I hope more industry people start speaking up about this

I hope more industry people start speaking up about this.

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Other urls found in this thread:


That's fine, never was interested in the game to begin with.

Avellone was right about everything.


Wasn't this fault of that Take-Two division?

>gets fired because he called out kikes funneling money and keeping it all to themselves in their secret club, didn't want part of it and whistle blew

at least the guy has a soul

>speaking up
yes, send him you're energies! brofist, OP, we do not forgive, we do not forego *twirls mustache*

Probably. they still added steam achievments a day before the Epic announcment.

I don't get it, I thought Doc Brown's little protege's name was Marty? And wasn't that a time travel movie?

>it isn't a shitpost
just fucking kill me familia

You guys are seething so hard lately.

Oh no! A new launcher!

This is the level of retardation epic is pushing, a fucking opinion piece with no factual sales data and normie retards or chink shills will keep pushing it like its fact.

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Chris is such a catty bitch.

Is it still piracy when Epic already paid for a copy you'll about to pirate?

literally who?

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underage retard spotted

nigger i only know my chinese cartoon porn artists i don't know who any of these actors are

Chris is just as retarded dumbfuck nowadays as rest of Obsidian.


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hi newfag normie

He's possibly the most famous video game writer in the entire industry. DId baldurs gate and those games, New Vegas, Planescape torment, Dying light 2, maybe 30 other titles.

still not downloading your botnet chink

why are people so afraid to be negative?

Isn't Obsidian developing it? I thought decisions like this was the publisher's call

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>it wasn't me lol, it was the devil i made a with
oh okay, i guess it's fine then

throw your switch in the trash and play some real games for once, xenonigger.

The guy who hasn't made anything worth remembering since he was kicked out from Obsidian.

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Then again Obsidian hasn't made anything worth remembering since they kicked him out either.

>People are such mongs that they're pissed a game is put on any other store than Steam

thanks anons

truefacts both

>any other store
I'd be perfectly fine if it was released on gog.

They hadn't even done anything worthwhile before they kicked him out for some time.

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Its not that, the game is also on Microsoft's store. What people are pissed over is that Epic is paying Obsidian's publish to keep it off Steam. They aren't paying for exclusivity, Epic is paying publishers to not use Steam.

Legally? Yes.
In terms of violating the principle of the matter? No.

no one cares, just buy it on the epic store


I use GOG, Origin and, occasionally, Uplay, but Uplay is sometimes a buggy mess so I stick to platforms that work whenever possible. Windows Store only occasionally incidentally works, and I don't live in China.

>no one cares, just pirate it

I'll buy it on pirate bay, since Epic has already paid the devs

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doesn't even have romance

It's a single player game right? Just pirate it. It's the way to go if you actually want to own your games anyway.

Same tbqh. Thanks for saving my wallet, chinks.

Well that's capitalism, right? I thought you guys loved it.
When Steam got complacent and lazy, it's not the chinks fault that they were given so many openings to get aggressive with competition.
Why do you blame the dog eaters and not the fat fuck Gabe? It's all his fault.

Fuck off Chang people care you just don't know because you aren't human.
Anything that has any Epic Store exclusivity timed or not is a the most a pirate. I refuse to support these kinds of cancerous practices.

They made my decision for me.

Couldn't care less if it's exclusive or exclusively not on X, it's bad practice. If you don't want to sell it everywhere, don't expect me to keep some store bloatware around just to launch your one game.

>Implying anyone who is a obsidian fan at this point won't buy this shit.

Just like COD fans those fucks will buy anything they shit out.

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Wasn't worth buying on any platform to begin with.

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# Unreal Engine - Tracking and analytics domains. datarouter.ol.epicgames.com et.epicgames.com et2.epicgames.com udn.epicgames.com etsource.epicgames.com

Put this in your host file, it stops unreal engine games from stealing your info

>The benefit of buying it on Steam
A refund policy that works, only needing a single piece of bloat software to run my games

>The benefit of buying it on Epic
I get nothing, games are more expensive for me since it cuts out third party storefronts which can reduce new game prices by up to 25% in some cases.

So yeah, I'm not really happy with this decision, go figure. I get literally nothing but a headache out of the exchange and lose a lot of benefits that I want.


Check out the Obsidian forums, hardcore Obsidian fans who backed both PoE1 and 2 are saying that they're not going to buy it.


>too fucking stupid to understand why buying out game rights isn't legit competition and is bad for consumers

go back to chinkland

Of course they're not, Obsidian explicitly refused their money. That user's just shitposting.


Having exclusives to promote your drm app is retarded especially for single palyer games because there is no investment in installing and de-installing an app. People already have huge steam libraries and valve can just strike back with exclusives on steam.
The only way for epic to get a foot in is to be cheaper and have a better community implementation. For instance if they worked together with twitch and discord.

I should get paid for giving this advice.

I'm quite sure it's only in Microsoft Store because they are the owners of Obsidian.

So you're saying Steam should require exclusivity too? Do you really want PC gaming to become a bunch of launchers trying to get a monopoly on the sale of video games?


No one will care when you become escalator food

nah suck my cock loser
Gabe is the only one to blame for this situation
He's been collecting millions for doing fuckall for over a decade, telling his employers to do whatever the fuck they want without any direction (which is why they haven't made a good game in a decade) and now he somehow has a defense force of drones like you

>Stutter posting
Says it all really.
And no, I pirate the vast majority of games I play the only exceptions are games I really like.

I'd tell you to eat shit but you clearly already do that.

How do these people still not understand what competition is

when did steam ever bought exclusive?

I'm saying Valve should wake the fuck up, they don't deserve to be on the top for doing nothing just because there was no valid competition yet

>no, don't buy from Epic, they're paying for exclusivity and that's bad!

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this, it started looking like trash really fast when the gameplay vids began showing up

You would think that a developer that has frequently gotten fucked over by a publisher in the past, would ensure that their contract prevents a publisher from fucking them over.
So either their contract did not allow them to protest this or they are complict, in any case the management has failed at their job.

>For instance if they worked together with twitch and discord.
>wanting even more accounts and software installs
>thinks that's an "advice" worth being paid for
goddamn Yea Forums you guys really are stupid

Saying is different from actually doing it. Remember when people were going to boycott cod mw2, or the mw remake? The fact these idiots bought path of exile games, especially both of them, is already proof enough.

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>most of obsidian didnt even know about this and were surprised
Absolutely CHINKED

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don't reply to me if you don't even know what i'm talking about you stupid tranny

>Yes, buy from Epic, they give you a worse service and that's good!

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Feargus is a walking joke.
More news at 11.

