Epic is really ushering a new age of piracy on PC...

Epic is really ushering a new age of piracy on PC...while I know that this will save me quite a lot of euros it still stings a bit, haven't pirated anything for about 6 years now...goddammit I wanted to support the sinking city as it is something quite different from this shitty games as service world we live in...

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Other urls found in this thread:


At least the Sinking City devs were upfront in their statement on Steam and basically just said
>our game hasn't generated enough interest and Epic is paying us upfront so its our best bet to cash out as much as possible
>sorry to everyone who wanted to play this here but $$$$$

i suggest a rope as the best way to finally of yourself. make sure it's a quality one and choose a good surface.

Honestly, selling out sounds like the smart option for A-AA games
>people don’t mind epic store
>free money
>people mind epic store
>presumably the money you sold out for > likely profit otherwise

At least they had the decency to admit what every epic exclusive won't. "We took Epic's cash because we didn't think our game would sell"

Off myself because I don't want to play a game sold in the epic store (security breaches, spyware etc)? It's not like I even feel butt blasted by this decision, or like many here suck on valves dick or subscribe to the /Pol/ Chinese shitposting, it's a videogame after all and at some point it will be cracked. You seem to be the unstable one friendo, please seek help...
Yes a pure business/numbers prespective it seems to be the correct thing to do, I guess we (core PC audience) is getting older and do not realize that the market is changing, a AA game not on steam would be considered suicide a few years ago(apart from classic viral hits like Minecraft or Kerbal), but a new generation brings a new prespective that is not that rigid I guess...

holy fuck
did Epic really just buy up every upcoming game for the next two years?

stop whining. you weren't going to buy it anyway.

Yeah seems like they're doing it. For some reason, very few Jap games are impacted.

Yes I was, I even bought the objectively shitty call of cthulhu(witch even with it's shortcomings I did enjoy). I am literally their target audience.

Nips are not that big of sellouts as western piggus are.

first time ive heard about this game
you probably need to do some marketing to get interest in your product

>Steam turns into the prime storefront for uncensored eroges
i'm okay with this

Japan siding with those pigs is unlikely.

i was actually looking forward to this, especially after the pile of turd that new CoC game turned out to be

>New age
There are literally just 5 people angry about this, the normies don't give a fuck

Valve drones and piratefags have been exposed as the biggest pussies when it comes to gaming and everyone needs to thank the epic store for that. The four sided excuses and contradictions are glaring

all the studios that switched were flooded with hate messages on their social media
are you saying all those people are just shills?

Fuck off with your bullshit.
"B-but I would buy it if it wasn't Epic Store exclusive." You're either pirate or not, there is no such thing as half way crooks.

And you wanted to support the developer, so instead of giving 88% of money for the game, you prefer to not give them anything at all. Smooth move, smooth.

>I really wanted to buy these cookies at my local Target but Wal-Mart bought an exclusivity deal with the baker and now I can only get them from the Wal-Mart across the way for the next year
>I'm going to shoplift because I disagree with this decision
You weren't going to buy any of these games anyway you cunt, stop lying

It's a very niche market of proper modern adventure games intersectional with nostalgic CoC dark corners of the Earth. Their Sherloc Holmes games where pretty good.
I don't think a lot of normies where gonna buy this game, it is even a miracle they found funding as it has been proven that these type of games sell like shit, due to being very niche...

>he really thinks the money goes to the dev
kek, thanks for the laugh Chang.

They're literally forcing people to either pirate or surrender their data to the chinese.

I don't want to pirate but I don't want spyware on my pc more.

I just don't get why people are okay with epic actually 100% pulling a hostage move on their games. Epic is paying these devs to not release their game anywhere else; for some atleast will release elsewhere later down the line.

Yet they say Steam does the same thing (when it doesn't)? If a dev on steam CHOOSES to only release on steam, that's on them. However, most devs choose to release on steam, gog, humble bundle, and many other places. But on epic you're FORCED to buy only from them (if you want the PC version at least).

Why are people okay with that?

I only pirate games I'm interested in, pirating those Epic games would show the interest is still there so I'm not pirating them. These devs aren't getting my money or even time.

>muh 88%
holy fuck aren't you a shill

>you weren't going to buy it anyway.
Ah yes, the last line of defense when the supposed "arguments" run out. You fucktards really need a new playbook.

what;'s the story with epic games client being a botnet?

is that even real?

where the proof?

You are giving 25% more support to the dev if you buy it on epic.

You already have steam and Yea Forums on your pc though, and probably shit like twitter and facebook on top of it.

If I even bother pirating it I'll be upfront as well.

But I have bought both their last two games and I enjoyed them immensely

ebin needs to take this shit and get the fuck out. It's pretty clear what's happening. Microsoft and Sony haven't really considered PC to be a direct competitor with their consoles. Microsoft has been pushing more PC focus lately and seems to be cozying up with Steam. Sony on the other hand seems to be leaning into ebin with the Quantic games being the lowest effort to port. Make no mistake, the PC market is currently being coopted into the console war.

It reads all kind of files it has no business reading. There are webm's floating around here to demonstrate but I haven't bothered to save them. Someone could probably post them.

just don't bother playing at all. pay and or play the games from people who don't cave into bribes

What will steam do now as like half of interresting upcoming ^c games were bought by epic
>pheonix point
>last season of walking dead
>rebel galaxy outlaws
Steam begun the counter attack with halo and dwarf fortress but i doubt that will be enough. They really need to step up the game and use all these years money to bring some heavy hitter.
Epic is unironically the best thing that happened to pc market in last years.
Now the tension is back to pc market, steam need to defend its position and studios have a reason to make exclusive to deals on pc.
Only downside is that if epic win before becoming consumer friendly enought (refund , adding reviews ...) , we will be losing everything but that is very unlikely

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Same, havent pirated for around 6 years aswell, but epic is really pushing it

>Hard Tencent backed
>Accesses steam files it shouldn't access
Who the fuck knows what else

No one has yet explained to me how this is any different console exclusivity. In fact, its even less stringent since all it requires is the download of another storefront, not the purchasing of an entire new console. Beyond that, most of these are timed exclusives.

botnet? probably not
spyware? definite yes. it scrapes your hard drive for your steam installation, games owned, groups, friends, time played, even your savegames. their EULA allows them to do pretty much anything with any data on your hard drive, same as Origin

Kill yourself epic shill. Epic is the worst thing to happen to PC. I hope someone molotovs Tim Sweeny's house and their office.

