What games have the highest skill ceiling?
What games have the highest skill ceiling?
Certainly not chess, it's a solved game.
>game where you're guaranteed to win if you go first
you may not like it, but games like rocket league, melee, or even ASSFAGGOTS
it's about having infinite possibility and ability to react to said possibilities
Chessfats are the worst kind of people.
chess is not a solved game and you're a retard if you think otherwise. Chess can BECOME a solved game under the right conditions(certain number of pieces left on a board), but, then so can almost any game of logic.
I wish Chess was still fun to play online, Blitz one/two minute is the only thing I can get enjoyment out of, and even then it tends to be fleeting as even amazing players make mistakes in blitz and a large percent of the best blitz players are just good at pattern recognition. 5 minute blitz and above is filled with fucking cheaters online and it makes having a 2.3k rating fucking worthless.
Are you rated 2300 in real life play or just online?
tetris games with 5+ next visible pieces
>they had to make a game were white was superior
lmao at white coping
real life, it's my FIDE rating. I used to live somewhere where I could play a lot of chess tournaments and play against/learn with national masters. I moved years ago to bumfuck nowhere and my only real way to play anymore is online
>I wish Chess was still fun to play online
So you're saying it's solved.
Chess has a consistent champion, meaning the skill ceiling is yet reached and there is not one player in the entire world that is closer to the skill ceiling than the champion.
>real life, it's my FIDE rating.
Damn dude, you kick ass. I'm a scrub that's around 1100-1200 on Lichess. I'm currently reading through "Winning Chess Openings" by Yasser Seirawan and have "The Amateur's Mind" by Jeremy Silman that I'm going to read next.
Do you have any books/authors you would recommend to improve my game?
>Never played chess before
>There's an Arabian girl who likes me alot
>Told me if I beat her in chess she would give me a hug
Kill me
Brainlet here. What am I looking at? And yes I mean besides the filename. Like was this some uberlock?
Daily masturbation
You gonna convert yet to gain her favour, sport?
Shes a tease user. If she has to make you beat her for a HUG then she isnt worth it. Id keep practicing if only for the smugness id get from forcing her to hug me or watching her weasle out of the deal.
that's not what solved implies, yes, an AI can play chess better than any man, but we're constantly developing better AI that can out perform previous versions. Until we have AI that are unbeatable and always perform the best moves against each other to draw- chess isn't solved.
Winning Chess Openings is a great book on Chess Theory and I would read it a lot to make sure you understand openers. the middlegame of chess by reuben fine does a good job of enforcing what you learn from Seirawan.
I would also suggest watching Chess Streamers on youtube once you have a decent grasp of chess Theory. Many of them talk about their moves as they make them and openly predict 3-8 moves into the future and show you why they believe their predictions make the most logical sense.
Starcraft bw has been played for as bout 2 decades at proffessional levels and people are still finding new strats.
Mario Golf
Everybody's Golf
Is it worth to pick up starcraft and learn it from scratch?
Just how difficult it is compared to mobas?
Orgasm Girl
>Brainlet here. What am I looking at? And yes I mean besides the filename. Like was this some uberlock?
It's one of the most famous endgames in chess history, played by Fischer (black) against Spassky in the 1972 World Championship.
Spassky had trapped Fischer's rook on the g8 square with the threat of walking his king over and taking it, allowing his only pawn to queen, winning the game. Meanwhile, Spassky's rook is severely overworked and has to shoot around the board trying to stop Fischer's 5 passed pawns from reaching the other side. The position is unique in that it's extremely assymetrical and yet almost perfectly balanced, and Fischer winning shocked Spassky so bad that he refused to leave the board for hours afterward.
>Former World Champion Mikhail Botvinnik said this game made a particularly strong impression on him. He called it "the highest creative achievement of Fischer". He resolved a drawish opposite-colored bishops endgame by sacrificing his bishop and trapping his own rook. "Then five passed pawns struggled with the white rook. Nothing similar had been seen before in chess".
>Not saying "well since I lost it's me who gives YOU a hug"
I should say that next time. Hopefully she doesn't slap me.
It's still Go
Arena FPS.
>better racing games than car games
>better 1v1 games than fighting games
>better team games than assfaggots/cs
Honestly? Dont bother unless youre in korea.
Youll git gus fast in the west too though since only dedicated player play. watch vods and copy them as best you can and understand their decisions
Games dead besides korea from what i see tho
Melee is the Chess of video games.
Please learn what "solved" means.
Solved would mean that there is only one line of play between two AIs because both are making the most optimized moves possible. Chess is so hard to solve because the best moves in the beginning are highly dependent on your opponents game plan is. Regardless of what your first move is the opponent is going to change his game plan based on that and you are going to have to change your plan based on that.
There are a finite amount of moves possible but there is no way to guarantee a specific line will work until the end game. Each move diminishes in value the further out you get.
