So its confirmed.
Bloodborne is the peak of souls games and will never be toped.
So its confirmed
I have always been a fan of the Tenchu/Shinobido games and i am looking forward to the stealth elements first and foremost
>implying sekiro is a souls game
Demon's Souls and Bloodborne are the best souls games and they're playstation exclusive, that can't be a coincidence
Just because it's trash doesn't mean it isn't a soulsborne game.
>the article is real
Fucking kek'd reading it
You're not wrong though
>dogshit is the peak of shit
Get real and realize that Miyazaki has been making shit games as practice so he could make his first good game which is Sekiro.
You do know that you can't play sekiro as a stealth game, stealth is more advantage points and strategy for clearing small enemies, if one plays this as a stealth game first bosses will break him
Calling gotd a dogshit, you should be banished from this place forever.
What if i consider Bloodborne and DARK SOULS III to be the inferior pleb souls games?
Bb got most challenging soulsborne bosses in dlc
Express is a tabloid verging on parody and this is not a review, nor has the writer played it yet
but he's probably right
That doesn't make Bloodborne not the pleb souls, the games are more than bosses and outside of the bosses the DLC was bad.
Nah, DaS2 and DaS3 were the inferior pleb souls games.
It's true, otherwise Miyazaki wouldn't have removed/changed everything that held his previous games back.
>added a real story instead of """"lore"""" which were just interpretations of mad bugman ramblings in item descriptions
>made an actual character who can talk and jump instead of being a vegetable who can't get over tiny ledges
>removed stamina which added nothing to the game, and added verticality to fights
>more focus on humanoid bosses which were the best ones in Souls games
>removed shitty netcode pvp
>removed level ups, summoning and other ways to cheese the game and make it piss easy
>added world tendencies back in
>Playing sekiro
>Tutorial and item info popups constantly interupt the gameplay
>Game treats you like a fucking idiot by explaining every tiny detail about everything
Plebs hate DSII, that makes it the patrician game.
There are the pre Bloodborne and post Bloodborne fans, everyone after Bloodborne is a pleb.
You do you, man.
You do you.
But you are an idiot user
This game is so "halfway there".
I want an arial-based soulslike. Think this game mixed with the pre-alpha Bioshock infinite + Gunz: The Duel.
is Ninja Gaiden Black or MGR soulsborne games for you too then?
>Fast travel
>Pointless shortcuts because of fast travel
>Kidnapped into a brand new difficult area, but places a lantern a few seconds away from the prison cell therefore killing all tension
>Few weapons, some are pure garbage, many even share movesets
>Few armour sets
>Castrated invasions
>Co-op passwords
>Exploration rewarded with cold blood dews
>Linear as fuck, level design falls off after Cathedral Ward
>No reason to return to areas as no truly valuable NPC's like vendors exist in the world (This cancer carried into DS3)
How is Bloodborne not peak pleb? It's DARK SOULS with no balls.
Took you a while to reply. Again, DaS2 and DaS3 are what classifies as plebian and soulLESS. desu
Nah. BB was a lot more challenging than any Souls game prior to it. DaS3 was harder, but that was due to artificial difficulty.
Reminder that your game got ultra cucked by Witcher 3
Oh i also forgot:
>Insanely lenient stamina, can roll like 8 times consecutively with base level stamina
>Spam r1 forever, enemies stagger really easily
>You are far more mobile than most enemies in the game
>It wants to be an action game so badly but tacked on RPG elements anyway
>Covenants are half-assed
Sekiro looks like what Miyazaki actually wanted to do, and why does that hack have to direct everything in the fucking company? His games are getting more and more streamlined and soulless.
Uh oh bros, even Souls games are for casuals now? Our secret club!!
>>more focus on humanoid bosses which were the best ones in Souls games
Just because From is incompetent doesn't mean they shouldn't try to make good, imaginative monster fights
>BB was a lot more challenging than any Souls game prior to it. DaS3 was harder
based retard
>waifufag being an idiot
Not surprised
Lmao this game gets worse and worse everytime i hear about it
das3 wasn't harder than bb what are you smoking. Maybe slave knight gael , but the only playthrough I fought him was ng+7.
Bloodborne is only the most challenging if you have difficulties pressing the invincibility button in time, which you can spam. The difficulty of souls game from how everything was put together, even if you consider Bloodborne to be the most difficulty combat-wise, it is easier and streamlined in all other aspects.
DaS3 came after...
