Game has random encounters

>game has random encounters

Attached: 1553149469073.webm (854x480, 2.82M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Poor Octo

>Madam, do you mind?

im sure he was fine, they can survive out of water for a bit

Why's that nigga crawling out of water?


Attached: 60gbpdxk4v6z.jpg (482x295, 26K)

so when does she shove it up her pussy?

That's cute

>encounter wild octopus
>use analyze 3 times instead of doing an actual attack
What the fuck is her problem

They're too smart to kill, honestly.

To invade

Attached: geso.jpg (550x717, 196K)

>you can seduce and mind control NPCs

Attached: 1552678568540.webm (1280x720, 1.16M)

Mmmm squid.

Attached: Squid feeding.webm (1280x720, 589K)

If they're so smart why do they taste so good?

>play rpg with random encounters
>walk on a beach
>end up battling a floating shark and octopus
Why is this aloud?


You know what game doesn't have random encounters, but the chances of battle are fucking ridiculous?

Citizens of Earth

>game has lag

Attached: toads.webm (640x360, 505K)

He's breathing sand though, no?

Who is she?

O shit, should we be alarmed?

Attached: desire to know more.gif (627x502, 940K)

So humans love them and help preserve the species out of a base desire for "FOOD GUD ME WANT MORE"

I don't like nature

Octopuses are bros
Squids are little bitches

>octopus are the only case of intelligence being relative to size


>tfw so jaded, think the squid's head is going to explode and a parasite is going to pop out of it.

Attached: 1536924646098.png (275x266, 87K)

Because it's pretty much kind of a blob of muscles and brain. Fryin that up is good eating.

Damn you gook moot.

Attached: Squid eggs.webm (1280x720, 744K)


Don't octopus have like 9 brains or some shit? who decides whos the boss? or do they take turns?


You have to keep those faggots out or they will evolve and take over

>he doesn't know Helen Mirren

nah, they breath through a pit behind their eyes called a siphon
which, they use for everything except eating. breathing, poopin, fuckin, etc

Bullshit, we're just as smart as octopi, if not smarter!

I could ask the same about ur mum


several years later

Attached: crocs.webm (640x368, 2.74M)

IIRC, each tentacle has nerves that act as an individual "brain" but they are all still subordinate to the main brain.

Watch it squid.

Attached: Aggressive Humboldt Squid.webm (854x480, 2.88M)

>enemy has an unbreakable guard

Attached: octobox.webm (854x480, 2.13M)


Why you be like that nigga?

Attached: random encounter.webm (1280x720, 2.88M)

>croc death rolls one of his buddies' left hand clean off
>five seconds later with no reaction
>"really nigga?"

my lil niggas arm tho

But why

>food gets thrown 10 feet away from you
>open mouth and move an inch
Dumb niggas

>Remembering names and faces of celebrities
Yeah, I don't have time for that

>what a great day to not be rac-

This makes me think
do animals feel on the same level of pain we do or are we just bitches
because animals go through some tough shit and are always like ''aight''

>tfw no women to massage and play with your slimy bald head

it's not fair bros

Attached: dSucKcc__400x400.jpg (385x385, 12K)


I like /an/ threads

>w-what are we going to do on the coral bed?

Attached: kawaii octopus.webm (853x480, 1.92M)

>that delayed "the FUCK" reaction
Fuck I shouldn't be laughing so hard. Fucking hilarious

We're much more expressive due to intelligence.

Do the same to a chimpanzee and expect much more.

All you do is swim into shit and hurt the thing with impact as if to say "out the road bitch !"

Attached: crocs 2.webm (1280x686, 2.44M)

>eight arms
>can hit you from any direction no matter how you approach
How do you even win against this?

Attached: max stealth.webm (720x404, 2.27M)

audible kek

Why did he stick his arm into the mouth?Why did he randomly death roll his arm off?
Why are death rolls so effective?
Why did he not react to getting his arm ripped off?
Why didn't they start fighting?

Attached: 1552182210928.jpg (960x958, 215K)

Attached: Boss has a instant kill grab attack.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

There's something highly entertaining about an octopus giving a bunch of fish tentacle punches.


Is he eating another squid his size?

The victim's foot touched the inside of the other one's mouth, triggering its bite relfex. It couldn't help it.