>The intelligent pirate
ok retard
maybe when you grow up your mom will get you a credit card to buy games with

yeah it is bad
it would be different if they funded the games from the start
but they dont, they just pay for exclusive contracts for games that are already done and just about to come out

There's also the Chinese spyware thing... and having to deal with features less developed than those of Steam...

But yeah it's just the exclusivity. Totally.

He was fired before this, chankoro. Also, East Asians are just slant-eyed kikes

Easily blocked, just gotta spread that

zoomers don't know about those movies

Be shot by your government you chinese nigger, your dog is getting eaten.


I never said I personally want that, but it's how you get zoomers to install your software.

Not even shitposting, the only people I know who have played Exodus pirated it. When do we get steamspy for epic?

>implying chankoros are capable of taking care of animals in the first place

Based Chris

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Maybe you should have stayed at Obsidian, Chris.

You've yet to give me an ACTUAL reason to install the launcher. Exclusives do not excuse the shoddy software or the fact that you're hiding games behind YET ANOTHER DRM client, which means I don't own them but rather I'm renting them. You disgusting shills think it's okay for epic to take my games away at a moment's notice. It's a problem I have with steam too.

Give me one single reason why a corporation should be allowed to rescind MY purchases without my permission, and without refunds.

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>When do we get steamspy for epic?
Literally never, the guy who owns Steamspy is an Epic employee and has outright said he wont ever include Epic in the service or a similar service.

>You've yet to give me an ACTUAL reason to install the launcher.
the game

pizza tower is just wario land 4 but shit


Usually dont pirate but I'll make an exception for this.
Just like I did with pillars of eternity II.

Epic is launching money at people to forcefully gain control of IPs. It's an hostile take over.
Western countries are exploring ways to prevent china from asserting domination over the world's economy, you do realize we're going to have to go to war with them.

Never, just block epic kikes from calling home, the more people that do this the less info they'll have on steam users wishlist.

if the only reason is for the game why don't you just pirate it?

That's not a reason when piracy exists, lmao. Also, supporting the devs is no longer a reason as well, since they have been paid already.

There's literally zero reason to buy the game from Epic.

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Fire up the torrents and man the cannons boys

hey retard, educate yourself and read up the rpgcodex thread he did last year

Ahoy!Arhhh matey!!

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So they should buy exclusives. That was all you had to say user.

I don't blame the devs unless its indie shit, not all devs share the same opinion, also Sinking City and Outer Worlds were all fucked over by the publishers decision.

Can't wait for the AnPrim boogaloo once China and the US wipe each other off the map

hopefully it gets cracked quickly

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A game I can pirate, which makes it so Epic can never take it away by banning my account? Golly, then why even buy it in the first place? See, that's why GOG is such a brilliant storefront. No DRM, and buying it is actually more convenient since it means no cracks or torrents or potential bitcoin miners. It also acts as a free backup incase I ever lose the copy on my computer. I wouldn't mind if Epic was like GOG, just a storefront where I can purchase DRM free games.

I don’t remember Doc Brown talking about evil corporations either. You’re an idiot if you believe it’s based on Brown and not “le god’s not real man”

Normies are not aware of EGS

why do they have to be EXCLUSIVE to one store?
next decade you can only buy butter at Walmart because they got the exclusive dairy deal

>fat "people" knees

honestly i don't care, if that means dying light 2 won't be on chink spyware store im fine

>start showing gameplay
>it looks like trash
>hype starts dying
>move to store where your game doesn't have to sell to make money

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why are people saying fortnite is the most played game?
crossfire is much much more successful, and in terms of games you pay to play minecraft is still no.1

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>DRM free games
That doesn't sound terribly profitable, gweilo

Who in their right mind rushes like this to defend a fat billionaire that sees him as nothing more than money?

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>no Steam
>more people played it through Steam on PC since they had to honor their Steam preorders

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>everything about Phoenix Point looks amazing
>people are excited for the return of tactical ayy removal
>move to the chink store and spit on all your supporters
>game is forgotten

>haha why are you defending a fat billionaire, he doesn't care about you

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user that's racist and you should delete your comment right now! Think of the yellow people's feelings

Honestly don't give a fuck and this might actually make me use the epic store but remember when shit like this was considered sexist?

It's great for publishers at the moment, you can send games there to die while still getting your money.
You can even end up making more money if the devs need to hit a sales number, since they never will on Epic.

well atleast he only cares about our money and not stealing our info to sell it off
it's only sustainable as long as fortnite float
god i hate zoomers

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I'm not saying anything about storefronts, DRM or whatever.
I'm just saying that only schizos with nothing to live for or little kids rush to defend corporations executives

how the fuck is a jpg animated?

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Im glad pcbros are getting btfo
Tianenmen sqaure me all you want kek

Have sex

i know

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

Is me or is EPIC specifically targetting games who already have a Steam page and preorders?

>I'm just saying that only schizos with nothing to live for or little kids rush to defend corporations executives
Which is why I say Epic should remove all DRM and make their storefront as customer friendly as possible. Then they'd have a leg up on that fat asshole gaben. But they don't want to do that, because they're the same breed of disgusting corporate scum.

They also forgot to mention that it´s way more popular on console than it is on PC.

>tfw I'm playing it on PS4 so this entire "controversy" is bullshit by entitled PCfags
Good to know you don't get to play it, faggots. Watch an actual platform of people who do love video games funding this fucking project.

Free pass to pirate

It's just you. I don't believe preorders were available for The Outer Worlds or Phoenix Point (they sure got the backers, though) yet.

It's also on the Microsoft (windows) store

Nigga it's going to involve everyone.
China is huge and big, rich as all hell, they are the armies of Sauron and we're fucked. They've been mining the shit out of African territories for the last decade while chastise ourselves about what we've done there. They were here to take over the asshole throne and now their banks are full of minerals and the zergling nests are producing units.
The real problem is these insectes are not dumb, they smelled a chink in the armor with video games, mostly ignored by western government yet it's one of the most lucrative markets we have. Silly old videogames, childrens' toys and they make billions out of them. Not the US, not the EU, not Russia, China is raking in money and power from our children thanks to the internet's lack of frontiers.
Economically we are already at war and next might come a real ass global war and you and i will real ass die with shrapnel in our guts.


>call epic shit because they're shifty fuckers doing shifty things
>yellow menace cries about this completely unrelated chunky fellow
Someone might want to inform them the world doesn't revolve around the Grand Pooh in charge in normal places.

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I'm defending billionaires on my side of the frontier.

