
>is either tall or average

is there a single good game out there with a manlet protag? asking for a frined

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bing bing bing!
we have a winner

Most Jap games have their protag standing around 5'7-5'9 because asians are manlets, so there you go.


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Is subscribing to Charles World worth it? Are the videos on there actually good?

Conker's Bad Fur Day, he's even has had an amazoness blonde fit girlfriend

based and mariopilled

That's tall for them though.

dark souls series

Anthem's protagonist Freelancer is beta male virgin manlet can't get worse than him.

Cloud is 5'7

HUNK is canonically a manlet, though he's just in a bonus Scenario I suppose.

manlet here, please don't have mate with a womanlet unless you want a fucked up son

>dad is 170cm
>mom is 150cm
literally ruined my life jus by having me

Tom Cruise movies generally are good PS4 games

Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Sekiro. Everyone towers over you.

>Shovel Knight
>Plague Knight


I'm a tall guy that enjoys playing as manlets in video games. I think there's a strange beauty to the manlets struggle against a tall world. The 3D Zelda games pretty much all have Link in his older form appear as a manlet, being a few inches shorter than the princess. Shovel Knight is also a manlet game I can dig. Finally, the upcoming game Sekiro has a manlet protag.

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>parents aren't much taller than 160
>be like 180 or some shit

I got my grampa's genes. He was like 2 meters tall.

Impregnate an amazon/tall woman. Boom! back in the genetic game.

What are some games where I can wear a big coat?

Bing Bing Wahoo

Smash tall pussy and make sure your son/'s do the same.

>dad is 200cm
>mom is 180cm
>everyone else in my extended family is 185+
>come out 175cm
T-Thanks genes

I have to find one that doesn’t laugh in my face as soon as she sees me

In dark souls, every enemy you fight is taller than you.

Leisure Suit Larry

that means you probably didnt eat and sleep well bro

>5'4 mum
>that or an inch taller dad
>end up 5'9
There's power in these genes. My great grandchildren are going to be giants

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The concept of Advent Rising is good at least, even if the end product was a slog

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Make a halfing or dwarf in a fantasy RPG.

I don't know about subs, but his regular stream is just him rambling like a lunatic while watching movies. Really it just makes me worry about him. I wish he'd get help.

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