They're not okay with it, it's mostly bants/funposting. The only ones that are serious are chink shills/clueless normies

CEO of Epic already said they don't sell user data, and the accessing of steam files was to import friends lists.

>epic is the best thing
>by only having negatives for the consumers
You aren't even trying anymore.

>console war
You can LITERALLY have both steam and epic store on your machine at the same time without paying a single dime to any of them. How's that anything like console wars?

>western garbage goes to epic
>superior japanese games reign on steam
why are people complaining again? I'm glad western filth is getting pruned off steam.

You're a fucking retard with no real value system, you just have knee-jerk emotional reactions to things as soulless as digital distribution platforms. Re-evaluate your life.

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Nothing you mentioned is actually out of the ordinary for any of these clients.

>even your saved games

It would be an actual problem if it couldnt access those.

>Giving a shit

They'll keep doing their own thing as usual. They're too busy trying to improve support for open source software to care.

CEO of Epic has said a lot of bullshit, did you have a point here?
>Bribing third parties to not release on competition
You're right, this is worse than the console wars.

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>food analogy

If they're not okay with it why is there so much Epic Defense Force? It's insane.

I wouldn't give 2 fucks about the epic store if it was just like steam, but it's pulling hostage moves for games, is proven to do shady shit like reading your entire HDD, and more. It's just a bad service, and provides no bonuses to the consumer in any possible way.

>exclusvies on pc
dumbest shit I've read all year, already uninstalled that pos for parsing my steam contacts

Nigger why the fuck should Epic be accessing steams folders.

Epic's deep pockets are the perfect solution to localize niche Japanese games, which always had the problem of not selling enough to recoup costs. I expect the Ys and Legend of Heroes games to be all released on Epic Store first in the next years due this.

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>and the accessing of steam files was to import friends lists
Why are they accesing games list, wishlists and playtimes? If it's "just" friends, surley all that other information isn't needed, right?

>CEO of Epic already said they don't sell user data
The guy who stands to gain the most from selling user data and has the most to lose if shit goes south is denying they are selling it?


Did you have a point? Because the CEO of epic has his reputation, his company, and potential FFC violations on the line if he was lying, and the only evidence you have that he did is your dick in your hand.

(you)s are like a drug. And being an epicshill iis one of the currently easiest ways to get them.

>His reputation
Hahahahahahaha people already hate the faggot. Faggot.

HL3 unironically
and sales
and regional pricing

i doubt valve will get into the buying exclusives game, Gaben is an earnest ancap, he just doesn't admit it publicly because he doesn't want people holding him to his word

So, for those of you just tuning in, the OP is the epic spammer again, going with a fucking screenshot of google, because he got caught spamming so much that even our sleepy janitors noticed. Post accordingly.

Lets say I believed you. Sharing it with their parents and subsidiaries is perfectly kosher and not selling it. It's explicitly allowed en the ELUA.

And there's no contract with Tenecent to keep THEM from selling it..

chinks hate japs there is no way they will give them money

Halo is a huge deal, and dwarf fortress is a legendary game.

but is making games that no one pays worth it? it's literally like those chinese ghost towns built by corrupt money laundering construction firms.

>this is worse than the console wars
You're the biggest fucking retard on this board, apparently.


The only thing I care about that Steam has developed in the past five years is the refund system. I don't care about:
>Steam forums
>Steam chat
>Steam voice chat
>User reviews
>Steam Groups
>Store curation
>Workshop (I'll download the fucking mods myself I'm not a retard)

If you have the video game then I'll buy it from you, it's as simple as that.

I cannot condone exclusives because that just leads to retards refusing to even admit to any shortcoming in some manner of sunk cost fallacy.
On the other hand I was not going to preorder anyway so if its actually good and not 5 hours long with meaninglessly different endings I guess I will look into procuring it one way or another.

Are you new or something? It's hip and cool to be contrarian here. If you look on pretty much any social media you'll notice that theres massive backlash against Epic and it's practices with the only real support you see are from clueless normies who genuinely have no idea what the problems are and think it's just about having to install another client. It's better to not take the shitposting seriously.

>he downloaded Yea Forums.exe

>Because the CEO of epic has his reputation, his company
That's true, but seeing how much you cunts like to suck his dick I doubt he cares about that.

>and potential FFC violations
Keep making up more shit, tough I hope you know that it doesn't help you.

There are videos detailing exactly what it accessed, and it was nothing more than friends list importing. Something that PLENTY of other platforms do. The reading of your HDD is to ensure QoL functions like not updating games while you are playing them.


Thanks for confirming you just lost the argument ;)

You've just proved that you're a bigger one if you really too dumb to understand it.

>Not updating games
So why would Epic update my steam games?

>if I lie long enough someone will surley beleive me

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Your suspicion is not evidence. IF he had the most to lose, why would he do it, especially when the games themselves are making money hand over fist? Fortnite made $3b last year, there is no motive for them to go the extra mile and take the extra danger of dealing with selling information to China in today's political environment, Again, that Tweet would literally mean years in prison if it was a lie. You have absolutely no evidence.

you'll want to stick with valve then, Epic asks for your address and bank statetent for refunds
possibly and ID to, i can't remember exactly and i didn't save the screencaps

you don't even fucking know how dumb this guy really is. I live 15 minutes from Epic in Cary. the dude is good at coding but he's a basement neet that shouldn't be anywhere near running a company much less doing PR. this is a guy that drives exotic cars and bought a big as fuck house because "well that's what rich people do right?" Go over for a Xmas party and half the dude's rooms are emptier than the bread isle in a hurricane. Burger King is literally the dude's favorite restaurant. Paragon development is in full swing and the guy is literally walking through the parking lot at peak work hours playing Pokemon Go on his phone with a BK cup in the other.

Does it make a different copy on every launch or what?

