

Attached: 1553165069892.png (700x2098, 1.11M)


someone edit hundreds of boats before the guy

gamers rise up!

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ill take it

epic torlling the Yea Forumsincels get em gurrrl xD!!

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That's why you, as a man, should date other men

>implying there's not degenerate faggots out there who date 100 different people also
gays can be just as bad as straights.

Why is Gondola in the boat?

That implies fags aren't fundamentally worse

Honestly though why the fuck would you want to be with the same person for more than a few years? Monogamy is so dumb.

I don't understand whatsoever.

>being a bigot and not judging people individually

Make the last guy a Chad and its perfect

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Monogamy is a relationship with one person. If you're not happy end it.

hello, jedi.





ITT: disgusting misogynists


>guy has a rat tail
Nah he deserves it.

No, the last guy should be some beta fag that would marry her after she's been all used up because he could never get a girl like her when he was younger.
Chad would pump and dump her.

girl is a whore and the two guys are massive cucks.


grrr I hate women they have sex me can have sex though because me key no lock grr

I understand that "It's about the journey and not the destination" is when you get more value out of how you yourself have changed and improved/grown over the course of struggling to achieve your dreams, than whatever your dreams were.
Like when you want to take a car across the country and you have to learn how to fix and maintain it.
I also get that the picture relates to a failed relationship.
It seems to imply that the point of the relationship isn't securing the partner you are with, but instead how you yourself change and grow and learn from said relationship.
But that's not true in this case. All you'll learn from this is how to be cautious and bitter about cheating hoes.
Or is that the point? That it's good to be cautious and bitter about cheating hoes, and that it's not about which ho you fuck, it's about learning ho tendencies?
If so, then why would the image refer to this as a journey? One single event isn't a journey.

bideo gemu

Her journey has just begun.


Fixed it

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what about the second panel

shut up bitch haha


ok it turns into a boat as soon as she steps on it

video games

The text is true, most people don't spend their lives with one person, but how the comic conveys the point is hilariously bad.

based and bbcpilled

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>imagine having to create a fictional world to live in, where you are desired because reality is the opposite

Make a SJW version with Zoe Quinn or Anita Sarkeesian.

I agree. It is better to create a reality where you are desired.


I think I see what they were going for but it just makes the girl seem like a callous bitch. Having someone waiting for the guy too might have worked better.

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seething white boys


You sound like you have issues my dude. I've been in a relationship for over a decade and it just gets better every day. If that doesn't sound good for you then you do you buddy, but it's not dumb at all and I would consider my way of being far more meaningful than yours since you don't seem capable of constructing anything that lasts.

You want this?
*holds a (You) in the air above you and makes you jump for it*

add mullatto single mother scene

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Was going to disagree but can't.
Men and women age too differently to maintain parity in value.

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Good thread

>I think I see what they were going for but it just makes the girl seem like a callous bitch.

It's because from the point of the self entitled incel that's how it looks like. He has no interest in portraying his ex's side properly.

That purple shirt shitlord ruined a beautiful lesbian relationship

But in reality blacks are not desired, so how are you going to make it reality?
The same way feminists tried to pass off hamplanets as beautiful?
Blacks like hamplanets anyways, they should just stick together, undesirables with other undesirables.

i was waiting and expecting this

More like Cuckboats


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>another episode of ultra virgins discussing relationships and sex

I love these threads

inb4 Know Your Meme makes a meme article out of it.

(P.S. fuck you 3kole5, more like 3kuck5 since you're a penis faggot loving SJW of a mod that likes to ban people for posting memes of your LGBT+ boyfriends)

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Turns out that finding a gf is really easy all you need is two dates literally.

This. It's got nothing to do with the image. Also videogames

Oh, so you're saying the guy drew the comic. Guess I don't get what they were going for at all then.

Thought it was a "failed relationships build character" type message.


The first time i saw this it legit took me 5 min to get it. Then i realized the guy had cancer :(

There are people who live in a society

You're talking to anonymous posters, actually! Remember, this website doesn't have the usernames you might be used to!

Ok now do hundreds of boats after the destination guy

Why the fuck is gondola in the boat?

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Next stop, single parenthood

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Huh? The comic was made by a woman

Isn't this just the roastie version of the npc meme where it's just dehumanizing people?

What are you on about, retard? Did you reply to the wrong post?

Damn, smooth background.

>you need to have sex to understand relationships

where did the cock carousel come from anyway

>he has the bigger boat

It can be interpreted as dehumanizing to females, implying that they are irredeemable cock whores.
Which, even if it was 99% true, is a pessimistic thing for a man to think.

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Did you?