Will it ever come back?

will it ever come back?

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just go play River City Ransom tumblr Yea Forumscksucker!

Probably not. If they've been stubborn on rights at this point they're not gonna go back on it. Also this game isn't proof against digital streaming, it's more proof against using a band to do the music for your game and not hammering out a good contract
I still have this on my PS3 actually, I should go play this again

i almost forgot about Scott.
I have to watch and read the books again
thanks for that user

Glad I still have it on my 360. I don't think I bought the DLC, but I'm pretty sure that's the only thing you can buy now right?


was this game even good or was it just the ost

Wouldn't have been an issue if it were on PC

did you know not only was this removed, so was digimon cyber sluts 1 ps4 ?

well it sorta is considering you can emulate it perfectly


At lest you can emulate it.
Or play it on Modded Ps3 or 360.

>so was digimon cyber sluts 1 ps4 ?

So what's the story behind the game being removed exactly? Wikipedia doesn't tell me


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It's a fun 2d beat em up with multiplayer and nice sprites.
but the OST is probably the best

Music license expired and the band who did it refused to renew. Ubisoft was retarded and didn't buy the music outright, it was just on a 3 year term.

The indie boom on the Switch would have been the perfect time for it to return, and the fact that it is missing this train is sadly leaving me thinking that no one with the power to make it happen is actually motivated enough to make it happen.

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>No reason has been stated why the game was removed but there were several parties involved in the licensing and creation of the game. The game contains copyrights from the publisher Ubisoft, the comic’s creator Bryan Lee O’Malley, the comic’s print publisher Oni Press, the movie adaptations’ producer Universal Studios, and the game’s soundtrack composer Anamanaguchi. Keeping the game online would require negotiating and renewing contracts with all parties and the expiration of these deals is likely why the game was delisted.

at least with cyber sleuth, you can still get a physical copy and play that.
scott pilgrim was digital-only, so as soon as it got delisted, everyone who hadn't bought it yet was shit out of luck forever.

it's a pretty solid argument against streaming because it's an argument against a digital-only landscape and streaming is that taken to the next level. At least with Scott Pilgrim people who did buy it can still download/play it or pirate copies from someone who did download it. If this game was only available through streaming we wouldn't even have that option. It'd just be fucking gone.

Snoy censorship?
December should have been around the time of the Omega Labyrinth Z localization being pulled from the hands of PQube by Sony, no?

>reason for removing
>the game is outdated

The game should have had a physical release.

>Generic beat-em up
>Except it's based on a garbage comic

>was the game good
fuck no. the devs didn't know how to make good difficulty levels. hard mode was literally inflated hp so you're force to throw fags off cliffs. what also pisses me off is the flat ass levels. like they really want to jam into your brain that this is river city ransom but with a new skin!

>At least with Scott Pilgrim people who did buy it can still download/play it
Not that guy, but I thought that you can't redownload it even if you bought it

years ago maybe but it's long since been purged from the servers. if you lose it it's gone forever.

digimon cyber sluts was taken down too. (not the expansion though?)

no, it's not sony. it's bamco. they went on a delisting rampage with a bunch of their games a few months ago and never explained why.

Except the band had nothing to do with it



>there was a time where Scott Pilgrim was the coolest and most hip thing in the entire world
Take me back.

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>from today

>scott pilgrim
more like scott tumblrim

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luckily, cyber sleuth is still available physically at least, which is a luxury we won't get to have anymore if streaming wins.

>there was a time where Scott Pilgrim was the cool
Ew, god no.

the dlc is gone though

>almost 10 years later
Anamanaguchi still have to tell people it wasn't them

I'd say Universal or Ubisoft were to blame

my best friend and I spent many nights just kicking it and playing this game. would love to go back to that simpler and happier time.

yes, but if this was google instead, the entire game would be gone forever. still having the base game is better than nothing at all.

Yea i miss it aswell, i miss it aswell.

don't wanna cannibalize our sales! you understand, right goyim?

>this ONE obscure title from 10 years ago proves my point!!!

have sex

>liking scott pilgrim
they never will

I bought this game in like, 2015. All you have to do is go to Gamestop and buy a download code. Unless that's changed.

you fucking wish you pedantic fuck

They'll have sex with each other.

>Don't believe Anamanaguchi's lies

they haven't sold them for years dude
same goes for best buy
they just eventually ran out

Why would any gamestop still have one of those codes?

i had fun playing that game with my brother.

