>reee epic sucks I love steam
Uh oh! Here come the individualists!
>reee epic sucks I love steam
Uh oh! Here come the individualists!
Other urls found in this thread:
I'd say day 1 pirate, but I wasn't really interested in that game to begin with.
Obsidian just shot themselves in the foot.
I don't know how much the rest of you know about PC gaming culture (I'm an expert) but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is on console where you can be successful by being an asshole. If you screw someone over in PC gaming, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.
What this means is the PC gaming public, after hearing about this, is not going to want to purchase The Outer Worlds on the epic store, nor will they purchase any of Obsidian's games. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Obsidian has alienated an entire market with this move.
Obsidian, publically apologize and cancel The Outer Worlds on the epic store or you can kiss your business goodbye.
>making the same thread multiple times
more like released on a relevant digital platform 12 days after the DRM is dealt with
74 please
1 RMB has been deposited into your account.
- Office of Xi JinPing
imagine being as thirsty as op
don't spend it all in one place
>Gotrek & Felix
A based man in my book.
Also, stop making threads about Epic you discord retards.
>using age to discredit someone
didn't you learn about logical fallacies in junior high?
Is this pasta?
cockmongling shill
Where is Winnie the Pooh when you need him to liberate Tibet from China?
An edited one at that
Yeah I think someone said that when valve released counter strike exclusively on the steam store.
Nah, this is the original:
Square just shot themselves in the foot.
I don't know how much the rest of you know about Japanese culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in America where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw someone over in Japan, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.
What this means is the japanese public, after hearing about this, is not going to want to purchase FFXIII for either system, nor will they purchase any of Square's games. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Square has alienated an entire market with this move.
Square, publicly apologize and cancel FFXIII for 360 or you can kiss your business goodbye.
>Most people agree that eating shit is generally a bad idea
epic sucks dude. GoG is much better than anything.
Well, I guess I can wait for all the dlc to come out before I buy it. Neat.
are people mad that other stores than steam exist?
what gives?
Never thought I'd be thinking about buying something from the Windows store but here we are.
>Uh oh! Here come the individualists!
do you even know what that term means?
>epic shills
neck yourself chink
The Tiananmen Square Massacre Free Tibet
The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 The Anti-Rightist Struggle
The Great Leap Forward The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution Human Rights
Democratization Freedom Independence Multi-party system Taiwan Formosa
The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region Winnie the Pooh
Epic Store sucks because it doesn't have sales and discounts like Steam. You can't refund as well if you didn't like the game. How is Epic Store better for the consumer. It's only better for the publisher for maximum initial profits. But once people realize they have too many backlog of games in Epic Store, they'll realize their folly of greedy publishers leaving Steam where you can have refunds if you don't like the game and has sales/discounts and has reviews so you can know the pros/cons of a purchase.
It seems clear EPIC has its mind set on just holding as many titles hostage as it can. I personally wont bend to this shit considering the absolute garbage the epic launcher is but i'm worried that the next generation of zoomers and masses wont give a shit because no matter what it would seem there's no limit to the thing they'll tolerate to get their ever increasingly homogenous and cut down videogames.
The corruption of values within this industry is taking such forms that it's becoming completely impossible to enjoy anything other than one or two games a year if you're not a complete bottom feeding mouthbreather that will roll over forever no matter how hard he gets fucked in the ass for games that keep on getting worse and worse.
You know what we need? Weekly instructional how-to-pirate threads to teach the zoomers how to pirate safely
t. boomer that has pirated since child
rollan for my 2d waifu
Give me a big tittie gf please
Grown ass fat man spergs out about Epic Store.
>reee steam sucks I love epic
Uh oh! Here comes the cucks!
that'd be good yeah
so how do i pirate metro?
Just wait a few weeks until a user with a skull uploads it to PB. It WILL get to PB sooner or later.
Man OP is obsessed.
I'm going to buy Detroit and CONTROL in the Epic Store and all you can do is suck my dick, Volvodrones.
Do you think that...... he has an agenda?
Good to see you changed those filenames to avoid people catching on to you samefagging.
Don't forget your crab legs.
Its over western devils
Cry. Seethe. Scream. Epic is here to stay.
You forgot your pepe reaction image.
No skulls = potential viruses. You can gamble if you want and have nothing important on the PC.
lmao your butthurt is showing, chang
Over what? The massive, unstoppable success of Epic Game and the Epic Store?
>pc gamers
whats the skull?
How is it successful if only 5% of their claimed users redeemed their most popular free game?
>console pleb can't fathom the idea that the guy is possibly very rich and 5k is nothing to him
I loved that video, that was autism of the highest grade purity possible.
5 million downloads. That's more than Subnautica has sold on Steam. Most people know Subnautica as "the game from the Epic store". You are being replaced. Get used to it.
are you fucking retarded
>chinks are ba-
no, but you may be if you cant differentiate between retard and someone who just deesnt know. or maybe its autism?
ok, since you have just confirmed that you are actually retarded let me give you a hint, in that image that you posted there is a skull now find it you fucking faggot
He wouldn't be a RetardEra tranny otherwise
>pc gamers
Says man who can only play games on an $300 toy.
ok, so you feel safer if you download your viruses from a vip account? how does that work?