Shut it

Attached: not a hermit crab.webm (720x404, 947K)

I imagine many animals do not share the same level of complex pain we are able to feel. Pain to them doesn't express itself like it does with us.

Attached: 1546091603011.png (1000x1000, 660K)

we're more expressive due to sociability retard. what's the point of expressing pain if nobody cares? crock may be in a world of hurt but it doesn't help him to cry about it, the way it could for a human since other humans might come rushing to help out.
so he just sits there and takes it. like a man

If you were so smart you would know that "octopi" is not the correct plural of octopus.

>well, i guess that's it for me

>Why did he stick his arm into the mouth?
I assume since their eyesight is so bad, the moment he touch something he thought it was the food that was thrown due to the sense of smell.
>Why did he randomly death roll his arm off?
To tear a limb off.
>Why are death rolls so effective?
>Why did he not react to getting his arm ripped off?
Intelligence is relative to pain
>Why didn't they start fighting?
They're slow and stupid. He probably didn't even process it yet.

no rretard that;s his egs

Those little fucks are why I'm afraid of ever exploring the ocean. You could be just walking around on the ocean floor when suddenly this flat fucker bursts out of the sand and inhales your fucking leg.

>tfw you have an intense moment of clarity and realize footage of your death will be used by humans to shitpost for decades

BAWAHAHAHA WTF, he just straight up teamkilled.

Attached: 1489866748382.gif (170x97, 1.86M)

That's a squid carrying an eggs.

Attached: Squid violence.webm (854x480, 1.69M)

They didn't outlive the dinosaurs by being little bitches.

I'm talking about the other crocs.
Do you honestly expect a croc to be crying for help and waddling around?

The croc is probably in a world of pain, but showing weakness would probably fuck it's standing in the social hierarchy over. Crocodiles are actually pack animals weirdly enough.

Why does this faggot have painted nails?

They can't keep getting away with this!

Why the fuck do they shove all these crocs in an enclosure together? They're always eating each other.

oh no, that croc tasted the croc blood, he will never stop now.

Even in the animal kingdom, manlets never learn.

What the fuck, are crocs retarded?

>Do you honestly expect a croc to be crying for help and waddling around?
how did you derive this conclusion from text saying literally the opposite?

What a bunch of assholes.

desu if anything happens to us land critters the octopus are going to be the next to take over

Attached: 1542924348640.jpg (821x600, 68K)

whiff punish the limb

>when you cant romance best girl

Attached: 1553050534312.png (1912x792, 1.02M)

Crocodiles are really intelligent though. They've literally been documented coordinating hunts in packs, and using tools as bait.

how do animals evolve to do shit like this like what the fuck


crocs exist to eat the shit out of anything that's moving too much and nothing else.


Attached: 1541107355458.png (747x1068, 795K)

It's because they're lazy, look those fat fucks, they got algae and shit growing on them. This is what your crocs look like when you don't have a Steve Irwin chasing them around the pen.

Between that and a Bobbit worm I never want to step into water more than 3 feet deep.

>make him whiff a limb
>go for an attack
>crushes your attack with another arm and gets a huge damage combo off of it
Octopus mains out here trying to spread misinformation

Why though?

Attached: the kids survived.webm (960x544, 2.32M)

have you never lived around minorities?

Imagine if you could pinpoint the exact second you turned into a racist for life.

>read comprehension
I'm not saying you thought that'll happen. You consider that EVER happening even as a possibility if you think he's taking it "like a man"

>oh shit I accidentally ate my son
what a bunch of idiots. How did they survive for millions of years?

They got walnut sized brains up there user, all they do is react when they think food is available since they only exist to eat and mate.

>millions of years of evolutionary adaptation
>can perfectly mimic color and texture of your surroundings
>a nigger hiding in the sand

Pretty much all reptiles are retarded

I'd be fine with them taking over now desu.

they are basically sentient, partially mobile bear traps

>ywn see the octopode-dolphin war of succession

Attached: 1548764700531.jpg (680x557, 35K)

Attached: squid eggs2.webm (1280x720, 1.45M)

Yeah. Reptile brains are extremely basic. Just imagine a code where its processes are limited to eating / not eating

W̶e̶ They need to avoid suspicion.

They don't. They evolve to be smart. They come up with that shit themselves.