>neet poorfags that pirate everything use this as an excuse to feel good about pirating, because they don't like the store thy have to download it from

This is correct my fellow chinaman, the gaijin's will be wiped out and all their bases will belong to us, subscribe to china#1 pls

pre-orders, no, but you can see the top wish listed games on Steam and 3 out of the top 25 or so have been sniped

You could preorder Phoenix Point in their website, no steam but they explicit said it was going to be a steam release, so up to you if you count it.

I did, with your mom

Reminder nuking chinese is useless because they are cockroaches.

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i dont see anything wrong with that sis

Why do people keep talking about competion? There is no fucking competition if it's only on one store.

Fpbp as always. Watch their interview, it's really sad and boils down to
>too hard
>not enough money
>not enough time
>we don't like working


it's on two store
but who the fuck uses microsoft store i guess

this is what "competition" looks like in china.

It's the same people who call Steam a monopoly.

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Uhh what is the problem here? The Outer Worlds still has the steam page.

If you niggers had boycotted Steam the same way as you're boycotting Epic now, we wouldn't be in this mess. Steam is absolute trash DRM, and now that so many people have opted in it's seen as a """necessity""" for gaming. I'm glad Steam is finally getting competitors, maybe all these parasite companies will take each other down one day.

Even more reason to pirate

That's not competition

I, as a matter of morality, refuse to give money to China. They're the most definitively evil states since the third reich and have massacred millions of their own citizens to maintain a stranglehold on power. PRC has a higher bodycount than Nazi Germany and the Stalinist USSR, but everyone just ignores it because they're not murdering jews, slavs and anglos.

What doesn't Chris Avalon complain about?

They're shills user, they don't care about logic, only shilling.

Obsidian has been making bad decision after bad decision. They're probably out of cash, so Epic and their exclusive bullshit it probably a nice quick way to stay afloat.

But seriously Obsidian has gone to shit anyway. Who still genuinely gets excited for the trash they put out?

>but who the fuck uses microsoft store i guess
Obsidian is now owned by Microsoft, All their next games will be Microsoft Store (Xbox next gen, Windows 10) exclusive for a while.

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user I understand where you're coming from, but if that's your case then you should be more openly supporting something like got, not be happy there's more competitors doing the exact same thing you look down on.

buy it on Windows store*


>clearance too high to use any Tencent owned or affiliated services.


>"Platform: Win" on both sides
wait I thought people were calling exclusives


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Bruh, Obsidian is owned by Microsoft. They have all the money in the world because its Microsoft's money

Store exclusive retard, learn to read.

>you do realize we're going to have to go to war with them.
Dummies like you have been saying this for at least a decade now.

Bring millions of Muslims into the country so the Chinese will have to fight them instead.

Negativity isn't advertiser friendly





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Dad, how could you?!

>Epic Launcher is literal spyware
>No one is gonna want to game till it hits steam
Thanks for the beta test epic niggers

Hello Sony cuck!!!

wait, do you mean I can't install Epic Launcher if I already have Steam installed? oh fuck

Stfu consoletard. Don't you have games to play? Oh wait.

user, if Obsidian didn't make games worth remembering why is everyone losing their shit that Outer Worlds going to the Epic store?

nice try chang


>He's possibly the most famous video game writer in the entire industry.
That fucking ego on you.

>well atleast he only cares about our money and not stealing our info to sell it off
how are you this fucking dumb
every service you use today does this, including hirochannel

i agree, the game is store exclusive to steam.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-21 Buy Monster Hunter World CD Key Compare Prices.png (90x4440, 31K)

People are really poorly informed about business. They use the word monopoly when they mean dominant market position.

>won't accept crappy games
>has Telltale shit
>Hello Neighbour
>getting Beyond: Two Souls

Strange for Epic to not put their own games in their own store.

>nothing but shovelware, literal movies/walking sims and fortnite

How the fuck does it work? Can you flip around this shit as many times you want?
It's actually pretty bad sign. Means that they're not expecting good sales and would rather take check from Epic games. Guess it's shit.

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atleast it's not chink

>won't accept crappy games
>has metro and shitision 2
I'm getting mixed messages here

When is this policy going into effect?

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you don't know they're crappy if you don't have reviews user


Seriously tho, I've never seen more seething and pathetic fanbase than VaIvedrones.

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i fucking knew it would happen
so much for being an indie dev, now you have shareholders and quarterly reports as your main priority

how much is he going to lose it if dying light 2 is epic exclusive?

I am glad to see steamfaggots seething, but I don't get it, why Epic buys such shitty games for marketing. Hopefully Borderlands 3 will improve the situatuion

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One DRM shackle is bad enough, I'm not getting a fucking second one.

it's the third most wishlisted game on steam behind sekiro and the new total war. Not to overly defend obsidian, but they got fucked by their publisher. It's a subdivision of Take Two. They took another game to epic with them as well

>mfw he basically predicted the new trilogy to be shit in KOTOR2

Popularity doesn't mean quality.

Then this should teach obsidian to either find a better publisher or publish independently.

Fuck Epic, and Fuck Steam also, and Fuck Niggers

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>all those people coming out of the woodwork to defend Obsidian when he said they had a terrible leadership
>now there's not a single obsidiot in sight

He literally did nothing wrong

Wait, don't tell me Metro 2 is just slower Fallout 4.

TF2, HL2, L4D, L4D2, Dota 2, CSS, CS:GO
These are STEAM exclusive, yet no outcry from you lot.



Valve done fucked up too, just in the opposite direction. Letting any fuckwit peddle their asset flips is pathetic, but a different kind of pathetic compared to Epic preaching quality but having none.

now this is based

The PC market is Obsidian's biggest audience and they just fucking killed it. I can tell they're gonna try to back out of the Epic games bullshit when the PC sales aren't enough.

It's still Metro but now has some pretty wide open areas. The clip is from a promotional video and those always have some sub 70iq tard playing them.

Valve developed those you retard.

Fucking hell. Here I thought thank god Microsoft not getting involved since they already got some other publisher and there won't any fuckery with their shitty store, but NOPE.

Okay, but I wasn't referring to the player. It's literally a Fallout 4 ghoul in slow motion, down to being a damage sponge. Holy shit, I can't believe people submit themselves to this just because grafix.

Nah, fuck Capitalism, and fuck shills such as yourself.
I'll be pirating this.

I thought they were given budget from Microsoft? Isn't the MS money enough? Do they need the fortnite moolah that much or is it greed?

And they're exclusive to steam.
Wheres gog versions?

Attached: 51d-eHUj-SL._SX384_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg (386x499, 45K)

There's TONS and TONS of other games only available on Steam.