I'm not upset about DRM stores existing, I'm upset we're not given an alternative way to buy games
That alone is reason enough to pirate, if they don't trust paying customers why should paying customers trust their platform daddy

What's to prove? I already provided an argument why this current situation is nothing like console wars. All I got in response was "Well it's worse". You can go fuck yourself with this idiotism.

>you cunts

Are you 15? This isnt a turf war. It's as simple as games are made for a profit, and Epic provides the highest profit. and all the developers need to do is be exclusive for a time. IDGAF about the CEO of Epic either way, as he's done nothing to me.

Steam is finished my little bros

>The four sided excuses and contradictions are glaring
what excuses? i've always said the only reason i no longer pirate is because of steam sales
>but muh devs
dont care, smd fag

>especially when the games themselves are making money hand over fist
are you fucking retarded

they are paying developers literal millions just to have certain games exclusively on their store. There is absolutely zero chance they are making money right now through selling games (other than Fortnite)

why do you care about the publishers' profits?

>I already provided an argument
You didn't but if that's what you like to tell yourself, keep going at it. Just proves once again that you're really the biggest retard on the board as of now.

>steam won't care
They will. When there is barely any good game incoming in their plateform and all the kiddies moved to epic market, they will have to act or accept having their market share becoming small . Steam unironically can kill itself if it never react. Origin and uplay are kept alive because they are necessary to launch the game of ea and ubisoft but steam is not needed for anything except old source games. if it lose its only advantage:its popularity. Dev won't see any reason to release on steam not to mention the advantage of the sales share...
I said it is a bet you fag. We can win ,we can lose. Do you think it was just luck that halo came to steam now? or journey coming to pc ?

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>that Tweet would literally mean years in prison if it was a lie
Sometimes I woinder how stupid people can be. You äre the new low bar others will have to beat.

You didn't even watch the video. Epic responded with the reasoning AND the source code behind this so you could explore it yourself, and much of the information is never even sent back to epic or only received as hashed ids, like your friends lists.

Jesus Yea Forums, get mad at something worth fgetting mad about.

Does it even matter? It's not like consoles where you have to pay up another $300 to obtain the privilege of buying an exclusive game. It's all on the same platform, and there have been plenty of other game stores and launchers in the past that no one gave a shit about.
Of course I don't want to install more fucking launchers and especially not ones that are reading my files but the rivalry between it and Steam is so forced.

Because they're his "firends" or he gets paid to do it.

Posting on a Korean fishing forum and calling other ppl to re-evaluation their life; I don't know if you are new or just retarded but one thing I can deduce is that you are mad about anonymous ppl having a discussion about video games the same lowest denominator that you call out, you are the one who needs to stop lying about his circumstances and revaluate his life...

Yeah, you pay money to make money. It's called investing. If Fortnite made $3b last year, how many million do they have to spend to not turn a profit? Use that brain of yours...

>"No u"
Epic. Prove me wrong or shut the fuck up.

Good thing all the games Epic is bribing are SP games, makes them super easy to pirate.
I have no sympathy for buyfags however, you brought this upon yourself, now be a good boy and help Epic subsidize my piracy like the cuck you are.

What makes the Epic store different from Uplay, GOG, battle.net, etc to cause this much backlash?

Considering Epic did all of this without permission and even basically said "we were caught so we will fix this" and how awful the privacy policy itself is I don't trust a single fucking word that comes out of anyone who works there. But good to see that guilable retards as you are still around to fall for it.

I don't, I care that this retarded Steam v Epic war is taking up 1/4 of the threads at any one time, and its based in bullshit, especially since Valve is just as dishonest, lazy, and anti-consumer as Epic can be, yet people will start from the position of defended them since Gaben shit our Half Life and TF2 15 years ago.

Can someone redpill me on this entire Epic store exclusives?
So what's the point of buying their games? The developers get zero money from you and it won't hurt them in any way if no one buys their game. I feel like I'm missing a big point here and honestly I'm confused.

I did. Youre the one who keeps on making up some bullshit that has neither beginning nor end. So keep seething some more vavledr*ne. Your time is up and you know it.

>I don't want to pirate

Why the fuck not use the services that already do that instead of scraping through your data without permission?

>Something that PLENTY of other platforms do
name one

>have shit store
>have new store that is a lot shittier
>why do people prefer the store that isn't as shit as the new one
Truly a mystery you most likley will never solve...

Again, the source code is right there. If you aren't intelligent enough to read it, the video explains it. They did in fact have permission through the EULA, you would think you dumb assholes would have learned to read them after the Cambridge Analytica fiasco.

Epic wants to force people to use their launcher and store while they still have Fortnite money to burn before the next fad hits.
They don't seem to care how much money they lose short term while their cash cow has yet to tip.

>They did in fact have permission through the EULA
here we go again

Steam. Tough they don't stop at that, they like to look trough your browser history as well. Not something the little drones like to admitt tough.

>Developers get zero money from games

Actually a large part of developer profit is tied to units sold and review scores, so you are 100% wrong.

>steam reads steam files
oh wow
are you retarded by any chance?

>So keep seething some more vavledr*ne.
I'm arguing that Epic Store competition is good for game industry and you're calling me a pcbro?

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Pirate anons tell us to how pirate games safely.

I've bought all my games for so long I'm not used to the whole piracy scene, if you want more people to start pirating games tell them how to do it without getting fucked.

Cant Steam match Epic's developer cut %?

It's simple. Their store is shit and no one will use it, so they are bribing developers to exclusively release on their store. That way they hope it gets more popular and people start using it, buying even non-exclusive games from their store.

They are throwing a LOT of money at this though. It's sketchy as fuck.

Did you even watch your own video? I'm being serious you're just making shit up by now that directly contradics what the videos says. Holy keks if I wouldn't know better you're just a stupid as fuck shill who got told to post it as "argument" whenever you run out of what to say..

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Thanks for confriming just how retarded you really are. Suck some more on gaben cock. I'm sure you're feel better after it.

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it would be good for the industry if they weren't forcing exclusives. Exclusives are what made me quit console.

So now you are complaining that they used proprietary software instead of less ecure third party software? Now you are arguing just to argue.

This video explains what they accessed, for what reason, what was actually sent back to their servers, and even has urls to the source code. I'm not saying Epic isn't greedy, but this is not as crazy as its being made out to be.