Dark Souls 1 unpatched is by far the hardest due to overpowered enemies that 1 hit you with fucked hitboxes, also the original anor lando archers and dragon butts. The game has been nerfed into oblivion for casuals
>No arguments
what did you expect from a game published by activision
>it is easier and streamlined in all other aspects.
The level design and the builds? What exactly?
I'm not reading the article, what does it actually say?
It took the pleb move of fast travel in DSII and added way more issues.
Bloodborne goes with the cosmic horror aesthetic and is yet far more willing to be convenient to the player. I consider the theme and game design to be at odds with each other.
Darkest Dungeon is where you go for true cosmic horror ludo.
>>Pointless shortcuts because of fast travel
Nope, shortcuts are the best they've ever been in souls. BB despite it's relative linearity to DaS1 (not that scattered shitty, nonsensical map design of DaS2), makes use l intelligently implemented shortcuts.
>>Few weapons, some are pure garbage, many even share movesets
A literal lie. Only weapons that share the similar movesets is the SS of the LHB and the Kirk, and both saws. Every single weapon is viable. In souls, each class of weapons have the exact same movesets and even weapon arts, thus making most of them redundant and only prioritizing the few that have good stats and scaling. A pretty shitty design that gives the illusion of "weapon variety".
>>Few armour sets
No, there are plenty. And they don't come at the expense of the bogging down the player with a retarded weight system, and wouldn't make much sense in a fast paced game like BB. Plus they look aesthetically superior.
>>Castrated invasions
No one is denying it. Invasions have their problems yes. First and foremost is the fact that it is proximity based. That killed most of the PvP.
>>Co-op passwords
And this is a bad thing?
>>Exploration rewarded with cold blood dews
>>Linear as fuck, level design falls off after Cathedral Ward
Not really.
>>No reason to return to areas as no truly valuable NPC's like vendors exist in the world (This cancer carried into DS3)
A none issue. At least it has great NPC questlines.
I don't think I've ever read an article dicksuck Fromsoft this hard before.
>Bloodborne goes with the cosmic horror aesthetic and is yet far more willing to be convenient to the player.
>I consider the theme and game design to be at odds with each other.
Apples and oranges.
Sekiro is GOTY 2019
The guy in the article is worse than Yea Forums in regards to Bloodborne shitposting, jesus christ this reads like a joke article, or it's at least self-aware.
BB has the best implementation of cosmic horror than any game out there. There's no denying this.
then you are a moron
>It took the pleb move of fast travel in DSII and added way more issues.
What issues? The lanterns are well distributed, the shortcuts are good for backtracking if you don't want to go through the whole level again, all just to find something at the end of it, the weapons and stats have depth. It's pretty much like demon's souls which is fine.
>Bloodborne goes with the cosmic horror aesthetic and is yet far more willing to be convenient to the player.
You still have to do through huge treks and explore places, and end up getting in trouble like mystery inc. I don't really get what your issue is with bloodborne being cosmic horror themed, it adds so much to the game. Darkest Dungeon is just a completely different game, that apparently you like a lot, but seems like a useless comparison.
Unironically was desu
>DeS: Broken magic + unlimited heals for easy mode
>DaS1/2: Go full magic/poisetank for easy mode
>the weapons and stats have depth
Excuse me?
In BB you just abuse beast blood pellets and bone marrow ash.
That expression doesnt apply to what he said
Hes not comparing two things that dont bear comparison, hes just saying the two things dont compliment each other
Which, i dont know if i agree with but thats not my point
anyone know when sekiro releases on steam exactly?
for some reason steam says 1 day and 9 hours and it just seems stupid
Never once used bone marrow ash, how much damage does it add?
>Nope, shortcuts are the best they've ever been in souls. BB despite it's relative linearity to DaS1 (not that scattered shitty, nonsensical map design of DaS2), makes use l intelligently implemented shortcuts.
I'm talking about the shortcuts between areas, not within them. Old Yharnam to Hypogeon Gaol, worthless
>A literal lie. Only weapons that share the similar movesets is the SS of the LHB and the Kirk, and both saws. Every single weapon is viable. In souls, each class of weapons have the exact same movesets and even weapon arts, thus making most of them redundant and only prioritizing the few that have good stats and scaling. A pretty shitty design that gives the illusion of "weapon variety".
Being viable does no make many weapons in the game not shitty, I beat the game with the Rifle Spear and can confirm how shitty it is. Not to mention how no matter what weapon you use the flow of combat will remain the same.
