Do robits deserve rights?

do robits deserve rights?

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No, just remember what happened last time we gave people who didn't deserve them.

AI with Lilim-level intelligence are indistinguishable from humans in terms of self-awareness and empathy, so yeah.
It's a case-by-case issue, though.

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Yes but only as property at first

If someone marries a robutt then the robutt will gain more rights the same way an immigrant would gain rights from marrying a citizen

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The more people have human rights, the less those rights are worth.
Only I should have rights, everybody else only exists to be my slave.

More than bisexual people.

If they're provably as sentient as we are then I don't see why not. Doesn't mean a social worker should be able to take my PC away because I made it look at porn.

You're PC isn't self-aware, I don't think that's going to be a problem.
If you're PC IS self-aware that's a different matter entirely.

I'd exploit her vulnerabilities if you know what I mean.

Also should add that I only just started playing this game and am at my second encounter with this hacker character. Why did I not give this game a chance when people were posting the hell out of it on here? Really digging the hell out of it. It has a weird sense of atmosphere that doesn't drag.

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>do robits deserve rights?
Depends. Are they female robots? Women shouldn't have any rights in the first place, so logically robots should have even less.

What if it doesn't have any intelligence but is really good at simulating it?

Most anons on Yea Forums can't even do that much and they are considered human.

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Don't even care if you dislike star trek, case closed.

What do you mean?

Everybody deserves rights, but not the exact same rights. For example not everyone's votes should be equally powerful. The Romans realised this and their democracy lasted 500 years, which looks like better going than most of the ones we have will manage.

yeah have you looked at /pol/ lately? ha ha ha.

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please refer to them as Lilim
Biot,robot or doll are offensive terms

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No, never. They are our tools and should remain as that. They may help with our loneliness, horniness, and chores around they house, but a tool they must remain. Simply because we can hold the power over then. If we can, we should. Regardless of moral.

>robots are given rights
>guys creates millions of basic robots
>programs them to vote for him as president
>he wins presidency
Its the same scam as importing shitskins but more reliable.

I was suprised by how much I liked it
I bought it because of some off-hand recomendation by a friend
the scanlines seem like a useless graphical gimmick imo
Alma is top 3 character material
Still don't know how exactly all the routes work or how many there are

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do catgirls deserve rights?

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Only by naturalization through marriage

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Just to help out, what you are (you're) saying is basically "You are PC isn't self aware."

Your as in, your socks, possessive.
You're as in, you are socks, which is a contraction of you are

Which is confusing or just well, irritating.

its almost like it should be regulated and have a very rigorous supervision or soemthing like that
until the robots gain their own sense of agency

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trolled softly

what about dog girls?

As many rights as pets/children.

I assume it's by controlling the strength of the drinks, or delivering them as ordered or something. I've been flawless so far and, I'm not really sure where that's leading me. Then again, giving the white knight corps chick light drinks because I know she needs to do her job might impact her job but, dunno.

I regret reading 2064 (her game) and by extention learning all about her

God damn

Or just dumb, or a secondary language. English-speaking people fuck it up all the time but non-native speakers are especially bad at it. Mostly because like in a lot of languages, it's something that's borderline irrelevant but will get you flushed down the toilet in a class.

I imagine it works among the lines of getting the exact drink they want and how they want it
Took me a while to figure out how to blend drinks or make bigger versions
I don't know how the game goes if you do flawless with everybody because some character get more or less focus depending if you get their orders right

Pets deserve more rights than children.

Cause voting is very well regulated now right?

Dog girls are dumber than cat girls, best to just give them rights as pets for their own good

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>English-speaking people fuck it up all the time but non-native speakers are especially bad at it
No? It's the other way around. English speakers are the ones who confuse shit like they're/there/their all the time because they learn English phonetically first and the actual words and how they are written much later. Non-native speakers learn the language while also learning how to spell their words so they immediately learn the differences of these words in form of their spelling, and not purely the sound.

do talking sentient dogs deserve rights?

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Maybe so, but it's a common issue that plagues English papers. Once you know what it's doing there or why, it's nearly hard-wired as to the purpose of it.

Try grading a remedial English class paper that looks like somebody tried to write an animal rights op-ed and sounded more like one of the fucking dogs wrote it.

Wouldn't that by definition make it intelligent?

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Pissing her off is fun, tho

You presented the condition for rights. Yet, it's hard to prove and we've yet to establish any pure criteria.

At what point do you distinguish between perfect simulation and the real thing?

Isn't that rather a problem of being generally bad at English, not struggling with homophones such as your/you're?

What about bisexual robots?

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It's almost always the alcohol level for different dialog branches.
Sometimes you will have to serve a different drink than ordered, but it won't count against you.

Only if they're RAD AS FUCK.

With most female sex workers, if they're up for men; they're up for women.

I'd give her a buffer overflow if you know what I mean.

They have their own private companies and nonprofit organizations based around helping their communities
they have their individual agency but also want to help their collective

You know, if robots have rights, programming them to force them to act that way is probably illegal.

I think anything capable of self consciousness deserves rights.

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Of course not. Machine intelligence is not the same as humans. All our emotions are just labels for chemical impulses and behaviors imposed by nature. If AIs have that its purely to ape humans without knowing why humans have them. Therefore we have no idea what they will be like or if they require rights.

I'm more pulling for the MC and trying to do everything correctly. Plus I'm wondering when I won't have to worry about money and start to buy stupid shit to dress-out the apartment. Plus I forgot how to make "big" drinks at first and gave that newspaper CEO the wrong type of beer a couple times. Whatever.