None of those other stores bribed third party devs.
Personally I'm all for it, it means I can freely pirate all these games and the devs can't say shit.
Buycucks will suffer, but who cares about those retards?

>steam reads steam files
>steamdr*ne can't comprehend simple sentences
Not even suprised anymore.

Wrongo, Epic has a minimum sales guarantee so even if 0 people buy their game they get paid.

They probably can but I believe they're holding out as much as they can to squeeze every single cent till the very end. Only when the situation seems dire, they'll try to match their revenue model with Epic's or other publishers. Things seem to be fine for them since people are defending Steam literally for free.

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Watch it yourself shill. maybe let your superiors know that the video disproves everything you just said.

Steam doesn't do exclusives. Steam is going to win by not associating itself with the cancerous practice.

toppest of my keks.

I was genuinely one of the few who even knew about this game and was going to support the devs.
Now that they have been fully financed with Epic's chink chong rice money I can be at ease that they are going to be fine financially, so I can pirate the game with no remorse.

Based Epic Games saving video game developers and publishers from ruin.

Yes, I was. But not anymore, lol.

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Exclusives allow many games that would never be made to exist, and have allowed many companies to go from A to AAA. You obviously don't like video games.

>Exclusives are what made me quit console.
Exclusives are what *makes* people to buy consoles, generally speaking.

because you want to import your gamer legacy to the next service

You seem to be an imbecile and a very bad case at that so let me quote you:
>There are videos detailing exactly what it accessed, and it was nothing more than friends list importing. Something that PLENTY of other platforms do.
So tell me, what other platform reads and fucks with my steam data (besides steam, of course)?

back to Yea Forums epic weeb

AAA != good, and all of these games already existed and were being made, so it's not like this is Epic funding development.

No it doesn't you dumb faggot. The conclusion is "Epic has a long way to go to earn people's trust", which is obviously true. You argue like a child.

i politely disagree. Games can stand on their own feet if they're good. Limiting your game to 1 platform does nothing other than choking it's horizons.

yeah and they're what made me buy PC parts and build a PC.

Steam uses a pretty industry standard cut and provides the largest platform and marketing site to your game for free as part of using their service, even when you put it on other platforms.
Not to mentioning covering the distribution and hosting of your game which most people could not afford and turn a profit, even allowing publishers to generate their own keys for their game and sell them third party where Steam gets no cut and still handles the data fees.
That's why Metro used them as essentially free marketing before pulling out last minute, but was eventually forced to honor steam preorders instead of switching them for Epic keys like they did everywhere else.
So more people still ended up playing it on Steam than Epic even though it was an "Epic exclusive" on PC since games go there to die.

>can install epic yourself
>literally look up that is makes copies of firends, groups, game lists and playtimes
>does it every time you launch it
>i-i-it's just for friends
>this video which proves preciesly that says it aint so
You tards aren't even trying anymore.

AAA doesn't equal bad either. And exclusives aren't only AAA games. And it's not like Epic won't potentially fund the development of games in the future.

I don't think I've ever seen so much shilling on this board before. A dozen epic store threads at the same time, fuck off already.

>yeah and they're what made me buy PC parts and build a PC.
Yeah, but we're not talking about you. Nobody gives a shit about you. It's general population that matters. And exclusivity is a major way to win people over your platform.

>says I'm wrong
>agrees with me
How stupid are you really?

Man, PC gaming was truly saved.

Epic will never fund the development of any future games, and the only recent decent AAA game I can think of is RDR2.
Literally all the other western AAA games released in the last 2 years, ESPECIALLY the multiplats, have been trash.

Can't Epic match Discord's or Itch.io's developer cut%?

Yeah it does. Which you would know idf you watch it at least once.

>You argue like a child.
kek, you must know, seeing how your "arguments" are just made up bullshit that you yourself disproved.

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epic isnt marketing itself to consumers and it pretty much treats them as an annoying at best. Since they don't have anything appealing to the consumer, their proposal is to be appealing to their other customer, publishers. Well, you can't get publishers to leave the largest PC marketplace for yours, especially with exclusivity, without some incentives. So, epic is just shoveling fortnite vbucks into various indie games who can be bought for pennies with the $3B Fortnite raked in. They're guaranteeing the revenue for these games for a year so there's really no reason to buy it. They're already getting paid.

Japan knows exactly how China operates.

You disagree, but that doesn't change the fact that many games and franchises Yea Forums loves only exist because a console company contracted or outright bought a developer to make games exclusively for their systems. If a game doesn't have a lot of notoriety, being exclusive could mean getting enough promotion to actually rise above the tide. There are pros and cons, i will agree, but in the Epic Store case, most of them are just timed exclusives.

>can get friends trough steam api
>instead copy local files to get as much information as possible
>it's okay because of their EULA even if that would violates federal law
Never ceases to amaze me just how far you retards bow down to suck some corporations cock.

>steam accessing its own files is a bad thing
based retard

that varies widely from company to company and doesn't matter at all in some cases

This is true with some pirates. But with this it's not that we dont want to buy it. We wont support Epic
I will buy outer world a year after it comes out and gets put on steam. But you can bet your ass im going to pirate it so I can actually play it
I dont blame devs for going for the better deal. But Epic offers nothing that I want and I hate that they're trying to force pc users on their platform by holding games hostage

Epic has yet to fund any games, just give a bonus and ensure a sales minimum payout if the game doesn't sell enough while on the platform for games already made that need a distributor.

>Valve start paying Dev's NOT to release on the epic store for a year.
>Can release on every other platform just fine, contract only prohibits the epic store.

Would this be legal?
Because imagine the fucking PR boost for everyone involved after all this shit.