Holy shit. Glad I got mine when I could then.

it wasn't that good
i enjoyed it a long time ago when it first came out but now that i had a chance to replay it it's really buggy and the hardest difficulty is just "let's make everything an annoying hp sponge"
best example is when i went to the final boss with maxed stats and it still took 7 mins to just hit him, run and wait for him to allow me to hit him again, then hit him some more
the game ended up crashing before i beat him
of course it still has soul, but is a really flawed game

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Scott pilgrim is a great comic which I enjoy every time I read it but
A. It’s popular so naturally vee has to hate it
B. It’s western so naturally vee has to hate it
C. The media that was created because of SPs influence was..... not great

so i cant redownload this game for my ps3, even when i have bought it?

you better not be talking shit about the movie

>literally the first fight in the series is Scott fighting and killing a brown man
How is it tumblr again?

Sure, right after After Burner Climax and Outrun 2.

>liking the movie
pleb detected

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kill yourself

maybe with you, virgin

definitely one of the better video game movies out there

I just meant shit like adventure time, other ‘heh so RANDOM XDD wow awesomesauce!!!!” Shows etc. I enjoyed the movie too

If you bought it it's on your download list even if it was delisted.


Yeah you can't even redownload
Literally your only hope of keeping this game is making damn well sure your console doesn't fucking die, so I hope you didn't buy this on the earlier models of those consoles.

What would happen if every single game were to be susceptible to the same thing this 10 year old game was?

not an argument

It's was really repetitive.
People remember it for the pretty sprites and the soundtrack.

the movie was mediocre at best, the relationships/characters were way too hollow. If it was a miniseries it might have worked

Honestly even though it did get pretty samey I still enjoyed myself.

That final boss can suck a fucking horse cock though

it's an adaptation of a comic book series, you dope

what would happen is the sky turned yellow and we all started talking backwards?

sorry, it's 6AM and I haven't gone to bed yet
yeah, but there being no particularly good video game movies automatically puts it on the top shelf

what would happen if you stopped feeding the fucking trolls you stupid ass fucking cunt how many years has it been goddamn get a fucking clue already jesus christ nigger fuck you why

>The media that was created because of SPs influence was..... not great
Seriously, why the fuck did everyone want to be Bryan Lee O'Malley after Scott Pilgrim came out?
Shit, people STILL want to be Bryan Lee O'Malley.
Ever since Scott Pilgrim was a thing, bootleg scott pilgrim artstyles took over the fucking world.

I'm pretty sure 99% of the people that saw scott pilgrim and thought "I want to make something like that!" didn't understand what scott pilgrim was about

My ps3 and 360 both have Scott pilgrim bought and installed. If only (almost) perfect emulation didn't exist, they might be worth something.

It's not just one game. Other games had disappeared from online stores, they just have physical copies as well so it's not as big issue.
One example was Transformers games published by Activision, including the Platinum one.

It's my favourite ever beat em up

The movie was dogshit but the comic and game was good

Except that humour existed before Scott Pilgrim was even a comic book, so I dunno why anyone would give the movie shit for something it didn't start or even popularise. At best I would blame it for YIIK.

Pretty sure you can still redownload it if you own it.


Ah I remember Scott Pilgrim, that's that series with the movie where an 8 year old little girl is brutally murdered.

Virgin shaming is part of rape culture user.

SP is one of the few western comics I actually enjoy a lot, in fact I fucking love
Which is weird because it has all the elements to be typical SJW garbage, yet it's not

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It was before that all went to shit where you could still call someone a nigger and people would just say you're rude.

>my ps4 Transformers download is tied to ps+
I wish I knew better back then

>Which is weird because it has all the elements to be typical SJW garbage
It's funny because most people today will think that, but that's because SP pretty much invented all those tropes, you know before they became associated with tumblr and LGBT artists and whatnot.

Not even that
It has a shitload of gay characters, but the writing is not revolved around their sexuality at all. Except for Wallace, but he is more based than most straight characters

which tropes?

They were gay as opposed to POZ.

Anamanaguchi had a bitch fit on what.cd over Endless Fantasy. Not because it was being pirated, but because the band couldn’t claim the bounty when the album came out because somebody else did. They wanted those sweet sweet GBs all to themselves. The mod staff slapped them saying it didn’t work that way. This is absolutely not the kind of band that’s stingy about their music and the rights to it in regards to keeping it from people.