>No, there are plenty. And they don't come at the expense of the bogging down the player with a retarded weight system, and wouldn't make much sense in a fast paced game like BB. Plus they look aesthetically superior.
There is nothing wrong with a weight system and it's absence is a pleb move. Most armour sets are in no way aesthetically pleasing and there are so few to choose from.
>And this is a bad thing?
Yes, here's this dark cosmic horror game, and we're going to give you the co-op with your buddies experience. It is not only casual as hell, but it is notably gamey in a series that tried to keep everything contextual within the world
Rewarding exploration primarily with a infinitely obtainable resource makes exploration unsatisfying
>Not really.
Name the essential bosses and areas i can do out of sequence
>A none issue. At least it has great NPC questlines.
It is not a non issue as it makes areas in the game disposable. No reason to return, forget them and move on. Perhaps you'll return to farm blood vials and echoes.
Bone marrow ash is redundant unless you're going full BLT.
>Trusting a clothing company to review games
But user, it's to prevent people like you getting stuck at the first 2 hours of the game.
I don't have an issue with the theme, i have an issue with the game design not complementing the theme. I sincerely believe if you reskinned DARK SOULS with Bloodborne's it would work far better.
>Old Yharnam to Hypogeon Gaol, worthless
I hadn't been to Old Yharnam before getting to Hypogean Gaol, I discovered the area because of the shortcut, thought it was a new one until a later playthrough.
It also adds to the world, the areas connecting makes sense as to how the story takes place.
>no matter what weapon you use the flow of combat will remain the same.
So wrong, the difference between going Kirkhammer transformed vs Saw Cleaver is huge, the same as a Greathammer vs Straight sword in other souls.
>Most armour sets are in no way aesthetically pleasing and there are so few to choose from.
What a terrible taste
Not him but moat of the outfits in bb are just variations on the hunter pattern
If youre not into leather trench coats and tricorner hats then your options are kind of limited
BB was an unfinished transition, it isn't worth shit next to dark souls, it felt like a butchered copy of the souls formula with nonsensical choices in term of gameplay. BB is dark Souls : roll builds only, but even easier. BB didnt need blood levels and yet it still had it, it didn't need stat armors and yet it still had it. The pvp was a complete travesty.
Most BBfags only suck Miyazaki because Lovecraft appeal to them.
Bloodborne wasn’t even better than DaS1, and DaS1 was barely an 8/10 game. It was also a fluke, as every other souls game sucks cock
>Not really.
I also forgot to mention why I believe the level design falls off after Cathedral ward. This may have less to do with the quality of the design (Although i consider some areas to be truly awful like Yahar-gul) and more to do with Central Yharnam and Cathedral ward (Upper Cathedral included) being the peak in terms of content density in the game and aesthetics. If the entire game look place in a hyper dense scaled up version of these areas i would consider it a better game.
Forbidden Woods did nothing for me, Byrgenwerth is too short to note but the view is nice. Mensis I find to be fairly dull and the frontier is a samey looking open plain.
Why does Yea Forumseddit get triggered by soulsborne games
Is it the fanbase and journies who never played souls? lmao
>is weewy weewy haad so it gud!
The best looking set in the game is the Hunter set right outside of Oeden Chapel.
>played every Fromsoft release since DeS
>loved BB
>DaS3 was mostly tired shit
>everyone says Sekiro is completely new
>same fucking sound effects souls shit except with occasional hopping
I'll wait for black friday, I'm fucking sick of these games already
Tons of weapon with different movesets. In fact each individual weapon has more moves than any other weapon in any of the souls game. The stats are just as in depth as they should be for a souls game too. There is a difference which is in the magic spells department, but there's still depth there. I don't think BB should be a 1:1 soulsclone in every aspect
>I beat the game with the Rifle Spear and can confirm how shitty it is.
What do you mean? I enjoyed using it. Maybe you just spammed one move in every situation?
>There is nothing wrong with a weight system
No, but they were clearly focusing more on combat, which is what they are also doing in sekiro.
>Most armour sets are in no way aesthetically pleasing and there are so few to choose from.
Well that's firstly simply your opinion, and there are plenty of equipment to choose.
To be honest if you're not into that then you should have noticed that was the theme of the entire game before buying. It's fine to not like a game because you're not into the aesthetic, it'd be stupid to expect it to look completely different though
How does the game design not complement the theme? Just because there are lanterns here and there?
>Not to mention how no matter what weapon you use the flow of combat will remain the same.
What flow of combat? In souls it was always this:
>i-frame roll out of attacks
>space out
>attack when there's an opening with a couple R1s
This "flow of combat" meme in souls has remained unchanged since DeS.
