"No, realistic violent games don't make me a mass shooter."

>"No, realistic violent games don't make me a mass shooter."
>"But watching anime-style girls that look nothing like real life women makes you a pedo/rapist."
Amerifats' logic

Attached: ζ.jpg (1280x720, 350K)

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It doesn't make you a pedophile you already are one

They dont but you cant just let any type of degeneracy slide just because it doesnt have an immediate harmful effect, its a slippery slope as has been shown. First you tolerate cartoons then you normalize mentally ill pedo scum

Whatever, psychopath. Go shoot more students at your closest school.

society loves violence and finds sex repulsive

>"But watching anime-style girls that look nothing like real life women makes you a pedo/rapist."

See all the weebs here, yes thats true

>"It normalize pedophilia because I say so! Take me seriously!"
Sure thing. Next thing you'll tell me that Muslims and Hollywood celebrities fuck little kids because of anime.

I don't get this meme, why it's bad to like teenager girls when in most of the countries is between 13-14 on average, in my country is 14, but people look down on you for that.

>Anime makes you a pedo
>Source: My ass

Attached: loli_don_t_make_you_pedo_you_stupid_fuck.jpg (896x1024, 180K)

Cope. Calling someone ロリコン in japanese is no different than calling someone a pedophile in america. You are a pedophile, deal with it.
Not that that's a bad thing, if you think it is you're a r*dditor and need to leave

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Whatever, nazi

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Men have an intrinsic tendency to violence and video games is a good outlet. Not every men is a pedo like you though.

This is considered an acceptable trhead on Yea Forums

The roasties who run America don't feel threatened by violent media.

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Nah, these days they want to get rid of both because I cannot be happy. I legitimately wonder if I'm in hell sometimes.

Pedophile =/= rapist, retard
Japan is indeed full of pedophiles, but they aren't rapists.

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These are the people that wants to ban anime. It really makes you wonder...

>Killing each other: Good
>Fapping to young-looking women: Absolutely Haram

>being a man = good
>being a pedophile = kys

Oh sorry. You were mistaken my clearly euroshit friend. If you want to know who is responsible for this turn of events look in a mirror.

>doesnt understand what normalizes means
Typical low iq degenerate pedo apologist protip when you "ironically" make pedo jokes in your gay communities thats part of the normalization process

Watching anime makes you become enlightened to 2D girls and you stop caring about 3DPD all together, its been over 10 years since I've fapped to 3D.

Seethe harder Achmed.

violence good sex bad

>enjoying any of those 2
lol. Shit taste.

I thought it was Europe and Canuckia that are really anal about anime lewdness

It's only roasties who call everyone a pedo because they feel threatened by any woman who looks younger and prettier than them, even if it's a fictional character.

Nothing wrong wanting to fuck pubescent females

if lolicon=pedo
whats the name for only liking 2d?
3D children are ugly af, smells, lack theet and are braindead
while 2D are hot, cute and pretty

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Its called being a man of taste

How can anyone still be attracted to 3D?

They haven't seen the light yet brother

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But no one cares what incels like you think. Honestly I just want your one joy to be taken away. Hope they just ban anime altogether.

>lack theet and are braindead
if only you knew how good things were


beating meat to anime girls while reading your posts
just thought you should know

I'm sure there will be a special cell in the gulag for you when they round up all the incel weeb scum for thought crimes against humanity.

>unironically using incel as insult

>boo hoo I don't like that you touch your peepee to cartoons

Re read the post, you may have skipped sentence 1/2

Aside from their eye to head ratio and general height lolis don't even really look like actual little girls, more often than not the lolis will have secondary sex characteristics of pubescent girls added just to make them attractive, usually in the form of wide hips, essentially just a shorter, flatchested version of the standard anime girl, and on the rare occasion where correct anatomy is used, most lose their attraction. When men realize this they generally graduate to the superior fetish, shortstack.

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