Castle crashers is better in ever aspect

Wallace was a character that was gay. Most people (especially these days) write gay characters. I wish writers would understand that difference.

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how embarrassing !!!

Well more or less just the way they're executed and how the characters use certain lingo.
Also I'm pretty sure Scott Pilgrim was the first series to go full out with "DUDE VIDEO GAMES! DUDE ANIME!" and really be on the nose. Before that, everyone was just really safe with the references and mentioned obvious shit like pacman and space invaders.
Also there's a lot of artistic conventions the comic books had that everyone just started using after it got popular, when it first came out it was like chibi gorrilaz but now it's just the style that tumblrinas use when they want to draw anime but not call it anime.

Most jokes and scenes with him referred to his gayness, but it was funny and in-context enough not to feel forced

>you'll never have all the achievements because of that wallace dlc with the shitty ending

Stop begging, peasant

True, its competition isn't much in that department

Brian should just let go of rereleasing the game and just make a new one with the same designer in the same veij

Imagine playing DMC5 or KoF on the onlive 2 oh dear

Daily reminder that there is literally nothing wrong with this

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>I still have this on my PS3 actually, I should go play this again
I do too and on my 360. I booted it up a couple months back and there was an update for it, I didn't click it and when the game loaded it said my save data had been corrupted.

is have sex the newest buzzword insult like incel, c u c k, etc?

What? I'm a zoomer and original Doom feels satisfying as fuck to play because of how smooth and fast the characters movement is.

What point is he trying to make? Scott Pilgrim, WiiWare games and OG xbox DLCs are already lost under the current system. Streaming doesn't make the difference here.

Difference is, at least those who downloaded those items still have access to them. With streaming, no one would be able to play Scott Pilgrim at all.

You can't even pirate them if they're stream only.

>you will never go back to senior year high school where you grabbed a few beers and powered drunk trough this with 3 other friends over the weekend

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Oh dear user.

>scott pilgrim
Cringe SO NERDY garbage

fucking scott pilgrim
guitar hero
who here started playing an instrument or started a band or put more effort into?
couldn’t been a better motivation

>Scott Pilgrim
>Wii shop

These should be reason enough to realize a digital only marketplace is temporary.

yeah it's probably "cringe" because it was around before you were born

Nigga I was 10 when it came out

A "CONVENIENT" excuse.

that's fine, games should be an ephemeral experience

At least those games still exist if you bought them prior. I don't feel sorry for those people who bought Afro Samurai 2 which had people's license to even play it on their console REVOKED, and their wallet was refunded.

They actually just took it from them?

>At least those games still exist if you bought them prior.
yeah but if my xbox 360 rrods or the harddrive dies, it's fucked..

Good thing I grabbed it on PS Plus all those years ago and still have it installed on my PS3. I hope the rumors of PS5 being backwards compatible are true so I can finally move all those games stuck on that system to something new.


Unless it's different for 360, you still have access to said games in your download list, unless it's a rare case like PT or

If your old system dies can't you just buy a new one, log in and download it. At least that's how it works on PSN.

Digital w/ no copy-protection > Physical > Digital

I mean apparently the game was godawful but still, that's why physical is always superior.

perfectly playable on rpcs3 (also, it's not that good - Streets of Rage were infinitely more entertaining more than 20 years ago)

Thankfully those two cases are the exception rather than the rule. PT was a free demo and Afro Samurai 2 was a huge piece of shit. What happened to PT still sucks, I have it backed up on an USB stick and on my current PS4.

Perfect reason for piracy to exist.

Reminder than physical copies are the best way to preserve games and their presence in the second hand market, specially those that are licensed and parts of the code belong to the publisher and other parts to the licensee.

Yes but unfortunately most games nowadays are released in a godawful state and require day 1 patches to make them playable, in some cases like KH3 the don't even have the endings.

It's weird that PT is still playable on a PS4 long as you manage to keep an install without the update. Afro Samurai 2 flat out doesn't run the second the PS4 gets a chance to verify its license for it.

