role in the secondary campaign in 4 and be the main enemy to humanity behind didact
>Get fucking ganked by the new kids in the first five minutes of 5 in a cutscene, doesn't even put up a slight fight and dies like a complete chump
Oh. Well the fact that they set up a mock trial at all is proof of some progress. They could have just said no and thrown her in an incinerator.
>Halo 4 fails
>people shit themselves over cortana's death
>spartan ops fails
>Halsey plot lost
>halsey plot rebooted in Escalation
>Escalation retconned and morphed into halo 5
>they bring back cortana and replace halsey
The flood completely overran a world with a population of billions in 32 hours. They flew a bunch of commercial ships at the defending fleet and got blown up in the atmosphere; the spores and bits of meat landing on the ground did the rest.
>[00:H 00:M 00:S] The [Halo effect] strikes our combined fleets. All ships piloted by biologicals are now [adrift].
>I can trade Mendicant ship for ship now and still prevail.
>[00:H 00:M 01:S] Of my ships that had been captured, 11.3 percent of them are close enough to Mendicant's core fleet that they can be used offensively – either by initiating their self-destruct sequences, or by opening unrestricted ruptures into [slipstream space].
>It is best that our crews perished now; because the battle that is about to ensue would have driven them mad.
Hardest. Motherfucker.
He stalled Mendicant and the Flood for 12 hours, then after the rings went off, he finished Mendicant in 3 minutes.
Can't the flood start manipulating reality or some shit when the gravemind gets powerful enough or am I making shit up again