Post a better fps campaign. Go ahead I'll wait

Post a better fps campaign. Go ahead I'll wait.

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here ya go

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It's 3x longer and has actual good gunplay, despite a lot of downtime.

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The original COD4

titanfall 2 or bioshock

thats not an fps

too hollywood

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Doom 2016, CoD black ops, CoD WaW, Halo 2 and 3. That was easy

>titanfall 2 or bioshock

Infinite Warfare had a better campaign than those two

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>too hollywood
Okay, ActMan

Oddworld Stranger's Wrath
Doom 3
Half Life 2

COD4's campaign is indulgent tripe made by people who coudlnt hack it in the movie industry
>enemies act like lemmings sprinting into your line of fire
>regardless of setpiece design get hampered by dogshit cover-based regenrating health bullshit
>le ebin shoots u in the head muzzie and nuke scene

Half-life 1 or 2
Titanfall 2
Doom 2016

no u

learn from this user

The lamest most predictable shit ever.
The experience of literally everyone with activity above the brain stem:
>finally get big ass robot
>it kinda has a personality
>"Let me guess, we're supposed to get close to the robot and then he's going to "die" somehow and we're supposed to feel sad."
>6 hours of tedium later
>"Hey, look. The dumbass quipping robot that I wasn't attached to at all dies, but not really! Gotta have a sequel!"

The Darkness 2
Wolfenstein 1/2, along with older games
Half Life series
Bioshock series
FEAR series
Battlefield Bad Company 1 and 2
nuDoom, along with older games
Metro series
Shadow Warrior series
Call of Juarez: Gunslinger
Fucking Halo
These are just games off the top of my head. I replay the majority of CoD games annually as a tradition, but I'm the first to admit they are lacking in what makes an FPS game good.

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i like FEAR

I HATE FUN!!!@@@###$$$?

Blops 1 is BY FAR the best CoD campaign

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In 2007 alone, Bioshock and Halo 3. CoD4s campaign was fun but not impressive at the time compared to that year's competition, not to mention the Orange Box released a month prior. CoD4 was a sensation because of multiplayer, simple as that. Mile High Club was a fun challenge mission though.

CoD4 Beta was a more fun experience than the full game though, that beta had the coolest culture thanks to the unsorted metagame.

You know what was cool, those little co-op challenges. It was like the game came with 30 Mile High Clubs you could play with a friend. Shame it never returned.

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Shit, an actual rational post with good examples that none of the faggots here are ever going to acknowledge, what a surprise.

Just got done replaying this after the remaster went free on PS+.
Pretty sure they completely broke veteran Mile High Club because it is actually impossible now.

what do you think the f and p in fps stands for you fucking idiot


I've actually been watching the MW campaign cutscenes over and over. Cod 4 was the most grounded, and Vasquez's voice was cool as fuck. MW2 was great, and actually well suited as a transition point between CoD 4 and MW3. MW3 was fucking crazy intense, going from NYC to London to Paris, and has the most epic cut-scenes of the three, even if they were cheesy as fuck (SAVE THE PRESIDENT'S DAUGHTER)

CoD 4: Slick, cool, reserved
MW2: breaking out of CoD 4's mold
MW3: Batshit insane

Doom 1 Episode 1 has yet to be matched or bettered in terms of quality. Shit just flows well together.

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But it is not fun, user. You don't really think it's fun, you probably don't know better. It's honestly no different from Beyond: Two Souls in my eyes. The gameplay is just railroading you from one barrage of brainless warm bodies and and meaningless, emotionally disconnected mocap to another. It's a game for people who should just watch a Seagal movie and take a walk.

Special Ops, you retard.

>I've actually been watching the MW campaign cutscenes
MW's cutscenes have always been slideshows of mission data and GPS coordinates, wtf did you get out of the games from them??

the gameplay is basically a movie in itself and is a thrill to play

pic related
>press x to time travel.

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BP's autism ruined the campaign for me

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he's nowhere near as likeable as Ethan

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I honestly don’t know why Yea Forums hates this game. I found it amazing

Why must we always lose our Robo-Bros?

we hate its sequel, The New Colossus.
the reboot, The New Order, is great

It's quite possibly the best modern fps. Yea Forums had a problem with the sequel, with the inclusion of slight political matters. 2 was still a good game though.

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2's pacing was shit

Yeah, because running over a healthpack and suddenly being fine after getting filled with bullets isn't just as bad as regenerating health.
Not to mention none of the games you mentioned have good enemy AI.
COD4 is fun, if you want to criticise it at least come up with better reasons than those.

Came here to post this

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>doom 1/2
>system shock 1/2
>gunman chronicles
>chronicles of riddick
>serious sam 1/2/3
>hard reset
>call of juarez gunslinger
>max payne 1/2
i want reddit to leave

Any of the first three Halo games.

CoD Advanced Warfare is unironically the greatest single player shooter campaign ever created.

>unchangeable disgusting FOV
>shit mouse sens settings
>runs like shit
fuck off retard this was one of the biggest fuck ups i ever seen

Very true, and it had no boss-fights. The general gunplay was decent though, not as good as TNO and TOB but still better than 90% of other fps games.

>Your face when we'll be more likely to play out the scenario of burning Moscow to the ground in real life now than in a sequel to MW2.

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What really sucked was the fact that the annoying XO woman was the only one of the cast to survive.

You have to find those healthpacks first and then you gotta make sure not to die when trying to reach it. Sounds miles better than health regen while taking cover.

>doom 1/2
episode 3 and some levels in 2 are crap

All the DC missions were absolute kino

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>>le ebin shoots u in the head muzzie and nuke scene
I think the execution was great game design.
By immediately killing off a irrelevant (to you, the player) character the game sets up a fake narrative. That it's "edgy/brave" enough to kill off the "good guys", but not enough to go kill the actual PCs. So when you're fleeing the city before the nuke explodes, you expect to survive it easily. When it goes full cliche and you go back to save the pilot, you now expect that you'll probably see a few unlucky marines die, but your helicopter will ride it out with only seconds to spare. And then you just get nuked.

It was a fun campaign, they didn't pretend they were unpredictable

CoD4 didn't have a good campaign, I barely managed to finish it, the game was only good for MP. HL2E2 of all things was better despite being 1/3rd of a fucking game.

Halo had worn out its welcome at that point whereas CoD had finally hit its modern stride. You're severely underselling it, the single player was really good and also very well received.