>Why yes i play jrpgs how did you know?
Why yes i play jrpgs how did you know?
well it's hard to play games with real time combat when you're a disembodied scalp.
Unironically a high test hairline
What's a good 4x game to get started to learning the genre? I like civ, but i'm aware it's not really as deep a 4x as say HoI or EU. actually, I have some "complete" version of EU3 with like 10% of the dlc it released, would that be good?
Grand strategy games aren't 4X. Good 4X games to start with are Civ IV, V and VI. Endless Legend is pretty good too though I never liked the combat in it. If you want to play older classics, Master of Orion 2 and Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri are still GOATs of the genre.
I was about to recommend something but then I realize you weren't talking about JRPGs
dark souls says it's a "warrior's hairline" but it's tapered toward the front
Angry balby cope
that pattern of balding is literally a symptom of high test though
no shut up testosterone is magical power juice and gives you giant muscles, perfect bones, long flowing hair, endless charisma, and a massive dick
Looks like M2K
what percentage of Yea Forums do you guys think is balding or balding
This is what the typical JRPG player looks like
Sort of, it relates to DHT and genetics. You can have high test guys who don't bald and low test guys who do, but if you are predisposed to balding and have high test you will probably bald faster
More stress=more balding. Try to take it easy and keep your worries to a minimum
I started taking a multivitamin with biotin and stopped shampooing and the amount of balding I was going through stopped
How do you wash your hair?
Cold water in the shower every day. Takes a bit to get used to but it's perfectly fine.
>Takes a bit to get used to
By this he means for a few weeks you're going to have greasy fucking hair all the time until your body realizes that it's natural oils aren't being shampooed out all the time and reduces how much it produces
Also if you ever decide to try no shampoo make sure you brush your hair with a good stiff brush after you shower
>be extremely stressed
>shampoo hair
>look at hands
>fuck ton of hairs
Life just has a way of shitting on you while you're already down, doesn't it?
>lose hair because of stress
>losing hair stresses me out even more
It's a vicious cycle and minoxidil didn't help
I'm pretty carefree and still balding
My brother has this, not sure if it spells impending doom for me as well.
You mean your wifes bull
Do you guys think this shit works?
Just shave your hair man/
buy it and find out baldo
It's genetics, nothing you can control.
What's the active ingredient
Me while at university. My hair grows extremely fast though and I have a ton of wavy f l u f e to manage.
Thankfully it's not that bad yet. I think I've still got like 10 years left.
>Why yes i use headphones how did you know?
If you're going to block DHT, you might as well take fin. Nothing else will be as effective.
You can check on their official website. Hair restoration labs.
This is way cheaper than fin and I don't have to make any changes to my routine whatsoever.
>DHT blocking
I'm pretty sure one of the side affects of DHT blocking is moobs.
Just use Rogaine bro.
Just glue it bros
No, really. Nothing else really compares in terms of looks
We're actually not that far away from curing MPB. Just wait a few more years or pay for a transplant.
he was such a chad if only he had hair
But won't that fell off eventually, like I've seen in anime and shit?
It’s all genetic you Fuckwit
It's applied only to the hair so wouldn't it block DHT just there?
He looks like he sucks dick.
That's actually one of the reasons I'd consider a wig like that guy. My hair's still fine for now, but if it gets worse I'm just going to glue it until that Japanese cloning magic comes out.
From what I've seen, they're pretty strong. The glue/tape does wear down after a few weeks and it needs to be cleaned and reapplied, but it's nothing like the jokes make it out to be.
>We're actually not that far away from curing MPB
You really think so?
Looked at their list of ingredients, it's a bunch of shit, the closest thing it has that might have any effect is the saw palmetto and you can buy those as over the counter dietary supplements at walmart for much cheaper and just take one pill a day with lunch or whatever
Your best over the counter bet is to get some minoxidil, again walmart sells it for cheap as either a mousse like cream or as a liquid, all you do with that is rub some of it into your scalp each day for a few months and see if it has any effect, if not then stop using it and you'll have to get a prescription for finasteride and take one of those pills a day every day for 3 months to see any results
The good news is finasteride stops hair loss for like 70% of guys, so things don't get worse, a smaller portion will see regrowth of hair, especially if they're younger
The bad news is about 10% of guys using it get ED
>tfw I play jrpgs and have hair that rivals most jrpg characters fabulousness
Feels good man.
Just shaving it off is the best choice.
go away Toby
>My hair's still fine for now
Then just use Rogaine(foam) and you'll never have to worry about your hair getting worse. It's a lot cheaper than fin pills and you don't have to worry about side effects unless you somehow hit the allergy jackpot and are allergic to mixodxille.
Just going to mention hair plugs are an option and look way better these days than they used to
But your head basically turns into a giant scab after they get put in and needs time to heal and accept them
>28 almost 29
>no signs of balding yet
I think I'm gonna make it lads.
>the male equivalent of makeup
All you 4/10 beta males have a shot now
Yes but it's most likely going to be very expensive until the initial patent expires to who ever discovers the cure.
Just go fully bald head at that point it looks better
Any Femanons lurking?
What do you think about bald men?
Define 'signs". You'd be surprised how many people tone down their balding patterns.
>full bald
Only people with manly face can pull that off. Yea Forums doesn't stand a chance.
Women get far too much leniency and free passes on shit genetics. Make up, fake tits, fake asses, jaw surgery (infinitely more common in women even though it's desirable for both), no height requirement, labiaplasty. Imagine a world where every 5/10 guy doesn't wear his real face outside, has a wig for his male pattern baldness, has height extension surgery, and penis enlargement surgery, and they're all competing for the same desirable people while spouting bullsht about genetics in the opposite sex. It's absurd, but for once the based chinks are starting to crack down on this. Like that one movie star who sued who his wife when his children turned out ugly as sin, and he found out she's more plastic than human.
Literally what wrong with being bald?
You have to look like Jason Statham at a minimum to pull it off, being black also unironically helps since a shaved head just looks good on them
Ask soc they have girls
It's just seen as unattractive and people consider those that are bald to have bad genetics
You're not human as a man in a gynocentric society if you're not sexually attractive. Blad men aren't sexually attractive, unless they're so good looking they can overcome that big of a downside (Dwayne Johnson etc..).
Hair is preferred but baldness isn't a deal breaker for me.
imagine being proud of being high test and balding at age of 30 and developing age-related diseases earlier than anyone else
I have hair like a rockstar.
imagine being a tranny
>have really thick hair
>also have extreme eczema on most of my body
>including my scalp
>can deal with my body just fine with medication, but the scalp is harder to deal with because hair is in the way
>scalp gets incredibly inflamed and irritated with a hint of sweat
>have nearly itched myself bald like 4 times already, shaved my head completely each time
>hair would grow in fine afterwards
>now there's patches here and there on the side of my head that aren't coming back
I don't have a bad head shape, so I guess I can just embrace the bald if it comes down to it, but goddamn this shit sucks.
>WRPG hair
>Plays JRPGs
How DID he know?
don't let the side effect horror stories of fin scare you off. they are the exception, not the rule. I've been on finasteride (started taking it as pre-emptive measure) for a year & a half and have had no side effects whatsoever. My dick isn't brokem. I still jack off 4 times a day