
I am Oswald of Carim, the pardoner.
If thou commiteth a crime, bring thyself forward and confess.
There is no misdoing I cannot undo!
It is only human to commit a sin…
Heh heh heh heh…

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Sekiro full game revealed to only be 2 hours long.

Does thou wishest to do whast thouest doth wishes theyself to havest bedongst to thineself in thousts want?

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>2 hours

It's 1 hour without cutscenes

Good luck completing it in 2 hours

uh.... Yes?

Maybe if you're a fucking casual, it took me 45 minutes

Wrong answer mother fucker.

Attached: alvina-of-the-darkroot-wood[1].jpg (300x198, 22K)

I killed that jackoff in the cell before he could take the firekeepers soul. What do I owe you?

He kinda sounds like bane when he says "it's only human to commit a sin"