Epic has the same refund policy as steam

Imagine wanting the company you work for the go under so badly. Obsidian fanboys are the same people who have been frothing at the mouth over Epic exclusives.
Fortunately for gaming, Obsidian has made nothing above average in its existence.

optical illusion

Avellone's just trying to direct the mob at the upper management guys he hates. It was private divisions fault it's going epic


need to recoup the $$$ lost due to PoE2's failure

Don't waste your time on this manchildren, they can't come with something better than "kys" and "you fucking stupid". Steam is about to die in fair fight and it is good thing for all pc gamers.

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That's actually really good for PC.


Obsidian should know better.
They've been fucked over by many different publishers, they should have added a clause to their contract to prevent being fucked over again



steam isn't forcing exclusivity

You can't be this stupid.
That's like asking where's gog version of Fortnite or gog version of Overwatch.

fuck chinks too, my fellow frog

fuck off epic shills
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

Fallout ghouls aren't quadrepeds. Fallout didn't even invent the 'humans who become beasts' monster.
>down to being a damage sponge
Every one of the mutants in the clip go down with 1 shotgun shell

And how does that matter to me as a consumer when in the end there's thousands of games only available on Steam.

>Waah Steam can't be amonopoly anymore, I dont wanna install another store
Fuck off Steamchink

>People are really poorly informed about business.
i think you're talking about yourself, bud

Steam has more exclusive than epic

Despite Galyonkin screeching so much about evil Valve not letting him to see data, Epic Store made by him completely lacks any information: it's impossible to see check user's library, it doesn't show number of concurrent players, etc. That's the only way they can pretend that Epic Store is tearing apart the competition.
They have recently announced that 4.5 million players have downloaded Slime Rancher and Subnautica, that's the total number of people using Epic Store. This is all we have. But considering how many people only take things for free, it's obvious that not a single game has sold more than a million on Epic Store.

>Guy who owns Steamspy is an Epic employee who won't do the same for the EGS

Attached: 20190225_072627.jpg (153x164, 34K)

That alone is enough to make me pirate every EGS game.
Already did it with all their other exclusives like Ashen, no reason not to continue doing it.

What exactly is wrong with the Epic store?

Someone that isn't an anti-China xenophobe, please do tell.

guys did you know steam is monopoly and there's no other way to get your games

I always thought that Yea Forumstards go ironic on "chinese bots", but now I see you a really that stupid. We are hitting autism levels that can't even be possible.

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I miss when Epic was not in the headlines constantly and their marketing here was in a low point.
Was no one defending them for like a month until recently again.

>giving china money
Literally fucking traitors.

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So everything you buy is made in your country? Not China?

>and has outright said he wont ever include Epic in the service or a similar service.
If this doesn't raise alarms, I don't know what will.

Nothing wrong, only Pcbros seething. Epic even port some Sony exclusives to pc. They already did more to PC than fat faggot Gabe and this is only beginning

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>Epic even port some Sony exclusives to pc
Those games were already coming to PC anyways.
Although hilariously enough, that's only because NetEase, another Chinese company, purchased Quantic Dream.

You can easily tell how all these news are straight up bought by Epic. Not a single gaming news website has reported on recent controversy about Epic Store possibly being a spyware. And yet, all of them have written at least one article on Steam being dead and Epic dominating with fucking Cage's games. This is so transparent that it's just disgusting. With other things you could at least doubt something.

Anti-consumer, laughably low amount of features with updates so few and far between, it's literally spyware, and the biggest problem that will always haunt it: nogames

Because Steam isn't forcing you to use chink spyware with no revies, forums, or workshop, etc, and Epic doesn't even have cheaper games with that increased dev share. What happened to passing on savings to the consumer? How are you so retarded you're not aware of all this obvious shit and yet you want to be treated as an adult?

What do you mean David Cage makes games?

Who the fuck is Chris Avellone

It's shitty, but there's absolutely no reason from Epic's point of view to release stats this early in their platform's lifespan. Of course they're gonna get btfo by Steam's established costumer base.

It's straight-up inferior to Steam as a service.
It's possibly the most anti-consumer thing in the industry right now.
It collects and sends all kinds of your data to the chinese.

Wtf, Yea Forums modcucks change Pcbros to Pcbros?

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>no one cares, just pirate it

pic would have been better without the gross lips

Like I said, why does it matter "why" the game is exclusive to the store when Steam have countless games that force me to download steam and accept their ToS that allows them to sell my data?

>It's ok when Valve collects and sends your data

Valve drones

Some nobody who wrote a good game story. Once.

shitposters btfo

> it is ok when Valve shills on Yea Forums
The absolute state of Valve drones

I don't get why anyone is surprised by Obsidian at this point. They haven't made a decent game this entire decade.

> They haven't made a decent game

>topic and majority of discussion is Epic
>its valve
case in point.

In before Techland takes the Epic buyout for Dying Light 2 and Avellone has to eat his words.

>some time later
>Epic Games is glad to announce its new creative department director - Chris Avellone! :3
>I fucking love Epic Games guys

Attached: 5a9.jpg (423x287, 91K)

Its mostly just people giving them credit for dabbing at fo76.
Now that is sipping out fast.

>Valve collects basic information you're putting into the service and asks if you'd be willing to share your specs
>EGS collects Steam information as well as your major personal information through your bank card which is required to sign up
Begone Chinsects.

>Paying customers are getting fucked harder than piratechads

I am glad

It feels like I'm talking with a bot. How in the hell autochange of words isn't paid Valve shilling?

Because people shouldn't have to put up with a worse service for the same price.
>It's ok when Valve coects and sends your data.
Because you signed their TOS, it literally is, dipshit. Epic violated their own TOS and Privacy Policy by collecting private user information from Steam that was not agreed to be taken. Again, how sre you this fucking dense you missed the debacle over this? Are you living under a rock, retard?

Honestly the 40 walk through minute video looked unpolished. The combat looked static and awkward. It was always going to be a AA game but the exclusivity might mean it's a shit game and Obsidian had no faith it would make money.

>he thinks PCbros is the only wordfilter

mods are actually pretty based, filtering buzzwords on all sides

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Epic don't make games, there'd be nothing for him to do there. They'll just buy Dying Light 2 that Avellone's working on.

Just as the decision to buy an otherwise useless license to play a videogame is an arbitrary exercise of free will, I have taken the arbitrary decision to establish that my limits for my boycott is limited only to my decision to not buy anything from the epic store.

It feels good to not be chinese insectoid with no free will.

When has that ever not been the case?

