What the fuck is his problem?

what the fuck is his problem?

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He's rich. He doesn't need to give a shit anymore.

the only problem is your salty he has money and you dont faggot.

Greedy coworkers who get payed well and ask for more.

too based to live

Fuck tons of cash and lots of free time on twitter

people are fucking vultures, the moment you're better off than them they will try to destroy you
I can't blame him for being so redpilled

he wears a fedora and writes in java, take a guess.

he's talking too much shit and about to get deleted from the internet

He's very fat

He is a billionaire who still goes on Yea Forums and shitposts all day. He can literally do whatever he wants. Travel the world, fuck a 10/10 from every country. See all the wonders of the world and/or cause a real change in the world. But instead he literally wastes his time on his PC all day playing games. It's actually really tragic in a way. I think he needs a real bro to hang out with and get him out of this funk.

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I think it’s more like people who acquire or have a shitload of money/capital have their conduct scrutinized proportionally, and society also places upon them higher, and possibly unreasonable, standards.

Will they break him?

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He's living the dream you fucking literal faggot.

Whatever he's doing, it's an interesting way of testing the system. We'll see if they actually manage to destroy a billionare for having wrong opinions.

If vidya all day is the dream you gotta kys because you already dead my dude

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why did i forget that this was notch for like 15 seconds

he retweeted that post, so I doubt it

Go suck dicks somewhere else.

I am honestly.

His problem is that he hasn't gotten more Twitter accounts with anime avatars and she/they in their bio to kill themselves

Stay mad neet boy

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Yeah, it should be vidya + good food + bitches on a nice beach having a drink AND you can tell blue checkmarks on twitter to eat a dick and laugh about it because you don't need to worry about losing your job. Whoever thinks a billionare isn't living the dream is retarded.

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What wrong with that retard? If you dislike video games so much why are you here? Notch is more welcome here than you.

Straight people are so boring.
>durr if i was rich id fuck da bitches xD

Guy made a really good point but worded it in the most antagonistic way possible. We shouldn’t be glorifying, worshipping and enabling a mental disorder that results in such a high degree of suicide. If you told the patient of any mental illness to enable their suicidal thoughts or voices in their heads you’d have your fucking medical license revoked and the debate would be on whether or not you committed homicide. But when you think you’re a gal completely irrespective of your biology? Let’s break out the dick cutting scissors, estrogen and casket.

Still not rich enough to buy the N-word pass.

he fat

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He created the biggest mistake in all of video games and regrets everything but the cash it got him

>video games board
>dude if you like video games you may as well kill yourself
go back to twitterfacebook faggot

How is it boring? Sex with women is great. Not my fault you fell for the the great lie that is man's assholes.

If he was living the dream he wouldn't be spending hours shitposting online everyday.

>trigglies bring in the big guns
>he just retweets it

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>2009 + 10
>people are still mad about notch

Why not? Would he be too busy being a productive member of society and taking care of his family or whatever they tell you it's your drone duty to be doing? Imagine being so used to being a slave that you think billionares should envy you.

Money doesn't solve problems, but lack of it sure creates problems where they should be none.

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he's probably going to do a /hero/ when twitter trannies finally decide to ban him
>sitting alone in your empty multi-million dollar mansion and spend all day on twitter
>your only "friends" are a couple of literally who e-celebs
don't know if that is the life, i'd say it if he would enjoy his wealth, but that's what he is doing is very sad

Except he isnt on his pc all day playing games. He flies all the time both hellicopter and a jet he bought. He had a twitter thread just about some cute helicopter pilot. He only talks about the money he has given people when people ask why he hasnt given money to those people funny enough.

He shitposts a ton: each time he tweets something controversial he reveals he's trying to confront how pissy everybody gets just for asking questions. He has done this "bait" probably hundreds of times now and says it was just bait then reveals what he really believes each time. Maybe if he does it another thousand times people will start getting the hang of it but until then people think he is some nazi sperg because he asked the questions that may lead into forbidden ones.

He just looks like a cunt

Even when I didn't work I could always find dozens of more interesting and fun things to do than arguing with randoms on twitters for hours, if his 'living the dream' consists of having to shitpost in desperation for any semblance of social interaction then it's really sad desu.

So much for the tolerant left holy shit
imagine being such a subhuman that you joke about someones dad killing himself

imagine wanting to leech notch's money while thinking everyone should want the same things as your own retarded ass

>Maybe if he does it another thousand times people will start getting the hang of it
This is immature behavior and it's far more likely that everyone will get tired of him and just tell him to fuck off though. Speaking purely as someone who has both been and seen people do exactly this as a shitty teenager.

He's depressed, and rich enough that he can speak his mind.

But that's entirely your interpretation of it. Who says he's deperate or doesn't have social interaction? He's living rent free inside your head, and you have to speculate about his personal life to make yourself feel better about the things he's said on twitter that you didn't like.

can't just shut his fucking mouth and be happy in his fucking candy castle

Got incredibly bitter after divorce

Bored lonely rich guy who gets no joy out of anything so he whips up drama on twitter just for something to do

Right wing retards celebrate him as based /ourguy/ etc etc every now and then because he says something critical of the left, but drop him again because he hates them too. Then they forget and it all repeats over and over.

Can't handle the dark humor, cuck? Want to drink some onions?

Anybody who isn't depressed is either denying their depression, or delusional towards the world.

He's what any user with fuck you money would be like. Directionless, depressed and nothing to do.

He definitely doesn't, hence why he shitposts so much online, and you're the one who has him living rent free in your head to the point where you feel the need to whiteknight for him online.

Man's default state is to suffer. When you have everything you could ever need and want life becomes meaningless.

Basically what said. The best move is to just not engage him and let him scream into the void, if he's having fun who cares. You'll stop thinking about him until he crops up on Yea Forums again.

I know I did.

got triggered commie?

Yeah, if you're intellectually bankrupt.

I never think about him anywhere outside of these threads. Never even saw his twitter feed and I have no idea what his personal opinions are. I just see faggots like you upset and having to fantasise about how much of a loser this billionare is because he said mean things on social media.

Oh no I'm completely fine with dark humor but this is the left who claim that they are about tolerance and shit. Doesn't help it feels like the guy replied more out of anger for his naughty opinions about fascism than out of a joking spirit