*kills the "Epic" Games Store*

*kills the "Epic" Games Store*
*kills the Steam*
*kills the Origin*
*beats the dead Windows 10 Store*

Attached: consoles dead.jpg (1200x800, 90K)

isn't this just onlive lmaoooo

Big yikes.

Google cucks oof this was a weak showing

I like that this announcement made it easy to decide which streams to unsubscribe from.

right now this doesnt make sense, give it 10 years of infrastructure support then maybe

>trying to bait with this shit
Take a number, along with the other thousands of retards who make threads with this pathetic shit calling it a 'game changer' or whatever.

>streaming service
>beating anything

Infrastructure has very little to do with it. Even if you made completely straight lines between yourself and the data center the data still physically takes time to travel there.

>STD shills still going strong after being laughed at all day yesterday

Attached: 1550387259998.gif (500x500, 1.71M)

>Using any Google service that has an alternative
Never ever.

I love playing with 100ms input lag!

Streaming is trash


unless the data can stream the whole level, scenario, etc, in a short loading screen to make it bearable, . older games could easily be streamed and saved all at once. anything greater than a 10gb is an issue tho

More like 20-30 yrars.

Infrastracture does matter. If we could get close to actual lightspeed, it'd be fine. But there's tons of roadblocks that slow the transfer down to but a fraction of lightspeed.

Why would roadblocks be a problem? The cables are dug underground

Your inputs are still going to be subject to latency so the rest of that is basically fluff.

It doesn't matter. Right now I'm getting 40ms to google. That's too much, and it won't ever be less.

Online games work because they can pretend everything happens on your PC, and then verify things happened on the other side as they should. When the actual calculations have to be done elsewhere, the system breaks down.

standard lines already transfer data between 50-99% the speed of light.

Funny user. Now, get out.

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>Yea Forums's face when all the non-shit exclusives are Stadia-only

Attached: burnt soldier crying from the pain.jpg (500x334, 30K)

*kills all the bandwidth in australia*

Signal doesn't just dart from A to B, there's lot of intermediate connections.
In a theoretically perfect infrastructure, LA to NY would be 14ms. Now try seeing how much it actually is.

>non-shit devs will choose to put their game on a system that automatically adds input lag

I can't steal these games so its gonna be a pass from me.

i dont know who are you trying to trick. Everyone here knows about input lag.

i dont think you cant develop a game for platform with input lag.

>streaming mobile games

Yeah bro we're really fucking scared

You actually can't. You CAN develop tricks for syncing the client with the server, i.e. lag compensation that's used in most online games today. But with streaming there's nothing client-side to compensate. You just delay all inputs.

My internet fucked up tonight and it was taking me eight hours to download a gig update to one of my games. Had trouble even streaming video.

you ever play a fighting game online?
now imagine that's all games

It's never going to be quicker than the trip from my CPU to my RAM though, is it? Stop being silly.

If you could follow the conversation, I had initially said that infrastructure doesn't matter because it's going to be shit regardless of how much you optimize it. I was correcting the claim that line speeds weren't already highly optimized.

meant for

*kills itself after a few weeks*
*like nearly every google project that isn't search or youtube*
*like every game streaming service so far*
I love attention-whoring idiots like you, they're so easy to prove wrong.

why are you action quoting instead of using > you fucking redditor


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Cease and desist

Attached: delete all pictures.jpg (583x730, 157K)

It's google. This shit will be dead in less than a month.