>game is fairly popular and has insanely hot girls
>go on the internet
>almost no good art of them
Post underappreciated waifus
Unpopular vidya hotties
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Why don’t you fuck off to Yea Forums, /e/, or /h/ with your autistic off-topic waifu dump?
Based thread, stay seething fags.
The TWEWY shopkeepers deserve more love, honestly.
Unironically jerked off to most of them while playing on the DS
Cure is a cute!
I see you too are a man of culture.
The fact that there's not even a single doujin with these femdom goddesses is a national crime
I just want them to abuse me because I suck at VC
Top tier ballistics and dat ass. Gets shit on because her story and game are stupid.
There needs to be a term for when a series has a bunch of great girls but the fanart community overwhelmingly latches on to the worst ones.
Like how Marie Rose and Honoka ruined DOA porn, how most Soul Calibur girls are ignored in favor of Ivy, and how every VC character besides Selvaria goes ignored.
these are all shit
t.zetta slow brainlet
What's 2+2 faggot
That's just called shit taste and the majority has it
Best girl being most popular in any community is pretty damn rare
Remember to give sauce
>Chitose Kisaragi
>Super Robot Wars
>not liking Princess K
The absolute state of plebs.
she looks autistic
Theres a CG-Set by Lime/Purple Haze of Chiara
where can i find them?
Does it even matter?
Yeah but this is shit taste being taken to an absurd degree. Like imagine if the only Street Fighter girl people drew was R. Mika.
TWEWY's art style is too angular. It looks great but it doesn't arouse me or anything.
>not liking vagina bones
Right?! Just like you user, she's perfect for you!
she acts autistic in her old man hentai too
God I want her to erase me
Commander has some of god-tier SFMs tho
Sauce me the fuck up
>nothing on any booru
I dont fucking believe you
found it.
thanks user.
please tell the sauce, user. I beg you kindly.
I literally spent 20 minutes browsing sadpanda and havent found shit, spare me wise user
it's in the panda,
just search "Purple Haze"
This link also just gives me a "gallery not available"
Fuck is this trickery
>he can't see it
>the only fucking Chiara set
>she's getting raped instead of the opposite
Fucking monkey paw
that's weird.
are you from Australia or something?
>almost all of her doujins are incest or scat
>I suck at VC
The game is balanced around orders. Try to as many skirmishes as possible, while getting a good score to farm experience. Then use that to level every class. Even classes with no appeal on the battlefield usually have orders tied to their leveling tree.
In battle, sacrifice a few turns of being worthless for empowering one soldier to demolish everything.
She has doujins, like 2-3 one with the old man when you left her in earth. Honestly is the most you expect in a female heroine in SRW nowadays, the gothic girl has also like 1 or 2
>This link also just gives me a "gallery not available"
there's been people saying that wide swaths of the site are being hidden depending on country after the redesign a day or two ago
I am from Japan
How dare they hide hentai from me of all people
Tsuki from XC2.
You'd figure she'd be as popular and Homura looking like this.
Nietzsche is cute!
I thought Xenoblade was somewhat popular? There's plenty of Pyra and Mythra art, heck even loads of that fucking cat. But the unique blade waifus? There's sweet fuck all artwork for them.
Her naughty cop outfit in mercs mode makes me diamonds. Why the fuck did capcom remove outfits from the story mode, it's been a feature for like every mainline RE game. At least on pc I can mod it in but playing for a year on ps3 was annoying as fuck.