Dokkan Battle

>tfw desperately trying to Dokkan my SS4 Goku without a single fucking Hatred of Saiyans card

I'm in over my head lads

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Global or jap?

What do you have to use?


A whole bunch of bullshit

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>try one last time for Vegeta with top grossing
>get shitty teq buff buu and barlot
Fuck you Dokkan.

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>start Dokkan around the same time the fusions event was ending
>get Barlot
>couldn't awaken him at the time because shit pulls
>have great teams now but Fusions is gone forever
I know he's not particularly good but it just pisses me off.

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You could cobble together a decent STR starting team and gather some F2P cards and max them out.

Yeah that's pretty much what I'm doing but I still can't put a dent into the scarlet flames event

If you had SSBE Vegeta you could have had a good pure Saiyans team.

Guess what two units I already had rainbowed and at 3 dupes on this banner

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Can't you access that event with keys?

Who should I use all my SR bardock fodder to raise super attack on? PHY Bardock with all paths open or STR Bardock with bottom right path open only? Only have enough for one.

i already have the vegeta, should i keep summoning?

Are you gunning for anything in particular or Vegeta dupes?
If not then save your stones for the anniversary

dupes or fp ss4.

For some reason they decided not to put Fused World in the list

>did already 5 multis on Vegeta's banner
>pulled him in the first one, the 30 stone one
>in the other 4 multis, the only featured units I pulled were another two PHY Vegetas
>meanwhile, not a single SSJ4 Gogeta despite the fact that I started playing a few weeks after his banner left

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PHY Bardock.

Reroll. Ss4 ain’t worth it Pedro.

If this is all you have You might as well reroll.
However if youre in it for the long haul farm the Ginyu force and they will easily beat any dokkan event.
When I started I could BARELY beat the Hard difficulty version of the SSJ4 goku event.

I beat 16 out of 20 sbr all without using any gacha LR, we just got top grossing and now im at 49 stones,

I know im really close to beating extreme, hybrid saiyans, potara and realm of gods but RNG keeps fiucking me over, if only bee pan fucking stunned i would have beaten broly, and then on extreme class sbr goku survived with like 1 hp and then killed me

Im just gonna wait for bee pan to become LR

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Hybrid Saiyans is giving me more trouble than any other SBR. Ultimate Gohan is just such dead fucking weight and you've got to run two of him. He doesn't hit that hard, his defense is shit, and he doesn't link with anybody.

Why can't they get an actual good lead?

i'd say give it a month or two on JP, and there'll most likely be a new Hybrid leader. Maybe SS1 Kid Gohan or some shit.

You could probably just cheese it with a Movie Heroes or Pure Saiyans friend.

How does the Genyu thing work?

You fully awaken the potential of every member and then you are gifted the LR?

Spot on user.

How long do you think that would take? To do every member?

Awakening the potential of just my youth Bulma took forever. I can't imagine doing that again 5 times over. Is it just a grind?

I don't think it's as long as bulma, if I remember right the rewards are higher but it'll still take a while.

don't fret lad dbh is coming to the west next month so expect the banners and events to return

hopefully this means SS4 Gohan and Broly get dokkanfest banners.

You don't really have a decent all around lead by the looks of things so just fill it up with Pure Saiyans and hope for the best.
If you had masked Saiyan that would have really helped.

>Ss4 category
>Spend over a year chasing the lead like bardock
I don’t know if I’m ready for such a heartbreak again.

Not him, but where do you get the other members if only Jeice is avalible in the event? Roll for them?
I'm totally new to this game so hopefully this isn't an obvious question

Daily rotation.

I summoned on SS3 Bardock when he came out, still don't have him.

Any team ideas to beat realm of gods SBR

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I did so many fucking pulls for teq ssj4 goku on his banner and this and still can't get him. Realized hes on the new goku black banner so I was stupid for doing so many multis after getting vegeta on this one

Fuck, 5 multis and only got the new INT Vegeta. What the fuck is wrong with Dokkan rates.
I play other gachashit like Opera Omnia and I got like half the EX weapons being a F2P.

Tfw still don't have UI Goku

>there are people itt who arent p2w and that dont mod SBR and battlefield


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Dude, you are still too early on the game to do z awakens.
Play the game normally, till you more units from summons. I'm sure you still have a lot of stones to farm.
You can farm the ginyu force team and have the best f2p team for global right now. And you don't need a powerful team to farm that event.

UI Goku as leader
Gogeta Blue because he's OP
LR Zamasu+Black always on rotation with STR Black
LR Vegito is a must, since he hits hard and tanks
INT Zamasu if you want a tank
STR Toppo if you want support

You pretty much have every top category card, except for Jiren.

But you get banned for mod battling in those the last I heard.

