Well, Yea Forums?

well, Yea Forums?
which one is it and why?

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Other urls found in this thread:


outlaw sports
normies get out REEE


Next entry is best entry, or
Outlaw FPS games

Make Elder Scrolls 6 amazing.

Third option.
Make TES VI the game of the millennium.

I'd like to outlaw the SHIT GAME category.

Undo Starbound's massive fucking failure of a early access cycle and have it be the better Terraria it could have been.

can i make nosgoth usable again?

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Option 3 for Mass Effect Andromeda. Making it go from what it is now to the best Mass Effect game would probably be the biggest net turnaround some magical wish could grant me.

EA must be ErAsed

Does censorship/deplatforming count as genre? Then I'd ban that.

Option 3

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Outlaw RPGs

2, nintendo

What's wrong about rpgs?

I permanently outlaw ONE game feature globally:

Outlaw Save Files

Next entry is best because I still actually enjoy video games and want more to enjoy instead of trying to be the fun police and stop others from what they enjoy.

aren't lootboxes are a form of microtransactions though?
anyway i'd remove EA from existence

Fuck normalfags and fuck sports.

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Gacha or BR? I think I'll go for Gacha, since BR will eventually dry up just like ASSFAGGOTS.

Outlaw updates. Not just DLC but also actual patches such as balance and bugfixes. Games will go back to the golden pre-internet era where if a game was sold it HAD to be tested to hell and back because there was no way to fix it if it wasn't. Finally we can go back to an era where you pulled a game off the shelf and you knew it would work day one and if it didn't, you went and got a refund. This also prevents the first option where games get ruined by future updates. The rest of the options are too short sighted. Fixing the past would at best affect one game while banning a genre or anything other than microtransactions would simply force devs to jew us in other ways, it wouldn't solve anything.

Just because Chad the Impaler, varsity Tight End pushed you into to lockers and called you a dainty faggot and pulled your pants down exposing your girly butt to the giggling cheerleaders who said they wanted to plow you with a strap on doesn't mean you should be angry at everyone who enjoys sports.
>Gridiron Champions never ever and won't be anything remotely like what they've promised
Shit sucks.

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>Games will go back to the golden pre-internet era
boomer thinking with his nostalgia again

outlaw JRPGs

outlaw any and all forms of saving in games aside from highscores

outlaw the you can only pick one mechanic from this image
pick all of the other ones
outlaw gacha
I'd have to think about the rest

>no saving in disgaea or other grinding/farming game
well fuck you buddy

Fix Andromeda. I was hyped as fuck - imagine exploring an unknown galaxy that was handcrafted for years, made up of unique concepts for species, planets and civilizations. Ambient music playing in the background while you fly through mysterious stars keeping it's own stories and secrets. Imagine this m.youtube.com/watch?v=uG8V9dRqSsw (but without country).

It had a potential of GOTY, these fuckers turned it into the worst game possible. It didn't even bring anything new, just old Shepard adventures done worse than ever.

No. Saving.

Are passwords saving?

Outlaw gatchashit because fuck phoneposters

just to be autistically stubborn and not going back on what I said, yes

3, Bayonetta 2

This. Not because I dislike normie, but because the huge popularity of "the new yearly sports game", is what is keeping some horrible companies like EA afloat. Without that, they might actually have to suffer consequences for their actions.

THird one,spore heros

1. Undo update.


1, undo the Meet your Match update from TF2

fucking please
make it work somehow
make it fun

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Outlaw fall damage

3, ZTD.

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This is the best answer. Nothing has ruined the hobby of video games more than microtransactions.

I outlaw a game feature

Interacting with the game

Boom everybody happy

Undo Spiral Knights leveling/heat update

anyone that doesn't pick the medal is a massive faggot.

Get rid of online streamers so companies can stop censoring everything out of fear some retard screams nigger and ties a woman while playing the game for an audience

why not just erase EA from existence directly instead? they would find another way to survive, probably

Gold medal for Mount and Blade Bannerlord

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Gold metal fallout 76

I'll bite the bullet for Yea Forums and undo Hi Rez fucking up Tribes.
I love you Yea Forums.

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but the issue is deciding which series
there's so many

this thread proves how shortsighted most of Yea Forums is about things

Thanks man

I give the gold medal to Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus.

The medallion is the only option that improves anything
Also does it improve an existing disappointing game or just give me a new game? Either way I'm sold.

Hearts of Iron 4 gets total overhaul and turns into Hearts of Iron 3

gold medal for dark souls
if dark souls 2 had managed to live up to the hype I would've been so happy

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Erase Sony.

Don't get me wrong. I love the PS1. but I'm just curious.

FPBP as always, just getting rid of sports games would fix so many other problems by proxy.

>runescape, take it all back to just before the removal of wilderness and free trading, then lock it in place
>ludeon studios, get fucked
>dunno, make resident evil 3 decent and not shitty i guess, 100% faithful to the original with no gay shit
>goodbye anime games
>goodbye multiplayer pvp lol why not