what is the videogame equivalent?
What is the videogame equivalent?
>not pox
Monster Rancher
pokemon go
what is the vidya equivalent?
The Tamagotchi series has actual video games.
>what is the vidya equivalent of these video games
Were you dropped on your head as a child?
Holy shit I forgot these existed. I remember sucking at them because I only ever found fights but no healing items.
Pox was the shit. I had the green one. Always makes me think of Christmas, cuz that's when my dad's second wife got me one.
These are video games
which came first
Digimon Frontier's D-Tector
or Scannerz
I could never find shit with these, I swear i must have scanned a hundred bar codes and gotten nothing
scannerz came first
Did the Early Zoomer era kill everything good in 2006-07?
I had one of these. Holy fuck they were stupid.
Those Sonic games from McDonald's
Barcode Kanojo
Always fucking wanted one of these but never even asked parents if I could get one. Go figure.
Digimon World