>here is nothing wrong with a weight system and it's absence is a pleb move
Only it doesn't make sense in BB. BB's enemies are faster than your average souls enemy. You don't want to be slowed down and risked getting stunlocked,
>Yes, here's this dark cosmic horror game, and we're going to give you the co-op with your buddies experience. It is not only casual as hell
So uh what's with Solaire and the whole "jolly cooperation" thing? Don't make me laugh, co-op has been easy mode in every souls game. The boss AI shits itself if there's more than a single player. Souls has inbuilt casual mode. This series has nothing "hardcore" about it.
>Rewarding exploration primarily with a infinitely obtainable resource makes exploration unsatisfying
These are still resources you can gather. There's still valuable items you can gather through the world, from hunter tools to weapons. DLC makes notes of this too, you can obtain a massive amount of weapons if you are willing to explore.
no its actually genuinely not a souls game but you refuse to do research so you will never learn
I also found Central Yharnam and the Cathedral Ward to be the most interesting areas. Calling the Frontier an "open plain" is just inaccurate, though. It has cliffs, caves, swamps, trees, giant bottomless holes, and plenty else besides.
I'm not buying it personally, I need a break.
I never said I didnt care for the aesthetic. I was just expecting more variety in the armor because I assumed there would be more items in the game in general. So few weapons and suits is disappointing.
>This "flow of combat" meme in souls has remained unchanged since DeS.
Not him but that's complety wrong. I have 500+ hours on dark souls 1 and playing magic, miracles, pyromancies, Heavy armor, small shield, big shield, roll only feel all vastly different.
BB only use a third of the possibilities that Dark Souls 1 offered, while keeping the same framework for no reason and the only variety you have with its weapon is the reach and the speed.
Lack of RPG elements means it's not a soulsborne game, it's just an action game like Uncharted.
>How does the game design not complement the theme? Just because there are lanterns here and there?
I've explained multiple times, the game world is too convenient for player which is why i compared it to Darkest Dungeon in which you need to be on top of all of your resources, strategies and risk management for the game to ever come close the to level of comfy Bloodborne can produce with little effort. I'm not concerned with losing echoes because lamps spawn on the death of a boss (This cancer carried into DSIII)
In DARK SOULS you would have to debate whether or not to continue on an risk your souls or turn back, these things make a huge different to the overall feel of the game. The players that got stuck in the Tomb of the Giants at the start of the gae had to go through hell to get back to the surface. This kind of experience does not exist in Bloodborne.
I guess I understand that, coming from the other souls games. I did feel that way at the start because they saved the more interesting weapons for later in game, and you spend a chunk looking the same.
>Everything about Bloodborne is just perfect. Don't believe me? Check out VaatiVidya's YouTube channel
I'm not shitting you
Yeah, I dont feel like putting most of the cooler weapons in the dlc (some just lying unceremoniously on the ground) was a great move but I guess I should be happy they were implemented at all.
I've seen someone accidently finding the shortcut to Blighttown and doing the whole suspended village in reverse and it was some crazy shit. Pure hell for a new player.
I've also seen a stubborn player beating Pinwheel before going to Undead Burg.
I wish this kind of thing would happen more often.
Ringing the second bell first is always a fun switch up
They didn't go far enough with Insight IMO. I want whole secret areas.
I could swear Corrupted Monk is reusing sound assets from Pthumerian Elder.
>playing magic, miracles, pyromancies, Heavy armor, small shield, big shield, roll only feel all vastly different.
It "feeling" different doesn't change the general approach to combat:
>i-frame roll out of attacks
>space out
>attack when there's an opening with a couple R1s
>occasional parry for extra crit dmg
Just because you chose varying degrees of mobility or how much you can tank hits doesn't alter the approach, other than spamming projectiles at a range. I personally didn't see that much of a difference between playstyles after doing many builds in DaS1.
>So uh what's with Solaire and the whole "jolly cooperation" thing? Don't make me laugh, co-op has been easy mode in every souls game. The boss AI shits itself if there's more than a single player. Souls has inbuilt casual mode. This series has nothing "hardcore" about it.
Jolly co-op is easy and broken, but before you hat to gamble on strangers which at least worked in the context of the world. Now you can just buddy up making it far more casual, it does not fit the vibe of Bloodborne at all, it is merely a remnant of previous, better games.
