What kind of creep does it take to buy this?

What kind of creep does it take to buy this?

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What kind of fag does it take to judge what another person plays based on the clothing the characters wear? Find something to do other than being an ass.

Your average weeaboo


A pathetic virgin. Like me.

>implying there is a good game hidden under that fanservice

Marie's smelly feet!


Discord Resetera tranny OP BTFO yet again

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The fanservice is the game faggot.

>Used game store near me has a copy of this for sale
>Considering buying it just to satisfy my public humiliation fetish
Imagining the normalfag cashiers' judgemental looks and how pathetic they'll secretly think I am makes my cock twitch so hard

Why is it considered being a faggot or a trannie when you have a real girl to satisfy you instead of fapping to ero games?

Both of my female cousins played the original DOA Beach Volleyball all the time. I only played it twice but they played it constantly.

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My dick loves it

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If the shame is too big you can move out of your parents house and play the game no problem , work hard user one day you will be able to .

user you know there's something called brothels and you can get all the sex you afford right ?

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Call me when they have cute anime girls in brothels.

its very popular amongst women

You mean among nerd lesb women creeps?

What kind of creep does it take to watch an actual real women engage in fucked up fetishes because her bills require her to?

stop acting sexist

The volleyball is genuinely challenging.

People who love volleyball(s).

Marie#1 > Marie#3 > Marie#2

More of a game than Venus Vacation

I hope it doesn't take too long before they add Leifang and Misaki to Fortune.

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seriously the game is shit
>Fucking repetitive
>gameplay not lewd enough
>can't touch girls, impossible to fuck them
>boobs physics are gone, regression from previous games

>gf was manager at gamestop
>buy senran and such and then leave with her

I wonder how they felt, if at all

I don't see why they would

>Boob physics
>Gone, regression
The default boob physics in X3 were always better than default in 5. Did they somehow change it for Scarlet?

I hope so. I miss having Leifang there. All we'd need at that point would be Tina (maybe Lisa) and I'd be fine with it

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