Attached: DOOT.jpg (1920x1080, 157K)

if they wanted to lose money
epics burning money to try to establish a "cut" without a grasp of what theyll need long-term to stay competitive
they have absolutely no intent to make money off any of these games theyre buying right now and valve has no reason to burn equivalent money to gain nothing of value

if they wanted to start buying exclusives theyd start where smart money is anyway, by "incentivizing" pc versions of games that have either not been ported forward from old, outdated versions of games that have been console exclusives, ie things people have already established an interest in
no fucking idea why epic thinks that buying out no-name devs putting out games nobody at large cares about is the way to go
probably because theyll heel turn for a pittance and dont understand that pissing off valve could be extremely bad for their future in the industry since if they were in any way vengeful or power-hungry they could blacklist them from steam altogether and functionally remove them from the face of the pc market
like thats the sort of shit valve would do if they were into this "fuck the consumers, the industry is mine" stuff at least, god knows epic would do it if they had the leverage

No it doesn't. It presents the claims of valve users, the response of epic, and the code itself. There is no dispute of them accessing information, and what they accessed and how is very clear. My argument is that its not much different from what other storefronts access, the pertinent information was never sent to epic or was hashed, and that they never sell information.

since epic will buy all video games do you think it will start offering subscription models
like action game sub 12,99 month and you get all of 1 action games released every month

What? Epic is a game DEVELOPER. They have been for decades. They have only just become a game publisher.

It's also a way to lose players in droves.

Look, I don't have anything against Epic. If the stealing data shit is real fuck em.

But there's currently no reason for me to use the epic client other than exclusive games. Their client is poorly made, shit to navigate and the store is terrible.

1 year down the line of client development and they'll be sitting better, I hope. I really support competition in platforms aye but this isn't competition, this is trying to pull the rug out from under the other platform. Epic are offering me, as a consumer, nothing currently in order to use their platform or even install it again. competition pushes everyone to do better. They should've worked on their client and made it user friendly and not garbage before trying to be a player in the game. Steam isn't just a platform, it's a community.

see above
well that's more or less what epic are doing. If valve could cut deals with other platforms so they can all share while epic sits drooling in the corner, it'd be fine.

That's what the AA games are banking on. Stuff like Satisfactory and Phoenix Point were flying under the radar. Everyone hates them now because of the Epic store, but at least people know what they are.

I hate it and I refuse to give Epic even a cent. They shouldnt try to force consumers to use their platform. Atleast give us benefits to use it over steam or gog


# Unreal Engine - Tracking and analytics domains. datarouter.ol.epicgames.com et.epicgames.com et2.epicgames.com udn.epicgames.com etsource.epicgames.com

Put this in your host file, it stops unreal engine games from stealing your info

So Epic has the Tencent money to force monopoly. Why is this insider trading communistic anti consumer company still allowed to exist?

Publishers can actually use Epic to get their money and not pay out to developers.
If the developers have their pay tied to sales, as a Dev you could go to Epic and get a payout and minimum profit guarantee and then leave it to die on a platform no one uses while still getting your money without sales and not having to pay the Devs almost anything, if your contract with the Dev has nothing against you doing that.

>Steam becomes a platform for only H-games
>Steam censors H-games
>Steam dies

legit lol, any exclusives on epic that i'm interested in playing (none so far) i'll just pirate, haven't done that in ages because i typically just buy games on sale with steam wallet money made from trading, but i'm sure it hasn't changed since then at all

It's just beyond me how retarded you people are. There is noone gatekeeping you from those games like in consoles where you have to buy a whole system.
It's just a one fucking launcher.

Please, can one of you geniuses explain to me, what should a new store that has money for development do these days to compete against steam? They sure as shit can't create a huge infractusture and community in a few months. How can they offer something that valve doesn't have? How about a time exclusive on games?

Making their own games has nothing to do with funding development of games by third parties.

epic already admitted that the size of their cut isn't sustainable in the long run and that's at the scale the store is currently. It'll only get worse as they add features. Valve would be better off weathering the storm for a bit and wait for epic to run out of easy money.

Epic is owned by Tencent, and the CIA has publically given advisories that Tencent is just a corporate Chinese spying agency. The US government doesn't use any Tencent products, and anyone with a security clearance at Top Secret is forbidden from using them too.

>And now I can only get them from Walmart after I get a Walmart club card and let them datamine all my information

Can't believe they're trying to turn the PC into a console.

nobody believes you

They could try offering a better service with greater support and features than the larger service they want to compete with.

>Epic Games earned $3 billion in profit in 2018
>Steam earned $4.3 billion in profit in 2017
>EA Made $5.1 Billion In Revenue for 2018


>What will steam do
Literally nothing. Epic can only pay off devs costs for projected income for so long. Not only does this hurt Epic, but it hurts the Devs in the long run. All these games going to the Epic store to make a quick buck, I will never play. So I will never know if said game is a masterpiece or if I will ever enjoy it since the Epic launcher is a botnet. So I will never hear of their future projects nor follow what they are working on.

Even bad publicity is good publicity but when you have someone just front you money to put your product behind a glass case, its literally no publicity. You have to be a moron to think taking a quick check from Epic is a good decision in the long run.

how? they are offering a 1000000times better service than steam when it first lauched.
valve had years to develop. epic doesn't. if they don't create a huge userbase right now, they will either die or turn into a joke like humble store or gog

> They sure as shit can't create a huge infractusture and community in a few months.
Then actually wait until you've done those things before releasing your store to the public.

Well yes, but developers also have a say in what publishers and storefronts they choose, unless they are an in-house development team.

>So I will never know if said game is a masterpiece or if I will ever enjoy it since the Epic launcher is a botnet.
You can just pirate.

Literally WHAT service?
They're getting extra money and a place in the store, that's it.


Just go to /t/. They probably have a google docs folder with magnet links sitting around somewhere.

Tencent is owned by the Chinese government, government officials here of a certain clearance already can't use anything by them.
They will never really be shut down as they are more like a front for their government, if they got too bad they might get banned from offering services in other countries entirely though.

>Epic responded with the reasoning AND the source code behind this so you could explore it yourself


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They've only just started expanding the Epic Launcher this year. There is nothing in the cards preventing them from funding games in the future.

>You can just pirate.
I tried, every single one needs the epic launcher to work. Fucking retarded.

Epic Games has already stated that none of their investors have access to any of the data.

>Can't believe they're trying to turn the PC into a console.
If they were doing that you'd have to buy new hardware to play
why are all of you such lazy niggers that installing a new client is such a big fucking ask
if you want the steam features just remove epic's overlay and add the game as a non steam game.

>A botnet

Categorically wrong, but keep being uneducated.

