I know some people don't qualify this as a game, but what did you guys think of Oxenfree?

I know some people don't qualify this as a game, but what did you guys think of Oxenfree?

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I doubt anybody here has played it but I thought it was neat. Didn't care enough to replay though which is a shame because they obviously wanted me to for the twist

Pretty good, the whole "weekend trip to a weird island" is done very well and the audio used fits prefectly
I alsomanaged to save her. After all, your brother loved her and she didnt seemed bad either

I thought it was alright. Did a few of playthroughs before completely losing interest.

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Played a little bit. It's cute but gets boring fast.

I liked it. I didn't expect it to have those fucking endings though...

I'm not sure, but I think it's a video game.

I rather enjoyed it, loved how the dialogue system worked. Probably one of the best ones out there. All in all a pretty good graphic adventure game.

Looking forward to their next one, Afterparty.

>exclusive to epic games store
why does this always happen?

There is a "new" one?

I don't know, I play on consoles or play old games on GOG


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well that's too bad. then again i didn't play oxenfree until a year and a half after it came out so i'll just do the same with afterparty.


didnt like it, was boring as fuck
and that whole super natural magic bullshit put me off

I enjoyed it, I doubt I'll ever replay it but it was a fun experience. it was more comfy than creepy.

It is a shitty young adult novel in the form of a video game. Something a 12 years old girl would read.

[Spoiler]No you didn't. She's stuck in a loop.

My lil sis kinda liked it :c She's like 10

It was the one few games where it was kinda scary for her but not too scary that it scares her off. Since then she really got into games and we actually finished A way Out together because of Oxenfree. It was her gateway to gaming.

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>There's a god and we're dead
Pretty based

CTRL + S after highlighting your text.

Helps with spoiler-ing stuff

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Yes I did, unless I missed some epic twist

based and comfypilled

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I thought it was a lot more interesting when I thought the "entity" was some kind of extradimensional being attempting to communicate via clips from various radio broadcasts, rather than just beinga bunch of dead people.

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I've spent all this time typing it out when I could've just done ctrl s. Feels bad.

Do normies actually interrupt each other as much as this game would lead me to believe? It felt like my options were consistently "be a weird mute" or "interrupt someone in the middle of their statement".

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It's ok, i too have lurked many years like so until a fellow Yea Forumsrother bestowed this knowledge upon me, now unto you.

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Yes. source: me

I think its just the game not waiting for someone to end their sentence rather than being intended
But the interruption isnt exaggerated so I guess it fits

A conversation with normalfags is basically whoever can speak the loudest. I really don't understand how they don't tire themselves out with that shit.

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Thanks Yea Forumsro. I'll make sure to pass this on to future generations

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is there even an ending where they escape the loop


then what is it man


I like how you can clown on Ren the whole time.

iS leavE possiblE?

yeah, same

this stopped working for me years ago

I enjoyed it. Barely has any gameplay but it was still fun, I liked the cast and the aesthetics.

yfw the dead submarine crew had basically merged into one group entity experiencing their deaths over and over.

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I liked the story and the choice mechanics in the game. I found it somewhat cozy to play

Oh I loved it!

Nice seeing Yea Forums actually talking aobut games they like instead of shitposting.

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I liked it. Some of the humor's a bit hit-and-miss, but I really appreciate character-driven horror stories, and games that can have fun with the fear factor without the need for first-person jump scares.

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Talking with them in the underwater past(?) was dope

I was totally ready to trap myself there to rescue Clarissa

Nah, just bros being bros.

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Lets not pretend like we don't know about the fact that this game soon will be free for two weeks in epic store.

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I wish I could like it more, but the sudden, abrupt ending put a sour taste in my mouth. The fact that the entity got explained didn't help. I did like how they were going mad the entire time though, and devolving into little more than petulant toddlers because they've been experiencing neverending torment for half a century.

Its actually free starting today.

I think I got this for free from GoG or Humble Bundle or something

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I actually thought it was really clever that it was literally impossible to escape the time loop until after the ARG was finished and the game was updated with New Game+.

Because I had already replayed through it again doing completely different things and hoping for a better ending, only to get screwed over a second time. So by the time the update came out I felt like I had actually played through the feeling of being trapped and being forced to repeat everything only for some things to finally start changing.

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so the only way to escape the loop was to go to alfredo's pizza?

I don't like the prospect of Epic holding certain titles hostage as a means of forcing people to cave into them, but I don't hate the idea of some smaller studios at least making some cash out of it while the whole debacle lasts either.

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This game has already been free on gog in 2017

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I get that the studios want a bigger cut of the profit but with the amount of negative press the epic games store is getting, there won't be many customers left to buy the games. The studios are better off using steam.

Wait, you can actually save your bro? I played through the whole final flashback with him completely accepting that he was going to die, thinking of it as a means of trying to give Alex closure with someone that was clearly already gone.

Didn't realize that you were supposed to bugger the whole space time continuum.

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As user above said they released an update that fundamentally changed how you approach certain endings

Looking forward to this. Oxenfree's good but I feel like they'll have more fun with Hell as a setting than they did with an empty island.

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I really enjoyed it. Good game.

My only nitpick with this game was how fast some of the dialogue choices disappeared.

Modern Telltale and the like had me used to timed dialogue options where you can wait for everyone to stop talking before making a choice, but in Oxenfree you have to be ready to cut some people off mid-sentence or you'll lose your chance to speak.

Which I suppose feels more natural in some cases, but can be frustrating in others.

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Did anyone fuck with Jonas in the cave when you first started messing with the triangles via radio?

