City Builder thread

what is your favortie city builder?
and what would you want to see in your perfect city builder game?

Attached: Cities_ Skylines.jpg (600x800, 280K)

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Perfect city builder: Sim City 3000 Unlimited with more content.

What I want: Cities Skylines with less traffic micro.

what makes Sim City 3000 better than Sim City 4?

SimCity 4 is still the best available.

It's more that Sim City 4 had so many problems. Region system was a bad idea, crashes on multi core CPUs, game lags like hell if you get any bigger than a medium city, can get tons of free money by doing missions, transit system is fucked no matter how well you design it, etc.

It had more content (and the best music in the series) but was a flawed game. Sim City 3000 Unlimited is the most polished city builder ever. Though that also means there's a formula you can follow to do everything perfectly and always make the best city, though it will always turn out the same.

I never had any of those problems, and the transit always worked predictably.

Unpopular opinion time!
I liked Simcity 2013

I mean music and graphics were great and much better than Cities Skylines but everything else...

I liked the simplicity of it, yes Cities Skylines is infinitely better but i like the comfy casual feel of Simcity 2013 when I don't want to dump 3 hours into a new city

>internet is down
>decide to play Cities Skylines to pass the time
>4 hours later
>check on router
>internet's back
>internet has been back for over 2 hours
this game is like crack, man.

Do yourself a favor and don't get into Civilization.

I don't want just a city builder but also a city simulator.
My ideal game would be more difficult, have game systems not just for city building but also internal politics, tax policies, expanded ordinances, etc. There should never be a point when the money is guaranteed to roll in and I can just build forever with no consequence.

Builders in general are addicting as hell. I always regarded those games as lame, but then I bought an Anno game purely out of impulse. The hours just melt away. The game even reminds you when you play for too long. I played sessions long enough to know that those reminders stop after 10 hours.

Sim City 2000 tied into a few interesting games, like Sim Copter and Streets of Sim City. You could travel around your own town, fighting and completing missions.

Sim City 4 has some of those aspects built in from go, but they are still in the isomorphic perspective.

SimCity 2013 is actually a decent game with a lot of really cool concepts and ideas. It's pretty obvious that EA saw that it could have been good and went out of their way to fuck it up. I actually still prefer it to skylines cause the biggest thing skylines lacks is charm and personality.

Yeah that's what I want. I want a city game where you don't just build it but can also interact with it on different levels.

What's the point of a city builder thread if no one posts Screenshots?

I feel like Skylines has too much game and not enough sim. Also it kinda punishes you for advancing to the next stage, by essentially requiring that you build the new features or risk quick ruin.

SimCity always let you weigh your risks yourself and decide what features you wanted without all the pressure to fill in the check-boxes. Some of the most satisfying cities were when you found yourself on an absurd tiny strip of poorly shaped land that you just can to be creative with. Also there is just so much more fine control in SimCity, and the menus feel more intuitive.

Love Skylines, never tried a Sim City game. Tropico games are pretty fun too.

Those will give you some of that, primitive as they are. GTA they ain't.

That's what I feel is holding the genre back, the lack of the simulation aspect.
You're free to build the city you want but there's no challenge, no pushback from either the physical limits like terrain or from the virtual people that's supposedly inhabiting your city.
I guess the thought of excess micromanaging and a politics system might not be appealing but it should be tried imo.

With SimCity 4, you had the big map with a bunch of random terrain, some of which was just straight open water. You always had the option to just flatten the square before you start, or you could take the challenge of building on whatever you found in its current shape.

You also get some of this:

Cities Skylines but with soul

That may be in some of the DLC packs.


Unironically mods, it seems like a cop-out, but the mod scene for Skylines is top tier. Terrain/doodad placing mods let you make some comfy as fuck specialized terrains.

If you dont think this shit is comfy as fuck then get the hell out of my face.

enjoy your 10 fps

>the biggest thing skylines lacks is charm and personality
I actually dropped it for this reason