Pretty sure he was trying to commit fraud of some kind. Like he wanted to seem like he got hit by the dude driving for monies for "injuries". But dumbass was filmed so..

it's between them and the crows
my money is on the crows for what it's worth

>shrugs off loss of limb likes its nothing
thats how

Only once they evolve to be able to pass on information. As it is right now, mother and father both die to make sure that their young even hatch. If their gestation was shorter, then yeah, it would totally happen.

>cartoons always showed chameleon as the masters of disguise
>when in reality Cephalopods put everything else to shame

>red cap
Wow trump supporters sure are assholes. I'm glad I'm not racist like them.

Truly the ocean is the dark souls of real life


hope one days octopus attaches itself to a human body and eats my brain

hol up

Attached: de0.jpg (871x526, 134K)

it was obviously a joke you autist, comparing a man to a croc like that is an analogy that makes no sense, as the text immediately before the joke should've made unambiguous

he'd do alright in prison


They feel pain, but most animals don't express it because it's not helpful to do so.
More social animals, like humans, express pain a lot more, because it lets their family/pack/whatever know their injured and to come to their aid.

>lifting the skirt up
Fucking slutopus.


This is a great visual metaphor for when you get really depressed.

Why did he speed up almost 25km?

Attached: octo hide.webm (720x404, 2.19M)

>"Niggers loudy"

Isn't that a good thing?

To have your image forever eternalized in the form of shitposting?

How does that thought imply that you're jaded?

>look it up
>it's a mean ass centipede looking motherfucker with big fuck-off pincers
>it hides in the ground too
>it bites fish in half like tissue paper
I didn't need to sleep anyway.

We are living in a croc eat croc world, user.

It wasn't by accident, Crocs are cannibals.

Attached: Octopus vs robot.webm (854x480, 2.77M)

>game has optional side quest with herc

Attached: 1551247953032.webm (640x360, 1.03M)

>Cartoon makes fun of chameleon for not being able to do plaid colors
>Cephalopods can


Attached: ccc9a7c2e00bd98f8bcc1419d151a643.jpg (715x481, 39K)

wizard vs rogue

Can you even consider cows/goats/etc as pack animals? What about cats?

>game has permadeath mechanics

Attached: the twinge always gets me.webm (846x476, 1.98M)

assumed the pedestrian would stop instead of speed up
in that case it would be best if the driver just stopped himself

godspeed, dogbro.

Attached: 2f0.jpg (800x450, 33K)

>jaywalking on a 4 lane road with a baby in stroller AND a kid
stupid idiot father is at fault

Attached: 1552759891622.png (453x508, 110K)

>instinct of parent out run car
>instinct of driver out run parent

This simply isnt true. The rudimentary brain of an animal cannot fathom emotional experience. It doesn't know what "pain" is on an intelligent scale. It will react, but it cannot sit and think, "Damn, that fucking hurt."

Hggn, my heart. Gonna give my diasbetes

>horde mechanics

Attached: 1549681352160.jpg (500x624, 58K)

iunno lol
crying out in pain also alerts other members of its species that there's danger nearby, so theres that too

Does it bother anyone else to see animals express typically human emotions?

I'm so not used to seeing dogs experience grief, it's disturbingly human despite knowing that it's a canine.

Attached: A1 (2).png (623x1080, 217K)


sleep snug little octo

Anyone have the webm of the Flapjack octopus?


Attached: bullshit.jpg (720x436, 50K)

Attached: octo2.webm (853x480, 867K)

>would you like to be served by the monkey
>fuck yes i would

Imagine you're a squid floating about, and some weird fucking creatures from BEYOND with superior technology come down and probe your angus.

I bet this is what an encounter with a grey feels like.

yes, it's hearbreaking

Hi score

>gets out of the car
>first thing he checks is his bumper
>"oh right, the child..."
>frames himself perfectly for the hollywood tragedy performance that's about to be made for the court

pet primates are always wrong

Attached: Deep Sea Squid.webm (960x540, 2.79M)

>Dad jumped out of the way while leaving the carriage in the path of the car
I know "instinct" and all that but he has a responsibility to protect his kids after putting them in an obviously stupid and dangerous idea

Attached: 20180220_180511.jpg (538x538, 158K)

Attached: 1529189258057.png (419x430, 171K)

yiff in hell furfag

>game has griefing

Attached: 1517182671611.webm (480x270, 1.79M)

God dammit can I go one night without crying, please, please?!

What was that thing even?

