Exodus sold more than the Steam exclusive game, Last Light
From the Epic event
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What about Last Light Redux?
I don't even think you can buy normal Last Light anymore.
Nobody cares
Tianamen Square Massacre
Not arguments
>Steam exclusive game, Last Light
Except it isn't Steam exclusive you fucking retard and Exodus sold more than LL on consoles too.
Kill yourself retarded shill.
Because exodus is MUCH better than last light maybe? Because streamers were paid to play exodus maybe?
This shit again.
It sold more on the same timeframe than it did LastLight. 1 month.
There are factors here that Epic dicksuckers aren't taking into consideration like Metro in 2019 is a lot more popular than Metro in 2013.
If anything this calls for a concern because instead of releasing proper sale numbers to that can be analyzed in a 2019 environment, they chose to release date comparing themselves to what they were 6 years ago.
the fuck is last light?
so is every single game automatically profitable because it sold more than the prequel?
how is that surprising? last light was years ago and had a much smaller media profile than exodus which even the AAA consuming retard zoomers knew about
2.5x 0 is still 0, stupid china man.
When you only have one cigarette left.
Yeah but why didn't they release the sale numbers?
They are comparing sales to Last Light, not Redux which sold significantly more.
And like other Anons have said, compared to other games in series Exodus received way more coverage. Hell, it was pretty recently at Microsoft's E3 conference.
next time they will say: "The outer worlds sold 10.0x more than fallout 1"
It's this weird thing where I don't actually care, but the more Epic and their subsidiaries keep blowing their own horn about how awesome they supposedly are, with flawed comparisons such as this no less, the more I turn against them.
Nobody care OP. You're not a PC gamer and you know it very well, go back to playing your shitty console.
>Mental Gymnastics: The Post
Imagine fighting for your right to pay a gamer tithe to that fat fuck Gaben.
>Steam exclusive game, Last Light
Not an argument.
You haven't been able to buy normal last light since mid-2014
>Get extra money by Epic
>Sell more than in Steam because the store isn’t filled with garbage that hides the good games.
>Steam babies on 4channel get triggered
Imagine giving your personal information to chinaman.
I preordered Exodus on Steam though
Yea Forums and steamcucks btfo
>Epic states exactly how many copies of free games were downloaded
>Only uses vague PR speak for a game that costs money
Show me the actual numbers, you twats.
Last Light sold 1.2M copies in all forms over its lifetime. Exodus sold half a million on Steam when it was pulled off at the 11th hour
where is the sales data?
How much of those sales are from Steam pre-orders?
>he has to phonepost because he keeps getting banned
the absolute autonomous region
>A game hyped up for over a year via mainstream media sold better than a lackluster sequel that saw zero advertising
>It did 2.5x better!
last light writing was bad
exodus was even worse
but hollywood tier garbage is fan favourite
they didn't say "redux", so they probably meant the last light that sold 20k on steam too
imagine bragging about selling 50k copies
does that mean since I bought last light but not exodus they lost 2.5 sales from me?
>series that sells like shit suddenly sells a little better when they're in an E3 stage presentation 2 years in a row
Holy shit.
>do bait and switch
>look at all these sales from Steam now on Epic
Makes sense
this. these companies are nothing if not incredibly specific about the words they use. it's like all those e3 conferences where they dance around the word exclusive. in the end, there's no way to check the numbers and they aren't publicly traded so we just have to "take their word for it"
Wow, almost like the series that went from niche to mainstream between Last Light and Exodus would sell better
is the full event stream on youtube?
>Brags about Subnautica downloads when it was given away from free
>doesn't show numbers for Exodus
They also only counted the Steam sales even though LL is available in over a dozen stores, very dishonest.
Is Epic going to steal our argument?
Old metro were AA niche titles with little marketing while exodus is AAA and advertised out the ass. Anything less than 5 times the sales isn't even impressive
it didn't count Redux either
>according to epic
Last Light was broken on release. The hardest difficulty didn't have any interface, including the inventory and QTE prompts.
>goes out of their way not to mention specific numbers
>game a sold more than game b, thus
If they are so Epic, then why is their store so laggy.
Cant even scroll without lagging