Fuckin nerds, why not just go out and fight for real eh?
White's first move advantage implies you can 100% win a game as long as you know how respond to every move in a sequence, not even the top computers solved it yet but it will happen eventually and as soon as a computer figures it out any player will be the "best" by simply following that plan.
reminder Bobby was max level jwoke
I always wanted to get into chess but completely suck at it. I love checkers more. How did you guys get good?
You can already be the best with computer aid.
Interestingly enough they found human+computer aid was even stronger than pure computer who beat the best chess player.
What are some competitive video games where White wins 55% of games?
>t. Chess
fighting games
real life
Most unbalanced game I've ever played. White team has the advantage every time and I'm really tired of the current Sicilian Defense meta that gets played every match. When are the devs going to fix this piece of shit
>only 55%
try again
Checkers always seemed lame to me. I mean no one really cares who the world checkers champion is, meanwhile even non-chess players have heard of Bobby Fischer and Garry Kasparov.
>as long as you know how to respond
Which is impossible because as I said each move diminishes in value the further out you go.
Choosing any move could have a 0.00000000001% chance of changing your odds in the long run but can lose you the game depending on how the opponent responds.
The very first move has 0 impact on the game if you are playing perfectly against each other.
You are thinking too much in hindsight.
There are infinite possibilities in chess so there is no way to go down a list and find the best possible move in the early game.
Well I always thought checkers was like easy mode. It is simple and fun. But that's why I got bored of it and was interested in chess.
Devil May Cry
Marion Tinsley is relatively well known for being an unstoppable monster of Checkers. He is one of those rare examples where it's 100% unanimous that he was the greatest player of all time in a game or sport
RTS maybe if we're talking vidya
>infinite possibilities
wrong, there are finite squares and possible moves in every board state which implies there is a perfect move that leads to guaranteed victory
roamer in tf2, unlimited rocket jumping and fragging skill ceiling.
This. fucking computers are unbeatable. Chess isn't dynamic enough.
Not the user you answered to, but thanks for explaining.
>you play chess for a living?! wow you must be a genius!
>you play "e" sports for a living? aren't you a bit old for video games?
I think you are thinking of checkers my dude.
Pieces can move backwards in chess which adds way more possibilities in moves.
You have to choose where to move queens and where to move rooks but also where the opponent can move all of their pieces.
There is nothing stopping you from ending up in a stalemate in the middle of the game where you are moving like 4 pieces back and forth so that you don't draw but it's the "best" move to make.
>There are infinite possibilities in chess
There objectively aren't
play Mahjong
No there aren't. All the upper rank pieces can move forward and backward so there is nothing to force attrition.
Giving your opponent a piece might be good but them not taking that piece could also be good.
League apparently with how popular it is.
And almost everybody is using some sort of cheat or hack.
Boy, what a fun genre.
Why comment on something you clearly know nothing about lmao
>Well I always thought checkers was like easy mode.
That too. For getting better I like looking at Grandmaster games and seeing how they played. A lot of it is simple principles like
>put rooks on open files
>develop ALL of your pieces
>do not put valuable pieces behind your king
>never play f6
>do not push the pawns in front of your castled king
>never trade
>control the center
>if your opponent attacks on the flank, counterattack in the center
>don't move the same piece twice in the opening
>avoid putting all of your pawns on the same colored square
>do not get your queen out prematurely
Here's a fun video showcasing a Morphy game where his opponent ignores all of the above, and Morphy rapes him despite spotting him a knight.
Faggot, I was there for the heyday of Quake. Arena FPS was, is, and always will be infested with cheaters using aimbots and wallhacks and pretending they're skilled.
It's a shit genre, and died a deserved death.
SC2 is easier rhan BW.
And LoL is retard mode Dota
>Not just fucking making out with her
>Faggot, I was there for the heyday of Quake. Arena FPS was, is, and always will be infested with cheaters using aimbots and wallhacks and pretending they're skilled.
Thanks for demonstrating you know absolutely nothing. Embarrasing.
>Never play f6
Explain this one
>not showing her who’s boss of this gym
FTFY jabroni
Theoretically speaking a stalemate can go on forever, so objectivly, there are infinite moves to be played.
This applies not only to textbook stealmates, like only two kings left, but a game in which both sides keep shuffling pieces without ever attacking.
there are very few situations in which f6 is a decent (let alone the best) move
so few that having "don't move f6" as a rule will generally not harm a player
same thing with not bringing you queen out early- that one game where nakamura started channeling pac-man is a lone exception (it wasn't actually the strongest play possible, but the shock factor likely carried him through) but in most other situations bringing your queen out will make it a target and lose you tempi
>in a game where the weapons are all projectiles and maybe one weapon is hitscan
Lmao, good one user. I haven't laughed this hard in months. Quake is like the worst game to ever use an aimbot in to git gud, anyone that's even relatively average at the game will be anyone with an aimbot.