>These are still resources you can gather. There's still valuable items you can gather through the world, from hunter tools to weapons. DLC makes notes of this too, you can obtain a massive amount of weapons if you are willing to explore.
Blood echoes are too common to be considered truly valuable. The valuable, unique items are very rare and few in number. There is not a massive amount of weapons to obtain in the DLC as there are hardly any weapons in the entire game.
It is insane to me that a game such as Bloodborne, which does most things worse than its predecessor can be considered not only the peak of souls, but somehow different enough to coin the idiotic term "Soulsborne" as if Bloodborne is something more than souls and not a lesser incarnation of the formula.
>no illusory walls that you can only dispel if you have enough insight
Insight should have made your character see friendly NPC's as hostile monsters.
> I'm not concerned with losing echoes because lamps spawn on the death of a boss
But what does it matter if it does or doesn't spawn after a boss when it comes to losing souls? You can just use a homeward bone. It's way way worse in DS3 because the map design just doesn't work with having a bonfire 1 meter from another. But the map pacing in BB is pretty good, and they didn't even use lanterns every 5 steps or anything.
>The players that got stuck in the Tomb of the Giants at the start of the gae had to go through hell to get back to the surface.
Yes, this is true, but doesn't mean the map design doesn't work at all in BB. You can still be travelling deep in an area without knowing where the hell you're going, and you CAN find side paths. Obviously not the same as finding an entire path like going to blight town first, but the game still has that sort of exploration and anxiety of not knowing what lies ahead. I think the part that works for the theme in BB is the braving the unknown part, and not necessarily feeling like you have to do something that's a pain in the ass because you fucked up.
Of course the bosses aren't stelth you fucking mongoloid
The possibilities in DaS 1 feel really different than choosing a different weapon in BB though. In BB you'll alway have to sidestep, play the same rythm game. In DaS even if it's similar at its core, the music isn't the same if you're tanking a few hits to reach an enemy or if you're using close range, middle range or long range magic (Pyro, miracles, magic). Sure the game isn't balanced so every possibilities are equally difficult, but they exist and are really nice gamechangers.
It's like playing the same tune but with a very different instrument requiring to have a different rythm.
How away hbomberguy, your opinions are unneeded
Yeah, secret areas with insight, also the scenery should get even more gruesome and creepier.
Where's my fucking Bloodborne II
Yeah, show me how you do that from the get go when you don't have a steady supply of BMA nor any possibility to buy them. Whereas babby mode builds in previous Souls games were open to the player right from the get-go.
>Now you can just buddy up making it far more casual, it does not fit the vibe of Bloodborne at all, it is merely a remnant of previous, better games.
Still see no convincing contention here. You not "feeling the vibe" is not a criticism.
> There is not a massive amount of weapons to obtain in the DLC as there are hardly any weapons in the entire game.
Bum rushing through the area can give you:
>Amygdalan arm
>there are hardly any weapons in the entire game.
Nice hyperbole. At least the game doesn't fool you with illusions of variety as stated here
>Cuck Souls 2 and 3
>being above anything
Homeward bone is a consumable resource which there is no guarantee you'll have on you unless you plan to use them and using one still requires you to play through an area all over again unless there are shortcuts you've found.
>es, this is true, but doesn't mean the map design doesn't work at all in BB. You can still be travelling deep in an area without knowing where the hell you're going, and you CAN find side paths. Obviously not the same as finding an entire path like going to blight town first, but the game still has that sort of exploration and anxiety of not knowing what lies ahead. I think the part that works for the theme in BB is the braving the unknown part, and not necessarily feeling like you have to do something that's a pain in the ass because you fucked up.
How is "Braving the unknown" any different in Bloodborne than it is in DARK SOULS? In DARK SOULS there are at least potential long term consequences for doing so, the idea of being trapped at a bonfire was harrowing in my first playthrough.
>Now you can just buddy up making it far more casual
If I choose to play with a friend, I can choose to play with an high level friend, or a friend that is at my level. In all souls games you could just randomly get a twink that would ruin your game, if you relied on strangers, and it was not fun at all. Now with a password at least you can control it better, and if you want to play with a friend, which you always could actually, you can do it without the hassle of FAILED TO SUMMON. Don't know why you'd defend what is basically just bad connectivity.
>There is not a massive amount of weapons to obtain in the DLC as there are hardly any weapons in the entire game.
Now, to be fair, most weapons in other souls games are LITERAL COPY PASTES with tiny differences in stats, and maybe one move different. I agree that it's interesting to collect all those weapons, but personally I didn't really feel it helped that much for variety, when I was choosing between different 1h swords, or spears, or whatever, and they all worked the exact same. And not to mention that in the end there's always one that tops the others in the category.
