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Gravity Rush 2 for Epic store when?
Joseph Lewis
Daniel Thomas
At least that could mean proper model rips
Parker Lewis
Jaxson Cook
fucking never i hope
gravity rush doesn't need tainted by that Chinese garbage
Julian Cox
Haha, never EVER.
Zachary Brooks
Never. Because Nintendo is on talks with Sony to buy the Gravity Rush IP.
Kayden Anderson
If this allows Kat in Smash Sony should accept
Chase Wood
Don't forget Spike
Jeremiah Morales
we heard that before
Andrew Watson
Persona 5 for epic store when
Logan Miller
Ape Escape 4 when?
Cooper King
Never ever dude
Jack Stewart
And you still get analblast.
Kayden Hill
smash if for basedboys
Ryan Adams
>tfw all those PC and Nintendo kiddies are begging for your games
Feels good to be Sony master race.
Jose Morgan
What's her moveset?
Noah Davis
Henry Clark
Never. Kat is for Playstation chads only.
Carson Jones
Yet most Sony fans barely know her
Carson Ross
Nice English skills, favela monkey
Elijah Cook
What should GR3 be like?
Austin Kelly
Matthew Flores
Prove it
Jacob Perez
My dick loves Kat!
Daniel Rogers
snoy abandoned kats game
Hudson Lewis
>most Sony fans barely know her
Prove it.
Xavier Cruz
No they didn't.
Zachary Lopez
Look at the average PlayStation consumer
Brayden Parker
Buy a PlayStation 4.
Juan Mitchell
Thats me and I know her
Jacob Ramirez
game was cancelled
officially canceled by sony
sony is trying to recover part of the losses by selling the ip for nintendo or microsoft
Ryder Nelson
Nah nigga. We don't play that shit cuz girls ain't good for shit other than to SUCK DICK
Connor Sullivan
Henry Brown
Oliver Cooper
I want to marry Kat.
Jonathan Cooper
Hi there Raven
Brandon Edwards
I'm looking and?
Thomas Gomez
they literally did
Samuel Peterson
No they didn't
Jeremiah Sanchez
>I'm looking and?
Grayson Ortiz
What games?
Oliver Watson
>thread about begging for Sony game
>what game?
Zachary Butler
what isthat
Asher Gutierrez
I love Kat so much i want to get a tattoo of her
i want to marry her more
Parker Hill
I didn't even know what game that was, I just saw his post and instinctively replied with that
Adam Ward
>for Epic store
a new breed of disgusting portbeggar! Mutated freak go sit in the corner with the Steamkiddies and the tendies
Nicholas Hill
You are too late.
Christian Morris
She said no and married me instead.
Cameron Wilson
Someone post the pastebin
William Turner
Wyatt Hill
Why do Kat’s games attract so much portbegging shitposting? The only other one that even comes close is the Vanillaware threads.
Jacob Parker
every sony exclusive gets it
Adrian Thompson
Jaxson Walker
it's a small fanbase so a few dedicated shitposters (maybe even just one) can easily destroy any thread
Leo Rogers
Sony wins again.
Jonathan Cruz
Yes, but not to this extent. I think the last Sony exclusive I played was Spider-Man, but that shitposting died down fairly quick. Hell, there’s a fairly comfy thread up right this second. GR threads are especially bad.
Austin Johnson
I'm kinda alright with gravity rush ending with 2. It was a neat ending that left you with the choice of a heroic sacrifice or a cute reunion. Kat's past was tied up and Syd's Alias thing was handled to it's completion to the point that he openly wears the suit now. The yurifags have their Raven x Kat hints and the straightfags have their Syd x Kat hints. Since neither was made absolute, the waifu fags can even imagine themselves x Kat. It's pretty much the best way to end it off. The bosses were okay too and I doubt they'd be topped given how Gravity Rush has handled them so far.
Kevin Rodriguez
Just got the games , they're on sale in EU.
Anything I should know before playing?
Julian Perez
>snoy victim complex
Embarrassing. Stop pretending you niggers aren’t the worst posters on this board
James Wilson
The controls are kinda iffy and you'll be annoyed at certain points by them, the story's also kinda messy. Otherwise, enjoy.
Brandon King
I imagine myself x raven
Julian Cooper
It's neither shitposting or port begging.
Kat's game series is a Nintendo series that was born on the wrong platform; it's natural to wish for it to go to the place where it truly belongs.
Kayden Hughes
GR1 is straightforward. Level up shifting and gravity kick, since that’s the main attack of the game. The purple gems also respawn at certain points, so you can kind of farm them that way in the city.