>play chess for a few months, used to play with my dad as a kid
>having a blast, im a total G over the board and doing OK online
>can't break 2000 online no matter how much i read and play
>no tournies in my local area
>give up
>never trade
If you want to help beginners out the best way of remembering is say "To take is a mistake"
Tic-tac-toe plays by a similar logic, the first player will always either win or draw as long as they know what they should do, the best the second player can do is draw but never win.
I think it's safe to assume chess is the same, the only question is how big the draw/win ratio is.
This fucker right here.
DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT THIS IS? No, because you're a stupid piece of shit that doesn't know anything challenging outside of mainstream pleb shit.
Here, read up on it. This shit is the next frontier of Artificial Intelligence because of how difficult it is. arxiv.org
>From the early days of computing, games have been important testbeds for studying how well machines can do sophisticated decision making. In recent years, machine learning has made dramatic advances with artificial agents reaching superhuman performance in challenge domains like Go, Atari, and some variants of poker. As with their predecessors of chess, checkers, and backgammon, these game domains have driven research by providing sophisticated yet well-defined challenges for artificial intelligence practitioners. We continue this tradition by proposing the game of Hanabi as a new challenge domain with novel problems that arise from its combination of purely cooperative gameplay and imperfect information in a two to five player setting. In particular, we argue that Hanabi elevates reasoning about the beliefs and intentions of other agents to the foreground. We believe developing novel techniques capable of imbuing artificial agents with such theory of mind will not only be crucial for their success in Hanabi, but also in broader collaborative efforts, and especially those with human partners.
user why didn't you post the deluxe version with the cool tiles instead?
Except in tic tac toe there are finite moves that diminish as you play.
In chess you never are required to attack and it could be that the first person to attack actually ends up losing in the end so the game goes infinite with both sides avoiding giving the opponent the positioning he needs to ensure victory.
It wouldn't even need to be a cycle. It could be infinite moves with positioning bishops, knights, and rooks for an opportunity that never comes because the opponent is also making the perfect moves to ensure they don't lose.
I am genuinely liking this fat guy's presentation
When it comes to tic-tac-toe you can write all the combinations on paper. It's not infinite.
Even if you ramp up the board scale, sooner or later the space is going to be filled out, leading to a finite set. To spell it out
For each finite set A MxN there is a finite amount of moves (X or O) that can be placed on ij for each i
I would say Starcraft BW has a pretty insane skill ceiling because the game fucking plays against you with its bullshit
>5 minute blitz and above is filled with fucking cheaters online
Have you considered the possibility that it's where all the real good players are you just simply can't keep up with them?
based and birdiepilled
I guarantee I'll fucking lose even if I go first
in chess doesn't white have a higher chance of winning from the get go?
it's a slight advantage but black can still win
What about Go ?
...this is actually true
>Never trade
ALWAYS trade when you're ahead. That's like rule one. If you're up a piece, simplify simplify simplify.
You link Ben Finegold, yet that's like one of his sayings, right next to always retreat and always play f8.
Also all of that is irrelevant if you can't see a couple moves ahead. Chess just takes a lot of practice.
For low rated players, they're about equal. Higher rated players tend to have an advantage for white. That's why tournaments have everyone play equal times as both white and black.
>tfw no more comfy Yea Forums Go tournament threads
pure delusion
Yes, its called first player advantage and its a thing in all games.
damn son, like know a single opening and a a few checkmate requirements and youll get to ~1500 easy
When AI can beat 99.9% of the world it's a dead game, sorry to burst the bubble.
The only reason Ai in chess is so good is because it's the game which has had the greatest volume and depth of research performed upon it.
Is there a video of this match without a troll huffing dialogue through the entire thing?
Wrong. every move has a counter-move. If you move second you have to counter-move everytime.
As long as it's human versus human, it's not a problem. Given enough time, AI can master any game and beat any human.
it's actually mah jong
Chess players and Smash players are terrifyingly similar. Both well aware of their skills and the skills of others, yet never able to accept defeat like a normal person.
Self centered cunts.
you're a stupid nigger
What you play matters far less than you you play against.
>White's first move advantage implies you can 100% win a game as long as you know how respond to every move in a sequence, not even the top computers solved it yet but it will happen eventually and as soon as a computer figures it out any player will be the "best" by simply following that plan.
Wow what a brainlet. Get on Lichess and see how many game you lose as white lmao
Trufax. AI destroyed Texas Hold 'Em, anything else is just a matter of time. deepstack.ai
Not him but looks like you did pretty well at gitting gud there user.
whichever has the best competition at the moment.
>Not him but looks like you did pretty well at gitting gud there user.
Thx m8. I suck still, but hoping to climb into 1600 eventually, by the end of the year. Shits addicting, I'm playing around 15-20 games a day. Just played this between posts lol laying in bed, ole boy got lazy.
The game that offers you the most tools at once.