DMC 1> DMC 3> DmC> DMC 4> DMC 5> DMC 2
Hated both DMC 4 and 5, I shouldnt have to explain 2
>non finished game with shit bosses is better than 5
This is the same cuck that thinks demon souls is also the best.
Bloodborne is what I think is the best, dark souls sucks dick buddy
Actually correct opinion right here.
Nah just really upset the gay ass direction they took the story in 4 and 5, extremely disappointing, not to mention they also made all the character look like shit in 4 and 5
based and fruitpilled
5 gets dragged down by V chapters
Cringe and Blueorbed
>took the story
Everyone point and laugh at this loser.
"Story in DMC" ahahagaha spoken like a loser who sucks at the games in general
DMC 3> DMC 1> DMC 5> DMC 4> DmC> DMC 2
LOL implying dmc had any depth in gameplay past DMC 1, everything after that is kiddy trash
Yeah, 1 gets dragged down by being comparatively limited and 4 gets dragged down by backtracking and weak Dante weapons. 3 makes the smallest number of mistakes, but 5's stronger and more interesting combat options still put it above 3 for me.
Watching people try and fit in by liking the older games and shitting on the latest release is sad.
>not liking characters actually aging with new iterations
Youre the guy that thinks ash and Conan still being children after all this time makes sense
5 level design is also the 2nd worst.
I can get behind this opinion. It's hard for me to prefer 3 when 5 just blows it out the water in the gameplay department alone. Fewer missions that feel like a slog and the throwaway boss encounters feel less offensive in 5.
Watching people dickride the new release at resealed is sad
Leave Leviathan and Cube Elevator ALONE
Well it's a damn shame it's the best one isn't it? Have fun with your fraud's nostalgia kid!
>Fewer missions that feel like a slog
Yes, zoomers prefer low effort level design and go straight to fighting chump enemies. If they never wasted dev time on V they could have worked on it but nope, gotta appeal to autists.
Nero > Trish > Dante > Lady > V > Vergil
dick sizes
As opposed to shitty platforming on invisible platforms? Or moving block platform sections? Or how about rotating rooms with a switch? Or slapping these 4 orbs to open hell?
There isn't a bad level in the game. And then there are great levels too, like mission 5, 7, 8, 16
I'm 31, if anything I'm tired of distractions to pad game length. If you think reusing corridors is galaxy brain design then we'll have to agree to disagree.
8 is one of the worst missions in the franchise
No music, "platforming" that slows everything down, gimmick sections that don't follow any sort of logic, lots of small engagements that it's better to run past because the style system sucks and a meant to lose bossfight to top it all off
>No music
Like most rooms in DMC 3
>"platforming" that slows everything down
Oh, sorry you must not have played DMC 3
>gimmick sections that don't follow any sort of logic
You DEFINITELY haven't played DMC 3
Fit in? I've played every game on release and it's just my opinion.
just say DmC user, not DMC DMC
oh based and redpilled btw, this is objectively the best dmc rating that goes around these threads
There's no way DMC1 belongs higher than 5 with those rehashed bosses.
also 2 weapon types, that brings it down pretty heavy imo
Also switching weapons by pausing the game. DMC1 is clunky as fuck.
DMC1 > DMC2 > DMC3 > DMC4 > DmC > DMC5
you can switch weapons in-game but it takes like 2 seconds with a mandatory animation, but only with swords, you still have to pause to swap guns
Virgil needs a moustache.
Stupid faggot kill yourself.
You fight the same bosses but in a remixed manner with entirely different scenarios and new moves. A way better effort than 4's shitty rehash.
Now this is based