Pretty sure I tried to avoid all pranks when I could because I didn't want to be the inevitable boy who cried wolf in a horror scenario.

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It's more of a interactive movie, really.
Still enjoyed it though.
Wasnt as sjwy as I was expecting with its artstyle.

Thought it was pretty generic but alright for a once through. Walking around was painfully slow and that killed alot of my enjoyment. The story could have been more original too.

Always reminds me of Coraline.

hands down my favorite indie title right now. the dialogue feels natural, unlike the life is strange esque stuff that is put out a lot nowadays

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I didn't want to strangle any of the "relatable teens" characters to death, so the script must be prett good.
Great dialogue system, good music, the story was surprisingly interesting.

I hope all the versions of her were freed in the end then.

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Christ I haven't thought about this game in almost two years. I liked it, but some of the humor felt out of place, especially near the end where your friends are either getting deleted or kidnapped by ghosts. Only did one playthrough though.

It's actually a decent point and click adventure, basically.

you objectively play it wrong if you only do one playthrough

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I got that ending, but Michael stayed dead. I thought it felt more natural to have past Alex let him choose for himself what to do with his life and to just take the chance to say their goodbyes on a positive note. Guess I didn't think that trying to forcibly rewrite everything would actually turn out well for anyone in the end.

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That was my first thought as well.

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I think I played it like a couple years ago. It says something that I can still recall the plot and choices in Walking Dead Season 1 from way longer ago and at least some of Wolf Among Us and honestly can't remmebr anything about Oxenfree. There's something admirable of just telling a story about some kids discovering something spooky, but it just didn't resonate with me on a character, plot, or thematic level.

It's pretty funny when you do

I played it before they added the secret endings or whatever. My ending was basically I saved everyone but then the ending put me back on the ferry as in a time loop sort of thing.

Haven't been bothered to do a second playthrough, especially now that I'd have to replay it twice to refresh myself on what's going on then to get the good ending.

It's an ok game. There are a lot of flaws, especially with the pacing. The game forces you to progress on the rails for far too long, instead of just letting you explore the island at your leisure to start. So by the time you do get to explore you're just revisiting all the setpieces you already saw and stuff you've already interacted with. Also I was disappointed by the lack of things you could interact with and learn about on the island. I remember it being more sparse than I remember. But this was after I had played stuff like Firewatch, which blew me away.

I really like 2D/adventure horror games. Fran Bow, Detention, Oxenfree, etc. They don't get enough love.

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Even as someone who strongly believes in playing games as intended by the creators, I just could not give enough of a fuck to do a second play.

You know a game has bad writing when every character is the quirky one.

Yeah, I still liked the dialogue well enough as well as the spookier moments, but I didn't think that the island itself and the dry tour guide style audio logs were very exciting to explore through the rest of the time.

It's part of why I think Afterparty looks a bit more engaging. More random characters and set-pieces to potentially interact with.

Any thoughts on Night in the Woods anons?
Playing it now. It's bretty good exploration adventure game so far. All of the side stuff is also really solid.

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>costs 20 dollars

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I thought it was going for something Lovecraftian at first, and was a little disappointed when it wasn't, but I still thought it did a decent job relating the whole cyclical fear of death and the ghosts's reluctance in moving on with what the protagonist was going through.

So not quite as exciting of an immediate premise, but probably better from a character driven perspective.

This game is a bunch of nothing, played it to completion and besides when things start going down at first I don't remember any of it. I liked the characters at first but the dialogue becomes too predictable and clichey as the game goes on, really making the whole experience that bit more boring.

Same thing with this one, I did see myself as a 14 yerold in many scenarios and it had a nice comfy vibe, but again, it's a bunch of nothing and after a while it just gets old. Except that at the end it remembers that it has to have a story and rushes in with whatever and feels really cheap. Feels like it pulled something for the internet to talk about and tricking them into believing that it's a deep game with a complex subtle plot.
But it's just a bunch of nothing.

This actually a good thread. Genuine game discussion. Wow, good job Yea Forums.

Kind of mixed on it personally. Loved the setting and small-town atmosphere, even if walking across it repeatedly gets old. Liked the idea behind the horror elements, but thought the final payoff was a bit abrupt alongside everything else that's already going on. As if it's a set-up for a sequel that probably isn't planned.

Liked the characters as flawed burnouts, but think the underdog theme kind of undermines itself with all the crap that they get away with without consequence. Bea was probably the only one I really sympathized with all the way through.

So I don't regret playing it, but can see why it's not everyone's cup of tea. Thought Lost Constellation was a fun little side-story as well.

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I played about half of the game before losing interest. It was interesting and fun but for some reason at some point I just lost interest and didn’t want to try anymore.

>Is leave possible?
>Say, "Maybeee?" Not really knowing what they meant.
>The ghosts play the answer back to you as justification for what they're doing to you as time goes on.

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I find that I relate heavily with some of Mae's mental health issues and struggles with direction and change, so it's been really soul searchy for me actually.
Lost Constellation was extremely well done and comfy. The dungeon crawler game is also way more in depth then I would have imagined.

I relate too well to the whole fear and desire of just wanting to go back home to something simple only to find that everyone you used to know and cling to has already moved on without you.

I just thought there were some smaller things that she and Gregg could stand to be called out on. Like shoplifting and vandalism and the like.

Detention was twisted. I liked it.

Damn... yeah...
for me it's the social fear of not knowing what people think and also being worried for the future/wishing things could be simpler.

Favorite indie game. The sound track is kino