Third world ESL chink shitposters BTFO

you'd feel dumb talking to a drawer because you're brainlet retard.
What makes you think you can even be on a conversation level with an AI?

fuck off jim
give me liberty or give me death
fuck libtards

>a Fortnite co-op mode update with a story written by Chris Avellone is now available! :3
>I fucking love Epic Games guys

> Censorship is good

Wow. Greedy jew publishers moving to the store that will pay them to be there. What a surprise. Didn't care about this game before but this justifies pirating it.

unfortunately i was one of those people
but i wasn't really serious on it too ever since that god awful gameplay video

>Paying developers so much money they don't even need people to buy the game to be profitable just to exclusively sell it on your platform.

Yeah, I'm sure that'll work out.


Yeah, 15 years ago with their own games. That's how fucking far behind this whole model is, infused with dirty chink money to boot. Steam didn't even START as a storefront. Well done Epic.

Godspeed Winnie the Pooh.

This but unironically

My hopes for it lowered by a lot when i remembered it was modern Obsidian.
They can still make something coherent and good but they keep on gimping themselves, its like a curse.

Was the epic store even remotely a thing when the deal with PD was made? I don't think so. You're not gonna include a clause for something that doesn't even seem possible at the time

Explain to me what exactly makes this entire boogaloo such a problem.
It's not like you have to buy another fucking console for $600

Just download the platform, sounds fucking simple

Culling the ability of retards who do nothing but lower the quality of the site is absolutely a good thing.

>implying those buzzwords add fucking anything of value to a discussion

If you unironically use any of those you're a literal NPC who is incapable of original thought, and your post is inherently worthless.

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>not becoming such a powerful mind-controller that you can overcome immunities, affect jedis and even mind trick a computer
The force is a skill, Kreia. Don't destroy it, master it.

Obsidian employees had zero idea the deal was happening. For fucks sake they were updating achievements on Steam hours before the announcement.

You faggots can rally around Epic helping "developers", but in reality all you're doing is fattening the pockets of publishers.

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I'm glad you got the message

>Just download the platform
Why, exactly? I'd fill my PC with less spyware if I grabbed a random torrent of their exclusives.

Who let it happen?

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>it's not a big deal!
>just deal with it!
>stop thinking about things and just blindly consume!

Selling out while keeping it secret from his people sounds like classic Feargus.

Oh my god green bar is mad, I love Obsidian now

I mean this is what people that's using Steam has been doing?

I don't get people that stick up for Epic. Trying to force exclusivity-based console war tier bullshit onto the PC market is insanely anti-consumer. Everything they've done is at best done without any care towards whether it's good for consumers.

>but competition
Nothing has ever stopped anybody from distributing a game without Steam. Things like Gog, Itchio, Uplay, Origin etc. have existed for years. I wish I saved that one picture comparing purchasing options for Exodus before the exclusivity deal and after it.

Epic already bought the game for me. Why buy it twice?

user you are correct dont listen to the shills and shitposters

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what did you expect of a greedy publisher? They are there to make money is somebody threw 2 million at you of course you'd take it no question. You need that money for coke and hookers.

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Fuck off, nigger chink
Valve didn't bribe publishers for their games to be exclusively released on Steam only

Nigga Steam itself takes a lot of fucking space

pitt reply

>spyware that violates tos
>no reviews
>no workshop
>no forums
>no refunds
Nope, people did some basic thinking and realized one platform is just superior, retard.

Explain to me what makes it a big deal if it doesn't cost you anything like a console would

>pron games bad hurdurrrr

Fuck this nigger and his retarded store, eroge artists and companies are FINALLY starting to slowly release their games translated overseas and this piece of shit wants to ruin it by shaming steam and pretending these games are "not acceptable" but their shitty games are.

I'd rather die than use epic store shit. Piracy lives again.

>doesn't cost you anything
>worse experience and private data stolen without permission for games tyhat cost the same
Why are you so much for consumers getting fucked?

No sane person is advocating for Epic. There is massive, coordinated shilling effort that has been going on the months prior to the epic store even being announced

Attached: 1550252047867.png (1297x896, 219K)

>giving money to chinks
>accepting chink spyware
Wow what a dummy

They're not THAT slow in actual gameplay. Besides that they usually attack in clusters and in crowded spaces. I dunno what the fuck's going on with this gameplay clip.

The better question is if it is coordinated by epic or are asshats doing it for free.

sounds like every obsidian project ever even from before they were obsidian


The answer to that kinda question, at least regarding Yea Forums, is almost always "half-and-half."

Compete with what? Free money? Steam would literally have to do the exact same thing that Epic is doing in order to compete with this practice, because no sane man would guarantee a certain number of sales and then let them sell wherever.

Epic needs to be put down for even starting this shit. Publishers who agree to these deals also need to have their feet put to the fire

You use the store to play games, not use gimmick shit none gives a crap about.

I have never once used the Steam forums, the reviews are just people reviewbombing shit that has nothing to do with the game, they offer refunds so stop lying and I'm not retarded so I can mod games without a bloated workshop doing it for me.

Can you imagine the shitstorm "journalists" would have if Valve went tit for tat and started paying for exclusives? They would be whining about Valve's monopolistic practices against the plucky upstart Epic.

i would not give two fucks what other stores it's available on if it was also purchasable through steam. it's the exclusivity policy of Epic that I sincerely hate. Fuck Obsidian for supporting this shit.

Exactly. Just how like their biggest franchise Halo is exclusive to MS store.

I'm kind of amazed Valve actually goes along with this "one year later the game will come to steam" shit. For example for the outer worlds, the game has had forums, has been advertised on steam etc for a good while.

If I was Valve I would immediately remove that game from the library and tell them to fuck off. One year is a huge timeframe when it comes to games. No one will care anymore about the outer worlds in 2020.

If it's not a coordinated shilling attempt, I just want to know what sort of lives these obsessive faggots have. Just imagine spending each day reposting the same thread over and over for a corporation that doesn't give two shits about you.

>not use gimmick shit none gives a crap about.
Not an argument. Those features are very helpful for consumers and the fact that you're sgainst them shows you just suck corporate cock.


Spy is already built-in.

I'm pretty sure their mindset is that Epic's bullshit is going to bite them in the ass and once it does come to steam it'll sell 10x as much, so why not get their 30%

But I wonder if it's shills or Anti shills (as in the kind who hate the former but use their tactics for reverse Psychology)

>epic makes a system designed to spy on steam's sale numbers
>then they include a system in their own game store to spy on steam's users as well

why do people put up with Epic

I'm just tired of having sixteen different launchers. I keep forgetting about the games I own on uplay and origin, I havent even added friends on those clients. It's just steam and blizzard that I run generally.

>Forums where the devs ban you if you suggest that their game is not perfect
>reviews that are only review bombs that has nothing to do with the actual game.
How did we gamers survive without this? It's time for





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Rick and Morty literally started as a joke of Doc and Marty made by Justin Roiland. Later on the series was made.