The fact that you're trying to compare Sony funding development for a game or even co-developing it to Epic paying devs to just not release already-completed games on other storefronts says a lot.


i am talking about the customer side right now. they get a service that works.
sell games and lauch games.
then steam first released it didn't work half the time
yesm they should create their own diehard community before they release....
literally like 80% features that people complain epic doesn't have are community created. all those reviews and other social shit

Gosh I sure believe the word of a soulless corporation that's definitely not trying to save its own ass.

who are you quoting? newfag

imagine being this much of a corporate bootlicker

what the fuck is wrong with you

>Import friends lists as outlined in the EULA


I can be a dumb meme-arrow spamming faggot too.

>goddammit I wanted to support the sinking city as it is something quite different from this shitty games as service world we live in...
aye, but they lost their legitimacy when signing a deal with the Chinese devil. I stopped pirating too but gonna start again just for epic, ain't going to pay a dime to the filthy CCP and anyone who supports their disgusting practices.

When will people understand that companies are not charities? They want to make money no matter what do you think about your favorites.

>Satisfactory having a great amount of publicity after their E3 announcement
>Phoenix Point flying under the radar when it was successfuly crowdfunded

And there you go again, letting your dumb biases prevent you from understanding no billion-dollar company is going to be doing that and lying about it in the post-facebook era. They are going to do it and tell you about it, like Facebook does now.

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The ELUA says that they explicitly reserve the right to give their investors the the access.

Your mom that whore.

When will people understand that companies aren't entitled to my fucking money and I'll stop paying them if they do shit I don't like?

berry nice, all you have to do is click the post number newfriend

obviously it doesn't, because you can't vocalize it.

meant for

I wish I was still this naive about the real world.

Epic store making you guys seethe is actually really entertaining as a consolepleb.

You made the claim, burden of proof falls on you. That's debating 101.

I am glad at least someone is having fun.

epic provides improved service for the publishers
gog provided improved service for the consumers
steam provides stagnant service to everyone
its easy to see whos winning

I wish i could be this much of a condescending faggot without evidence, but then I'd just feel like a stupid asshole.

Japan seeks to expand into the PC market so they go for the most popular market atm.

>literally a dozen Epic shill threads going on at the same time

Are the jannies finally getting paid by China?

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>Epic games takes only 12% guys!
>it still costs $60

Around a Chink, never blink.

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based retard

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It's literally that simple, if you want to draw people to your platform you need to make your own fucking games, and Epic does literally the exact opposite of that.
Not to mention they outright canceled development of all of their actual games that aren't Fortnite.

>Most of them are people flaming Epic

It's just another episode of Yea Forums trying to create TORtanic 2.0.

>needing evidence that corporations lie to save their ass

have you not been paying attention to the entire AAA industry for the past few years? Remember Anthem? Fallout 76? Blops 4 microtransactions? The Division? Watch Dogs? No Man's Sky?

Literally every single one of those games were advertised on blatant lies. Wake the fuck up retard.

If Valve wanted to do a huge fucking power play, they could
>limit discussion forums for games only to those who own them (so Subnautica niggers playing it on Epic Store can't come crying to the Steam forums when it's not working)
>deny games from Steam if they sign an exclusivity period (Steam has always been open about games availability on other platforms and even selling Steam keys on them)
But that would probably be going too far. Something I think Valve should do is that the creation of a public store page for a game is bound to a release; the deletion of said store page or delay due to something like exclusivity meaning that your game will not be allowed on the platform as that would have been false advertising. Releasing a game on Epic store and then making a Steam page later down the line would be fine in this case, but making a store page to get people's hopes up just to delete it later is just retarded (Satisfactory for example).

Lol dwarf fortress and Halo is all steam needed anyway.

>2 timeless classics
>A bunch of modern flavor of the months

Unlike Epic, Steam knows what PC players want. No amount of Chinese spyware can tell you what games people wanna play because as of right now all the games going to epic were dogshit niche games anyway. Also, kill yourself chink.

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Was Farley going for the Trump look in that skit?

It has to do more with Microsoft losing the console market. Are you telling me that giving Xbox exclusives to Nintendo aswell is because of Epic? Also, only faggots and niggers are in favour of exclusives so piss of back to Yea Forums, will you?

This is not a court of law dipshit.

Most of them are literally OPs bragging about how Epic is the future and how great the sales are supposed to be, some of them have been reposted for 30+ times


>PC gaming

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But they're not competing against 2003 Steam, so it's irrelevant.
Not to mention they have tons more money than Valve did in 2003.
Sorry m8, but I'll continue to pirate all Epic exclusives, thankfully Epic is paying for my copy anyways.

yet, everyone only play Fortnite

But thepiratebay also offers me those games, and I get the exact same product as the paid version (arguably better in some cases) for zero cost to me, so why would I not just pirate the game?

>and the only recent decent AAA game I can think of is RDR2.
nice joke

Genuinely the only reason why I buy the occasional game is because of the vague sense community aspect steam has. It's a stupid reason to buy games I'll admit, but it's the only reason I have.

Now I have no reason what so ever to no pirate.
Before Gaben went full on sith lord, he talked a lot about how people stop pirating when paying starts to become easier alternative and the services gives you something you otherwise can't get from just pirating. Epic store is the antithesis to that. There's just no incentive to buy something off that store other than feeling like a good goy.

>$60 for some small adventure game
I understand why they took the Epic money

I don't see any company screeching about the customers anywhere.
>Yea Forums cries about ps exclusives every single day
>epic brings them to pc which obviously cost them a lot
>b-b-b-but muh feelings about having to install their client!

Also wouldn't be surprised if there's some discrimination going on because jap games = sexist

I only see some faggot publishers like nisa or spike chunsoft even considering kissing Sweeney's ass

All this bitching and moaning about epic store is hilarious. Do people not realize steam is just as bad, if not worse?

You. You're screeching about the customers. Retard.

Consolefags be like "why are pc cukCs fighting over this? It's just games".

>be leeching piratechad
>epic comes out and makes buyfags seethe hard
Damn this shit is fun

Gayben is done.

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nice try chang

Valve isn't run by the Chinese government

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Cant epic just put "we will pirate your data for our partners" in the eula no one reads?
we all know piracy is not illegal and its your fault for letting it happen

Why the hell should i care if epic see whats in that file? I use a different pass for steam and i think thats just the biggest issue in the matter.