>that slap on the hand
>"Ayyy, got you some good shit m8"

why do octos have to be so cute?
now i feel bad for eating them
they're still fucking good tho

Attached: woomy.webm (800x450, 2.68M)

Yeah. I'm the same actually. You can also see it with birds too. Like when a mother loses her chicks. There's a few webms floating around

Attached: octo camo.webm (818x460, 2.21M)

>increases speed
>gives the stroller one final push
He was just trying to kill his wife's kids


Attached: 1531990239812.png (512x512, 210K)

Not really. Animals experience a wide range of emotions.
Some like alpaca and horses will become depressed and outright kill themselves on sharp fences if they don't get enough interaction. Rats and mice will literally spend days hiding and screaming in terror in their den if they see a cat. etc etc

>we're more expressive due to sociability retard. what's the point of expressing pain if nobody cares?
Are you actually retarded?

Cows and goats are pack animals, otherwise we wouldn't be able to domesticate them. Cats are not pack animals.

Frogs are the most underrated cute animal


Attached: 1549069610052.webm (960x540, 2.68M)

he's no doubt going to jail but not for what you think he is
the parents were retarded for jay walking and the resulting collision is punishment enough for them
hopefully their children dont suffer brain or physical retardation as a result but it is likely


>bites off his owners face once he gets older
Primates, not even once.

>enemies can open doors

Attached: 1548690654703.webm (720x404, 1.02M)

>game lets you humiliate the loser

Attached: 1460698437748.webm (640x360, 439K)

> kids are about to be struck.
>There is no possible way I have enough speed or strength to make the situation any better
>Either I can join in on the pain or at least save myself.....
It's not instinct. It was the best option he could've done.

Attached: squid on the ocean floor.webm (1280x720, 2.35M)

Attached: kani.webm (720x720, 2.43M)

>isis music starts playing

I love everything about this little guy. His coloration, his stubby little tentacles, his two little fins just slapping away. The way he wraps himself reminds me how when a baby yawns they move every limb of their body and then go limp, so adorable.


god what a fucking DICK

why are penguins so retarded

Attached: Squid eggsheet.webm (1280x720, 1.76M)

If I had to guess that guy was trying to get his kids killed, why else would you speed up when a car is trying to avoid you

That's my point. They're just as expressive but not social. Clearly that isn't the reason.

>he's already covered in shit

Nothing wrong with feeling empathy for another living creature user, human or animal we still want to live happy lives without grief.

>ya now swim in it

the best option would have been to wait the stupid chav out.
He's a moron and his kids paid the price.
Poor kid is probably an alkie because he unwittingly killed 2 toddlers.

I've been searching for ages for a webm of an apparently screaming bird but at most I've found a jpg of a close-up of the bird with yamete on the bottom.

>game has elusive collectible animals

Attached: purrkour 2.webm (406x720, 2.87M)

Nah, it'll be birds, some of the smartest ones have even figured out secondary tool usage. The cephalopods will be their shoggoth slave race.

Attached: Vampire Squid.webm (1280x720, 2.13M)

God I wish that was me

fuck that dark motherfucker

Attached: 12983563.png (372x200, 86K)

>game has pickpocketing

Attached: 1543753989146.webm (480x480, 2.89M)

White sharks couldn't be kept in captivity more than a few days because they kept killing themselves.

>dead ringer spy

Should have used his sharingan.

Attached: sad naked krabs.png (580x550, 521K)

I was talking about the situation he was in a second before getting hit.

Him getting hit to "protect" his kids will only make it worse.

>squid attempts headstand, goes horribly wrong (graphic, shocking)

Attached: Starfish tries to steal home.webm (854x480, 2.45M)

>Welcome sir or madam, do you wish to purchase something?

Attached: surly king of the egg fort.webm (626x360, 2.72M)


But den dey win win bruh

>animals can't have a feti-

He's accepted his fate in life with silent dignity. Doesn't change the fact he is literally covered in shit.

>literally shitting on your rivals
Fuck man penguins are pretty hardcore

It's called empathy, you dolt.

>when you realise the crocs other front arm has already been ripped off.


>tool use
>no modification
good try, what makes chimpanzee tool use interesting is the selecting certain sticks, modifying them, and these techniques being passed on to other individuals

I thought this shit was 8 feet wide at first lmao

fuck it's probably been at least a year since i've been in an animal thread and i'm dying right now, thanks guys.