>Released on October 10, 2010, Order of War: Challenge was mostly a multi-player extension, only its specific tutorials worked in single-player mode. This additional content required continued access to special servers for continuous DRM validation and play. The expansion was moderately well reviewed with a Metacritic score around 70. Square Enix announced in September 2013 that it was shutting down the Challenge servers due to the low popularity of the game. After these servers were shut down, Challenge became unplayable (in a legal fashion) and was completely removed from Steam, including from the on-disk libraries of users that had purchased licenses for it. While other games have been removed from Steam's distribution channel before, Challenge has the dubious distinction of being the first game to be removed not only from the Steam store, but also automatically wiped from the disks of its users.

Maybe Streets of Rage was better back then but it's shit by today's standards. Final Fight and Double Dragon aged better than that fucking shit.

>i can no longer complete the dlc set for Forza Horizon 2 (best in the series fite me) because the dlc was delisted
i'll be forever mad

What? Even if you bought it? That's fucking ridiculous. I mean, the game is horrible so I guess no one cared enough but they literally took away from you a game that you bought.

nah, it's still more entertaining, mainly because it has straightforward controls than clunky shit that Pilgrim does from time to time (oh i've picked up someone, how do i hit it... what do you mean "find another someone to bash them together?" - the pavement is right fucking there, just let me crack their skulls open ffs)

If it proves anything in the long-run it's that piracy will always be the best and most reliable method to play and keep games. Digital servers and rights disappear but iso/wad/pkg/cia style backups will be around and circulated forever. And because the industry is such a one track mind shitfest with no care for preservation they'll be the only thing left preserving your memories.


literally anyone with the slightest bit of common sense fucking knew this already

>Company re-releases a 10 year old game to try to make money from it again
>They have to fill it with extras, upgrades and release it at a low cost to make money from it because the second hand market exists and fans of the game probably still have the original release so they can just play it again whenever they want

>Streaming future
>Company can re-release a game however many times they want because no second hand market exists, and nobody owns any games. They can charge whatever they want because there's no way to play the game otherwise.

I know normies are stupid but they have to realize that streaming is cancer, right?

This honestly. Was never a fan of the comics/movie but the sprites and soundtrack were great.

Fighting Rage has surpassed it though and is leagues better in terms of gameplay.

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Most likely as an Epic Games Store Exclusive.

>Company can re-release a game however many times they want
Sony and especially Nintendo have already been doing that non stop this gen and that's without the streaming part

I love Fight'n'Rage but I wish there was more than three characters. There's a ton of extras in it for a beat-em-up though. I hope they're making a sequel with all the assets from the original but expanded with new bosses/characters and shit.

Won't lie, this was the first game that popped in my head as a reason against a completely streaming system

Read the rest of the post, brainlet. They do that but they add incentives to repurchase them. In a streaming future, they could just re-release the exact same 2 year old game with no changes a million times because they have you by the balls.

What happened to:
>Your Envy
>Your Knifes
>Your Ramona

Attached: scott_pilgrim.jpg (400x605, 98K)

she's captain marvel

i dunno, i wouldn't call shit like the uncharted collection or Bayo 1+2 filled with extras.
Uncharted doesn't even have the multiplayer and Bayo 2 was neutered in features because it now lacks the miiverse functionality.

I was on Yea Forums i 2010 and people hated scott pilgrim because it was hipster. Nothing but hate back then.


Damn, didnt know this happened, glad I got it physical.

Still with a Lucas Lee fag
She transitioned from FTM

Funny how these things worked out

fight'n rage is underrated as hell

The first one is in Montreal doing banking or something, the third lives nearby. Can't imagine many have a Knives

To be fair it's something I think mainly young adults and teens were into. It also helps that it had its own distinct visual style. Looking back a lot of the characters are just obnoxious.


Bamco's licenses have been expiring and they didn't renew them so they are now delisting games.
Jojo All Star Battle was also a victim, Eyes of Heaven will probably be delisted soon as well.

A knives doesn't have to be underage, she just has to have been inexperienced with relationships before you broke her heart.



There's a difference between interacting with a pirate site and Ubisoft/Universal/Oni Press

That would be an extra since you're getting more than one game as one purchase.

It doesn't translate well to a live action medium, but the effects were neat.

My b, last time I saw her was a couple of years ago but she fell off the radar right after

>mfw desperately wanted to buy phantasy star portable ops 2 from PSN
>mfw its delisted for no discernible reason

my what?