I dont know if this will help but thisbwas the team i used to beat it. Please note that it took more than one attempt to beat it

3 dupes in goku
Free dupe in zamusu + rose
1 dupe in jiren
Free dupe in rose
2 dupes in gogeta

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Is that LR PHY Ginyu good? I have enough for another LR but I wonder if I should go for another copy of Mecha Cooler or get that LR Ginyu

Nah, pretty much everything but Tournaments are fine.

you get banned in the world tournament and if you run instant win

I'm still waiting on Teq Beerus EZA so I can run him and the LR to beat RoG SBR. Feels like he's never coming at this point.

used my last saved stones for phy vegeta. am i good now

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I've done the last 6 Tournaments modded and am still good to go.

bros i modded everything and for extra safety i removed everyone from my friends list so they cant snitch on me saying "hey bandai user did sbr in 5minutes"

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Why did you mod? Are you really that weak? SBR is like only fun fight left in the game

yeah so fun, especialy when you run out of support items
oh and not to mention not having a dupe for the crit

>He mismanages his inventory

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does anyone here browse the dokkan subreddit?

I do for news, everything else there is cancer

Decent chance he will be replaced on Black's banner if it releases soon after this one.

I don't like Leddit in general, not because of the "LOL LEDDIT IS FOR CASUALS!!!" reason but because I hate the way they made the site.

>p2p and still modding
super yikes

Been banned there twice for calling people the idiots they are when they suggest people are "entitled" for wanting some basic QoL shit in a game designed to steal your money

Merely for news and data mining.
The rest if facebook-tier cancer.

Its pure cancer I only lurk for news and leaks

Is the nu-Broly dokkan awaken mission still on rotation? if not then I will use these 60 keys.

it'll be on tomorrow, just wait a bit

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I am going to steal your account

>swap out SSBE for Rage Vegeta on this team
>next run of Vegeta's Earth Shaking Showdown is my fastest, even faster than movie heroes
Why is SSBE so shit

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So does pic related Trunks passive work if I have one Vegeta family on the team and pick one friend? Or do I need to have 2 Vegetas on my own team for it to work?

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based buu cheater

you need to
bee yourself

It's my main source of news on Dokkan.
Really hate how the people there get pissed off at every post. I understand not having pull posts since that would dominate the subreddit but if there's too many SBR posts which is an event that only happens on weekends there's always someone bitching and moaning about limiting them.
There's so little freedom there and it's taken way too seriously considering this is a fucking gacha game.

I once got downvoted for saying Global will never have exclusives cause JP takes all of them while keeping their exclusives and that it's bullshit. Another terrible place of discussion brought to you by Reddit.

They need to stop making the SSR art better than the Dokkan. Teq SS4 Goku's original art is perfect.

used top grossing stones no vegeta but i got fp ssj4 goku which I diddnt have kinda debating weather or not to use my last 50.

It's a great banner, I don't see why not. You get 200-300 free stones a month, and if you're one of those "wait for the anniversary" people JP got literally over 1000 stones during it.

>that kid buu
holy fukcing based how does he do it?

When in doubt coin toss

JP always gets more stones than global though.

We just got 7 more stones than JP for top grossing on the same banner

welp im saving them then, im okay with this goku desu.

No. I only browse Yea Forums for any news because anything that i find relevant for the things i like always get posted here.

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I believe nips don't get discounted banners like we do either, or so I hear

Should I get a dupe for trunks or vegeta?

you should get a dupe for
bee yourself

>[new unit] is BUSTED
>hits like a truck

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Alright quick questions.

Considering that the new EZA is realm of Gods related and i don't have any Realm OF Gods Leaders i was thinking on using the new PHY transforming Vegeta that i got so i can make a mix of Pure Satans + realm of gods teams. Since he also gives 100% to super classes i was thinking on using the God goku and vegeta(who are 100%ed and EZAed) and to use some of the characters below. The only other character that can be 100%ed is that AGL god goku in the center.

however i am not sure who to pick.

i have no idea. i guess we are going to have to test this shit.

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Go for cooler it’s way better i just rainbow ginyu because i felt like it

goku lineage or vegeta lineage ?


Don't let Ginyu fool you. He may seem super cheap, but the cost to awaken him is on par with Cooler. That being said, Ginyu is top tier for world tournament.

Which do you have a better box for?

Just reroll man...

>tfw cant even be tempted to summon with the free stones because I have every featured card
Come on metal cooler

Where do I get these?

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Rerolling is for cowards.

From his event

have to play through his event 30 times


Rerolling is a pussy strat. You'll get the good shit eventually.

>tfw have enough coins to get Gogeta Blue next time he's available in the baba shop
I got fucked on his banner and Broly's, every featured unit rolled EXCEPT the two new Dokkanfest exclusives

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Advice for Majin Buu sbr?

Well what's your team

30 times for one medal? Or 30 times for all 5 required

check you missions it should be 30 times for all 5

Phy Vegito (free dupe)
Int Hercule (free dupe, sa 1)
LR Saiyaman (rainbow, max sa)
Phy Gotenks (3 dupes)
Str Gohan (free dupe)
EZA str SS3 Goku (rainbow) or EZA agl SS3 Goku (1 dupe)

Drop the Phy Gotenks, he's too much of a defensive liability.

I also forgot about EZA Gotenks and the Family Kamehameha trio. There's more too, but they're either lacking in synergy or defense.