I attach Curious Obsession to my Pteramander, attack for two, draw one...

I attach Curious Obsession to my Pteramander, attack for two, draw one, and end my turn with five cards in hand and two mana untapped.

Your move, user.

Attached: rix-35-curious-obsession.jpg (672x936, 222K)

banefire for 6 and kill you

Unfortunately for you I was at eleven life. I play a land, summon a Stormtamer, swing for two, draw one, and pass my turn again.


Attached: 14085567.png (476x695, 869K)

I banefire for 7

Only trannies and degenerates play tempo.

Not so fast.

Attached: pieguy396-red-elemental-blast-15209925650.jpg (448x642, 88K)

Tap my swamp.
Dark Ritual.
Dark Ritual.
Tap my island.
Throughtseize—okay let's get rid of that counter spell.
Tap two more islands.
Mind's Desire for 5.
Alright, let's see what's in the pile:
Island, Swamp, Brainstorm, Duress, and another Mind's Desire.
Alright, I'll play the island, Duress you, cast Brainstorm, and cast another Mind's Desire (this time for 8).
Let's turn over the pile.
Oh... Tendrils of Agony for 9 copies and Tendrils of Agony for 10 copies. That's 38 damage; 18 more than your life total.

>gets cucked by white/boros chad

Attached: 1551176126276.jpg (672x936, 197K)

I sacrifice the retarded 1/1 monkey before obsession resolves thus wasting 2 of your cards

elaborate please

Storm, one of Wizards of the Coasts' biggest mistakes

Attached: tendrils-of-agony-21379-medium.jpg (277x401, 68K)

High tide!
FoW whatever meme shit you do.
Tap land for UU
High tide float U
Tap land for UUU
Tap land for UUU.
And I am it even done just wanted to laugh at non eternal cucks

You mean greatest achievement.

Second biggest.
Biggest is dredge, the mythical 14.88 on the storm scale.

This is a turn 1 removal at best

Oh no you have a strong man
> Act of Treason
> Attack you with your guy
> Thud, targeting your lifepoints, sacrificing your guy

no, it's a 4 turn removal if you go first retard
>implying you have mana to counter it with tithe taker up
>implying you can even spell pierce when it can be used from turn 3 onwards
>white/boros always get a legion's landing proc turn 3 which gives you a one mana lead
m8 I've played hundreds of matches playing mono u and I can safely say that boros aggro and izzet drakes fuck mono u up hard, got easy diamond last season because of all the bandwagon mono u trannies. If mono u can't get rolling in the first 3 turns with that curious obsession then they just lose

imagine playing standart LOL


Should have had some kind of limit and a casting cost to reflect the max power.
Retarded idea to begin with, WotC ran out of good ones a long time ago.

>Since I have Mycosinth Lattice your Pteramander is an artifact creature now
>tap Arcum Dagsson
Please sacrifice it and enjoy your freebie non creature artifact ;)

Play Mox Diamond, discarding an Island
Play Lotus Petal
Play Lotus Petal
Tap Mox for Mana Vault
Tap Mana Vault for Voltaic Key, 2 floating
Use 1, tap Key, untap Vault
Play Tolarian Academy as my Land for turn
Tap Academy, make 5U
Use 1C and 2U for Windfall, discard hand and draw 7, 1C and 3U still floating
Play Mox Diamond, discard an Ancient Tomb
Tap Vault for 3C, Mox Diamond for U, cast Mind Over Matter, 2C floating
Discard to untap Tolarian Academy
Tap Academy, make 6U
Repeat for another 6U
Stroke of Genius targeting myself, draw 11
Use Mind Over Matter 10 times for 60U floating, cast Windfall, draw 7, 57U floating
Use Mind Over Matter 5 times for 30U, cast Stroke of Genius targeting you for 80, causing you to draw 80 cards and lose as you attempt to draw from an empty library
Still have 4U floating and a Counterspell in my hand
Game 2?

Attached: Tol academy.png (825x544, 661K)

I respond to your Curious Obsession by quickening Supreme Verdict
Your move

>Use Mind Over Matter 5 times for 30U, cast Stroke of Genius targeting you for 80, causing you to draw 80 cards and lose as you attempt to draw from an empty library
joke's on you I'm playing Battle of Wits

jokes on you I already have a Null Rod active!

So no one talks about the elephant in the room here?

That's a loxodon you racist

Great mechanic.
Storm isn't broken in the slightest because needs a gazillion other cards to break it and it's a win condition. It's not like Will or Necropotence that can completely win a game on their own. The only exception is Desire, but it being restricted stops it from snowballing.

Attached: minds-desire-23817-medium.jpg (277x401, 78K)

It's baffling to me that one of the strongest decks in history is a mill deck.