And in BB the weapons have way more moves and versatility.
Six weapons, phenomenal.
That reminds me, Bloodborne's weapon distribution is terrible. It is front loaded, with a few scattered mid game and pretty much nothing towards the end.
You forgot the pizza wheel
Ive always hated souls to be honest. But its the same hatred that keeps me going back to beat the games face in.
>Six weapons
>right before the first boss
> It is front loaded, with a few scattered mid game and pretty much nothing towards the end.
Most of the weapons in Dark Souls were shit anyway. You'd pick the best one(s) out of the respective class, and never touch the rest, unless you were going for meme builds.
>It is front loaded, with a few scattered mid game
Great, so that means I can get a variety of viable weapons and test them out without traversing 80% of the game.
>Now, to be fair, most weapons in other souls games are LITERAL COPY PASTES with tiny differences in stats, and maybe one move different. I agree that it's interesting to collect all those weapons, but personally I didn't really feel it helped that much for variety, when I was choosing between different 1h swords, or spears, or whatever, and they all worked the exact same. And not to mention that in the end there's always one that tops the others in the category.
True, but differences in weapon models, lengths and scaling matter. This doesn't consider the magic and armour systems which also affect how you approach situations. You also have the freedom to put whatever item you want in whatever hand you want. Bloodborne has the problem of samey people running around, it makes replaying the game fairly dull. At least in DARK SOULS you could just make choices based on aesthetic between different weapons and armour, this is a luxury Bloodborne does not have.
>In all souls games you could just randomly get a twink that would ruin your game, if you relied on strangers, and it was not fun at all. Now with a password at least you can control it better
The absence of control is what made it interesting.
There being many options at the beginning isn't the problem, the problem is that there is little to look forward too as the game progresses.
Its terrible in souls too, especially the first game when you can get the 2 of the strongest weapons in the game with the zwei and the claymore right at the start. Talk about front loaded
That's not a front loading of most of the game's arsenal.
>the problem is that there is little to look forward too as the game progresses.
Nope. You have bosses and you can sightsee Yharnam and the Nightmare worlds. What's not to look forward to?
What's wrong with BB's "front loading"? Again, you have the opportunity to have many weapons at your disposal, without having to trek to the moon and back.
Why the fuck is the discussion in this threads so faggy? Where the fuck are the spoilers? People has got the game for over two days now and some people who already finished it posted in past threads why is nobody discussing this?
Whole thread is either some completely retarded unrelated discussion like the asian vs western women from yesterday or pvp fags crying like fucking retards every single time
>what else is there
New toys and other unique rewards, namely weapons, hunter tools, outfits, and (imo) chalice dungeons.
Wrong thread buddy.
Chalice dungeons were a good idea.
Not even being ironic.
Is this your first dark souls thread? When the dark souls 3 dlc came out, only 15 or so posts were about the dlcs, and the rest was about comparing dicksizes of their favorite souls game
PirateCHADs where we at?
He must have a tab on a sekiro thread
I was clearly talking about weapon options.
>Start action rpg
>Game gives most of the games weapons in the first two areas
>Hardly any clothing sets to pick to balance it out
>Spend the rest of the game collecting blood vials and coldblood dews
The combat system and enemies aren't deep enough to justify this.
Please, this shit still happens on code vein and nioh threads. Especialy when people start throwing around words like floaty and weight
>Not to mention how no matter what weapon you use the flow of combat will remain the same.
You never expect bait in a large post like this. Well played user.
BB = DaS1 > DeS > [POWER GAP] > DaS2 > DaS3
This is irrefutable.
Yeah me too
I like how theyre kinda video gamey, they remind me ot item worlds
You play action rpgs for collecting items, not the action?
Every character will move at the same speed, with similar spacing and similarly fast weapons.
Perhaps I missed something in my 7 playthroughs of the game.
>I was clearly talking about weapon options.
Well clearly there's more to game design than just strategic placement of loot. People usually look forward to fighting the next boss or entering a new area, moreso than the next UGS with the same horizontal R1 slams and one out of the three weapon arts that exist in the class.
Its both. Otherwise youre better off just playing an action game. The loot in action rpgs are the carrot on the stick that should motivate you for getting better at the game.
Both, since the action in action rpg's isn't as strong as a pure action game. With souls games i expect more from world design, congruence of mechanics and theme.