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Fuck off, Berkman

damn considering castle crashers is bad this shit must be terrible

Maybe because bestboy turns out to be a homo?
Or when Scott didn't take that cute asian's virginity because it would've been "gross"

You can redownload it via your download list on both the 360 and PS3, you just can't buy it anymore and I think all the DLC pack codes have expired years ago.

That's true until the big N comes and threatens any site hosting their ROMs with legal action forcing them to purge their catalogs making it much harder to access them.

I mean, the sprites WERE pretty.

You can emulate it on PC now

i hate myself because i only got a ps3 in 2014 and by that time the game was no longer available anywhere

i'll never enjoy comfy couch coop

Don't forget Deadpool was originally removed from all storefronts as were the Platinum TMNT, Korra, and the Transformers game you mentioned. There's also the case of the Simpsons and TMNT arcade games on the 360 that got delisted.

Funny how this tweet is only a day old.

But the sound is fucked, even if you run 60fps

Wasn't that Earthworm Jim HD remaster also delisted as well?

Mobile's definitely not safe either. EA took down a rockband app just because they came out with another.

It's part of the reason why Sony refunded anyone who bought the game.

Out Run HD was as well and I think that was the only remake of the original game all because of the Lamborghini license running out. People who want a digital-only future are idiots.

PT still works with the update, I played it on my PS4 Pro. Unless the way I downloaded it mucked something up with the verification or something.

Because they had tons of people angrily @ing them thinking they were the ones who took it down.

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it got way too repetitive. i tried to go back but playing through the stages can be so fucking boring.

the boss fights are great, but it takes too long to get them. never felt like maxing out all of the characters either.

Never could bring myself to even acknowledge this thing's existance. There's something about westerns blatantly emulating anime that deeply disgusts me.

Let's also not forget The Last Remnant and Dark Souls PTDE got taken down in favor of their remastered versions. TLR is pretty much an improvement, but PTDE is superior to the remaster yet you have no option to get it.

Wow it's almost like negotiating a contract for longer than 3 years is industry standard or something.

I still have this with all dlc but people are definitely looking at it with nostalgia goggles on. My favorite game growing up was river city ransom so i should have loved it but I had more fun with charlie murder which looked like a flash game.

You're a weeb faggot, that's the something.

that's just how knockoffs are supposed to make you feel

The opposite. I do enjoy anime now more than when this thing came out. At the time I saw it as western weebs trying to to emulate a style that isn't theirs and it made me feel embarrassed.

Like I feel for nips when they design western characters and name them "Jameson R. Dreadfields" or some shit.

Stephen being homo is the best part of the series, Wallace is too fem for my taste

SP doesn’t emulate anime though? It has its own cutesy distinctly western style. Does pantry&stocking disgust you too?

I have a similar anger, but regarding let's plays.
Leovinus' Final Fantasy VIII LP was the best LP ever made, and the LP archive removed it when SA went sideways. Luckily wayback exists, but it sucks so few people will see this gem.

Aren't there a bunch of transformers games delisted too?

leave him alone. He's a low level youngblood that will learn with time.

Order of War: Challenge got actually fucking wiped out of Steam's library. GOG acknowledge that this could happen. It's a terrible and uncertain future.

Just download it and play it on RPCS3

>SP doesn’t emulate anime though?
But it does though? Look at the eye expressions and the dashed lines on their cheeks to represent blushing. Panty & Stocking deviates little from the peculiarities of the japanese art style unless you think all japanese character designs look like naruto or dragon ball. At best, you could say that the japanese artstyle originally tried to emulate dysney's but now it is its own thing.

>tfw i'll never find the comfy resident evil 4 lets play i remember watching from somethingawful

Yeah, never committed, but i did get decent at drums, and you never really lose musical talent.

Books sucked just watch the movie and forget they ever existed.
And I don’t even like Michael Cera

Well to be fair cyber sluts hacker memory is a direct upgrade. Same exact game with more features, digimon, and dungeons

>I bought the game
>I still have access to the game and can still download it again even if it gets deleted
This isn't a problem with digital at all, it's a problem with the rights. Even if the game had been releases physically they would have pulled all first-hand copies from shelves.
>But you could buy it second-hand
And whether you do that or pirate it either way the actual developers get nothing.

Envy lives in the city, Knives went back to China.

Ramona has 2 kids with someone else.

piracy basically saved this game

Everyone has a homo friend, it was a very well told coming of age tale.

I've only had sex with one girl.