Attached: Squid vs fish.webm (854x480, 1.11M)

Those are toads.

>Fuck outta here

I have a strong stomach but octopus look so fucking disgusting. No different from other weird deep sea creatures.
Also squids are not that much better.

Yup, I've seen that one. It was a hawk that lost all her chicks

>an octopus can make its way all the way through the human digestive track
What would that feel like?

Attached: squid.webm (640x360, 699K)

fucking bugged ocean mechanics

How the fuck

To be fair the large majority of food an elephant eats doesn't get fully digested.

This is not because of emotions though. There's simply no enclosure large enough for them to naturally survive.

did the squid chew its brain out?

You cannot actually see how much pain something is in with just sound and visual you know?

>game lets you tame enemies

Attached: 1553006711521.webm (460x572, 1.67M)

Attached: Humboldt Squid.webm (854x480, 1.74M)

hindsight is always 20/20

>little bro hitting big bro

mammals have emotions ya retard, they aren't exclusive to humans

I always forget that water bugs exist until they get shown off in threads. I think my mind is trying to save me the horror of knowing there's aquatic insects in existence with giant fucking sickles for forelimbs.

>Enemy can bait you

Attached: 1439784880651.webm (480x360, 1.36M)

Was anyone else really hoping he'd drop it off into the abyss?

Assfags everyone

>why else would you speed up when a car is trying to avoid you
Because your brain on panic is making stupid split-second decisions.

Why didn't hermit crabs just learn to live without a shell so it'd harden it through evolution instead of hoping to find shit to hide in

>OI u think ur cheeky m8? fuk out of 'ere u cunt

He's literally eating shit. Don't "to be fair" me.

>The bystander in the hat who loses it when he sees it all is over for the kids

Attached: squid attack.webm (640x480, 1.64M)

There's a nbook about octopus "civilizations" called Other Minds. Very nice read

>boss is climbable

>game's side quests are much more interesting than the main questline

Attached: steam backlog.webm (640x640, 1.67M)


If being human is easy mode, being an animal is like a pvp server, then the ocean must be a deathmatch arena.
Imagine, endless space all around you with nowhere to hide, kill or be killed.

Cuttlefish are magic, best not to think about it.

>The beastly race is actually intellegent

Attached: VDvfIKx.gif (250x141, 845K)

Why didn't humans just learn to live without a home so it'd harden it through evolution instead of hoping to find shit to hide in


Attached: cuttlefish hunting.webm (1920x1080, 2.94M)

I think we can entirely see that if they act it out

>based crocco with a tiny lizard brain ate a huge piece of beef yesterday and doesn't need to waste energy by attacking or eating anything
>roastie thinks it's being affectionate
God I hate roasties.

that takes a lot of fucking time, and they dont live that long

Why did this get deleted? Too lewd for the advertisers?

I felt sad at first until I remembered that there'll be a furfag out there masturbating to this lmfao

>the forbidden hole

Our fragile ass species can't say shit about others having to evolve more endurance. We're some of the absolute neediest fuckers on the planet.

>Nintendo fan defending the latest switch port

Are those fish good pets? They look cool moving sand around.

Attached: cuttlefish.webm (1280x720, 2.81M)

This is just like that video of the sloth and the leopard

It happened to keep working so it wasn't needed. It's that simple.

>man contemplates having a son diagnosed with autism

pure kino

based squids

looks neato user thanks

if we ever figured out how to communicate with a cuddlefish they'd probably just fuck with us all the time


Attached: Basking Shark.webm (1280x720, 1.72M)

>Hmm, should I as a species die for millions of years until through gradual evolution my ass hardens up
>Oooor I can just slip right into this bomb ass shell and be nice and safe

I know it's a meme to call someone obsessed, but...

No, then you see something acting out. A means to communicate that they may be in pain potentially, but not a way for you to actually see it.

>gigantic boss you end up having to go into to beat
>enemy has a taunt

Anyone have that webm where this fish throws sand into an eels home and the eel keep spitting the sand out?

i undertand that reference

Attached: 1551313795809.jpg (423x590, 135K)

Crabs are those retards who stand around in amazement when the giant spaceship descends over the city.

Some did. They break into locals' homes sometimes.

Attached: coconut crab.jpg (649x366, 100K)

How are they possibly so dumb?