It kind of looked like shit anyways honestly. Just another reason not to buy rick and morty: the video game


Thing I wonder is, are they fanboys or are they trolls/anti shills? The latter SOUND like the former, but use the former's tactics as a way to get people to HATE the product because they know damn well that shilling on Yea Forums makes people mad.

Holy fuck you are retarded

>because they know damn well that shilling on Yea Forums makes people mad.
Say that to the hundred of Blizzard shills threads created every day.

Reminder that the upper management used Chris Avellone's sick mother as leverage to make him sign a contract that he gets nothing after quitting Obsidian along with never being able to write for Video Games or media again.



EXACTLY. It worked, didn't it?

user isn't shitting you, look it up.

The head guy of Obsidian is a real douchenozzle.

Is he like international criminal for working on dead light 2?

there is a decently large chance that the active posters this board consists of at least 25% marketers at any one time

>Let's try and not re-enact some Gamergate garbage over a concerning story that has a decent chance of being BS anyway.


I'll buy it once it hits steam


Haha, they are still adding achievements as we speak. EGS doesn't have achievements so..

>get some indie shit and movies on the Epic Store
>get RE2, DMC5, MHW, FFXV, Nier Automata, Sekiro, Halo MCC
I mean even if you HAD to choose, who the fuck would choose the Epic Store?

99% of those people are going to buy it anyway.

And yet an AMA on cripple-chan gets massive hate from ResetERA while we get spammed with shills.

you have to be trolling.

based Chris dabbing on Nubsidian

They're shills full stop.

Companies have been doing this on Yea Forums for years it's just not usually this aggressive or stops once the product actually comes out, look at ubisoft games before release for example, always the same threads, always the same script.

I guess for the scale of what they're trying to do (ruin valve, establish EGS as dominant) you'd need a huge push but the problem is that no one even wants to use the Epic store and no one trusts anything about it.

What I want is Microsoft to hire Chris Avellone to be the director to the next Pillars of Eternity game. It will be the true fuck you game.
>PoE 3
>We at Microsoft are happy to announce our very own open world game
>Directed by Chris Avellone
>"Saw you in the flames..."

>avellone knew outer worlds was shit from the get go
The writing was on the wall
>10 hour long story
>only two small planets to explore
>no open world
>no third person camera
>no mods
>no romance options
>LGBTQUAI themes
>Epic store exclusive


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WTF I thought it was a meme. They actually did that shit? No wonder Chris hates them.

Uh what the fuck? Why are you telling white men to breed?

Don't forget he got $14k per month on patreon for running his data collection op before Valve limited the API because of GDPR
Top lel.

Sometimes it seems like they're getting even more on 4channel by the mods

Epic Store incentives have always been focused on DEVELOPERS DEVELOPERS DEVELOPERS if you look at the stuff they publish and fluff pieces they pay journos to write. You are right in that it's actually publishers, not developers, who are getting this free money, bigger sales cuts, and whatever else Epic is handing over for exclusivity.

>even more

Sometimes it seems like they're getting even more leeway on 4channel by the mods*

Oi fools. Stop white knighting Steam... you know, a giant corporation.
Is it really worth getting that upset about?! Get the PS4 version or something.

I'd imagine getting all their indie devs friends paid in advance for exclusivity to their shitty game on Steam is pretty much the end goal for journos.

I think people should be honest with themselves. It's not really about the "exclusivity" or "spyware" or any of that stuff. Those are transparent rationalizations. If you're mad about this, you're probably a hardcore PC gamer who has become heavily invested in the Steam platform over the years. You own hundreds if not thousands of games, you use the chat functionality to talk to all your friends, etc. Using Steam is part of your daily routine as a gamer and you don't understand why you should have to stop using it for this one game. There's nothing really wrong with this - own it.

I think you're full of shit.

>installing literal malware owned by tencent

The money goes to publishers unless the games are made by small indie dev teams that do without.

This, it's obsidian kek

This is starting to happen a lot now. Is Steam gonna...do something about it?


Yes, people should just suck it down when devs tell their crowdfunding supporters they can get fucked because epic games paid them more than they ever did.
What a time to be alive.

Look at those boobies.

Since steam fucked up steamspy with gdpr measures this numbers mean nothing. Here are leaked numbers from last year arstechnica.com/gaming/2018/07/steam-data-leak-reveals-precise-player-count-for-thousands-of-games/
There's only Redux version though

Attached: steam.png (1558x63, 20K)

I even wonder what their contracts also say.
For example "if you also publish on steam we won't accept your license to use UE anymore" or who knows what mafia style bullshit.

At least some bigger stinking fish is hidden there which isn't visible for us all yet. Otherwise they would just fucking publish it on any store/platform.
I hope someone will leak it soon enough, otherwise at least the PC gaming market will crash for real, because there are currently too many fuckups at once (Epic, Streaming, decline in general, ..)

Are you autistic or do you actually believe what you just wrote?

It's chinks, you moron.

wat? are you an epic shill for real or what is wrong with you dickhead?

>Damage Control is that LOW

Of course SteamSpy numbers were completely wrong, publishers would drop PC in mass if AA+ games only sold 30k. I wouldn't doubt this was a long running elaborate plot to undermine Steam's reputation to then release Epic's dataminer, fucker even works for Epic now.

>the most popular games on steam are played 90% by chinks
>not a chink platform
what did he mean by this?

they had their own loyal fanbase and good PR for this game, why throw it all away?

exact same shit as it happened with Metro.

>Chink platform
>Founded by american corporation for international purposes

I'm still pissed that Epic tried to get Cyberpunk. The fucking cheek of it. If it's going to be exclusive to anything it'll be GoG.

Numbers were actually correct when all community profiles were open by default, then steam made them closed by default. I remember Galyonkin even said that it wasn't required by GDPR law (it was before EGS was announced) so i wonder why they did it.

Feargus wanted more coke.

does EGS even accept unreleased games unless they get a year of exclusive sales first?

>retards don't know about APNG

>Feargus wanted more cock

Why don't you ask this about the hundred if not thousands of exclusive games on Steam?

>just let it happen bro :)

you mean Epic Store? even chinks aren't allowed to use it.

Based anime posters

extremely simple user, stop blaming the devs when it was entirely the publishers fault.

Private Division is an American video game publisher based in New York City. The brainchild of Take-Two Interactive's Michael Worosz, the subsidiary was founded by Worosz and Allen Murray, and officially announced on December 14, 2017.

Publisher has no connection to the audience, their PR is just mouth pieces, it doesn't go back and forth just one direction. The main view on gamers are basically goyim, cattle, insects pay pig retards that will buy it either way and therefore are useless in the end decision. The publisher is taking that free check because its just good business to them fuck the repercussions, that's what they pay PR department for.