No it's definitely a mark against digital-only games

I had a stack of psn cards for Scott pilgram I sold off on ebay over the years. Had to make over 5k on them. Still have a few hundred of them

Oh yeah? Prove it and post a code ;)

Elisha Cuthbert lookalike that flirted with me all summer, went on dates and stuff, never let me touch her, then asked if she could borrow $600 for a months rent while she changed jobs and then skipped town with another guy
fat half-black chick but with Knives' personality 110%. lost virginity to her but didn't want to settle down with her because how can you be with someone who hates straights, whites, and men, yet wants to be with a straight white man? interning at gamedev as secretary or something last I checked
met at a game jam, seemed awesome, we got along together great, played Overwatch together daily for months, then I asked her out and she said she was gay, despite showing obvious attraction repeatedly

I lived the Scott Pilgrim life but gamedev instead of rock band from 2011-2017. it was fun and I don't regret it but now I'm 28 and don't know what the fuck to do from here. it was an absolutely fascinating time to see the gamedev scene up close and personally but after attending GDC in 2016 and seeing the progressive liberal psychosis of the people in the industry firsthand, I had to get far, far away from the whole thing

Trying to cram six volumes worth of content into one movie was a mistake. Maculay Culkin's little brother was based as Wallace though.

Kill yourself bruh

>I still have access to the game and can still download it again even if it gets deleted
and what happens when the servers that host the game for download shut down?

Julie was a fucking megabitch I don't blame Stephen for giving dudes a try

Bruh your gonna be more worried about ass and dick cancer before that ever happens and wont care about some mediocre game.

almost did senpai, ended up killing my ego instead and I'm still trying to figure out how to grow a new one. spent years trying to get a gamedev job, couldn't, so started working webdev instead. former friends/classmates work at Respawn, Microsoft Games, and a prominent indie company you all know, while I'm stuck making $50k doing shit web development. I want to go back and do it all over again, and also to turn down the Elisha Cuthbert slut and go with the bombshell blonde who was into me and ended up marrying a guy who looked just like me.

It's still a scary thought, though. That someday a game could just disappear forever

>web development
Great, you should be able to help, then. You see, I can't recall subscribing to your faggot ass blog yet here it is.

nice one

what if i need a mediocre game to distract me from my ass and dick cancer?

Great girl that I dated for a while, after breaking up she became a cutter after dating a guy who later jumped in front of a train. Last I heard shes dating/engaged to some guy almost twice her age.
She moved cross country to get away from abusive family and I'm pretty sure she's sleeping with the guy in exchange for not being homeless
Same girl as knives

I know you're kidding but it's scary to think some people probably really think this

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We've already lost the Wii Shop and that only took like 10 years. The PSP shop can't even be accessed anymore, you need to download your games on a PS3 and then transfer them over to your PSP. Desura went completely under. On Live went completely under.
You act like it's some far off impossible thing.


Sorry, im an xbro so i can't relate. I have all my games and most are also being added to backwards compat and upgraded. Based cancer of the gaming industry

>he says on the video game section of the anime picture website

it would have if something like limited run games was around back then

they LOVE fucking doing that shit

Should have bought it when it came out.

>imagine actually thinking this
Anyways here’s your (you)

>faggot frog was in highschool when scott pilgrim game was new

fucking CHILD

Didn't the comic spoonfeed people about video games?
I remember one page had a reference about rolling into a ball, with a footnote that it's referencing Metroid.

No? It's a complete different protagonist and plot, that's like saying Pokemon BW2 is the same thing as the first but better.

you can still DL it from your fucking list, idiot
its not gone forever, just for people who didn't buy it or PS+ it.

funny how much more a 360 is worth with scotty p on it

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I really disliked it at the time. The comic was just OK but everything surrounding it was a cancer that ruined any small enjoyment I had. It was just an earlier example of what would become the Homestuck and Steven Universe "fandom."

If it came out now you would hate it, too, but you were on the wrong end of things at the time. As far as I'm concerned, the movie killed public interest in the series regardless of any praise, so you have only yourself to blame for making it so popular.

Damn user, you know how to pick em

funny thing:

i have TMNT 89 on my list of DL's or...
i thought i fucking did.

i have pics, ill have to upload later, but its just GONE. i have achievements too, but the game is missing from my list. there is a marker in its place, but it says something about incompatible title.

Damn i should transfer license and sell one

Envy became a bit of a lesbian who still likes to taunt me via social media to this day, it's fine though, I think it's more friendly.