Attached: Goblin Shark.webm (1280x720, 1.79M)

They will go to war with the squids and weaponize their ink into ink powered and colored weaponry

>lol my kid's retarded

Splatoon 2 reaction video.

that's scat dumdum

Pussies, the kitty just wants scratchies.

Mmmm nah I think we can see emotion portrayed through action

wait how did that happen, did it spill its guts?


>mankind bombs the fuck out of surface during WW3
>some few fuck off to space to wait for earth to becime liveable again
>we come back only to see Splatoon happening
>everyones first thoughts are about fucking them

Attached: soyboy.webm (650x364, 1.76M)

It doesn't even look natural, what the fuck.

adult dog = developers
little dog = gamers
ball = story
everything else not otherwise mentioned = gameplay
camera = replayability

>tfw you decide to live next to a thermal vent as it boils the water around it and spews toxic vapor.

Attached: Hoff Crab.webm (640x480, 1.72M)

>bit its own kind, probably for the first time
>now will see them as food as well

And thats a big ass croc too, way bigger than the rest.

You bastard

>the last eggery in Allepo

reminder this fag has kissed more men than women on his show

hold the fuck up

Attached: demon attack.jpg (698x760, 129K)

Does giving a slightly extending jaw like that really give them a huge edge? It doesn't even look that fast and fish are pretty reflexive.

if he wanted to avoid them he would have just stayed in the left lane, dad would have already been in the right lane when they pass. is everyone that retarded where you live?

Attached: 1542175390450.png (871x887, 1.02M)

It's no longer funny, you can rest now.

>giant enemies do more damage

Attached: legs.webm (1280x720, 2.08M)

That's the driver.

What's his IQ and favorite video game?

Attached: killcrab.jpg (511x788, 108K)


We need to exterminate all the bugs.

He's given you an evolutionary reason retard

that's the driver -- he checks his damage first

Attached: faceapp-MGS1-Solid-Snake.jpg (465x430, 28K)

>dios mio... el goblino sharko...

Attached: b.gif (332x229, 2.76M)

I thought something bad was going to happen too user, it said random encounters how could there be no fight?


Is this from the new King Kong vs Godzilla?

>sending africans ipads
our tax dollars at work

Attached: eel brine.webm (854x480, 1.49M)

looks like a mouth breathing retard

rest child. You need strength.

Why do they instantly lose their color?

> that fucking 3 jumps section using the shit genesis controls
> being able to avoid 3/4 of the level entirely by sonaring an obscured statue

the PC version definitely was better in many ways

Attached: 1447623282801.gif (500x281, 715K)

>game lets you style on your enemies

Attached: 1527616376667.webm (400x358, 2.93M)

>and using tools as bait.

Attached: 1365802498628.png (189x262, 67K)


What the fuck was his problem?

Should've got the varia suit.

Their color is a conscious form of the squid's identity. This ceases to exist when they die.

the expanding cells that let them shift color are controlled conciously, when they die they all contract back to resting position.

This isn't direct information unless you're scanning their brains. Your vague guess is not sufficient to make any kind of judgement.

Pain is actually not an emotion, but a sensation. You cannot see how someone tastes something, only how they react to the taste.

isnt that a fucking sloth...?

This. What's their name

Stray dogs who never learn how to cars. What the fuck they all doing?

Why was he pushing a cart across a four-lane road where you're clearly not supposed to cross? Why did he clearly speed up into the car when you could see it going to the opposite direction from him? Why did he push the cart into the car at the last possible second getting out of the way safely?
The man is either a fool or deliberately trying to kill the kids. Drivers not at fault.

>1% steal rate

Attached: 1512273355683.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)


Attached: 1371958760965.png (495x597, 148K)

But cats don't express pain clearly at all. In fact, they usually hide from their owners when they are sick or injured. This is something that vets will tell you to look out for. Cats are reluctant to show weakness because in the wild, it could lead to them being targeted by larger predators.

this makes me afraid of my dick

Attached: 1529019049208.png (1316x2028, 2.11M)


I wonder if she could eat a mouse

>localization has memes

Attached: 1507493649593.webm (854x480, 571K)

>Saying GG EZ after a tough game

Why did all their colors disappear?

monkeys are based

>that hop when it succeeds

Attached: 151919874.jpg (367x243, 41K)

>implying the crocs aren't selecting specific types of sticks
>sticks that float are almost always snapped up by birds early on in the season
>crocos are hunting with stick bait late season, when there are fewer sticks
Where did the sticks come from then? They are selecting sticks, and storing them out of sight until the time is right, and they possibly even choose correct sized ones to balance on their snouts easier.