You can't win with these slimey fucks, that's why they are businessmen. At the end of the day they made more money.

Outworld releases on Steam and Epic

Doesn't mean it will still be true when it hit's the shelfs.
Metro also was announced for Steam just until release where it was suddenly removed.
Don't believe everything companies want you to believe, dumb consumer cunts.

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This. I have no faith in Obshitian after AP


Thread Theme

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But user Epic said they're giving developers a bigger cut of sales. 12% my dude!

That's not the point shillkid. The point is, everything would be fine if they just would put it on more than one platform, no one forces those retards to just put it on Epic, but since Epic is basically bribing them they are not able to also put it on Steam. Just put them on both


I wish Avellone wasn't lazy fat fuck and already created his own studio instead of sitting home on his ass all day.

Attached: MCA.png (1920x1080, 1.65M)

For Deadfire the Publishers went over the devs had and added
>Full voice acting
>Console release
>Mandated playersexual romance

>microsoft store
sure, faggot

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Also some of them were already there before there WAS a store for PC or were plain mods for HL. Zoomers won't know.

Valve has never paid a developer or publisher for an exclusive. It is their own choice to make it so.

But the people crying are seething as fuck ONLY because it's not on Steam.

>mfw Dying Light 2 is exclusive to epic shit store too
I hope not desu, ToW and DL2 were the only games i was hyped to play this year.

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Ever since I saw his posts on RPGCodex I stopped taking him seriously, he is just butthurt and sour grapes personified.

people are boycottin against epic because of obvious reasons, you brainlet. It's not that hard to comprehend.

>all this chink damage control
loving every laugh

Attached: Newman.gif (500x375, 498K)

I'd imagine that's far too much trouble compared to just getting hired and doing what he loves for his name alone.

GOG's launcher is optional and the games are DRM free.
I love GOG.

you should see the valvekeks seething
you'll laugh even more

If they don't bring Dying Light 2 to GOG the way they did with Dying Light 1, i'll be pirating.

>buying western games
lol no

that burger is getting smaller each day, better do something about it gaben. whining on Yea Forums makes you look like a pussy.

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>the "benefit" of buying it on steam
getting to rent a license for the game from campo santo sjws
>the "benefit" of buying it on epic
getting to rent a license for the game from tencent

Lel porn games were never good you faggot, just watch real porn

I've never liked GOG and only added my steam library for GOG connect and grabbed the free games. Now that i know they bend over to mentally ill trannies and doxxed the community manager/PR guy and his entire family and getting him fired. I'll never give any money or use GOG ever again. Fuck those tranny sympathizers and their exploding infected front hole ways.

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>avellonefags will defend this

Attached: avellone soylent.png (642x797, 539K)

This really want chaps my ass
If valve was the first company to pay devs/publishers for exclusives gabe would be considered worse than the devil
"Valve is turning PC into another console" or "How dare you pay these cis white males for their games and not me" or "Valve is stifling competition"
Hell even if valve did it now in response to epic's moves can you imagine the outrage?

I'm convinced the people happy with epic are getting money from epic, hoping to get money from epic, really hate valve or just plain don't understand PC gaming

>giving a shit about shitsidian

Attached: obsidian.png (2256x1368, 2.92M)

>telltale shit
>beyond two souls
Well those are movies, so he's not wrong

I know but that way he and his team would be able to actually work on something good instead of occasional freelance here and there in indie.
And people might've realised that NV era obsidian is shite beyond repair instead of praising them for every fart they release

Oh no the horror, people who would find you to be an idiot makes games you love

I've never even heard of this game. ????? Should I care? Probably not.


wait but I thought valve was an alt right company since they let rape simulator and hentai games on the store

This gave me stage 7 cancer. What an awful fucking read.

>makes games you love
last Obsidian game I bought was New Vegas way back in 2010
Almost ten (10) years ago.
Kill yourself tranny faggot

Attached: outer world obsidian.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

Calm yourself, shill.

No they don't.

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Exactly THIS.

I can confirm since i'm also a dev. WE don't see SHIT. The money that is made is just shared between the moneyhungry assholes that are the publishers and Epic (normally Steam).


They are fucking COMPANIES, which want MONEY, not your/our fucking WELLBEING.
If you really believe otherwise you have serious problems and need to get back to school and/or get a therapy to clean your head since it's so brainwashed by consumerism bullshit propaganda that it hurts.

Its okay you can have emotions, no need to be edgy

this is a situation that zoomers should have thought of BEFORE they supported any of those bloatware launchers in the first place. us boomers never had those problems back in the good old days of physical media and cd keys.

By developers they of course mean publishers and some manager retards at the development studio (if at all, but of course not).


As much as this is political shitposting, this image is still valid. Fucking Deadfire was an embarrassment to Western RPGs in terms of writing. I didn't know whether the setting was the magical land of elves and gods or fucking California. And two of your companions are literal village bicycles written by a real life cuck fetishist.

They banned the only /ss/ game, its literally japanese past time to be molested by a big thicc onee-chan in a white summer dress at a bus stop. Stupid fucks are racist.

I was going to get outer worlds on the Microsoft store maybe, but I only ever bought one game there before, Forza Horizon 3, and it looked like the installation files were encrypted? Is that standard for the windows store? Because it seems like it wouldn't be possible to mod it then.

Why does it have to be like this.

Attached: 85d2d5d9a5a80f0c2e0652d544225383.gif (500x255, 428K)

how come there's still a bunch of hentai games on steam then?

Attached: Capture.jpg (570x833, 50K)

ask those fucks who bought and played anything on steam aside from the orange box

They banned that /ss/ summertime game when this is basically shota getting fucked by monster girls is still allowed.

Define basically.

Attached: 1552072971774.gif (240x138, 531K)

Obsidian (or as I like to call it: "Ob-SHITTY-in") has only been fucking TRASH...!
Just look at EVERY stillbirth that came from that dumb whore vagina.

And before you say:
>hurr durr new vegas
Know this: it's a big pile of boring, uninspired shit, and YOU know it!

So why are people so mad at epiggames exclusives?
Who gives a shit? It's just a store.
Do you have to pay to join or some shit?

Day one pirate.
Way to make me not feel bad for pirating a video game lol, thanks for the free game obsidian

Attached: 1546019256841.jpg (640x640, 62K)

Thanks man, usually i cant find the saucy games when searching.

Attached: 1543523457774.jpg (420x300, 20K)

You do. The price is your convenience plus your privacy and a bit of your time as well.

So it's just another Steam Store?