Gr2 you pretty much want to do sidequests as they appear. You don’t get locked out of them or anything, but it’s the only way to upgrade health and shifting speed/length. Also, the game actively lies to you during its stealth sections. You can not only shift on many that it tells you you can’t, you can shift a good bit higher and further than you would think. Also, the game also tells you that you can only kill a certain number of enemies during these sections; that is also a lie.
Have fun.
Ryan Baker
Without the online 2 isn't worth playing. Play 1 and leave at it.
Isaiah Mitchell
Degenerate lying faggot. Online is pointless.
Hudson Jones
>The entire post-game
>The alternate costumes
>The treasure hunts
Gravity Rush 2 without the online is like a fighting game without online: you're stuck with a barebones single player campaign, missing the actual meat.
Juan Harris
Imagine being this retarded
Gabriel Peterson
Nope, you are. Keep begging and crying more.
Chase Davis
Did Sony do something to piss Quantic off? I noticed they and David Cage seemed kinda hostile towards them lately.
Jacob Ortiz
Maybe it has something to do with kojima. I could see cage not getting the funds to buy all the actors he wants while kojima basically got a blank check.
Eli Gray
Because the GR fanbase can't make a non-inflammatory thread. Just look at this one's title.
Logan Perry
You have to wonder what kind of sonyfag one has to be to actually believe this
Ethan Clark
What do you smoke?
Jack Reed
>begging for Sony game
Yeah, you're mistaking making fun of Sony for begging.
You know, because Sony just lost three exclusives that they own?
Connor King
then what the hell does gravity rush 1 have to make it more worth playing than 2 even without online? I played and liked both but would never tell someone to play only 1.
David Bailey
After all only sonyfags believe you can be born wrong.
John Rogers
maybe sony doesnt want anything to do with them because the games have huge budgets and sell like shit
Landon Bailey
1 really feels like someone stumbled onto a great gimmick and tried stretching it into a full game while also adding stuff like combat. It doesn't really hold up for that long and I never finished it.
I never played 2 but I would almost advice you to skip 1 and move right to that one.
David Cook
Okay but for real Fuck Sony for dropping Gravity Rush.
Henry Cox
Lets be honest, aside from the two styles and Jirga Para Lhao there's not much of a difference between the two as it is.
Jeremiah Gray
Half of the game isn't locked behind an out of service online.
Parker Morgan
GR3 leaks.
Landon Phillips
>cosmetic garbage and hide and seek bullshit now counts as a post-game
Isaac Harris
3 costumes and a minigame isn't half the game
Bentley Wilson
>Half of the game
It was just ghost racing and a treasure hunt that unlocked some cosmetics and one useful albeit ultimately worthless item. While it's sad to see it go it's not like it was important like in say, Demon's Souls.
Jacob Lopez
>I love Kat so much i want to get a tattoo of her
Do it
Leo Wood
will get one on my bicep when i get the moment
need to get me a kat gf
Jack Morgan
>baaaw gib me Sony game
Yeah, keep going with excuses, butthurt incel.
Ian Long
Seriously why isn't there a Gravity Rush 3
Logan Reed
What a faggot you are
Jaxson Turner
We need more two of these to make it for a hexalogy
Landon Price
Because they literally said they are waiting for new tech before they make it.
Brayden Reed
Why isn’t yunica playable in gr2?
Isaac Myers
I think it's be worth it to push through 1's main story and then play 2.
Noah Lewis
Luis Cooper
GR1 was better
Cameron Myers
James Hall
Xavier Brooks
>need to get me a kat gf
Jeremiah Powell
I don't know
but i need one badly
John Bell
Kidnapping and brainwashing
Angel Ortiz
How can sony not have the balls to keep their ips and tell him to fuck off? Even if they threat them who in their right mind would go against their old fanbase locked to another console. I am starting to believe that either the ceo is playing 4d chess or they have someone purposely fuck up their contracts and leave the industry.
Carson Anderson
They probably want to do something else first.
Josiah Phillips
You you are telling me that Mario and Zelda should go into the trash? Because that's the place where they truly belong.
Landon Morris
a kat is to smart for that
she needs to be genuine like kat
Adam Garcia
>still no new gr porn lately
Nicholas Morgan
They prefer to keep their ips and getting fucked in the ass by david cage at the same time. Watch those games releasing on xbox with sony copyrights.
Joshua Rogers
It’s not begging really. It will happen and we all know it.