The even bigger implication of this is that all Archosaurs could have utilized this behavior regardless of how large their brains were.

Dinosaurs used tools!!

Attached: DINOS USED TOOLS.jpg (355x355, 10K)

Dr. Faust.


>that one old comic about the ground being too soft, except the brine isn't salty enough

>enemy texture has hidden easter egg

Attached: dog duck.jpg (495x540, 42K)


Damn that sucks

imagine being so triggered by a contextless 4 second clip


No? Do you kids not read books anymore?

some sort of guppy

he might have been looking to see if anything got under his car.

>boss spawns in starting area

Attached: 1543352668212.jpg (998x549, 57K)

Surprisingly the most graphic thing I've seen in a while.


Attached: 1550778235653.jpg (389x491, 55K)

is this fucking bird dabbing


>players shape changes as you get stronger

Attached: after 1 week bulking.jpg (485x491, 79K)

Would you?

Man that big ass crab fucked that squid and his two starfish friends up.

>game has a nemesis system

Jesus, would it kill you to just say "Oh, I see, guess you are right."?
Not even that guy, but your shitty attitude is part of the reason internet culture is so fucking dumb.

nature think she slick.....

>game lets you fast-travel

Attached: 1446412926517.webm (368x650, 2.04M)

how the fuck would reading a book help you know what monkeys look like grandpa

Animal threads really are the best part of Yea Forums

>taunting your opponent


Someone post the webm. You know the one.

Chromatophores are basically pockets of pigment that they squeeze conciously to change color (think of how a balloon filled a little bit with liquid, if you squeeze it, the ballon stretches out and gets transparent letting you more easily see what's inside)

Notice also how flimsy that fucking fence looks.

is that a kind of food?

and that's not even mentioning the soundtrack

>Not even that guy

They stick dicks in their eyes

>New Nintendo Game is released

We would get over trauma quickly too if we didn't think so much about it

>"This thing methodically stalked and killed 8 animals"
>"Then it started to watch us"
>"The fucking thing was thinking how to catch and kill us"
>"They will remember their prey for at minimum 20 years"
>20ft long
>300 kills
What the fuck

Attached: 1553143942360.jpg (705x696, 27K)

>Bobbit worm

Attached: Well_Shit.jpg (405x325, 49K)

that's a gibbon, a lesser ape
they have really tiny thumbs and long hook like fingers, probably the best brachiators of all animals

wow I really fucking hate this thanks

Attached: 1258929139855.gif (256x144, 168K)

>Dad lets go faster!
>alright guys, hang on!
>dad help

seriously though, check the lower dash, guy stops, then speeds up and goes from 40 to 70.

You want a small tip
a very small tip that will make everything better for you if you realized it psss, they're merely pretending

dang, even stray dogs are clean and fluffy in japan.

I legitimately thought that thing was massive before the hand showed up

Attached: 1553020366068.jpg (738x415, 21K)

"How quickly the tide turns"

Attached: 1483256640885.gif (500x500, 263K)

Is that a fucking mind worm?

Attached: buthow.jpg (700x506, 56K)

Thats legit the scariest squid I ever seen, what the fuck!

where I live you don't cross a fucking free way with two babies.

If it'll make her happy.

the fuck is he doing, tying his shoes?

damn this nigga be throwin punches

you guys love animals but why dont you love me man

their prey seems retarded so they didnt need to evolve as much

Picture books. We used to read books with pictures of animals, explaining what they are, what they do and where they come from.

its getting high

>game has illusions

Attached: 1532783009647.png (430x608, 457K)

>not croccy croc world

I now want an underwater rts game. Underwater is like space but cooler. This lil guy looks like some nice ass underwater craft taking off from a base.
Are there any underwater rts out there? Anyone wanna make an underwater city builder?

more froggos

Already posted.

We love you man, you know we do
No homo tho
You fag

Those are the best games

Attached: Jimbo.webm (720x404, 2.39M)

I do love you

Attached: 1471542305381.jpg (720x960, 95K)

>obviously these undocumented things are happening

is this a jab at some fat tumblrite?


it'd be so cool to be able to climb around like a monkey and throw my own shit at ppl

God I fucking hate Maridia.