>mfw pc now has console wars

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Then go on to make 400 threads raging about some new console exclusive that won't be on their system of choice.

to be fair, there isn't proper console war against Switch/PS4/Xbone, so it may as well be ported to PC.

>write a reply
>first reply starts with swearing because the poster is so frustrated
>second reply is name calling because the poster is so frustrated
Who is screeching now?

such as?

Zoomers are the direct cause of these PC storefront wars. They're already making gaming even worse.

Epic has billions of dollars from Fortnite, they have so many ways to try to get into the market.

>1. The old-school Valve way
Make their own first-party games and keep them EGS exclusive. If they're as good as the Orange Box, people will flock to the store.
>2. The EA way
Buy out the studios themselves. The games they want exclusivity for become first-party Epic games, they get them as permanent EGS exclusives, and people don't whine as much.
>3. The 'proper' way
Don't release the store just yet. Spend money on advertising it. Implement all the features Steam has and more, then release it. Offer a discount on the new games rather than making them exclusive.
>4. The ruthless way
Quick and easy. Release a sub-par launcher, use your vast treasury to buy out the exclusivity of as many new games as you can. People will hate you, and many will turn to piracy, but those that don't will grow their EGS libraries to the point that it becomes their main launcher. Eventually, you become big enough so that ALL new third-party games are EGS exclusive for one year, and you make a bigger monopoly than Steam ever was.

The top 3 require hard work and MIGHT pay off in the long term. The bottom WILL pay off in the short term. Which one do you think a Chinese-owned company would go for?

Remember Bayonetta?

>mommy the bad man said bad words waah
Stay assblasted faggot.

This jej

I don't know about Satisfactory but Phoenix Point was something pretty much every Xcom fan was paying attention to.

Keyword "was"

Fuck Gollop.

I remember the please this x game on swithc!1! because is more recent

That too.

>chink chink chink
>he said she said
Yea Forumseddit is a fucking joke

What is the next free epic store game, after Oxenfree?


#4 also generates pretty bad PR, especially when poaching from services that are still mostly liked

Game journalists trying their hardest to pretend that everything is alright, but getting twitter ratio'd and youtube downvoted says otherwise

Enjoy your no games.

4 is all about short term gain. It's also the riskiest of them all on the long term, though.

I belive in you.

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It's going to be Assassins Creed Origin Gold Edition.

it's just a waiting game now. once epic runs out of easy money and can't lock down exclusives anymore, we'll see what they really have going. especially since the vast majority of these exclusives are going to flee back to Steam the minute their exclusivity year is up.

>They're literally forcing people to either pirate or surrender their data to the chinese.
No one is forcing you do anything. Nobody is forcing you to play the game.

This, you can easily just pirate, seed it, and never actually open it.

It is about as much as a botnet as pirating will give your pc viruses.

I remember there was a time I was paranoid and had seperate firewall program
then I tried playing some f2p mmo
mmo used gameguard or whatever
it was a rootkit
firewall had rootkit protection
I stopped playing mmos
Do I stop playing video games now?

Also having only 5% of their so-called 85 million strong customer (fortnite) base even bothering to click a link for a free game is pretty bad

nobody care about how much you seed Boku No Pico - The Final Trilogy [Uncensored] [Muti] 1080p [10bits] hvc.265

Yes. There's no escape, unless you cut off your internet connection.

>Thinking epic will ever make first-party games after abandoning Unreal tournament, Paragon, and Fortnite StW

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this. I'm sure that 85M player base includes all console and mobile as well

>Game journalists trying their hardest to pretend that everything is alright
they are not journalists. they are treacherous hypocrite corporate $hills whores for hire, serving the narrative to whom ever comes around, offering them a sponsored flight to a hands-on preview and an invite to a launch party event with free booze and female servants. Who are going to ignore them anyway because video game "journalists" are seen as failures at life and score lower on the social ladder than plumbers and English literature majors.
They are freeloading, parasitic leeches with no ethics, integrity nor backbone and have proven this time and time again.

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The amount of assblasted valve babies on this board is hilarious.
So mad you need to lease your video games from a different source.

Steam should remember all these devs and publishers who turned their backs on them, especially the ones who pulled switcheroos.

When their game shows up in 2020, Steam better heavily discounts their game to like 90%.

Nah, I just pirate.
Feels good, I appreciate Epic paying for my copy for me.

I want goodolddownloads to come back ;_;

The next games who will pull a bait and switch will be Borderlands 3 and Red Dead Redemption 2

The only AAA title that will be 100% be on Steam will be Cyberpunk 2077, unless the Poles sell out to the Chinks

It's still unknown if Bethesda's Starfield and TESVI will be exclusive to their own launcher

Why didn't you guys start pirating like crazy when you were forced to install steam? That was a much bigger deal. Or were you babies back then.

I did, for years. Then steam actually managed to improve to the point of being a more attractive option, at least in some cases. Call me when epic manages to improve their own shit store as much as steam has.

If they could pay games for not being Epic exclusive and instead make them release in every storefront, it could be a BIG powermove. Add a statement that they've paid against exclusivity deals so that people can buy the game depending on what launcher they enjoy and Epic would look the fool trying to limit purchases to one store.

I was forced to install steam to play half life 2 so not much of a big deal at the time for me compared to waiting for ppl to crack it (had a shitty internet connection at the time), tho I still remember my best bro bitching because his dorm was blocking everything apart from port 80 and he couldn't access steam to actually play the game.

Just stop being a bitter old man? If you want a game buying it on the Epic store won't kill you. These games are still selling on the Epic store and it's going to continue as you keep boycotting till your death. I think the service sucks too but I wouldn't let that stop me from buying a game I'm looking forward to.

Pirated before steam, pirated while using steam for games that are worth the money, will continue to pirate until they bring back demos so I don't have to.

I used to all the time actually. Eventually Steam got to the point where it was more attractive to throw down a fiver for a bunch of classics and not have to fuck with torrents.

What's TotalBiscuit take on it?

or just pirate it lol. it's cool, weeney paid for me

spyware that comes bundled with epic store can kill you tho

>Piracy affect sales
Since when?

