Konami is making Anniversary Collections. Bitches better make one for Goemon

Damn straight. They can release the 4 fucking games we got here and the damn arcade games for all I care.

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Where's all this Goemon art from?

Ripped it from the Panchislot websites when there were active. And found some around the web.

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They will get a collection only released in Japan because they can't be assed to localize the twenty-three other games that weren't released in America AND they will specifically choose one or more games that weren't released in America for the mere purpose to cuck americans out of the collection.
I guess you can always import, ps4 and switch are region free

I would be happy just with a Duology with Mystical Ninja 1 and 2/Great Adventure

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Switch is region free. I will import the bitch if it comes in a hard copy.

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That's my fetish

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>Goemon will NEVER escape pachinko hell and return to the US

It fucking hurts..

Ok. Fanart time! After this one.

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>Just translate the first four snes games (3 of which we didn't get)
>Lol 2 much work guys :^) back to pachinko I guess

That is the thing, They have 4 already translated. Just slap no effort Arcade ports and US is fine.

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I would love to finally get the three other snes Goemon games in English. Never going to happen though. Even SE can't be bothered to bring the Suikoden collection here.

Not just translate, you gotta localize them by turning the rice balls into pizzas. That's where the real work goes into. Oh well, back to pachinko you go. Goemon

I love Yae

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I meant Seiken Densetsu. I'm tired.


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only ever played the n64 one, that was such a good game at the time

yay. I do not have that one. thank you.

Yae is best girl.

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Yae is so good, she will cap yo ass.

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>tfw the second Goemon game had tons of costumes and a secret 4 player mode

>most costumes you think are for Yae are really for Sasuke

You mean the Maid costume?

Sasuke had a caveman, maid that made him look cute and a school uniform.

Yae had a oni bikini, a playboy bunny and a school uniform.

ahh. Yae.

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we will never get good stuff from them ever again =^)

one can hope.

but yeah. fuck konami.

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Too true. I desperately would love to see Goemon in Smash but it'd never happen.

What the fuck was his problem?

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Don't you 404 on me, you fucking ninjas.


I loved the N64 one but it is blatantly incomplete looking back.

You get the final weapon upgrades and there is no opportunity to use them on anything.

You just didn't understand his beauty, goemon was the true villain

As someone who doesn't know much about ninja clothes, what is this called exactly? Also, are they normally transparent??

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She cute

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I think it's just a mesh shirt

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Yae a shit

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