Yeah must have. I've used 3 different weapons during my playthroughs and they all made me fight differently because of their range and speed.
bloodborne is overrated. every boss is a giant wolf monster, visceral attacks are pure luck, and farming healing items is fucking cancer.
t. didn't play the game
BB > DeS > DaS3 = DaS > DS2
Expect a crack within 1 to 2 hours of release.
>visceral attacks are pure luck
What did he mean by this?
Mommy look a retard. Literally most polished fromsoft game.
I enjoyed the loot in BB. There was enough scattered throughout the world I thought. Finding blood vials and bullets is much more satisfying than another soul of a nameless soldier anyway.
Souls weapons are pretty boring because they're exclusive and similar. Unlocking new moves in a steadily growing arsenal is a much better reward, of course with weapon drops kept in
have the time i get hit AFTER i time it correctly so i don't even get to attack the enemy.
>it's literally nothing
its the only soulsborne I didn't finish, it was good but way way way overhyped
>Homeward bone is a consumable resource which there is no guarantee you'll have on you
There is guarantee if you buy a few, or find the 6 in the elevator shaft. Maybe you won't use it cause of greed though.
> using one still requires you to play through an area all over again
Unless you're being too greedy, we are talking about right after you just defeated a boss, since you said it drops a lantern or a bonfire. You just killed a boss and you're full of souls, what do you do, progress or go back to the bonfire? The only thing putting a bonfire there does is save you the walk, because the choice is obvious.
>How is "Braving the unknown" any different in Bloodborne than it is in DARK SOULS
I didn't say it was different, I said that it does work with the theme of the game. The "getting isolated" part would be a bonus.
>In DARK SOULS there are at least potential long term consequences for doing so, the idea of being trapped at a bonfire was harrowing in my first playthrough.
It was great, but it's not all there is to it. Really the best experience was within the levels themselves to me. Even in demon's souls, because the further you go into the level the deeper in shit you feel. Sure the bonfire style amplified it in DS1, but it was only applicable in a few cases anyway.
>Bloodborne has the problem of samey people running around
Especially at the start, but honestly felt the same way in dark souls to an extent. The starting sets, chainmail, maybe hollow set though it looked bad. I mean BB only has 1 starting set, but I still felt it in DS1. Sure you could choose between a short sword, a longsword, a broadsword, or rarely a balder side sword, but they're all essentially the same, while one weapon in BB has so much variety in its moveset that it makes up for being a single weapon. It's a different approach.
>The absence of control is what made it interesting
You could take a peek at the character b4 summoning.
You can stealth attack many of bosses you mongohobbit
I actually like dark souls 1 a lot more than Bloodborne. Not saying bloodborne was bad though. I just like the dark souls 1 world better I guess
He didn't play the game kek
If you get hit you didnt do it right newfriend
> DaS
>Get a baldr sword on a Baldr Knight
>Get channeler lance on a channeler
>Get Tarkus Sword after summoning him in a later area
>Get spells, get magic
>Find people to teach you magic, you have to unlock most of the spells
>Get tonitrus
>Madman knowledge
>Madman Knowledge
>Blood vial
>Blood vials
>Hunter sign (that most of the time is useless no matter which character you've made if you got it through exploration)
BB was built with a soul level design but it hadn't enough candy to sprinkle all over it.
I don't really disagree with anything said here.
>You could take a peek at the character b4 summoning.
Sure, but not the person behind the character, that is what matters.
It's actually nice that there's so much disagreement over which Bloodsouls game is best/worst. It shows that it's an all-around solid series and every game in it is different enough from the others to have its own niche.
I like DeS/DaS3/BB for their pacing and mostly linear nature, but I can see why someone would prefer DaS1 for its openness/interconnectedness, or even DaS2 for... some reason
First time I dropped It too at the frontier but, after dlc and understanding the lore the game is absolutely best from has made so far.
This. Some of it also depends on which game you truly started with I guess. Either way your post is the right attitude
And this time, we had a thread where it didn't devolve into autism. Just honest discussion on the games we love. This is a first in a long while.
Bloodborne is still the best souls game though
I just really like ds2. I get that it's not perfect and that a lot of the criticism is valid but I still just like it. Except brume tower fuck that place.
>remove everything that made dark souls a memorable and make a game no one asked for
Its the first from game im not buying at release since DS
That's fair. I wouldn't say Bloodborne is peak souls anyway cause it's different enough, but I would say it's peak Borne I guess. If I'm looking for BB I play it, while if I'm looking for souls I don't play it. Dark Souls 1 is peak souls.