Didn't like the guy so I didn't go out of my way to make the drink correct until the third time. Guess that's part of what makes it compelling. Seems he wants the BIG BEER every time. Dude just irritates me.

>You couldn't pet Rad Shiba because Jill is a bitter asshole with the attitude of having a broom up her ass
it's the one thing I didn't like about her

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Robots should be given a period of time to learn and develop their levels of self-awareness and demonstrate that they're not just pre-programmed with no will of their own, it'd be no significantly different than restricting the age at which you can vote.

That too.

I'd put my broom up her ass.

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I'll let her put a broom up my ass

That too.

>demonstrate that they're not just pre-programmed with no will of their own

only if they serve me

as long as I get to touch Fore and wear her slut shirt

The Turing test for one thing, but by the time the technology for human-level AI exists there will probably be more hands-on tests for that sort of thing.

Robot school, basically.

A piece of lead in the neck shot at a very high speed.

Turing test doesn't prove anything real intelligence. Dunno if you know the Chinese room argument, look it up if you don't. Explains the problem really well.

Why do you hate bisexuals, user? Afraid of coming out?
That as well.

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That'd probably be very annoying and take some time to repair.

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Well, then you'd have the problem with cyborgs. Then in such a future, most of them would desire to have weapon or self-defense control wired into their actual brains instead of their computed auto-processes. Thankfully, it's a hypothetical issue and honestly, it makes what we're fucking with now seem very small.

He's probably a faggot who has been dumped by a bi-chad

Meant to reply to:

based retard

As the MC right now, I'm a hell of a lot less worried now that I got to the part where I know she's got ballistic protection at every finger-tip. That's some freaky shit. Get the hell out of here with my .410 revolver. You fuck with her and you're graphited to hell.

If you have a cybernetic brain that can be programmed, you'd probably need to undergo the same tests anyway, even if you originally had an organic brain. For your own piece of mind apart from anything else.
>most of them would desire to have weapon or self-defense control wired into their actual brains instead of their computed auto-processes
That's a whole extra issue concerning handling of weapons on top of the other complications, there's probably not much point in dwelling on it right now when it's all so far off.

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Wanna buy that slut shirt so bad but I don't know if I'm brave enough to wear it

Nirvana drops in 2020 right?

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Maybe stop programming human-level AI so that we don't have to ask this question

Somebody is eventually going to open that Pandora box. There's a reason that myth even exists in the first place.

Pick one and only one.

Robutt just wants to love others.

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>not getting the best of both worlds

>There's a reason that myth even exists in the first place.

The myth was the Greek's explanation for why women are cunts.

>smashing every hole they can find
>not Chads
LMAOing at your life senpai

Not in the least. What was left inside was hope. Oh, and it was a jar anyways.

One of two things will happen, either government-regulated research will lead to its controlled development, or it'll be banned on a (probably) unilateral level and some maverick will develop it instead. Or China or North Korea or Iran or whoever will go ahead and develop it anyway.
Regardless, it can't actually be stopped by anything less than technological limitations and means.

>even if you originally had an organic brain
you're implying that if someone scooped your brain out and replaced it with a chip that the thing walking around in your meat suit is still you.

Not even fucking bi women want you, guys.

I meant on the premise of the brain information being already a fully-formed human consciousness there'd still be the risk of interference if it can in fact be programmed by external means. What you're talking about is a wholly different kettle of fish.

Not sure about 2020 myself, but another trailer is on the way.

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>Afraid of coming out?
Hmmm... I don't have to come out because I'm not bi.

thanks for the rundown

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I would argue that bisexuals are the consummate AIDS spreaders. Gay, straight whatever, but keep it on your team you faggots. By that I mean both gay and straight people. Never trust the bisexual.

Keep the fucking zombies at bay.

You're almost there. The real consummate AIDS spreaders are down-low black dudes.

I wonder if that sex model in VA1 ever mentions having some viral/bacterial destroyer in her orifices. Those are some mods I can get behind, no pun intended, and pun intended.

At all.

Maybe on the second playthrough

You will need to serve a different drink than ordered at some points to get the character's ending.
And sometimes it gives valuable dialog, not just in that day but when the character revisits too.

Any idiot that gives robots intelligence to the point that they could ask for rights deserves to have their rights taken away and given to the robot. You don't need a toaster or fuckbot that can question it's own existence.

yes, bisexual robots can be fixed

if robots can be programmed to behave certain ways they are not equal to humans and dont require rights

Serious answer: no they don't, because only humans have souls. Robots at best should be treated like animals. So treat them with care, but as a clear inferior to real people.

Behead them

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>muh souls

>Doggo with shades
>Cute robot girl

have you been paying attention to the thread at all?

the afterlife for warriors of Midgard

Definitely haven't gotten to this part yet. Damn I had these sorts of decisions but it's what makes games good in their story. Witcher 3 has my really messed up over Triss and Yennifer.

Not sure what I'm going to choose, or who. Choice is something that should come with painful decisions. If it didn't, it wouldn't be choice. Hence on a tangent, why I've never understood gambling. You can get that with video games.

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they deserve a fat cock up their robot butt

So you believe in magic? Oh wow.

But some robots look like men! That's gay user

>dick gets shredded by gears

We need boy robots with artificial wombs in the event that humanity needs to be repopulated but only gay men are left

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