Why aren't my roads working?

Why aren't my roads working?

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My best guess would be that the one-lane ramps simply can't carry the capacity needed. Upgrade to two-lane. Also download a mod called Traffic Manager Presidential Edition or something like that. It gives you greater control over intersections, such as defining where lanes are allowed to go, yield signs, parking, etc

Because they are fucking retarded. How drunk are you at this moment? I'd advise puking immediately and going to bed with a glass of water on your bedside

I'm 99% this image was posted before with various anons proposing fixes

I seriously hope you didn't ignore their suggestions

Bruh you have two sections of a city effectively connected via two narrow roads.
Not only that but you have too many instances of two lanes of traffic needing to merge into one lane. Not only that but you also have traffic from other roads trying to merge into this clusterfuck at the same time. It's like you deliberately did everything wrong on purpose.

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ah yes, american city planning

bcus ur gay lole

That looks like hell to drive through.

we don't have circle roads in america, pretty sure those are a thing in europe though

they're called roundabouts, and they're pretty much everywhere except america afaik

you fell for the europoor roundabout meme

Thank God. They're shit.

They exist but are rare as fuck. And for good reason.


Yeah I think I've only ever seen one of those in the states.

I drove in the UK once and I thought it was wonderful how many there were, lights annoy the fuck out of me

Many places in burgerland have them, just not on major roadways b/c they're shit at dealing with high traffic. They're basically just glorified traffic calming devices.

>two sides of city connected by two lane roads and a bunch of pointless circles
>why aren't my roads working

See the first sentence

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>Better traffic flow is shit

yes, because using the same road layout for the last 300 years is a great idea

Ive learned by playing this that people will want to go in the most dumbest directions from any direciton they are coming from, for example if someone on the right side of the intersecting road wants to go to the left city they would have to complete 2 full roundabouts to get in the right direction. Anytime you add an intersection it is a spot for stoppages as well since the AI is actually pretty realistic in this regard as it either doesn't fucking yield at all or totally freezes up.

I now realize there is an onramp onto the smaller roundabout, still having to complete most of a roundabout to get somewhere adds time the car is on the road.
Also my point of intersections is valid.

It is, actually. Organic planning is always wiser than a zoning board, for the same reason that a free market is better than a command economy.

rotary>traffic circle>roundabout

They're shit in America because nobody does them correctly. If your roundabout has a light, you have failed at making a roundabout.

No they're not. They're logical and effective. Really large ones are shit though, but I've never seen a really big one in Australia.

Most people want to go straight it seems, so just give them a straight highway with ramps like the one going vertically.

Probably because you have those superfluous fucking circles as thoroughfares.

I fucking hate driving through highways and shit where I don't really know where I'm going. Shitty road planning puts me on serious edge.

You basically need to get people from one side of the city to the other, and onto and off the highway. Instead of roundabouts which are just taking up extra room, I'd probably make two highways crossing over the main highway, with separate short entrances and exits to the highway, and connecting to separate intersections on the right side of the city since it seems to have room for it. Since you're willing to use so much room from the right side of your city, you could even have an extra highway coming off of it that just connects to the main highway, and one highway that just goes to the other side of the city.

At least when I played, the way to reduce traffic is to reduce the number of efficient routes between high traffic locations and force traffic to separate by using separate roads.

try making a communist city

I've spent days working with that mod to fix the highway system but the driving AI are too retarded. At a point, you need to accept that the AI drivers will cause a blockage somewhere

This is the best game.

Twice this week I have been in a roundabout and the fucker ahead of me suddenly stopped to let the person who is supposed to yield into the circle. Goddamned Americans can't into roundabouts.