What is the point of playing a shitty game only for its sexual content...

What is the point of playing a shitty game only for its sexual content? You should be morally obliged to play games only because you find its gameplay fun. That's the only way we can truly save the video game industry from degenerating into a state of insipidness.

Ahem, Dead or Alive fans.

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dead or alive is a fun fighting game though.
Pokemon is legitimately brainlet tier gaming.

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have sex

FGO fits even more, if you can even call that gameplay

acquire intercourse

I only buy lewd games and pirate everything else.

Video games can be everything, sexy simulator, walking simulator, part visual novels, etc. Just don't pretend those non-gameplay games can be video game of the year, like those western movie games people hyped about.

Post more sexy fan art of vidya girls.

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some people prefer not to exert their brains when trying to fap because being horny makes you dumber

>not balancing eleven different h-stats to raise a perfect cumslut
I shiggidy diggidy.

I agree, But i would bite that ass desu

who wouldn't though

A zombie.

cute dumb ptsd cow

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the scenes dont change, even worse if you're playing a text game

I want to firmly grasp her "horns"

I didn't realize sexual content wasn't fun.

Why "horns" and not horns?

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Lord Jesus that gap.

[I'm horny you see]

The only reason you'd ever complain about sexual content is because you're either a prude or you're not the intended audience.

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>play good video games
>fap to art based on sexy games
literally the best of both worlds