>Man, FUCK Epic - I'll never buy one of their games!
*buys games made in Unreal Engine 4, giving Epic money*
>Man, FUCK Epic - I'll never buy one of their games!
*buys games made in Unreal Engine 4, giving Epic money*
Wait this can't be happening, IM IN CHARGE HERE BOYCOTT GAMING
oops :)
that showed those steam KEKS based me
>trusting an engine with the source code readily available
>trusting ching chong gang closed source launcher that scrapes your data
Hmmmmmm I wonder why one is ok but not the other
Your check is in the mail op keep up the good work
The problem isn't developers and publishers choosing time-based EGS exclusivity because they believe they get a better deal, not for me at least. I'm annoyed by Epic *buying* exclusivity on a platform they themselves have said in the past they would prefer to be open.
I am not annoyed with developers or publishers. Getting money upfront (2.5-10 million dollars depending on the game from information that has been leaked) AS WELL as revenue guarantees from Epic's massive Fortnite stash and latest investor round means you're basically guaranteeing the game profits before it's even released.
It's a damn good deal for publishers and developers. I am not convinced Epic has the best of the consumers in mind due to how hard they are courting upcoming titles that were previously announced to come out on multiple stores.
I like free competition and would love for EGS to flourish based on their greater share to developers and publishers, but the payments leave a sour taste in my mouth because it's a slippery slope to more and more exclusivity shit and it annoys the hell out of me.
I will probably get The Outer Worlds regardless since I am a big Tim Cain fanboy and I love his game design philosophy, but I wish I could have gotten it on GOG or Steam instead. Maybe I will buy it on the Microsoft store if the Microsoft store release isn't fucked up as 99% of them are.
Damn epic based af if they cover unreal engine costs
Huh. I just realized I never bought a UE4 game. Looked at a couple but nothing I can't do without. And last UE3 game I bought was Boarderlands Pre Sequel.
Tekken 7?
I just realized they probably chose this "lucky" number due to Chinese influence.
I never played any Tekken. I was more of a Virtua Fighter/Soul Calibur/Street Fighter/Mortal Kombat guy.
>all developers earn 88%
>unless you develop games in a country that charges us more for handling card transactions
I pirate all singleplayer games anyway, only betas buy games
people also said they'd "resist" the DLC policy but look at us now, if Horse Armor was released today many would happily buy it
honestly only a matter of time before buyfags go back to sucking corporate cock, and Epic has a huge chink cock for you to suck
That sounds like the countries of origins problem, nigga.
Cancerous UI
extremely based
this guy gets it
Why the fuck does anyone care about this stupid Epic vs. Steam thing, it's in my best interest that neither of them win because competition.
damn you're stupid
>not only do i pirate games but i make lots of posts about doing so on Yea Forums so everyone knows how cool i am
> I like free competition
> but the payments leave a sour taste in my mouth
Do you like the free market or not, user?
user you said you like free competition. Free means free, anything goes. However, it is clear that you personally don't like the competition methods to be completely free since you believe the current methods will affect you negatively. That is okay; not habeebing in the free market is not a sin.
It's better than supporting bad business practices.
epic deserves the money for their engine but not for the EGS bullshit
nice reddit spacing faggot
> being this triggered by paragaphs
I've used manual paragraph spacing on Yea Forums since 2003.