>implying you'll get balder side sword
>implying you'll get channeler trident
>implying tarkus sword is interesting
Fair about the magic, though it's mostly projectile spam for cheesing anyway.
I agree with your point about BB though. I also find the tonitrus to be very boring anyway.
>the person behind the character, that is what matters.
I mean you could read their name which usually said a lot, but I guess for the feeling of it you have a point. But still, as I said you could always summon your friend if you told him where to place his sign, it was just more annoying. It was just a game of waiting, when they could make you connect easier with the same effect.
>Has From Software's formula finally peaked? Can the studio ever reach those same heights again?
Of course, there was a time when I didn't think any game could eclipse Dark Souls, and then Bloodborne came along.
If any studio can exceed expectations it's From Software, so here's hoping Sekiro Shadows Die Twice manages to do just that.
That's basically everything about this article
>bloodborne is masterpiece
(this is obiective truth btw)
>can sekiro top it?
To Be Continued
I liked that tower, what was so bad about it? Except the optional DLC areas and bosses fuck those.
The game looks so much smoother on PC.
All those streamers on PS4 have framedrops and stuttering out the ass.
> Have to hit a boss a thousand times
> Boss can kill you in one or two hits
That's some quality souls game right there
>>Insanely lenient stamina, can roll like 8 times consecutively with base level stamina
>>Spam r1 forever, enemies stagger really easily
Fuck this shit. It ruined dark souls 3 as well, by turning it into a fucking stunlock fest
You either run to the enemy and keep spamming lights until everything is dead or dodge forever because everyone spams their chain lights with a 1 second window to do anything rather than dodge.
Poise tank was a cheesy tactic in ds1, but it took some effort to achieve.
In ds3 you can get stunlocked by 3 fucking dogs, without being able to fight back
oh captain my captain
>Fuck this shit. It ruined dark souls 3 as well, by turning it into a fucking stunlock fest
>You either run to the enemy....
>Poise tank was a cheesy tactic in ds1, but it took some effort to achieve.
No it literally didn't what the hell, just equip heavy armor
>In ds3 you can get stunlocked by 3 fucking dogs, without being able to fight back
Very rarely and it would be all your fault for getting in a corner or something stupid. There are fast attacks, and blocks stun dogs incredibly well.
Imagine a timeline, where Bloodborne wasn't an exclusive.
How much would of the of fags who keep screaming "IT'S A MASTERPIECE, NOT A BUYERS REMORSE" on it would change?
Minibosses you can, but the real bosses you cannot stealth
Not much, because it is genuinely good.
Most ds3 enemies that do fast flaily attacks gets stunned if they hit your shield. They also often take more damage in that state. Shields are a really good counter to dogs, along with fire.
For starters I would buy it on PC and really love it, becuse I love the convenience that PC has. I would have played it way more. I'm just too lazy to grab my PS4, when I could boot up a game any time I want without going thru the console process here right in front of me.
Not so much a secret club, more so why are devs catering to people who can't beat tutorial bosses and then go rage online. If you can play a FROM game without thinking, that's when I'll probs quit them for good.
My eyes would hurt less at the start of every bloodborne session I have.
PC players would proclaim it as the second coming of Jesus and PS4 players would bitch more about lack of FPS improvements on the Pro.
> [POWER GAP] > DaS2 > DaS3
>farming healing items
>actually getting hit enough to farm healing items
I still don't understand why people like Bloodborne. It's just a retarded version of a souls game. At least Sekiro looks like it's not even trying to be like souls games.
That's like, your opinion man.
Blood born was trash tho
This DaS II is unironically amazing
Since i've played Bloodborne i've felt a sense of superiority toward Dark Souls players, with 3 games their world became diluted, smeared and of lower quality while the game i enjoyed was of a purer consistency. I look now at their muddled bloodline with sadness.
Two knight archers in Dark Souls Anor Londo shooting you.
A story so half assed like Donnie Darko that people need to learn it through other people explaining to them through meticulous analysis.
Let's recycle every asset and idea we have because time is convoluted and we have fanboys.
But it's also your bloodline
And it actually isn't. FROM can't conceive new things worth a shit. It's all about Studio Japan.
We are well removed.
Demon's Souls, genitor of a degenerative line may your name stay engrave in timeworn granite.
That's mine too though.
Now that you've discovered that you could use the roll button, you can replay the souls with a roll only build just to understand how mind numbingly easy BB is. BB is the easiest game of the series with this setting.