I'm glad that's why because now I know they don't need my money, and I can pirate without those pesky feelings of remorse.

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He's ok with it because he already has a fornite account so it's no big deal.

This. Based Epic ushering in a new era of guilt free piracy.

Epic don't even have a fucking shopping cart on their client.

Attached: 1551137417183.png (389x384, 385K)

But what if in my bitter old man mentality I feel like I am forced to download it and use it and give it my private info etc a million times more than say how I felt when I had to download origin when mythic got consolidated to EA and I had to use it to access warhammer online...Its the one more step that is my threshold in accepting cock down my throat (like origin) that just makes me indifferent to most of their exclusive deal and I will be pirating just a few. I know it is all an illusion in this shitty corporate world we live in but well thats my breaking point.

>being a pay pig
cringe / yikes

Since I bought their last two games and I was looking forward on buying this one too.

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>has to pay taxes, bills etc.
>not a pay pig

yea keep living in your head

he didn't say that asshole

They'll start working on it in 6 months stupid pcbro

Majority of websites, OS, and phones you use already have this. You really wouldn't be getting anything new stop lying to yourself unless you boycott all that as well.

>inb4 you have to buy a battle pass for the functionality

Store war is even more retarded than console war

How many (You)s can i get from pussies that are mad that I pirate every single player game and won’t be downloading Epic launcher ever?

since when is a company all about
>Squeeze as much profits as possible in the shortest time possible
>When the company is done being milked, sell it to others that are interested in your patents/etc
>or just close it and start the same shit at another company
Is nobody in it for the long run anymore??
Nobody care about squeezing hard works from the workers below.
it's all about making as much money as fast as possible.

in some cases we dont have any choice. we have it when it comes to epic store

It's fine if you just want to get cash right now. Epic will give it to you. However your sending your game out to die, basically. No one is going to buy it because Epic's store has no customers. Hope they don't expect to make a sequel, because no one will have played the first game, and Epic's free money train isn't going to last for too terribly long.

I also won't be inclined to buy games from anyone who tosses their chips in with Epic in the future, when they inevitably forced back to Steam.

That's all companies give a shit about now. That's how you end up with these fuck huge conglomerates that have their hands in a million different things. There's an entire industry of people starting companies with the intent of getting bought out by one of the FAANG companies. Build a business for a few years, get bought out by a big company, bank (m/b)illions, do it again. That's capitalism.

Is epic producing the sinking city? The only equivalence where I felt like my hand was really forced was switching to windows 10 a few months back from 7 because I got a new mobo and cpu and whatsup cause friends. I use a rooted android phone, microsoft works 2014 for productivity and I dont have a facebook account and my shitty false name yahoo mail is still working fine. Your argument is a bit weak.

Lots of money now is better than lots of money later. In fact, lots of money now usually results in lots of money later. Money makes money.


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dragon age inquisition and mass effect 3 are games that i really wanted to play but never touched due to my ocd, i just can't handle having two damn launchers on my pc
i really don't like pirating because i had trouble uninstaling a lot of pirated games and that pisses me off
the quantic games are really tempting too but i think im still gonna pass

>if they wanted to start buying exclusives theyd start where smart money is anyway, by "incentivizing" pc versions of games that have either not been ported forward from old, outdated versions of games that have been console exclusives, ie things people have already established an interest in
They are doing that too, quantic dreams ps4 movies are going to epic store as exclusives. They are throwing money at anything that moves right now

congrats your OS is filled with spyware and you are on a site with it.

Quantic Dream's games were already coming to PC seeing as how they were bought out by NetEase (another Chinese company) last year.

that doesnt mean i should go to random site and download their spyware. i dont need more than i have now

This, everyone either doesn't know that or forgot about it.

Valve doesn't pay you bro, you can stop defending them

Just because you keep your door unlocked doesn't mean you also have to open your curtains and leave your jewellery on the windowsill.

but why make more and more money while you can't even spend them all?
What about being a family as company?
When you closed the company, or fucked it up, all the workers will sink along the ship while you escaped with all the wealth.
What make people such a heartless bastard?

>but why make more and more money while you can't even spend them all?
Not a thing, you can always spend money.

>Quantic Dream's games

You don't need to support it, Epic already bought the game for you. Don't feel bad

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>as how they were bought out by NetEase (another Chinese company)
I'm starting to see a pattern here, but it's probably all just a coincidence.

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Capitalism commodifies everything including culture. It's a system based on infinite growth. If your company isn't expanding, it's stagnating. If it's stagnating, it's in danger of failing.

Money to pay your employees, or people's fee-fees?

Funny how is only western shit being bought out
My japanese games are still on steam so i literaly could not give less of a shit

woah calm down shill. Are you worried for your social score or something?

>TORtanic 2.0.
that was Final Fantasy XV tought.

I don't understand why you guys are losing your minds over this. You have to be really fucked in the head by psychopathic consumerism if you are mad that steam has competition. Can you explain yourselves other than, Chinese bot net or " 2 launchers sucks!"

6 months for a shopping cart.

we want real competition, not anti customer spyware

>communists gain something even remotely resembling power
>immediately turn on those they deem lower than themselves in an attempt to gain more power
how shocking

Take your commie else where.
Capitalism is the voluntary exchange of goods or services between two or more parties. It's not a 'system based on infinite growth', its voluntary trade.

it's like standing out in the rain and complaining about not wanting to go stand out in the rain. If you are already in this isn't some new problem.

That's why u need competition for them to step it up.
Just pirate

thanks god people are not retarded like you. download lostboy.exe and kys

woah man you are so brave and special, big strong Yea Forums and windows spyware gets a pass but suddenly this is a big problem i need to stand against!

because the are no alternatives to them. too bad for epic, we dont need their store, and pirating is safer then using their store anyway


epic is based.bringing the snoyniggers games and fucking steamcucks is all i ever wanted. and if someone disagrees with me the jews™ will rape you your sister mother and father

Tiananmen Square 1989

So you're saying China is making it okay to pirate now? I'm conflicted because that's a reason to like Tencent/Epic now which is bad.

>Epic is unironically the best thing that happened to pc market in last years.

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it's the Tiananmen Square massacre of 1989 you idiot.

nice try faggot but i am not chink.