Isaiah Watson
> games everyone makes fun of
> all games sony are riding of to stop the walking sim meme so their catalog looks better
But feel free to buy it full price
Colton Miller
is there any porn at all? last i checked there's only shitty art
Jeremiah Nguyen
In english next time kiddo.
Joseph Bailey
Because sony didn't want to buy them for not being worth it.
Jaxson James
Feel free to pick up more esl classes at your local library you butthurt nigger beggar
Lincoln Sanchez
kys faggot
Adam Hill
SEETHE more, you got BTFO.
James Clark
porn unless it's solo is for cucks
as it should be
Brody Carter
Christopher Cruz
Nothing can beat gravity rush
especially the first one
Bentley Cruz
Connor Ortiz
It just yuri is somewhat okay, and faceless but still ehh
Christopher Cooper
Soundtrack was dope as fuck.
Justin Flores
she's perfection
Adrian Powell
If this happens I'll fucking quit Playstation forever. I don't care if it means more people are going to enjoy the game. If you want to port it to PC then release it on all available platforms, don't fucking cuck yourself to the Epic mafia.
Anthony Adams
Me too bud.
Logan Reed
I fully expect spiderman to release for other platforms too in time. The samurai is getting cucked by everyone.
Worst part is if they instead gave all the money studio japan and let them grow we could have true exclusives again and a bigger fanbase.
Zachary Jones
Did you perhaps miss their latest massive public embarrassment?
Jason Price
I want to breed kat
Matthew Long
Too bad story was joke mess when they have to explain everything this time. Nips can't into good writing anymore.
Jaxon Gray
Japs have always been terrible at writing.
William Powell
kat is not for lewding
Adrian Butler
Switch port?
Owen Cox
Someone post the kat snap meme
Nicholas Morris
First MGS, Xenogears, and Silent Hill had decent writing but that was a long time ago.
Charles Scott
raven version when
Colton Richardson
Supermassive is a better investment desu
Liam Nelson
if anything then for steam
Kevin Ortiz
It should be on Switch instead.
Charles Roberts
The story struggled because they were dead set on pushing the comic panel style of cutscene, which doesn't work too well for long expanded scenes so things were kept short. Which wouldn't be a bad thing in and of itself if it weren't for that they tried to make us have connections to tons of characters who at best get three or four scenes before their big moment, followed by doing nothing ever happen. Just look at how they handled Vogo and Fi and you can see why some SoL cutscenes would've easily made you give more of a shit. Then you had the whole Eto thing where they NEEDED to give you tons of story details but couldn't work it in a cutscene way due to how they do shit, so you get to play the ever so fun walking simulator for half an hour then fight a shitty boss immediately after because they're worried you must've gotten hyper bored. If they had more filler to attach you to the cast and more exposition scenes dispersed THROUGHOUT rather than chunked together into blobs that appear once every five or so missions, the story would actually be okay and not a constantly breaking down train that can only move at no speed or max speed.
Kayden Mitchell
Does anyone have a plan for this?
Brayden Barnes
>GR porn fanfics
>Spike is nowhere to be found
Wyatt Reed
why is raven such a best girl name
Jose Lopez
who the fuck is spike?
Luis Reyes
Good question. Incidentally, they're also some of the best birds in the animal kingdom.
Jaxon Martinez
Somebody post Layben
Cooper Torres
I can't decide which raven i like better
i wish they had different names kinda
Christopher King
Her adopted son.
Anthony Jenkins
I like the game more than the next guy and want Sony to push the IP more but... You retards realize Sony themselves made gravity rush, right?
>Inb4 Sony only makes movie game
Alot of those movie games were made by Naughty Dog which is a second party. Sony's Japan Studio MADE Gravity Rush along with helping From make Bloodbrone. Use your brains.
Isaiah Jenkins
Naughty Dog is 1st party
Easton Long
Oh shit my bad. But my point still stands.
Jaxson Ross
user, ownership of the IP is the only thing that matters and those three IPs were owned completely by Sony.
Luis Gonzalez
had to restore my ps4 lost my saved data and all of kats costumes i feel dead inside
Jackson Thompson
Quantic Dream is not apart of Sony so I can imagine Sony allowing them to put their games on PC. We're talking about 2 games created in-house by Sony being put on PC. It's like asking Nintendo to put their games on PS4.
Jaxson Cox
sony doesnt own quantic
sony owns sony japan studios, which made GR
Jordan Foster
Sony XDEV has coded, translated and dubbed Quantic Dream games too.
Kayden Ortiz
Levi Diaz