The skull is a mark of safety, it means that the user has uploaded x-amounts of virus-free uploads
Ignore that autistic faggot, he still thinks piracy puts his manlet ass in some sort of special club.
>my pc costs $2500
>your toy costs $300 which I also own
i haven't seen any articles about people getting shot in the ghetto over a gaming pc
Don't engage the sperg, I was the one you were talking to originally. A skull means basically that the user has uploaded many virus free uploads in the past, so it's likely his current uploads are as well
individualists are the bane of /pol/ though
stop projecting faggot.
and also im not so retarded that i have to use TPB, i actually browse private tracking groups unlike you faggots
Did someone actually say that?
to be fair chinese hate arabs and racism is totally okay in asian cultures
I spent like 3k on my entire setup and runs everything at 150+ fps, on ultra ... seems like overkill, but maybe he needed 2 2080tis because he plays in 4k instead of 1080p
>Buy game, play it
>Few days later realize you're broke, head to gamestop and sell it so you can afford cup noodles
How can you NOT hate arabs?
That manlet rage is getting the better of your little guy, simmer down a bit.
>i actually browse private tracking groups unlike you faggots
He asked about skulls on TPB, not about your cuck ass seeding on some private tracker.
Literally who? Are you so fucking lost in your moms basement that you expect normal people to know your so called "individualists"?
Steam needs to start removing games that are using steam purely for advisement with no intent to sell on their platform
>spoonfeding a faggot that cant google TPB skulls
enjoy your aids from the amount of cock you suck faggot.
based maybe we should get conquered by chinks the white race is not salvageable anymore
Oh no, mercy, please, i banned now, noooooooooo
stupid 'murican fag.
>claim 2500 dollars when conversation is about how rich PC gamers are supposed to be
>at all other times, call anyone who spends over 900 dollars on a PC a retard
>cry literally all year about steam sales
>literally refuse to buy games at full price
>paying more money so brick wall texture looks slightly more real
i download my torrents exclusively from fitgirl
>downloading shit from a tranny
There's a good reason to buy powerful hardware.
There's no good reason to pay full price for games.
>spoonfeding a faggot that cant google TPB skulls
Would you rather he buy the game or what?
>enjoy your aids from the amount of cock you suck faggot.
LOL you're like a rabid chihuahua, chill out sport.
it has less spyware than your chink store, so yeah, my safety is more important than your shekels
i would rather for you and your boyfriend over there to fuck off back to eddit
>i would rather for you and your boyfriend over there to fuck off back to eddit
Well that's just too bad.
>gives administrative rights to an executable from untrustworthy source
Yes, of course.
It's a result of not being bombarded with anti-white propaganda every day.
What you see here is called "common sense"
What's funny in all of this is that the devs clearly don't want to use Epic's store, they just want Epic's upfront paycheck. Has any dev actually put his game out on both Steam and Epic at the same time, like a normal release would?
They usually just grumble about it.
If they are not Jim's child brides from sweety squad that is.
It's the publishers m8, there have even been devs coming about and complaining about their publishers going over them and putting their games on the epic store
you know whos more untrustworthy? epic. they does spy on you, while i play my free games safely
Now try to be creative, you can't just post Pepe and NPC reaction images in every thread. Didn't they train you?
>They usually just grumble about it.
Don't have to follow Jim to dislike Sargon and his squad of mentally challenged faggots like Vee, SFO and Quarterpounder.
>they does spy on you
And you discovered it from image, author of which admitted he doesn't understand how to use tools properly and what this all actually mean?
haha thought it was gonna be FF going to playstation then had to do a double take. I now remember this.
CEO confined they spy on you, that image is irrelevant. meanwhile you dont even have a photoshopped image to prove fitgirl has a malware. COPE
The Tiananmen Square Massacre Free Tibet
The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 The Anti-Rightist Struggle
The Great Leap Forward The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution Human Rights
Democratization Freedom Independence Multi-party system Taiwan Formosa
The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region Winnie the Pooh
These publishers/devs should know they're doing something wrong if after every announcement they have to spend a week trying to explain themselves. Terrible move on Microsoft's part.
>complain about spying
>using windows and google
still here cuck
I've been thinking about making Jo0To0B reaction vids reacting to other peoples' reactions to supplement my NEETbux and allowance. I think there would be a market for them and advertiser friendly.
>facecam, 30 something neet unshaven and unwashed
>ok so this game is going on the epic store and this dude is sad about it
>why doesn't he pirate whatever he's bitching about, that's what normal people do
>wonder how much money he spent on those shitty ass Games Workshop books
>you can download those pretty easy
>I like his glasses, if he were a girly teenage twink and lost whatever fungus that is growing on his chin I'd pump a load in him, no rainbow
>heh, I remember one time in high school we had a guy come in and he was turbo feminine but vehemently denied being homosexual
>dude ended up getting married and going bald
>glad I ain't bald, that's for suckers
>ah, damn, it's over already
>well, kids, I reacted to it
>it's shit
>remember to like and subscribe for more quality content like this
OP is a Sonytard.
nice goal moving. epic store is a spyware, and fitgirl is safer to use
>trusting someone that fakes their sex
oh no no no no no no