Knives, I dunno. Heard she got pregnant in high school after I graduated. (I was older than her by 2 years)

Ramona and I still talk. She's insanely more successful than me. We both love each other and said I was the best man who's ever entered her life, but time and place kinda prevent that.

Now I'm fawning over someone literally named Kim because she was the first girl to pay attention or have sex with me in about 2 years.

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>Your Envy
Never had one that would classify as Envy.
>Your Knifes
I broke up with her for Ramona after 7 years. But to be honest, she got super clingy in the end and used me mostly for self-validation. We loosely stayed in contact but it eventually broke off. Apparently she started dating some boring dweeb from college. He treats her well from what I heard, so I'm okay with it.
>Your Ramona
She was a bit of a mess, but she was my mess. We got along well because we were both depressed fuck ups, but it was alright. We had each other. Somehow her self-righteousness got the better of her and she... changed. Drastically. She went full screeching SJW. Not even kidding, she was up there with the craziest of them. And because I wasn't, I turned into the enemy. She tried to bully me in line and it fucked me up. Despite of everything, she refused to break up with me. Finally it reached a point where I couldn't take it and practically fled the city. We ended it on a friendly note at first, but then she started sending emails in which she accused me of ruining our relationship. I responded the first couple of times, got increasingly tight-lipped and stopped responding altogether. Apparently, after we broke up she started identifying as a man, pronouns and everything. There were talks of a girlfriend (male) and I found out through social media she may have gotten into drugs. I only know this because her mother told me. She took her own life two years ago.

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>the movie killed public interest in the series regardless of any praise
I think the last volume did. Say what you will about the movie, but it somehow has a better pace and ending compared to the book.

All I remember about Scott Pilgrim is how everyone called it pretentious hipster shit back in 2010.

You have to go back to facebook

you'll get the same effect by jacking off into your own mouth

I remember no such thing and I read the comics a couple of times, can you find a source?

Shouldn't you be dilating right now?

But best boy was always a homo

Attached: best boy.jpg (468x630, 86K)

He does make the reference but there’s no footnote

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take your own advice

It's in pretty much every thread, so yes.

Is your point that because you can pirate it and install it on a hacked system makes this not a problem? If so that is stupid as fuck. If not then my apologies and have a nice day.

my "point" is why are you all crying it's gone it's right fucking there, nigger, go get it, champ

here's a little something for you
>pepes/wojaks/eceleb image hashes'
>text filters

Are your extra chromosomes stopping you from understanding what the issue is about?

It's a Yea Forums meme
Get a clue you ding-dong diddley simp

Might be able to find it on wayback, too.

You asked me what I meant and I just explained it to your dumb ass. Stop trying to put words in my mouth, and refer to the previous post.

I'm not that guy and you don't understand the problem. Go be a retard somewhere else.

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Have sex

Already did. Not even counting your mom.

Fight N' Rage is fucking amazing. The cast of only three characters isn't too bad considering the skill ceiling on them all is pretty high.

youtube.com/watch?v=k_nVTqzm9Zs I wish you could pick your music track for Score Attack/Survival and this was a choice.

It's a terrible beat em up anyway, completely stat-based with very little in the way of actual skilled play available

You say that as you post a Wojak edit. You fucking suck.

shit was boring as a mother fucker even with friends

>Second game in the series tries to recapture the magic but it just isn't as good as the original

Attached: Seconds.jpg (1280x720, 249K)

>tfw best girl never found happiness

Attached: Scott.png (831x407, 322K)

>Physical release in color costs almost 100 Euros here

Attached: what the fuck.jpg (379x214, 26K)

It was ok at best, ost + sprites are beautiful but actual game is mediocre.

obliged, operator

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>limited run games
Imagine the second hand market prices today if this was actually a thing.
But yeah it's a shame.

I just want at least 4 characters for 4 player co-op

It's okay but has a god tier presentation

I liked Lost at Sea more tbqh

I'm a sucker for Coming of Age movies

Wallace is probably one of the coolest motherfuckers ever written and I'd fuck him

Didn't have one
Got Married
Didn't have one

Panty and Stocking is emulating Americans trying to emulate Japanese artstyle.

>never officially came to PC

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Panty and Stocking is emulating Americans trying to emulate Japanese artstyle that originally emulated American artstyle


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