Well that looks like hot garbage. What year is it? 2010?

Those free games haven't even been downloaded by 4.5 million people, that's just the number of registered accounts they claim to have with no specification as to whether that includes old inactive ones from years ago or console Fortnite players. Essentially, a much smaller fraction of those are even on PC using the Epic launcher at all. Probably only a few hundred thousand retards who don't realize it's a botnet spying on you and mining bitcoin and none of the exclusives have sold anywhere close to a million. Probably much closer to a few hundred or a few thousand max. All their Metro sales claims include Steam and console sales too.

>ask the people who had nothing to do with it that bought from a company that make entirely different business decisions


We must apologize to Mr Avellone

yes only with this one you're giving money directly to chinese insectoids
why on earth would you want two of them?

are you fucking retarded?

Steam provides you with convenience, not take it.

Why the hell would they rip off these shitty death cams.

For what?

>implying you poorfags need an excuse to pirate
>implying you ever feel bad about pirating and stealing a dev's hard work

>pirates 1650
>adventurers and risk-takers

>pirates now
>fat sedentary virgins


I don't. Just wondering what the big deal is if the people who are mad are dealing with the same shit anyway.
>Steam provides you with convenience, not take it.
Fucking Fitgirl provides me with convenience. Got an audible "HA" out of me.

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both are still equally based

He was right all along

on a scale from 1 to 10 how hard are you epic shills going to panic when Half Life 3 gets announced as a response to all this epic shit

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I'm not a charity. Customer is king, otherwise he's a pirate.

That's actually a pretty solid mindset.

Oh-but, haha!
I offer you a philosophical conundrum. The conundrum is this is:

Well... will you...?

Oh, what a devastating argument.

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I'm not an Epic shill and would laugh my ass off to those dumb shills.

But otherwise i don't think that HL3 would had such a huge impact nowadays anyway..
They are too late with this. They have to make a new big IP instead again, not some stupid eSport shit like Card, Moba or other bullshit, but a "classic" game with great story. Seriously they have enough money why aren't they fucking doing anything of that sort.

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What why?

You're the kind of brainlet who thinks paid online stores are convenient.
I'd be better off debating a chimp.


That's actually what Sweeny tries to trigger since he finally want's to get it, after that he shuts down the store again.

the fact that steam is acceptable and even mandatory now where it was fucking cancer back then. it was the start of all this digital storefront and "buy for license" for PC games.

>mfw dont feel bad about pirating EGS games since Epic aparently already payed for my purchase
arrr thanks matey sweeny

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They're going to go ape shit when RDR2 comes to Steam. Rockstar and their publisher have both taken some not so subtle shots at the Epic Store recently when asked if they would support saying they prefer to stick to where the consumers are, kek. Hell, this desperation is already a clear reaction to the Halo games coming to Steam, so anything bigger and more relevant than that will make these roaches spaz out like no tomorrow.

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can you blame them? devs treat us customers like assholes, why the fuck would anyone pay money to be treated like shit


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I will never bend over for a filthy fucking company. You do MY bidding or I will steal your game, simple as that.

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cute shota pixel penis getting ravaged by a giant bitch


Ive never pirated anything before. Im going to start pirating all epic games, even if they come to steam later.

t. Wageslave

Piracy is not illegal. You can get sued into oblivion, but you won't go to jail for it. It's a civil issue.

Absolutely based redppilled chad customer.
Fuck corporations and fuck shills


Look at how many drones there are on Yea Forums defending epic. Fortnite has literally ruined gaming forever, it isn't the only reason we're in this mess, but it's the biggest of them all.

Fuck zoomers for killing my hobby.

Me too. Eventually buy them later at Steam/GoG if it actually was good and not some type of clusterfuck, since no one can know before SINCE EPS NOT EVEN HAS FUCKING REVIEWS / RATING.

So here's the scenario where you have at hand a full list of the games you've purchased where in a couple of clicks you can start an automated installation process and then it will only be a matter of time before you can start the game.
What are the alternatives you believe to beat it in convenience? A disc collection? When you want to play a game you'll have to first find the disk you want, put it in the drive, go manually through all the steps of installation process, wait for it to install and then go through more menus of finalizing it. Pirating? It's the same, except instead of searching for the required disk you have to search for an iso and download it.
So tell me, oh the one whose intellect dwarfs mine, what is more convenient than using Steam or GoG?

Except in Japan, and likely some other countries.

What, with that pixel depth? It's fucking nothing. I'd be better off looking up edited pixel art porn of 20 year old fighting games.

Piracy. Not only is it minimal effort to somebody with a brain in his head, but its incredibly low price compounds on that convenience.
The money saved makes life in general much more convenient than the handful of extra clicks that piracy requires.

no wonder you worship that fat fuck
lazy fuckers

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>back then

Back then means nothing. They improved, they fostered good relations with the community, they added consumer friendly features. When epic makes an effort to do the same then maybe public perception will change but until then they can fuck the fuck off.

I just don't understand the people that defend Epic. What they are doing is throwing massive amounts of money at publishers / developers to buy exclusivity on their platform. They know that sales won't be as high as they are on a platform like steam, but they don't care, and neither do the devs or publishers. They are literally getting paid so that less people play their game, but they still make a profit because epic gave them millions for their exclusivity.

Say what you want about valve / steam but they NEVER did anything like this in their entire history. Steam started as a platform to play valve games, and eventually expanded into a digital marketplace, and had no competition for quite some time, but their system was unique in that you didn't NEED to buy games through steam, and could purchase games through third party distributors of steam keys, steam of course made profit off all of these games but it wasn't as much as they made via direct sales.

They never engaged in these types of business practices, they simply built the best platform to play games on PC and there has never really been any competition to this (no, Epic store is not legitimate competition yet).

You really can't defend what epic is doing, and if you are you are really a shitty person honestly. This is console wars bullshit that shouldn't exist on PC. I should be able to play whatever games I want outside of publisher exclusives on whatever platform I choose. For example, if Ubisoft wants to make all AC games exclusive to uplay and stop selling them on steam, fine I understand that.

If EA wants to only sell their games on Origin, I understand that too. But when you start having stores paying large sums of money to outside publishers / devs to make their games exclusive to their platform, that's where the issue comes from. It's unethical and wrong to do this to consumers. The worst part is no one gives a shit because it's all about money.

All yellow devils look the same

they're doing the exact same thing
except you're no longer the player, it's those fortnite kiddies
yes, they're the gamers now
you've been replaced


now that you have posted a shitty Wojak and mocked what I think I have become convinced that Epic Games is good and I should buy Outer Worlds! OH YES WINNIE THE POOH THANK YOU