Yeah, I can see this fucker surviving a couple mass extinction events.

Attached: Cliff.gif (463x634, 9K)

Attached: 1537456505891.jpg (512x381, 42K)

you're posting in this thread
so i love you man

how do those claws not accidentally take off chunks of flesh

200 IQ and DMCV

These and the astronomy threads a literally Yea Forums kino every time. It sucks the ass-blasted jannies purge them all the time.

Attached: Jannies mad.png (774x850, 316K)


not taking the b8, but maybe someone will

>my little baby killer can't be this cute

what's stopping you?

mad innit

Attached: 1235252d.jpg (479x720, 30K)

Consider the fact that he spun once and took that crocs hand off like it was a fucking twizzler
Now imagine that its your leg

Attached: 1553153582022.jpg (538x912, 71K)

>game has friendly fire enabled

>game dabs on jannies

Attached: 1524543056524.webm (640x360, 902K)

Attached: 1536775845745.jpg (717x717, 68K)

white supremacy

Because he is careful? How are your teeth not constantly chomping your tongue?

honest to god can say i've never seen a fish act like a knob before

Attached: 1433412781261.jpg (960x818, 50K)

>it's a Christology debate 3am on a thursday night on Yea Forums

Attached: 1459883666738.png (500x463, 112K)

Attached: Whale Shark and diver.webm (640x480, 2.43M)

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Bear claws are made for digging, they're actually pretty dull. which means that they do a shitload of internal damage when they maul you, because bears are just that strong

god I wish that were me


I'm surprised the thread went this long without that crag that got pressure-slammed into the deep sea pipeline


Attached: Whale Shark SUCC.webm (640x360, 2.68M)

>game has brutal aging mechanics

Attached: bruh.jpg (1142x1024, 142K)

dagon was p good


I forcibly exhaled.


Holy shit I had a visceral reaction to that

Attached: whale shark.webm (854x480, 2.1M)

you know, I thought I had seen it all when it comes to the ocean

It really makes me wonder what a lot of the old Yea Forums sluts from 2007 look like now.

>game has a difficulty spike
someone post it please

>game is pay2win

Attached: white privilege.webm (720x1280, 1.83M)

>The pups, distressed wandered up and down the bank crying for their mother
>The fucking croc came back and picked off the pups one by one

Attached: YES.gif (460x345, 492K)

looks like a pretty dress to me

Nigger what the fuck are you talking about?

Attached: what.png (600x512, 298K)

this is some eastern euroshit country isnt it?

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Attached: Fish Market.webm (1280x720, 2.17M)




Attached: frustrated maria.jpg (800x567, 87K)

fuck I was scratching my head for like 30s trying to think of something, that'll do

i can't even keep up with how much good content is in this thread, what a fucking anomaly


it's a fucking living katamari

Too bad humans are fucking retarded and would rather bring species that give them food and money to the brink of extinction

>game makes you contemplate life and the universe

Attached: encounters-at-the-end-of-the-world-penguins-1108x0-c-default.jpg (1108x831, 80K)

eel suffering from Toxic Shock as it dives into a brine pool

>human emotions
You mean emotions?

Kill yourself frogposting scum thread was cancer free until you showed up.

Attached: otter.gif (478x251, 1.81M)

Not now, you hecking dingus.
I'm talking about all the stupid shit that's entertaining and informational to watch unfold in this shithole.
Speaking of which, when are we making that Pressure game, Yea Forums?

If you're familiar with reptiles at all, bitter user is correct but bitter
I feel the same way about snake owners that think snakes are being affectionate (it's always women) when in reality, the snake just likes warm hands

>your best bud backstabs you

Attached: 1552460439693.webm (480x360, 619K)

>game has cliff racers

Attached: 1283735859908.gif (258x277, 1.48M)

>game has augmentation

Attached: fish tongue parasite.jpg (386x424, 48K)


leopards don't live in the Americas

This your first animal thread? We used to have tons like these. Not just animals, all kinds. I personally miss deep sea threads.

Of all the goddamn choices you had you chose the stupidest.

shes 200 years old

Attached: 4KnHzPb.webm (720x472, 634K)

>enemies are easily aggroed

Attached: Rhino.gif (380x242, 3.83M)